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Introduction To Computer And Windows

Our lifestyles have undergone a seachange with the
in technology,advancement
especially in the field of computers. Computers are an integral
four lifestyle today and are found in offices, homes, schools, colleges, hotels, shops, etc.
• a vance in technology has made our lives easy and comfortable.

Computer is one of the most marvelous inventions at the ancient times. ft has
grown d its original, purpose of computing. Today, it is used in all walks of human
fif,e. Its ications range from simple data entry to complex global electronic commerce
and o rne
t • • gto technology development. Ever since its invention, the power of computer hasbeen
e-01w·,ng rapidly. Computers are used in so many fields in our daily life. Some of the most
.,r1.ugr areas of computer use today include telecommunication, transportation, educatio
, ing, entertainment, publishing, military, police, engineering, production, healthcare
and on·c Commerce.

The term computer is derived from the Latin term 'computare'' t h· s means
ta lat1ng or programmable machine. The computer is an electronic device that is designed
orx with data (Instructions). The computer cannot do anything
Without a pr0;gram.
- Office Autom

1_1 Definition Of Computer _. . --

, . . . th
A computer is an electronic ca lc ulati ng a t performs m.athemat,cal . a n. d
• log
devt ee
• automatical'ly by accepting data as an input from the input devices, process the d
opera t,ens , • • • . . d. ·
and finally produce an output to the output devices. ft can process, s_tore an retrieve fa
amount of data very quickfy. In today's life styfe, the word '"'Computer" ,s_ replaced. by the
W "System" since computer has versatile applications Jike Railway Reservation, Gammg,
Medi Military and Online Systems.

1.2 Functions Of Computer

Applications of a computer are almost endless. Computers are designed to transform r
data into information. We can sense four primary functions that are alf finked to d
(information). Data is a coilection of raw (unprocessed) facts, figures and symbols.
Informati is data that is organized, meaningful and usefuJ. Computer operates under the
control instructions stored in its memory unit and can accept input data, process it
arithmeticafly throu
a fogical sequence, produce information and store the resultant information for futureuse.Ba
functions of a computer are given below,
Accept/ I data and instruction
Store data and instruction
Process data and
Output the resultant information
System Functionality

Input Data
Processing Data
Output Information

Storing Data

l.3 Characteristics Of Computer

. Computers have become an essential Part of . .
in our school, at home, at the office. Why ar . our life. We use a computer ona daily
basis have made o J' . e we so dependent
I ur ,ves easier, they provide us entert . - • on our computers? Because they
ong as we want it t0 amment they
eep. The following ' c an store our valuable data for
k ares • a
ome of the main h
c aracteristics of a computer.
Introduction to Computer and Windows -~-

A computer is a very fast device. It can carry out instructions at a very high
speed. Computer t_ransimission speed is 2,20,00,000 m/sec. So computer
speed is expressed by microseconds. Humans take hours to complete the
same task with a transimission speed of around 80 m/sec. •
Accuracy of a computer is consistently high when compared to human and
the degree of accuracy of a particular computer depends on the instructions
and the type of processor used. Human accurate result is 94%, where as
accurate result of a computer is 99%.
A computer can work with different type of data and information such as
visuals; text, graphics and video etc. So working of computer with different
types of data is known as Versat1l'ty.. That means computer can perform
different types of j,ob effkient:ly.
,st rage
Data storage is. an e-ssential funcf o • of a computer. A computer can have
lot of storage devices. which can store tremendous amount of data. A human
storage capacity is 1000 million instruction, whereas a computer storage
capacity is infinity.

A computer can produce a stable and consistent result, while repetitive jobs
are performed. ff human do repetitive jobs, he can commit mistakes. So
computer is reliable than human by its consistent performance.

No Feeling

Its performances is same for all the users i.e,. it does not distinguish between
users, under any kind of environment. This is because it does't have its own
emotions, knowledge or experience that should present in humans.
,.,,., Office Automation ...,

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:: . f ·s- o r O f CQo m
1 u te r
s=========wh=en: :m=an: st: art :ed - u:.singt--o-o-l-s-._f
dates back to the age "Ab ,, or
History of computers ••• . hanical device was acus developed
. nting and calculating mec • .
computations. Probably f irst cou d for systematic calculation of anthrnetic
by Chinese in the f ·tth turv BC This was use .h d
• cen • . . frame mounted wit a ro along With
.1 h ical device consisting O a .
operations. Abacus ,sa mec an t can be divided into 4 periods based on
Th hOte history of compu er
movable beds or ball. e w . echanical, Mechanical, Electromechanical
technology used in computing devices such as Prem

and Electronic/Digital era.

Premechanical Era (3000 BC - 1620 AD) rlt -

• • d vices) were used for
f'ingers, stones and sticks (earliest computing e . _,. l.. 1�
counting by stone age people. Along with human evolution, they ca e ll'\'ZLA }[q
to be known as "Pebbles" (finished stone), can also be used for counting
in a more comfortable way.
Approximately 4,000 years ago, the Chinese invented "Abacus". It was the first
device developed for counting and calculating. It just keeps track of numbers
used for computing and doesn't do actual computing.
In the early 17th century, John Napier, a Scottish mathematician, invented
another calculating tool. It used marked strips of wood or bone, side by side, to
multiply and divide. This tool is known as "Napier's Bones".

Mechanical Era (1623-1820)

In 1642, French mathematician Biaise Pascal, invented the "Pascaline or
Counter Wheel". The Pascaline is known as the first mechanical calculator used
to perform addition and subtraction.

