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Take a Closer Look at Close Reading

Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey

In Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey's article Take a Closer Look at Close reading, students
can access challenging literature through close reading, a type of dialogic education. Over the
past ten years or so, a great deal of we have seen increasing evidence about what works to ensure
students read and understand complex texts (Paul, 2018). This article's significant results
highlight how a close reading process allows students to experience success from the outset of
the lesson.

These educators talked about a pressing issue that has to be addressed, particularly with
students. The article's video furthered their goal of informing the public by providing more
significant proof of their claims. They were more concerned with the pupil and what the teacher
should do to promote learning.

They are concerned that, although it is an excellent teaching strategy for increasing
students' comprehension of texts, close reading is no longer "in" and may not be applied as
frequently as earlier in the last decade. Numerous district executives have informed us that
instructors are using less close reading. Throughout their presentation, they enquired how
frequently teachers encourage close reading among their students. Short writings that are not
easily interpretable are highly suitable for close readings. When students face complicated texts,
they are most likely to give up because they need a technique for understanding what they are
There has been a dramatic decline from five years ago when they questioned teachers in
their presentations about how frequently they include pupils in close reading. Javier Vaca, a U.S.
history instructor at Health Sciences High and Middle College in San Diego, is shown in the
video interacting with his pupils as they closely examine President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's
1933 Inaugural Address. If you watched the video, you would know that pupils are not likely to
be able to respond to inferential questions right away when reading challenging material.

This article concentrated on a crucial issue for students; as learners, we must develop
ways to enhance our reading, particularly close reading. These professors believe that three basic
annotations could be a helpful tool to address one of the students' issues, which is understanding
what they read. Fisher and Frey discussed the positive outcomes of close reading and how it
might help children. Nonetheless, their thesis statement was strengthened due to this article's
assertions and supporting details. Further close reading will expand the claims, offering more
substantial supporting data.

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