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PPS&Q requirements

1. Write the assignment as a file in Word.

2. Submit the file via the corresponding assignment on DistEdu (do not send it to my email).
3. If you need to write any comments, do it in the Comments section, not in the file.
4. Name the file starting with your surname.
5. Write only the title/ topic on top of the page. Do not write your surname or the type of
6. Write one page using Times New Roman, font size 14, double spacing, 1-inch margins, and
half-inch indentations at the beginning of each paragraph.
7. The text should be adjusted/aligned only on the left.
8. Write the name of the section (Problem statement, Purpose Statement, Research
Questions) in bold at the beginning of the paragraph (not as a heading!)
9. Do not include the reference list.
10. The points for this assignment (10) will be distributed in the following way:
Structure and content – 4
Grammar and vocabulary – 4
Format – 2

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