In 1673, German inventor Gottfried Leibniz perfected the "Liebniz Calculator''.

It was much superior to that of the Pascaline. The Liebniz Calculator could also
multiply, divide and find the square root of a number along with addition and
subtraction. It was also mechanical, i.e. worked by hand.

In the early 1820s, an English mathematician by the name Charles Babbage,

designed a computing machine called "Difference Engine". This machine was
used for calculating and printing simple math tables.
,_,.,Introduction to Computer and Windows ,_

tromechanical Era (1840 - 1940)

In 1842, Babbage desig ned a m b ' , . . · ·
• ore a m 1 t 1ous ma chine, cal led the "Anal ytical Eng me" but
unfortunately these machines could not be finished because the technology at the time
was not advanced enough and both of h1s ac
ed f·tnanc·,al g. The computi·ng
proJ·ectsI fundm·
machines made in the 1900s and even today they are based on the designs of the
"Difference Engine and Analytical Engine". That's why Charles Babbage j.s known as
the Father of Computer. Babbage, together with Ada Lovelace recognized several
programming techniques, including conditional branches, iterative loops and index

In 1944 the first electro-mechanical computer Mark-I was built by Howard Aiken with the
help of IBM. So, originally known as IBM Automatic
Sequence Controlled Calculator·(ASCC). It was 51 feet
long, and weights 4500 Kgs. It could do three additions or
subtractions in a second. A multiplication took six seconds,
a division took 15.3 seconds and a logarithm or a
trigonometric function took over one minute.

Electronic/Digital Era (Present)

Digital Era is the change from Premechankal, Mechanical and Electromechanical
Technology for Digital Technology which began from the late 1950s. This D gitat era marked the
beginning of the information era. It introduced digital record keeping concepts. Digital
Technologies created a knowledge based society surrounded by a high-tech globaf economy
that spans over its influence on how the manufacturing output and service sector operate in an
efficient and convenient way. In a commercialized society, the information industry isable to
allow individuals to explore their personalized needs.

Y Generations Of Computer
The history of the computer goes back several decades (a period of years) however, there
are five definable generations of computer. Each generation is defined by a significant
technological development that changes fundamentally how Computer Operate, Leading to
More Compact, Reliable, Less Expensive, but More Powerful, Efficient Robotic Machines.
Generations tan be classified into First, second, Third, Fourth and Fifth generations.
- Office Aut01tJqt1-,

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_ :_
. uter 1946-1
f computers used "Electronic
F i rst Generation Of. Com
- =-

The first generation , The vacuum tubes

° gy'
Valves (Vacuum tubes) technolo • mputers were
•n ·memory These co •
prevented their use f or ma, • ·tt· It ENIAC is
·.. . on them was d1 ,cu •
large in size and writing program - built
the first general-purpose electronic computer, hi
·n 1946 at the University of Pennsylvania, USA by John Mauc y
nd J. Presper Eckert. The completed machine was announced
to the public on the evening of February 14, 1946. It was
named "Electronic Numerical Integrator and calculator"
(ENIAC). ENIAC contained 17,000 vacuum tubes, 7,000 crystal
diodes, 1,500 relays, 70,000 resistors and 10,000 capacitors. It
weighed more than 27 tons, consumed 150 kW of power.

The first generation second general purpose computer is EDVAC. It stands

for "Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer" and was developed in 1950.
The concept of storing data and instructions inside the computer was introduced
here. This allowed much faster operation since the computer had rapid access to
both data and instructions. Computers of this period had no operating system,
programs were handled using rows of switches.

Characteristics Of First Generation Computer

c:,2\dv ote19e•
First generation computers were based on vacuumt
b es.
Machine language was used for programming.
x First generation computers were unreliable.
x They were difficult to program and use.

x They were not so accurate and veryexpens,·

x They were very large in size so they ar notPortab le
JC p . •
roduction of the heat was in largeam. .
x From theirh ount in first ge •
. nerat1on computers.
uge spacing they are non portable . .•
system so, commercial use rs 1trn1t

_,.,tnuoductlon to Computer t1nd Window -""'... 7

.......... second Generation O(.£Cl!!! ... 1964

::.-,:.---- ·---.. .. ,;.._.:.:.:-., ....;;;,...:....:_::....:..J(, , ------------

Thi n· tL n u -d t chnolo -y. A

tr nsi t • i m IId I I ndu '· r m t ri I
Hi n, I nti t t 8 11 I b r _ tori
h 4 but utlllz d In thi p riod. The
, John B rd n, WIiii m Brattain and William
f the computer was deer ased by replacing
ith transistors.
ge eration used low level languages, i.e. machine level language
and language which made the programmers easier to
specify the
;t:stn: ctf1Jf''c. Later, the high level programming language was introduced such

N (FORmula TRANslation is used for number crunching_,scientific,

mathematical and engineering type of procedures), COBOL (Common Busi ess
e . la guage is used in business applications) and BASIC(Beginners All Purpose Of Sy b ic
.-.'.1.. .!"::r_.'!:cm Code is used for all applications). Magnetic core was used as primary storage. Beca se
-ex1:;rer1ce of Programming Language, computers of this generation used single processi g

S process·ing OS, where more than one program can reside in the main me

B · 1620 is the second generation first computer. Its size was smaller as compar- st
almost used for scientific research purpose, su h as Ii ear
rnni, . nl't\\· ·,,ng. : BM 1.401, its size was small to medium and used for business applica i ns.

