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Chapter 1


1.1 Background of the Study

Supply and Property Management Unit (SPMU) is the overall in charge

in the acquisition of new properties and equipment, its utilization and the

disposition of unserviceable or no longer needed equipment of the Central

Mindanao University. These include issuance of motor vehicle to a specific

person of offices, departments and colleges. SPMU frontline services are to;

insure government vehicle, submit university vehicle for smoke test and

register vehicle to LTO.

Motor vehicle details are; plate number, engine number, chassis

number, fuel type, year model, series, motor vehicle type, color and


The last digit of vehicle’s license plate number will tell the month when

to register. 1 stands for January, 2 for February, 3 for March, and so on and

so forth. As for 0, October will be the month of registration. Everybody should

abide by this schedule as failure to so could mean penalties (Land

Transportation Office, 2016).

Under the University, the process of vehicle insurance and registration

application undergo procedures, for SPMU, its task is to prepare inventory

and create application for motor vehicle insurance and registration. SPMU

starts its processing two (2) months ahead before the registration schedule.

SPMU handle lots of files for vehicle registration. SPMO store records, track

and update records manually.

This capstone project propose a desktop application system that can

store, update and trace registration schedule of university vehicle, display

registration schedule and create reports of gathered vehicle information.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Previously, the personnel in charge was keeping up the pace tracking down

unregistered university vehicles. All the records mostly on paper forms,

unfortunately without having a well-organized document eventually leads to a

personnel compensating an impersonal liabilities which is unnecessary.

SPMU holds stockpile of raw documents of motor vehicles were remembering

and organizing its many different registration month schedules costs the

personnel to check it individually. Also when the University office ask for a

report of vehicles information the personnel must diligently check each


1.3 Objectives of the Study

Generally, this study aims to develop a Vehicle Registration Monitoring

System which helps the personnel in registration scheduling and document


The proposed system specifically aims:

• To design a database suppository of University vehicle

registration records.

• To notify the personnel in charge of vehicle status  To

generate reports of vehicle registration status.

1.4Scope and Limitations

VRMS only covers vehicle registration monitoring, vehicle information

storing and report processing. Other university vehicle transactions doesn’t

included, only in monitoring vehicle registration insurance, smoke test and

license renewal. In charge personnel is the only one who will use the system.

1.5 Significant of the Study

The proposed system will help the personnel to register on time, store

and manage data in a more organized manner. It also help him to generate

information for vehicle reports.

Chapter 2
Technical Background


Print Vehicle Reports

Store vehicle records

Manage Vehicles

Notify and display status Database
Vehicle Information Computer

Figure 2.1 The system architecture of SPMU Vehicle Registration Monitoring.

The figure shows above, the personnel input the vehicle records
through the computer using the proposed monitoring system for data storing.
Vehicle information is stored in a centralized database so that it would
prevent data loss or damage. The monitoring system is capable of monitoring
vehicle information, generating vehicle reports, and notifying vehicle

Visual Basic. NET

Visual Basic .NET (VB.NET) is an object-oriented computer programming

language implemented on the .NET Framework. Although it is an evolution of
classic Visual Basic language, it is not backwards-compatible with VB6, and
any code written in the old version does not compile under VB.NET. The
VB.NET provides full support for object-oriented programming like all
other .NET languages. Everything in VB.NET is an object, including all basic
types (Short, Integer, Long, String, Boolean, etc.) and classes, events, and
even assemblies defined by the user. All objects are inherited from the Object
base category. VB.NET is built in the. NET system of Microsoft. Therefore, in
the. Net setting, it has full access to all libraries. VB.NET applications can
also be run on Mono, the open-source alternative to. NET, not just under
Windows, but also under Linux and Mac OSX.

The developer tends to use VB.Net in developing since it It can be

compiled on a variety of computer platforms. VB.Net has its own automatic
garbage collection it prevent unforeseen unused data that allocates space in
the memory. It can provide simple multithreading, this is essential because it
can handle multitasking that result faster since processes is divided. There
for, VB.Net was upgraded version of VB and it has more capability
programming language compare to the old version VB.

Visual Studio

An Integrated Development Environment (IDE). It is a software suite

that consolidates the basic tools required to write and test software (Rouse,
Visual Studio has features that would improve the developer’s proposed
system. It can create forms and design the system’s graphical interface.
Provides debugging features that would detect any mistaken codes that can
be edited to enhance functionality of the proposed system.


MySQL is the world’s most popular open-source database, enabling the

cost-effective delivery of reliable, high-performance and scalable Web-based
and embedded database applications. It is an integrated transaction safe,
ACID-compliant database with full commit, rollback, crash recovery, and
rowlevel locking capabilities. MySQL delivers the ease of use, scalability, and
high performance, as well as a full suite of database drivers and visual tools
to help developers and DBAs build and manage their business-critical MySQL
applications. MySQL is developed, distributed, and supported by Oracle.

