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Multiple-Choice Questions:
1. Meaning:
- What is the poet's attitude towards his childhood fantasies in the poem?
a) Regretful
b) Nostalgic
c) Indifferent
d) Critical
2. Comprehension:
- According to the poem, what role did reading play in the poet's childhood?
a) It led to his disinterest in imagination.
b) It provided an escape from daily routine.
c) It limited his ability to play as a pirate.
d) It made him dislike adventures.
3. Themes:
- What theme is emphasized in the lines, "Once I lived with the Eskimos, In the land of ice and snow"?
a) Childhood innocence
b) Cultural exploration
c) Escape and imagination
d) Adventurous experiences
4. Poetic Devices:
- Which poetic device is evident in the line, "I had become serious, it nearly drove me around the bend"?
a) Simile
b) Metaphor
c) Hyperbole
d) Personification
5. Meaning:
- What does the poet mean by "Then I grew up, my childish world at an end"?
a) The poet physically grew taller.
b) The poet's childhood fantasies came to an end.
c) The poet became more childish.
d) The poet stopped playing pirates.
6. Comprehension:
- According to the poem, what role did imagination play in the poet's childhood?
a) It was a hindrance.
b) It brought success.
c) It led to failure.
d) It was non-existent.
7. Themes:
- What overarching theme is explored in the poem?
a) The inevitability of growing up
b) The power of literature and imagination
c) The monotony of daily life
d) The challenges of being a child
8. Poetic Devices:
- Identify the poetic device used in the line, "Adventure was always on my mind."
a) Alliteration
b) Assonance
c) Metaphor
d) Onomatopoeia
9. Meaning:
- What is the central message conveyed in the poem's last stanza?
a) The poet regrets growing up.
b) The poet still appreciates mystery.
c) The poet dislikes imagination.
d) The poet despises childhood fantasies.
10. Comprehension:
- What does the poet find difficult after growing up?
a) Playing as a pirate
b) Being serious
c) Imagining adventures
d) Escaping the daily grind
Short Answer Questions:
11. Meaning:
- Explain the significance of the line, "I still do like the mysterious."
12. Themes:
- How does the poem explore the theme of nostalgia?
13. Comprehension:
- How does the poet use reading to escape the daily grind?
Matching Questions:
14. Match the Literary Device:
- Match the following lines to the poetic device used.
- i. "And sailed the seven seas."
- ii. "In the land of ice and snow."
- iii. "I performed such wonderful deeds."
- Options:
a) Simile
b) Hyperbole
c) Imagery
True/False Questions:
15. Themes:
- True or False: The poem suggests that imagination and fantasy play a crucial role in shaping childhood
Essay Questions:
16. Themes:
- Discuss the theme of escapism in the poem, citing specific examples.
17. Comprehension:
- Analyze the poet's changing attitude towards childhood fantasies as depicted in the poem.
18. Poetic Devices:
- Explore the use of symbolism in the poem, focusing on any specific symbols that contribute to its
overall meaning.
Fill in the Blank Questions:
19. Comprehension:
- The poet discovered the joys of reading and __________ the daily grind.
Critical Thinking Questions:
20. Themes:
- In your opinion, how does the poem challenge or reinforce common perceptions about the transition
from childhood to adulthood?

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