Characteristics Of Second Generation Computer

c2\dvaot 9 • •11GI\Hllltta4

• ran istors were used in place of vacuum tubes.

T ey 'lere fa ter in comparison with the first generation computers.
cc d generation computers were smaller, hence it is portable.

T e computat1on time was reduced to micros conds from the millisec nds.
• - Punch ard were used for input. Core mem ry is used as a storage device.

.tt They gene.ratedless heat and were le s prone to failure, but still require air condition.

• Assemblylanguage was us d for programming, only used for pecific purposes.

- Of/ice Automation

Third Generation Of Computer (1965-1971)

The Third Generation Computers used "Integrated
circuit'' (IC) technology. Jack Kilby developed the concept of
the integrated circuit in 1958. It was an important invention in
the computer field. The first IC was invented and used in 1961.
T e size of an IC is about¼ square inch. A single IC chip may
contam thousand of transistors. Thus the computer became
smaller in size and Jess expensive. In this generation remote
processing, time-sharing, multi-programming operating system
was used.

By this phase, t ansistors were no being miniaturized and put

·on silicon chips (called semiconductors). This leads to a massive
increase in speed and efficiency of these machines. These were the first
computers where users interacted using keyboards and mo itors which
interfaced with an operating system, a significant leap up from the punch
car s and printouts. Multiprogramming enabled these machines to run several applications at
• once using a central program which functioned to monitor memory. The examples of third
generation computers, IBM System/360, UNIVAC 1108 and UNIVAC AC 9000 etc.

re was used instead of transistors in the third generation c:omputers.

The computers were smaller in size and cheaper as compared to previouscomputers.

They were fast and more reliable.

High level language was developed and consumed lesselectricity.

Magnetic tapes and solid states are used as main memory.
They were able to reduce computation time andh d I .
• a ow maintenance cost.
x Input/Output devices became more sophisticated.

" This generation computer needs AC (AirConditioning).


-.... ,..,..,., Introduction to Computer and Windows .........


th Generation Of Computer c1971_19901

The "Microprocessor" brought the fo!-,lrth generation of
computers, as thousands of integrated circuits were built ontoa /.----
single silicon chip. What in the first generation filled an entire
room could now fit in the palm of the hand. The size of modern
Microprocessor is usually one square inch. It can contains millions
of electronic circuits. The microprocessor contains thousands of
·ICs.Ted Hoff produced the first microprocessor in 1971 for Intel.
The technology of integrated circuits, improved rapidly. The LSI (Large Scale Integration)
circuit and VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) circuit was designed. It greatly reduced the size
of computer in this generation.

Fourth generation computers became more powerful, compact,

reliable and affordable. As a result, it gave rise to personal computer (PC)
revolution. This generation computer supported multi-user OS where more
at than one OS can be used on the same machine (computer). In 1981 IBM
rd lntroduced its first computer for the home user a'nd ih 1984 Apple introduced the Macintosh. As
these small computers became more powerful, they could be linked together to-form networks,
which eventually led to the development of the Internet. Fourth generation computers also saw
,e development pf GUls, the mouse and handheld devices. IBM 370 is the first computer. All the
high-level languages like C, C++, DBASE etc., were used in this generation.

Characteristics Of Fourth Generation Computer

The fourth generation computers have microprocessor-based systems.

Smaller in size, it's because of the high component density.

Thespeed, accuracy and reliability of the computers were improved.

They are the cheapest among all the previous computer generation.

A further refinement of input/output devices was developed.

The heat generated is negligible.

Networking between the systems was developed.
h • t net was introduced and computers became easily available.
The concept of t e in er
- Office Au101m4t.lOJJ

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The fifth generation computer used ULSI {Ultra
Large Scale Integration) technology, resulting in the
production of microprocessor chips having ten
million electronic
components. This generation is based on Al "(Artificial I

Intelligence)" technology and at this time Parallel Processi·ng I

System and Superconductor technology was introduced. This

generation computers used Al operating system to support I

above technologies.

Al is an emerging branch of computer science, that includes methods for making

computers think like human beings. Artificial intelligence can be broken into five distinct
categories - Games playing, Robotics, Expert systems, Neural Networks and Natural Languages.

The goal of the fifth generation is to develop the device which could
respond to natural language input and are capable of learning and self
organizing. Computer can respond to its surroundings using different types of

sensors. Quantum computation and molecular and nanotechnology will be used

in Artificial Intelligence. Scientists are constantly working to increase the
processing power of computers. They are trying to create a computer with a real IQ with the help
of advanced programming and technologies.
Char.acteristics Of Fifth Generation Computer I


They will be able to recognize image and graphs.

Highly complex problems can be able to solve in this generation. I

Fifth generation Main Memory - EEPROM, SIMM andDfMM. I
Facilita es decision making and logical reasoning.
d . I
Supports tovirtual
workreality concepts in me J Cal fietd.
Intended with natural ' major implemen• ta·t·,on .
language. I

Most user friendly interfaces with multimedia features {GUIb d}

ase . I

Control the route of a missile, defense-systems thatcould'

prevent attacks.


.. ,.,,.,,., Jntroduction to Computer and Windows --~ 11

Basic Anatomy Or Block Diagram Of Computer

------- All types of computers follow some basic logical structure and perform the following three
basic operations for converting raw Input data into useful information to their users. This logical
structure shows the basic anatomy of a computer using a block diagram. Functional block diagram
consists of three basic units, •
Input Devices.
CPU (Central Processing Unit) includes memory unit.
Output Devices. Block 0•1agram OfC omputer .,,,.--

net A.L.U
s. , ... [ OUTPUT .]