With high performance and scalability, the use of MySQL server is very
efficient to meet the demands of exponentially increasing data loads and
Also, it is a platform-independent so that giving the user flexibility to develop
and deploy on multiple operating systems. It has a good security feature so
that data will not be easy to access by an unauthorized user and has a
Selfhealing Replication Cluster. Combined all features of MySQL database. It
is a good choice for the design database schema to implement using MySQL
since it is open-source the user is reliable.

Navicat Premium

Navicat Premium is a database development tool that allows you to

simultaneously connect to MySQL, Maria DB, Mongo DB, SQL Server,
Oracle, PostgreSQL, and SQLite databases from a single application.
Compatible with cloud databases like Amazon RDS, Amazon Aurora,
Amazon Redshift, Microsoft Azure, Oracle Cloud, Google Cloud and Mongo
DB Atlas. You can quickly and easily build, manage and maintain your
databases. Navicat Premium the following features Seamless Data
Migration, Diversified Manipulation Tool, Easy SQL/Query Editing,
Intelligent Database Designer, Increase Your Productivity, Smart Schema
Analyzer, Make Collaboration Easy, Advanced Secure, Connection, Cross-
Platform Licensing (navicat-premium, n.d.).

The developer find Navicat premium in developing is very essential in

developing part. This tool helps to boost the productivity of creating database
in the proposed project. Using Navicat premium it is easy to use since the
developer will no longer write into the console to create tables and also,
managing database tables and table content.
Chapter 3

Review of Related Literature

3.1 Review of Related Concepts/Theories

3.1.1 Information System

Information system, an integrated set of components for

collecting, storing, and processing data and for providing information,
knowledge, and digital products. Business firms and other
organizations rely on information systems to carry out and manage
their operations, interact with their customers and suppliers, and
compete in the marketplace. Information systems are used to run inter-
organizational supply chains and electronic markets. For instance,
corporations use information systems to process financial accounts, to
manage their human resources, and to reach their potential customers
with online promotions (information-system, n.d.)

3.1.2 Inventory Management System

An Inventory Management System is the combination of

technology (hardware and software) and processes and procedures
that oversee the monitoring and maintenance of stocked products,
whether those products are company assets, raw materials and
supplies, or finished products ready to be sent to vendors or end
consumers. Inventory management software, which provides a central
database and point of reference for all inventory, coupled with the
ability to analyse data, generate reports, and forecast future demand
and more.
Processes and policies for labelling, documentation reporting.
3.2 Review of Related Projects/Systems

3.2.1 RTO Vehicle Registration

The free project developers release RTO Vehicle Registration

Program on August 24, 2016. This is an open source project based on
the server of PHP and MySQL and its student educational program.
The RTO Vehicle Registration System Project in PHP was designed to
maintain all records such as vehicle registration such as 2 wheeler, 3
wheeler, heavy vehicles, etc., customer registration and driving license
, change of address, tax collection, transfer of vehicles and much
more. These are the RTO office's core operations. To handle all the
data, they built this system with a completely computerized approach.
Currently all documents are manually kept. RTO Vehicle Registration
System for commercial fleet owners and organizations is developed
and customized. This project will help to maintain accurate records for
any vehicle type.

3.2.2 Fleet Management System

According to the article written by Lanee Megellegard on August

14, 2018 on the Fleet Management System, this system allows people
toperform a series of specific tasks in managing any or all aspects rela
ted to the vehicle fleet of a company. These specific tasks range from
acquisition to disposal of vehicles to all operations. Software allows
functions such as recording driver and vehicle information, monitoring
purchasing costs, scheduling maintenance and service activities,
importing fuel transactions, and assessing fleet efficiency through
reports and maps, depending on their capabilities.
3.2.3 Dealership Management System

J. Devi a student from Department of Computer Applications

Karpagam College of Engineering. Devi Develop a Dealership
Management System or auto dealership management system may be
a bundled management system created specifically for automotive
business, automotive dealership or massive instrumentality
manufactures. The system can be can monitor inventory, products,
spare parts, account details by the use of the program. Which can be
presented for potential operations on the basis of the vehicle or the
customer name. This involves the services we are giving to the
vehicle based on the warranty or paid service. And the spares buying
details which all maintained in the single software which gives the
company growth as well as the proper system is maintained.

