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1 Extra questions

A dry pellet of a common base B when kept in open absorbs moisture and turn sticky. The compound
is also a by-product of chloralkali process. Identify B what type of reaction takes place when B is
treated with acidic oxide? Write a balance chemical eq for one such solution

Dry pellets of Base B is sodium hydroxide (NaOH). NaOH is a commonly used base which is hygroscopic in
nature and absorbs moisture from the atmosphere and becomes sticky.

The acidic oxides react with base to give salt and water. reaction is called neutralisation reaction

2NaOH + CO2 = Na2CO3 + H2O

An element A burns with a golden flame in air . It reacts with another element B , atomic no. 17 to give
a product C . An aqueous solution of C on electrolysis gives a compound D and liberate hydrogen gas.
Identify A B C D and write chemical eq for the reactions involve

Element A burns with a golden flame in air. Therefore, it is Sodium having formula 'Na'. Element B has an
atomic number 17, which is Chlorine . Compound C is formed when sodium and chlorine react together. The
product formed is sodium chloride NaCl. Compound D is formed when aqueous solution of sodium chloride,
also known as brine solution is electrolysed. This leads to the production of sodium hydroxide, commonly
known as caustic soda.

2Na + Cl2 = 2NaCl NaCl +H2O = NaOH + H2 +Cl2

Give reason why metals like Na, K, Ca, Mg are never found in free state.

The metals like Na, K, Ca and Mg never found in their free state in nature because of the reason that all of
these metals are present at top of the metal reactivity series which depict their high reactivity .They react
with oxygen even at room temperature and exists as oxides of the corrosponding metals therefore they are
never found in free state in nature.

An organic compound A on heating with concentrated H 2SO4 forms a compound B which on addition
of one mole of hydrogen in presence of Ni forms a compound C . One mole of C on combustion forms
two moles of CO2 and three moles of H2O . Identify the compounds A B C and write chemical eq for

Ethanol (C2H5OH) oxidised by acid (dehydrogenation) and converted into ethane (C 2H4), which is compound
B. Ethane in presence of H2/Ni reduces (hydrogenation) ethene into ethane(C2H6). So

Compound A is ethanol

Compound B is ethane (C2H4).

Compound C is ethane (C2H6).

The following equations show the reactions involved in this process.

C2H5OH + conc. H2SO4→ C2H4 + H2O

PREPARED BY: JOYDEEP DAS (M.TECH, PhD PURSUING) PH: 7005008567/ 9863027277
2 Extra questions

C2H4 + H2/Ni → C2H6

C2H6 + 7/2 O2→ 2CO2 + 3H2O + Heat and light

Which group of elements could be placed in Mendeleev periodic table without disturbing the original
order? Give reason.

Noble gases.

According to Mendeleev’s classification, the properties of elements are the periodic function of their atomic
masses and there is a periodic recurrence of elements with similar physical and chemical properties. Noble
gas being inert, could be placed in a separate group without disturbing the original order.

How did Mandeleev arrived at periodic law.

In 1869, the Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev came to prominence with his tabular diagram of known
elements. This basic ingredient list, of which all matter exists, became known as the periodic table.

When Mendeleev started his work, 63 elements were known.He selected hydrogen and oxygen as they are
very reactive and formed compounds like oxides and hydrides with most elements. Mendeleev first studied
the chemical properties of elements and the compounds. He arranged the elements in the increasing order of
their atomic masses according to his periodic law. His table consisted of 8 groups and 6 periods.
Mendeleev’s chart allotted spaces for elements that were yet to be discovered. For some of these missing
pieces, he predicted what their atomic masses and other chemical properties would be. When scientists later
discovered the elements Mendeleev expected, the world got a glimpse of the brilliance behind the periodic

PREPARED BY: JOYDEEP DAS (M.TECH, PhD PURSUING) PH: 7005008567/ 9863027277
3 Extra questions

What do u mean by addition reaction,substitution reaction

Reactions which involve the combination between two reactant molecules to give a single molecule of the
product are called addition reaction.

CH3CH==CH2 + HBr = CH3CH2CH2Br

A substitution reaction is that which involves the direct replacement of an atom or a group of atoms in the
molecule by another atom or groups of atoms without any change in the reamining part of the molecule.

CH4 + Cl2 = CH3Cl + HCl

What is catenition property

Catenation is the bonding of atoms of the same element into a series, called a chain. Catenation occurs most
readily with carbon, which forms covalent bonds with other carbon atoms to form longer chains and
structures. This is the reason for the presence of the vast number of organic compounds in nature.carbon is
not the only one with catenation property. Silicon shows it to quite a good extent, sulphur and boron has also
been shown to catenate.

Carbon has highest degree of catenation because:

1. high C-C bond energy
2. tetravalency (large number of bonds)
3. small atomic size hence less diffused orbital.

What do u mean by allotrops.

The term allotrope refers to one or more forms of a chemical element that occur in the different physical
state. The different forms arise from the different ways atoms may be bonded together.

O2 and ozone, O3, are allotropes of oxygen. These allotropes persist in different phases, including the gas,
liquid, and solid states.

How do alcohol affect living beings.

When large quantities of ethanol are consumed, it tends to slow metabolic processes and to depress the
central nervous system. This results in lack of coordination, mental confusion, drowsiness, lowering of the
normal inhibitions, and finally stupour.

All Ores are minerals but all minerals are not ores. Explain it

A “mineral” is a naturally occurring inorganic material with fixed chemical composition & internal crystal
structure; but an “ore” is a mineral from which a metal or mineral can be extracted “profitably”. So the
former is a mineralogical term while the latter is a commercial term signifying its economical viability. For
example galena (PbS) is a mineral but it will be an “ore” of lead metal only lead can profitably be extracted
from the host rock. Hence all ores are minerals but not all minerals are ore.

PREPARED BY: JOYDEEP DAS (M.TECH, PhD PURSUING) PH: 7005008567/ 9863027277
4 Extra questions

Write down one advantage of alloy (steel )over iron?

Alloy is a homogeneous mixture of two and more metals or a metal and a non metal.

It is prepared by first melting the primary metal and then dissolving the other elements in definite
proportions. Composition of stainless steel - nickel and chromium (Alnico). Advantages of making Alloy –

1. Have tensile strength ,

2. High melting point ,
3. Good conductor of electricity .
4. Modify chemical property
5. Increase resistance of metals towards corrosion.

Write down on ore of iron

Hematite, magnetite, limonite

What happens when Na reacts with alcohol

Ethanol Reacts With Sodium Metal To Produce Sodium Ethoxide And Hydrogen Gas. Hydrogen burn with
the pop sounds.

CH3CH2OH + Na = CH3CH2ONa + H2

Two properties of ethanol acid

1. Ethanol can easily burn in air to produce carbon dioxide and water.

2. It is a colourless, volatile liquid with characteristic pleasant odour

Name a plant which convert sunlight into chemical energy

Tomato leaves

Name one mineral acid

HNO3 , H2SO4, HCl

PREPARED BY: JOYDEEP DAS (M.TECH, PhD PURSUING) PH: 7005008567/ 9863027277

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