PRIMARY MEMORY (an internal memory)

Input Devices: These devices help the humans to communicate with the machine, i.e. the user
.enters the commands and data by using the input pevices. It fills the gap between man and
machine by acting as an input interface (bridges the gap).

C.P.U (Central Processing Unit): CPU is called "Brain of the Computer" introduced by John
Von Neumann. It is one of t e circuitry system consists of a Control unit, Arithmetic and Logic
unit, and Memory unit. Control Unit: It controls the processing don_e inside ALU and will make
sure that all other parts perform their tasks correctly and at the cofrect time. Arithmetic and
unit: They are used to solve the arithmetic operations like +, -, *./ and logical operations like

Memory Unit: Storage unit of the computer is called I e ory unit. The data stored in memory
chips are used by other components whenever they are required for processing. This memory unit
isknown as internal memory.
Output Devices: Output devices fills gap between machine and man by acting as an output
interface that provides the information as a result of a computation to the outside world.
..,_ Of/Ice Automation ......

1.7 Classffications Of Cont Ut.!

C mput r dlff b d n th I du t pr Ing bllltl . They are classified according to
- 1.7.2 C

nd p d. computers

' G n1ral Purpo
e Computers An
Ii"'"' -Th l Of Purpos Sp cfflc Purpose the meas

... "
"" Analog Computers
:, voltages,
Olgltal Computers being ma
,E i- On The Sasls Of Princlples i- i-
C !
- Hybrid Computers Digita.

= - Laptop Comput n

E physical s d·scre
- Desktop Computers

- -

0 Notebook Computers


Micro Computers Portable Computers

results w
Palmtop Computers


Mini Computers computi

The iasls Of Size And Speed
a e de ig

i- Mainframe ... Wi!arable Computers

.... Super Computers

it has th
1.7..1 Classification Based On Pur ose digital o

Ace rding to •he Purpose, computers are either General purpose or Specific applicat
they he
Generalpurpo e computers are designed to perform a range of tasks. They have theability to example
stor numerou pr grams, but lack In speed and efficiency. and pric
Specificpurp·ose computers are designed to handle a specific problem or to performa
specific task.A set of instru tlons i built Into the machine to solve a given problem.

,.,,.,,., Introduction to Computer and Windows........,

1zJ Classification Based On Principles

According to Principles of operations used to handle continuous and discrete data,
computers are classified into Analog Computers, Digital Computers and Hybrid Computers.

Analog Computers

Analog Computers work on the principle of measuring, in which

the measurements obtained (continuous quantity as input) are
translated into data (output information from analog computer).
Modern Analog Computers usually employ electrical parameters such
as voltages, resistances or current, to represent the continuous
quantities being manipulated. These computers do not deal directly with
the numbers, they measure continuous physical magnitudes.

Digital Computers
Most computers today are digital. The computers, which present
physical quantities i.e. symbols or numbers as discrete data and
provide us discrete information as output are called "Digital
Computers". Such computers process data into a digital value (in O's
and l's). They give the results with more accuracy at a faster rate
(not faster than analog
computing). Digital Computers manipulate most of data more easily than Analog Computers.
They are designed to process input data in numerical form.

:Hybrid Computers
Hybr'id Computers are a combination of both Digital and Analog
Computers. tt combines the best features of both type of computers,
i.e. it has the speed of an analog computer and the memory and
accuracy of digital computer. Hybrid Computers are used mainly in
specialized applications where both kinds of data need to be processed.
Therefore, they help the user, to process both continuous and
discrete data. For
example a petrol pump contains a processor that converts fuel flow measurements into quantity
and Price values. In hospital Intensive Care Unit (ICU), a device used to measure patient's blood
Pressure and temperature, etc., which are then converted and displayed in the form of digits.


ent rt inm

D op

d .T
f rm. I.t -
NIntroduction to Computer and Windows - ... N lS
Unlike laptops and other portable devices, desktop computers cannot be powered by an
internal battery and therefore must r main conn ct d to a wall outlet.

portable Computers

Portable Comput r- re •enerally microcomputers, which are smaller in size, le we ght

with maximum sophi tication available in PC's. That's why user can carry it wher ver they go,
hi h pr vide mobile computing facility, business executives, travelling alesmen, etc. carry it
du ·ng tra el for personal use. This group includes Personal Digital Assistant (PDA's), pen---
based uter, handheld. computer, notebook computer and laptop computer. Today,
larger tr.l.n,nartable computers continue to be called portable computer. Most of these are
_ .. ..,l'\F\�e omputers, for example - those for use in industrial environments where they need to
d frequently.

p - This type of computer is similar to desktop computer, but the size is

• Uer. 1t gets its name from the fact that you can keep it on your lap and use
, . ey.are more expensive than a desktop. The weight of the laptop is around
5 gs.

book .. These computers are as powerful as desktop, but the size of these
_ puters is comparatively smaller than a laptop and desktop, which makes
;,even more portable. The weight of noteboo_k is around 2 to 3 kgs. They
are costly than laptops.

top (Handheld) .. They are also called as "Personal Digital Assistant

(PO Y'. These computers are small in size. They can be held in the hands. It
is capa e of performing word processing, spreadsheets and handwnting
etog ition, game playing, faxing and paging. These computers are not as
erful as desktop computers.'Ex: 3com palm.