3.3 Synthesis

The stated related concepts and theories highlight the information that can
be used as the structure of the proposed project. The stated Information and
management information system are used by many software analysis to build
a strong and reliable system. Every System needs to be planned carefully so
that in developing part of the project data that is been gathered will help as
the foundation of the software to be built. On the other hand, the related
system or project helps to gather the same flow of the proposed project. The
first system is more focus on the server using PHP programming language,
as for the database they used MySQL. Nowadays many developers use the
MySQL database since it is open-source it is updated also for the security of
the data. The second system talks about developing the information system
of the vehicle this system can capture old data of their company they
implement modern design for usability. It features also maps reports of
transactions. The third project of the stated related system is the concern of
multiple tasking work capabilities of the system it is also an information
system. Maintaining a high capability of the system using effective tools. It
maps also the growth of the company so it would be easy for the
administrator to monitor.

Therefore, the review of the system and theories help the researcher to find a
way for developing the system proposes. The researcher also enlightens the
flow of the system. It also helps the researcher to build using the data that is
been gathered and possibly improve the outcome based on the current. The
system nowadays is expected to be high accuracy leaving the current
process and ignites a new idea. The system proposes should expect to follow
the rule of information and managing the system.

Chapter 4

4.1 Research Methodology

4.1.1 Locale of the study

Farmacia Sophie

Figure 4.1: Locale of the study. Source:

4.1.2 Population/Sampling
The target subject of the research is the Supply Personnel.
Since he is involved in the study. This methods is selective, this
technique relies on the judgment of the researcher when choosing who
to ask to participate. Researchers may implicitly thus choose a
representative sample to suit their needs, or specifically approach
individuals with certain characteristics (Methods of sampling from a
population, i.e.). Judgment sampling has the advantage of being time-
and cost-effective, to perform whilst resulting in a range of responses
particularly useful in qualitative research. Because the one on one
technique of collecting data information is useful to produce a strong
information to be use in the planning stage of the propose project.
Judgement sampling is convenient because the study only select the
subjects to participate.

4.1.3 Research Variables

The objective of this study is find the performance if it is

acceptable in the research. Researcher evaluate and measure the
effect of the proposed monitoring system project in SPMU. It serve as
the dependent variable for the study. While independent variable is
the Supply Officer. The data obtained analyze using qualitative
analysis to ensure data that gathered is robust. The researcher
expect interference that cause by confounding variable this happen
when data has different outcome in developing of the system. To
make a good outcome information will undergo in another research or
go back to the first phase. To resolve if there is interference this serve
by the control variable to determine the cause and solution, be
followed by the moderator to which the system can be flexible to use
some case.

4.1.4 Research Design

The researcher use interview, it gives the opportunity to build on

the written elements of their plan and to show us how they feel about
their subject matter, and to demonstrate their enthusiasm and
dedication to their subject matter and their ability to think critically and

A. Data Gathering/Instrument

What is the specific

problem you
experience in the
current vehicle
Do you consider other methods to improve the

For your thought, what is the most effective way to

improve the process of moni
toring vehicle registration?

Compare to the current process, what you expect to the

computerized and customize vehicle registration monitoring

Figure 4.2: Pyramid structure interview to the respondent.

The researcher tend to use the pyramid structure of interview designed as

one of the data collection instrument for this study. The gathered relevant
information and resources that is essential for developing the project.
Questions that is relating to the problems of the manual process of the vehicle
registration monitoring and the effect of the current process. First is on
personal data of the respondent. Second is on the needs/objectives SPMU
manual process. Third contains questions on the perceived problems of
SPMU manual process. Fourth, on the other hand, is on the system and
materials for users to record vehicle information. Finally last, the made up on
the possible strategies that could be adopted for an improved monitoring
system of SPMU. The researcher thoughts are combined to create interview
question to the respondent.

Analysis/Statistical tools
The variables undergo the analysis which determines the realization
and planning. The outcome helps the researcher to produce a good design
application that is expected to be a good strategy for developing. This
includes the functions, efficient database and the expected modern graphical
user interface so that, the user is comfortable and easy to use. The variables
are examined in testing patiently every detail to have the stated above
happen in developing the application.

4.2 System Development Methodology

Figure 4.2: Agile Method

Agile methodology is a very empowering process that helps companies

design and build the right product. The management process is very
beneficial for software companies because it helps them analyze and improve
their product throughout its development. This enables companies to produce
a highly valuable product so they stay competitive in the market (Agile
development Methodology, n.d.).

The developer find agile convenient for building the propose project
Vehicle Registration Monitoring System. This methods allow the client and the
developer collaborate, so that if any changes to the project it will go back to
the specific problem that occur. To ensure that the result is acceptable to the
client of the SPMU.
To develop the monitoring system first the developer undergoes in the
planning stage of the system. This will help to expect a reliable outcome. After
planning the developer create a design that must fit into the system before
starting to develop the system. During developing it will undergo the stage of
testing to find any bugs in the program. The project inventory will now in the
stage of releasing the system. Supply Officer must now undergo training to
use the system. Then finally in the feedback stage of the project monitoring

4.3 Requirements Specification

The developer use diagrams to analyse the flow of current system in

SPMU, and the new plan monitoring system for SPMU. The diagrams used to
analyse the current system is activity diagram while diagrams that are involve
to plan of new inventory management system are flowchart, data flow
diagram and use case.

