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The Basketball Court

The Basketball court is a flat,

rectangular surface with basket on
the opposite ends. A regulation
Basketball court in international
games is 28m x 15m and in the
NBA is 29m x 15m. Most courts are
made of wood; a steel hoop with net
and backboard hang over each end
of the court.

At almost all levels of competition,

the top of the rim is exactly 10ft/
3.05m above the court and 4ft/1.2m
inside the baseline.
The Ball

There are also regulations on the size a basketball should be. If men are
playing, the official size of the ball is 29.5inches in circumference (SIZE 7) and
weights 22oz. For female, the official basketball size is 28.5inches in
circumference (SIZE 6) and weights 20oz.
Other equipment

The following are also use in competitive basketball levels:

Shot Clock and Game Clock

Score sheets and Score Boards

Alternating possession arrows

Whistle operated stop-clock system

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