Wearable Computer - They are also called as "Body..Borne Computer

or Wearables". The size of thi. computer is very small, so that it can be worn
around the wrist, over or inside clothing. It ha smaller proce sing power. It
can be developed for general or special purpo e Information te hnologies and
mediadevelopment. It is u ed in the field of m dlcln . Example pacemaker to
correct the heart beats. Insulin meter to find th levels of Insulin In the blood.
Minicomputer may also be called as "Mid-Range Computer''. It isa
type of computer that possesses most of the features and capabilities ofa large
b C
computer but is smaller in physical size. A minicomputer fills the space between
the microcomputer and mainframe and is smaller than the former but larger
than the latter. Minicomputers are mainly used as small or midrange servers, oat
scientific and engineering computation, large business transaction processing,
database management, etc. In earlier days, mini computers were used as stand alonecomputeri
(refers toa device that is self contained, one that doesn't require any other devices to function) usi
In general,a Minicomputer isa multiprocessing system capable of supporting more than oneuse
to work ata time or simultaneously with one or more processors. However, the use of the term per
Minicomputer has diminished and has merged with servers. me
in t
Mainframe Computers bus
Mainframe Computers were developed in the 1950s, have
continued to evolve and are still in use today. A mainframe is an ultra
high-performance computer made for high-volume, processor
intensive computing. The speed of mainframes is expressed in million
is a
instructions per second (MIPS). They are used by many large
corp_orat1ons like banks, insurance companies, fashion designing,
fabncatton of the cloth industry, travel and retail sector, telecom companies, large institutions pre
government agencies to process huge data. '

Supercomputer is a computer with
gre,ater speed, . and
memory. This kind of computer can do • faster than any
other computer of its generation· · They are usually thou d f •
faster than ordinary personal computers It is mainly s; so. times
and exploration purposes like NASA. • use or research
. ' , uses Supercomput f
1aunching space shuttles, controlling them and f • .• ers or
purpose. Supercomputers pl . ora space exploration
ay an important role in the f Id
are used fora wide range of computational int . _,e of computational science and
mecha· enSive tasks 1n var'
mes, weather forecasting, climate resear h ·1 . tous f ields, including quanturn
c , 01 and gas explorafion, molecular modeling.
,.,,.,,., Introduction to Computer and Windows ~~~

.............. 1 , s Applications Of Computer
Now-a-days we cannot imagine our life without computers and the fact is that they have
becoming so important that nothing can replace them. They seem to be everywhere today. The
human directly depends on the computer. So it has vast applications.

Data Processing

rs Manual data processing, is processed manually without

). using any machine or tool to get required results. In this data
!r processing all the calculations and logical operations are
n performed manually on the data. Similarly, data are
transferred manually from one place to another. This
method of data processing is very slow and errors may occur
in the output. Data were processed manually in many small
business firms as well as government offices and institutions before EDP.

Electronic Data Processing (EDP) is the modern technique to process data. The data is
processed through computer. Data and set of instructions are given to the computer as input and
computer automatically processes the data according to the given set of instructions. So computer
is also known as electronic data processing machine. This method of processing data is very fast
and accurate. For example, in a computerized educational environment results of students are
prepared through computer, in banks accounts of customers are maintained (o.r processed)
through computers etc.


A computer has high speed of calculation, diligence, accuracy,

reliability or versatility which made it an integrated part in all business
organizations. The computer is used in business organizations for,

Payroll calculations.
Sales analysis.
Managing employee database.
Maintenance of stocks, etc.
....- Office Automation ..

Ir ,ry nd , ftwur u· d to
h f digitally
Ii r mpll hing basic the
In n ffl dra

w nd
h t
th r p Ifie
uld b th computer or
ta E hange would be a fax,
f mmunication hardware. Data
using specific software tools to organize and maintain data.

mputers are used to control and monitor the manufacturing syste a

f the machinery. They also help in monitoring temperature and pre s re,,
a· , accuracy and measurement needed in the manufacturing process.

Kot:M)tS in I dustry - Robots are used to perform most of the

• ·s a, automatic programmable machine. It can
move a ical tasks. It means that a robot acts like
human noid,Robots}. Robot can work in an environment
that is man eings such as opening chemical packages. It
• • e tasks continuously without any break, with very high
an beings. Robots can also be used in hundreds of

A sem ting and pray paintlng of cars.

Liff ng of hea v equipm nt , power cables et .
"> le ing blood samp, .
Perlormin,g diff,ent a ivi ies in artificial satellites and radioact·1vee . t
• · nv1ronments e c.
- ,.,,.,,.,Introduction to Computer and Windows ,_,_,, 19

ngineering De$ign

Computers ar • wid- ty u d In n ln ring purpo ·e. One of

the major areas is a CAD (Comput r Aid d Design) I used by
architects, engin r· dr fter , • rtl t and others to create precision
dra\ ing • r t hni al iUu tr tlons. CAD software can be used to
. re,a·t t - ifn n ion l drawings or three-dimensional models.
Structural Engineering: Requires stress and strain analysis for design of Ships, buildings,
ud ts, airplanes etc.

Industrial Engineering: Computers deal with design, implementation and improvement

f integrated systems of people, materials and equipment.

