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Modern View of Children and the Mother Tongue: Taking Care of the Roots

Teenagers nowadays have to balance the global influx with their increasing comprehension of
their own cultural roots which is a result of the availability of foreign influences. Today’s young people
are interested in the idea of love for one’s mother language and its link with the desire for independence
that is expressed by this piece. They must learn to navigate a world that requires them to deal with
different languages.

One remarkable aspect teenagers possess when it comes to relating with their mother tongue is
their obvious self-assurance and eagerness to speak it. Instead of seeing globalization as causing
language death, young people are supporting and celebrating it. This can be seen from the rise in
language-focused events, social media groups and online communities where youths engage in heated
debates, artistic expressions, and linguistic experimentation all within their mother tongues.

Social media platforms, on the other hand, provide modern-day youngsters with active media
through which they can use language. Young individuals also resort to spoken word performances as well
as vernacular memes to express complex feelings as well as cultural peculiarities apart from just
speaking their native languages. Indigenous language hashtags, language competitions, online linguistic

Furthermore, schools have a significant influence on how young people relate to their mother
tongue. The youth's deliberate attempt to get a deeper comprehension of the cultural complexity
ingrained in their linguistic heritage is seen in the renewed interest in language and literary courses that
concentrate on local languages. Student-run language festivals and clubs are other examples of their
proactive involvement in promoting linguistic variety in academic contexts.

Apart from these group activities, the young people's self-assurance in utilizing their own
language is apparent in their individual undertakings, which include writing poetry, creating literature,
and narrating stories. Young authors and artists now have a worldwide platform to present their work
thanks to the digital age, which allows them to engage not only with their peers but also with a larger
audience that values the depth of their language expression.

Although it is evident that today's kids are confident and interested in speaking in their mother
tongue, it is still unclear whether or not they truly respect the language they were up in. Without a
doubt, the answer is yes. The youth's celebration of their mother tongue stems from a deep respect of
the language as a storehouse of historical information, cultural identity, and communal memory. It goes
beyond simple performance.
The manner in which young people actively work to improve their language skills is an example
of this ideal. Language revitalization programs demonstrate a genuine dedication to preserving their
linguistic legacy. Examples of these projects include recording oral traditions, creating dictionaries, and
working with linguists on preservation projects. The young people's recognition of the language as a
means of maintaining cultural continuity shows how deeply they comprehend its significance in forming
their identity and tying them to their heritage.

In conclusion, today's kids are navigating the globalized globe with a deep love for their mother
language, much like birds soaring to freer space above. Their assurance and enthusiasm in the language,
together with a sincere appreciation of their linguistic heritage, highlight a dedication to protecting and
appreciating cultural variety. The youth become guardians of linguistic legacy as they proudly speak their
mother tongues, making sure that the beauty of their mother tongue endures for future generations.

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