A. Analysis of the Current System

In this section, the researcher will show the activity diagrams base
on the result of the conducted interview. It shows each process in the

Figure 4.4 Activity Diagram of Supply Property Management Unit

monitoring system of the current methods in the SPMU.

The diagram shows above is the current manual process. The
vehicle dealer inform the personnel about the vehicle to be deliver in
the university. The supply officer will authorized the vehicle to be
deliver in the end user. After the delivery of the vehicle the supply
officer will process the needs/requirements of the vehicle to be fully
operated. First the supply officer register the new vehicle using paper
document and organizing the document. Second is process of the
insurance to the GSIS, the GSIS will process the document before
releasing to the supply officer. After finalizing the required document
the GSIS will now release the approval document. The third supply
officer process do is the permit of the vehicle in LTO which the vehicle
undergo into smoke emission test. Process the document of result
then creating new permit of the registered vehicle. The fourth process
of supply officer is recieving the permit and updating the registered
vehicle attaching the new papers.
Figure 4.5: Register new vehicle
The diagram show the user log-in to the system provided the
user information need. If user input invalid information it will display not
valid user. Else if the user enter exactly information then the system
now show the main form. User can now add new vehicle provided valid
information to the system.

Figure 4.6: User Log-in

In this diagram the flow chart shows the user login to the system which
require user valid information. If the user failed to provide valid information the
it will display user not valid message in the system. Else if the user login
successfully to the system it will go to the main form.

Figure 4.7: View Reports

In this diagram the flow chart shows again the user login to the
system which require user valid information. If the user failed to
provide valid information it will display user not valid message in the
system. Else if the user login successfully to the system it will go to the
main form. After login the user go to the reports to check that is stored
into the database. Then the system finally generate reports
Data flow Diagram
Level 0

Data Information

Supply Officer

Manage Data Vehicle


Figure 4.8: DFD Level 0

The diagram shows above is the level zero data flow diagram. It
represent the relation of the Supply Officer to the Vehicle Registration
Monitoring system.
ER Diagram

Figure 4.9: ER Diagram

The diagram shows above is straight forward approach, the vehicle

table being the parent table to a child table vehicle registration which receives
the foreign key of the parent table. Simply means all vehicle registration does
not appear without a vehicle. Since there’s only one user in the system it
much likely employee table don’t need to connect to other table.
Vehicle Registration Monitoring


Add New

Update Vehicle

Supply Officer Search Vehicle

vehicle reports

View Vehicle

Figure 5.0 Use Case

The Supply Officer alone can Login, add new vehicle, update
vehicle information for some document updates, search vehicle for
creating reports, view vehicle information and view vehicle status for
monitoring in the system since he is the one in charge in these

A. Scheduling of activities
The diagram shows the activities of the developer in the planned
project. The prototype cover Requirements Analysis, System Design,
Implementation, and testing. It will undergo the second prototype to ensure
the user meets the requirements of the inventory system. After the second
prototype, the system proceeds into project testing o overall. Followed by
Documentation of work and finally deployment of the proposed project. The
number represent as a week of the month.

Chapter 5

This area discusses more on the outputs of the development and the
results of theme finding suitable for the system.

5.1 User Interface

As a result of refinement and user feedback in the development,

screenshots of the final user interface of the developed desktop application

Figure 7: The print screen of the Login

After launching the developed desktop application, the login form shows up
for the users to provide their user credentials. After a successful login, next
will be the applications content.
Figure 10: The print screen of the Home menu and the dashboard

The personnel can toggle the Add Vehicle, View Vehicle, Registration and
Reports menu by clicking it. The tables displayed vehicle photo, plate number
and registration date.

Figure 11: The print screen of the Add Vehicle Form

The personnel can add photo by clicking the Choose photo and fields by
filling up the textbox and comboboxes.
Figure 12: The print screen of View Vehicle Form
The personnel can search vehicle by adding text in the textbox and
clicking the search button, sort image size by changing the selected value
of the View combo box and change the order vehicle by changing the
Sort combo box.

Figure 13: The print screen of Edit vehicle Form

Changing values of text fields by inputting values in the textbox and
changing photo by clicking Choose photo button and click Save button.
Figure 14: The print screen of registration table form

The first image in the row is GSIS photo followed by smoke test logo
and LTO logo. Double Clicking in column buttons triggers dialog form for
updating depending on what column is the mouse bounded.

Figure 15: The print screen of Reports panel

Above is the comboboxes that determines what instance will be
drawn in the report viewer

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