Arthitectural Engineering: Computers help in planning towns, designing buildings,

determining a range of buildings on a site using both 20 and 30 drawings.

di Care
Computers have become an important part in hospitals, 'labs,
•is-pensaries. The computers are being used in hospitals to keep
e record of patients and medicines. It is also used in scanning and
....iag osi ,g different diseases. ECG, EEG, Ultrasounds and CT Scans,
a e atso done by computerized machines. Some major fields of
care in which computers are used,

•:. Diagnostic System:·computers are used to collect data and identify the cause of iHness.
·iffererrt medical tests depend upon the computerized device such as laboratory test of
biood and common use of computer is to scan the body of patient. A special scanner is
used for this purpose eg: CAT (Computeterised Axial Tomograph) is a scanner, it
passes ra s ov,er the patient. It displays an image of bone and tissue structure of the
patient on a computer screen. This image is printed on the printer. It is also stored in
com.puter for later use.
Patient Monitoring System: These are used to check patient's signs for abnormality such
as in Cardiac Arrest, ECG etc.
Surgery: Nowadays, computers is also used in performing surgery. ''Robotically-
Assisted Surgical ,(RAS)" devices are one type of computer-assisted surgical system. It
is referred to as robotic surgery, this enable the surgeon to computer and software

-- Office Autom. 1on• .

Th computer has provided a lot of facilities in the education system.

The computer provides a tool in the education system known

as CBE (Computer Based Education) involves control,
delivery and evaluation of learning .
There are a number of methods in which educational
institutions can use computer to educate the students.
It is used to prepare a database about the performance of a
student and analysis is carried out on this basis.
Modernizing Education: Education has benefited from the inclusion of technology and
computers by ma ing it easier for students to keep up while helping teachers by improving
the way lessons can be planned and taught. Students who use computers learn to use
word processors-for work, and sabsequently they learn computer jargon and strengthen
grammatical skills.
Research: Technology has made research far easier than in the past. Decades ago,
students learned history by going to the library and thumbing through history books and

Graphics }

Computer graphics is an art of drawing pictures,

Hnes, charts, etc using computers with the help of i

programming. The use and relevance of computer graphics·

has blossomed in many areas in the.past 20 years, ranging

from the studio arts to new mathematical disciplines such
as computational geometry. The areas in which graphics
have arguable impact and certainly the most visible can be
categorized as entertainment and advertising, scientific
visualization and Industrial design.
Entertainment and advertising - People can t·ind· t •.
en ertamment on • t h . tch
movies, listen to songs and watch videos dow I d d' mernet. T ey can wa
matches on the internet. Computers are d. n oa _,fferent stuff. They can also watch live
use in entertamme tt
performance. The tools have becomes 0
. . .
h' . n
sop 1st1cated th t ·It• b °
create or enhance a
· · tu
drstmgu1sh between the real part and th _ T . a s ecommg almost impos 1ble •
e art, ,c,al part in the film and thephotography.
,.,,.,,., Introduction to Computer and Windows .........

Multimedia is the term used to describe two or more

types of media combined into a single package usually denotinga
combination of some or all of the following: video, sound,
animation, text and pictures. Areas of using Multimedia,

Multimedia presentation: Multimedia presentation can be used to better explain a

subject matter to the students because it enhances the comprehension capability of
students. It is extremely effective in ge.tting across ·new
and ideas and concepts. It is also used by the
oving entertainment industry as in games, films, cartoons,
o use animation, sound effects etc.
Multimedia web pages: Multimedia feature in web
pages make the things more interesting, attractive,
ago, enthusiastic to know and much more user friendly.
Software: Multimedia is used for training purpose or as a guide. So users can understand
things/concepts by just operating the software which replaces the place of trainers.

Computers are largely used in defense. It played an
increasingly important role in the field of military. With each war,
new system and equipments were introduced. Over time,
computer in the military has been adapted or designed to do a
broad range of tasks, that . includes analyzing intelligence,
organizing prudent data for military leaders, geospatial analyzing,
controlling Smart Weapons and also used for communication. Major uses are,

Missile Control.

Military Communication.

Military Operation and Planning.

Smart Weapons.
-- Office Automation,

."=i;l. -9, .:W.:...:i.n:::=d:.o::..w.:.:s.=. - :1=-0=.

Windows - 10 is a collection of programs known as an Operating System {OS) that
controls a PC (Personal Computer). First produced by "Microsoft" in November 1985, it has
_been frequently updated since, as computer memory has got bigger, as processing chips have
got faster and of course, when the internet was invented. Prior to Windows, PCs were w
operated by a series of text commands. a
Windows ·key benefits and features, d
.Allows the user to interact with the computer (through the keyboard, mouse, microphone,
etc.). W
Controls the storage of data (images, files, music, etc.,}.


Controls hardware attached to the computer such as webcams, scanners and printers etc., e
Helps to open and close programs (word processors, games, photo editors, etc.) and gives b
them part of the computer's memory to allow them to work. W
Controls what access to a computer different users have and the computers security.
W Deals with errors and user instructions and issues simple error messages. h
Promotes multitasking by allowing the user to do several things on the computer at th
once.For example, watch a video while writing a letter.

1.9.1 Histo r y _; ;,... Of Windows ea

Windows has been a backbone in the th

computer market for so long that it's nearly
impossible to imagine life without it. As the W
world's most popular operating system, it rel
enjoys huge .success, but that success wasn't con
easily attained. Bumps along the way are what
helped Windows move from an obscure req
operating system to the dominating power in ope
computers it is today. Check out some of the on
past versions and features that covered the --:
" ' ·· , '
-:-c, , ,, · < ; •
road to Windows 10.
- r:-7
_,., Introduction to Computer and Windows .......... 23
Window O . Th v ry first v rslon of Windows Is Windows 1.0, was a basic

itlt rf c th t u- d "G dgets" like the calendar and calculator, but it

L=J gained littl popul rity. Next Windows 2.0 released In 1987 introduced
two current st pies Excel and Word to the users.

