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Year Mark: 15%

Discussion Assessment 03 (832029)

How do you upload this assessment? Below you will see a Discussion Forum “Started” by JO
Nene, click on it then read the assessment question, once you are ready to post your Assessment,
click “Reply” at the bottom of your screen. Then type your assessment in the message box,
alternatively type your assessment in a MS Word Document and copy and paste your assessment
into the message box. When you are finished, scroll down, and click “Post to Forum”.

You will not be able to read other students assessments until you have posted your work. Once
you have posted your work, go, and read your peers assessments and then you will be able to

To comment on other student’s posts, go to that specific post, click “Reply” and type your
comment in the message box. Then click “Post to Forum”. Remember to address the person to
whom you are commenting. Do not click “Reply Privately”.

How do you upload this assignment?

Below you will see Discussion Forum created by J Nene, click on it then click “Reply” below
“Assignment 03”, click below J Nene and type your assignment in the message box. Alternatively
type your assignment in a MS Word Document and copy and paste your assignment into the
message box. When you are finished, scroll down and click “Post to Forum”. Do not click “Reply

To comment on other student’s posts, go to that specific post, press “Reply” and type your
comment in the message box. Then click “Post to Forum”. Remember to address the person to
whom you are commenting. Do not click “Reply Privately”.

Do not copy any text or even one sentence from another student’s assignment, from the
internet or from any other source. It is called plagiarism and you will be penalised with
a 0% mark for that assignment and face a disciplinary hearing from the university. All
statements that are not your own should be correctly referenced.

Ensure that you submit the correct assignment as you will not be given an opportunity to resubmit.

Please ensure that your Assignment is no less than 800 typed words. However, ensure that your
work is of a high standard and that you are answering the question properly and in full. To
improve your marks, remember to include relevant and correctly referenced research.
Task 1 (35%)

Some people consider themselves as cultural and culture is thought to be an integral part of who
most people are and how they do things. Their belief system and cultural practices may differ
from family to family and tribe and nation. Research or find an elder within your culture and
discuss your chosen ceremony from the ones indicated below. Give us the step by step of your
chosen ceremony (before and during the ceremony).

Task 2: (25%)

Discuss the ceremony you have attended, are there similarities or differences from your Task 1
research. Relate and elaborate. How has the ceremony evolved, is it geographical or the people
involved that have made the decision to change the ceremony.

Using the following guidelines:

From your own culture, what does it mean to you, what is expected?

Choose One:


In the traditional African way, a young man would not personally approach his prospective father-
in-law and ask for his daughter’s hand in marriage – it would be interpreted as disrespect. A
young man would make his intentions known to his family and the family would approach the
prospective in-laws on his behalf. Negotiations go in phases and there are specific people who
must be included in specific delegations. In most clans of the Northern Sotho, for instance,
malome/ umalume must be part of the delegation that takes magadi/ ilobola to the lady’s family.


In African cultures death is not something personal and private which is spoken of in undertones
or whispers. It is a loss that is shared by the whole community, who will in turn offer emotional
support. The characteristic communal lifestyle and the underlying ubuntu philosophy do not allow
anyone to be isolated in grief. In death not only the family mourns but the whole community does.
Once the word is out the community would offer support – emotional, material and ultimately

Rite of passage:

Discuss the whole process and the meaning – where does it start and why? The meaning of
every process during the ceremony and the meaning. Give an overview of the ceremony. Are
songs used and what is the significance – cite a section of the song.

Use the following questions to guide you, however, do not be restricted by them.
Give the names of the various participants in the ceremony: Example: Bride, initiate, ensure you
give the names in your original language and the meaning and explanation.

Explain the roles played by each of the people who are the focus of the ceremony.

How did the ceremony unfold? – explain the various components of the ceremony.

Attire worn. Explain the significance of the clothes worn.

At the ceremony you attended, were there offerings, in the form of slaughtering of animals. If yes,
explain the process and why? If not, why?

What is the significance of the offerings being made? Give us the terminology for the offering and
then translate them to English. (If there are no offering made at your cultural ceremony, do some
research to see if any offering were ever made and if this is a practice that has been abandoned in
modern times). Remember to reference according to Harvard Referencing.

Who participated in the offerings being made? Why was this specific person chosen?

Are gifts given? To whom and by whom? What is the significance of the gifts?

Who is responsible for the food preparation and why were they selected?

Who is financially responsible for this ceremony?

Was the ceremony by invitation or open? Why?

In your conclusion give us your view with regards to whether such ceremonies are still of value in
our changing world, or do you think they are defunct and should be discarded?

Task 3 (40%)

Only when several students, including yourself, have completed Task 1 & 2 can you begin with
Task 3. You cannot begin Task 3 without completing Task 1 & 2.

Based on the above, read the assignments of your peers and choose at least 8 assignments to
write comments on. Your comments should be thought provoking, promote critical thinking which
encourages leading questions, while being uplifting. Comments should display an understanding
of what you have read. Each professionally written and relevant comment has a mark
allocation of 5%. The comments to other students should not be an assessment of the quality of
their work. Each comment should be a paragraph of at least 100 words or more,
commenting on each section of the discussion. Anything less than the stipulated word
count will negatively affect your marks. Remember to address the person to whom you are
replying. (40%)

The assignment section weightings are as follows:

Task 1: 35%

Task 2: 25%

Task 3: 40%

Each comment is weighted at (5%) thus you should comment on 8 students’ task 1 and task 2.

(Task 1 + Task 2 + Task 3 = Total 100%)

PS: Should you see a student who has copied from another student, expose them by
privately contacting your TA. Remember this will be treated with confidentiality.

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