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1. How often does the board meet in a year?

- Monthly

- Quarterly

- Biannually

- Annually

- As needed

2. How does your startup ensure transparency in its decision-making processes?

- Regular stakeholder updates

- Public disclosures

- Internal communication channels

- Not systematically ensured

- Other

3. Describe your startup's process for setting and reviewing internal controls.

- Formal and periodic review

- Informal and as-needed basis

- Externally audited

- No formal process

- Other

4. How does your startup stay informed about relevant laws and regulations?

- In-house legal team

- External legal counsel

- Online resources and updates

- Not actively monitored

- Other
5. What procedures are in place to ensure compliance with legal requirements?

- Regular audits

- Compliance training for staff

- Dedicated compliance officer/team

- Informal checks

- None

6. How are shareholder concerns addressed and resolved?

- Formal meetings and discussions

- Email and online communication

- Through board representatives

- Rarely addressed

- Other

7. How do you handle transparency in situations of financial distress or downturns?

- Full disclosure to stakeholders

- Limited disclosure

- Only disclose to internal stakeholders

- No specific approach

- Other

8. What systems are in place for financial control and monitoring?

- Automated software systems

- Regular internal audits

- External audits

- Basic accounting checks

- None
9. How does your startup communicate its long-term strategic goals to stakeholders?

- Annual reports

- Regular meetings and updates

- Newsletters and emails

- Social media and public announcements

- Not communicated

10. How does your startup handle process failures or breaches in controls?

- Immediate corrective action

- Review and gradual improvement

- External consultation

- Not systematically handled

- Other

11. What are the key internal control challenges your startup faces?

- Lack of resources

- Complexity of processes

- Employee non-compliance

- Technological limitations

- Other

12. How are new processes developed and implemented in your organization?

- Through team collaboration

- By leadership directives

- Based on industry best practices

- Other
13. What measures are taken to prevent fraud within internal processes?

- Regular audits

- Employee training and awareness

- Strict internal controls

- Whistleblower policies

- None

14. How are compliance responsibilities communicated to employees?

- Training sessions

- Written policies and manuals

- Regular meetings

- Not formally communicated

- Other

15. What are the consequences of non-compliance within your startup?

- Disciplinary action

- Training or retraining

- No specific consequences

- Legal action

- Other

16. How does your startup manage environmental compliance?

- Following industry standards

- Regular environmental audits

- Dedicated sustainability team

- Minimal compliance efforts

- Not applicable/Other
17. How are employees made aware of and trained in compliance matters?

- Regular training programs

- Online courses and materials

- Informal discussions

- Not specifically trained

- Other

18. How does your startup ensure transparency in its hiring and promotion processes?

- Open and clear criteria

- Employee involvement in decision-making

- External review or audits

- No specific transparency measures

- Other

19. What is your policy on disclosing conflicts of interest?

- Mandatory disclosure for all staff

- Only for management and board members

- No formal policy

- Ad hoc disclosure

- Other

20. How do you balance compliance with innovation in product development?

- Prioritize compliance strictly

- Balance both equally

- Lean towards innovation

- No specific strategy

- Other
21. How does your startup build and maintain trust with its customers?

- Quality products/services

- Transparent communication

- Customer feedback and support

- No specific efforts

- Other

22. What strategies are used to build trust among stakeholders in times of crisis?

- Open and frequent communication

- Seeking stakeholder input

- Maintaining usual business practices

- No specific strategies

- Other

23. What mechanisms are in place for transparent reporting of sustainability and CSR activities?

- Regular sustainability reports

- Stakeholder meetings

- Social media updates

- Minimal or no reporting

- Other

24. How are the outcomes of board meetings shared with employees?

- Detailed internal reports

- Summary emails or newsletters

- Not shared with employees

- Through departmental heads

- Other
25. How are internal controls adjusted in response to business growth or scaling?

- Periodically reviewed and updated

- Adjusted only when issues arise

- No specific adjustments

- Continuously evolving

- Other

26. How are vendor and partner compliances managed and monitored?

- Through contracts and agreements

- Regular meetings and audits

- Trust-based approach

- Not actively managed

- Other

27. *What steps are taken to ensure continuous improvement in internal processes?*

- Regular process reviews

- Employee feedback and suggestions

- Benchmarking against industry standards

- Ad hoc improvements

- None

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