Windows 3.0 This version introduced virtual memory, Improved

graphics and the ability to multitask while it was released in 1990. Windows
3.0 wasn't Willdows-3.0

d.i ntinued until 2001. Next Windows 3.1 was released which mainly
imed in improving font functionality.

1 dows 95 : On August 24, 1995, Microsoft release Windows 95. This

tc., is t e era of fax/modems, email, new online world, multimedia games

and e ucational softwares. Windows 95 is a 32-bit operating system
that has
• ui -in Internet support, dial-up networking.

ows 98: Released on June 25, 1998, Windows 98 is the first version
at of mdowsdesigned specifically for consumers. PCs are common at work
1 ome and Internet cafes. Windows 98 is described as an operating system
at UWorks Better, Plays Better."

ows 2000 : The enterprise twin of ME(Millennial Edition), Windows

2000 was released in February 2000. Windows 2000 made everyone's-
lives easier by increasing the number of plug and play devices compatible
e operating system

ows XP: The system designed for ease and stability is Windows XP
was released in 2001, offering plenty of functionality for laptop and desktop
users. The operating system was designed to offer users help through a
comprehensive help centre. WindowsVist

Wtndow-$ V,ist:a ; Windows Vista was released in 2006. It had high system
requirements and suffered issues with performance and security. The
operating systemalso tended to drain laptop batteries. The version lasted
only for three years.

Window.s 7 : For this curr f Wlr de W', Ml f- f(,' rr
mistakes with Vtst and r at d n op nt nf • yr,1, tn wl ·, •
and minimal syst rn r quir m nt . ft dlt t ,-d th b£Jr, 1
Vista, replacin it with I .an r f I. hi· v m

d In b •r
of ith it rd sign d M tro- tyl u er Int • 'n F

t r ,t 1 r.i • n are once again r d fining wh t Wind i·, ft af

it in grat d antivirus protection, a virtual hard di k c nd n v pl tform

e on HTML -5 and JavaScript. It promise fa t r b ot im -, u h ree
,p-atibi1ity and the ability to create a bootable USB fla·h driv .
·dows 8.1 : It was introduced in October 2013, Windows 8.1 marked a
i towards yearly software updates from Microsoft and induded the fir t
s e • Microsofts U-turn around its new visual interface. This r,e-introd ced
e Start button, which brought up the Start screen from the desktop vie v
Windows 8.1
indo s 8.1. Users could also boot directly into the desktop of Wl dews
1, ic, was more suitable for mouse, keyboard and touch- screen. 5
WJmtows 10: Announced on 30 September 2014, Windows 10 has only ee-------------------------------i
e eased as a test version for keen users to try. The "Technical Previe, is b
e m ch stm a work in progress. Windows 10 represents another step i.n l
i rosofys U-turn, bringing back the Start menu and more balance . g
tra itional desktop computer users. Some interesting feature i du e , e S
a ilitv to switch between a keyboard and mouse mode and at let , • , r those computers l
fi .e t" e urface Pro 3 with a detachable keyboard. H
• indows 11 a was introduced in 5 October 20 1 Wind .
11 comes wi h redesign Taskbar icons and ta t m nu.
It Is comes with rounded corners for all progr m wind n
uilt in Teams chat. Windows 11 al o in
lud DirectStorage, a fea ure fir t introdu d
n Xbo ri
Xbox Series 5. Windows 11 i a person liz d p
that supports all types of d vi es such m rp re
and personal computers and also h th billty •
0 - n -,itch ,tee' b
_,.,Introduction to Computer and Windows ,-.,,..; 25

-'t \2 Brief Ex lanation Of_Windows 1o o,perating System


Windows 10 Is th· I t st v r Ion dev loped by

Micrqsoft. Used for comput • r , including home and business
desktops, laptops1 not book , tablet PCs, and media center
PCs. Windows 10 wa intended to be a more focused
-incremental upgrade to the Windows line, with the goal of
being fully compatible with applications and hardware with
hich Windows Vista is already compatible. As a result, Windows 10 is now very stable and
fa ter, with more support to the hardware. Windows 10 is now the most popular, even
surpassing XP by the beginning of 2015.

1..9 .3 General Features Of Windows

Whereas Windows 8 uses the Start screen to launch
applications, Windows 10 has reintroduced a more traditional
Start menu. It's also been expanded to make it easier to find
-i portant apps. Now, when you click on the Start button at the
bottom left of the screen, you get two panels side by side, with
the Jeftcoiumn showing pinned, recently and most-used
apps.You also get a power button at the top for options such as
Hibernate, Standby and Shutdown. The right column features a
selection of Hve tiles that you can customize, resize and
reorganize. Not only that, but the search field at the bottom will St n Menu
look up related Internet results in addition to programs and files.

Microsoft fdge/ Edge Browser

This new web browser is designed to give Windows users a better experience on the
Web. It's faster, more secure and includes a lot of new features. Microsoft Edge is meant to
replace Internet Explorer as your default web browser, but youill still be able to use another
browser if you prefer.

coriina . - - •

P 1yp her t e·ar h . () ; :- m

1.---------·---·--- - - -
. . .. ,. an
Cortana isa newfeature of Windows 10, . lmifar to lri and • oogfe. ft isa voices,
activated irtual personal associate with your computer' microphone. Thisis
thefirsttimebe we ha e een Cortana on desktop and it's a very nice addition to the •
oftware.Cortana ww.t. ask f r c e . to your personal information, after which It will use
that information, coupled---
ith I ud based intelligence, to provide you with the information you seek. Cortana can
er questions like What's the weath r like today?.
on Center
The new Action Center is pretty different from an
e ·ous versions of Windows. For example, it's been
ex anded to let you access frequently used settings, such as
t-fi connectivity and tablet mode. It's also where you'll see
rtant notifications, so if your computer receives an
. a e you Uget a notification about it here.

Continuum is one of Microsoft's signature features •1,n . ,' ,n. .d. ·o 1'0· wh.ere ,th· e

w·· F'or e.. e, on a S•

. .erface ca.n a d. apt automatically depending on the situat·,·o· user
urface Pro
3, ndows 10 w,IJ default to desktop mode with the keyboard tt ·. h·.. d' . . • •
tota·b·'etm-ode . . . • • a a 'e ·nd win then switch
. . w..en you remove 1t.

i Continuum will also be present in Window 1 H win ur •martphone to

tt h
a ac o a monitor, mouse and keyboard, wlr d thr u -h th u
through Bfuetooth and Miracast Itwi'IIth f ",,J-.::,'•• • .ll ies orwireless
.. . • • n proj t d kt .. , t, •. p, h
monitor using the apps on your phone. P " • perience tote
ask View
P Type h re to a1ch
,_,., Introduction to Computer and Windows N~~

Task View is a task switcher and virtual desktop system introduced in Windows 10
and is among the first features new to Windows 10. Task View allows a user to quickly
locate an open window, quickly hid all window and show the desktop and to manage
windows across multiple monitor or virtu I d ktops. Clicking the Task View button on the
taskbar or swiping from th I ft id f th reen di plays all open windows and allows users to
switch between th m,

1.9, Differents Parts Of Windows Screen

ic,r:soft Wmdows, the most widely used operating system in the world, empfoys the
r of a window for navigation and file management. Understanding the parts of a
......\ft'(,'\'\U is the first step to knowing how to navigate through the operating system.

The desktop is once again your only home base, your single starting point. It's the
view a greets you when·the computer turns on, and it offers all the tools you need to

organize your files.

When you turn on a Windows 10 machln .The first thing you ee is a colorful curtain
that is be,en drawn over the computer's wo Id. It is the Lock screen.
The Lock screen serves the same purpose it does ona phone. It gives
the time, the date, your WiFi signal strength, the weather and (on laptops and
battery charge. As you download and install new apps, they can add informationaltidbi
this Lock screen, too. The Lock screen can also give you instant access to your Camera ai
Skype apps. You might want to take a picture or answera call without having to gothro g

the red tape of fully logging in.

The Login Screen


Ashwath Narayana Setty

[ Password r,:::;(l




. ne
As in any modern operating system yo h
world of files, settings and preferences S, thu ave your own account inWindows. It'syol
the L ·ogin screen. At lower
· • the
left, you see e na
second thing you encounter inWindows1omc
account on this machine. me and photo for each person who has i10

This is also where you're supposed to lo •

onger has to meant . . gin-to prove that .' • e
1touchscreens and typi p1 g a p ssword. One of Windows 10' you reyou. But logging iM;cr
g isa pain on tablets. s primary goals is

w·nd Once you've gotten past the security. b • rnt
i ows, the desktop. The •
Wind ows 10 w ind up at the
ar n e r, yo u :o
screen o f fe rs th homebase;
f inal !
f y
e ollowing mai•n features,
- /ntroduction to Computer and Windows ..

t.9.S Overview Of Desktop Screen In Windows -10
� to [ ktop }

[ User Account J.,•


( Task8ar ] Nottflcatlo.n Area

art Butt_on :
In Windows 10, as you've probabty noticed, the word "Start" doesn't actually appear
on the Start menu, as it did for years, now the Start menu is just a square button in the
lower left corner of your screen, bearing the Windows logo( II ). But it's still called
the Start
menu and it's still the gateway to everything on the PC.

our The Start menu is spHt Into two columns. For convenience, let's call them the left side
Dis and the right side. On the left is a navigation section that gives you access to your user account,
an your most frequently used apps, system features such as Power (includes the sleep, shut down
and restart), settings, pictures, documents and user account and the rest of your apps (via
the All Apps command). On the right is a scaled-down version of the Windows 8/8.1 Start
screen that offers quick viewing and access to the tiles of a few apps.
m·!cons: System Icons are displayed alo n_gl e ft edge of screen. These icons are created
automatically by windows during its installation. Example of some system icons are My
Computer, Recycle Bin, My Documents, Sleep, Shut down etc.
lar field on-screen tha t accepts typed-in text in order to. I O ;
Search Box: A rectangu . lleda "Search Bar" or "Search Fieldt1 'h
h 5earch A search box 1s a1so ca •1r
something or aunc • . find things on your computer. The ex a
a O
• Of the most convenient ways :
search·box 1s one • . h . h box will search your programs in all the fold
location of the items doesn't matter-t e searc. . skto and other corn
and subfolders (which includes Documents, Pictures, Music, De p . . lllo t
locations). It will alo search your email messages, saved instant messages, appointmentsan
. r f
Task View : Task View is a feature of Windows 10 that allows you to orgarn ze your app,ca 10
f a

acres multiple virtual desktops.


Pinned Apps: The icons in the middle of the Taskbar are "pinned" applications, which isa
t .ave a quick access to applications you use freq_uently. "Pinned" applications will stay i 1

he Taskbar until you "unpin" them.

Task Bar: The Windows 10 taskbar sits at the bottom of the screen giving the user access t
d the Start Menu, as well as the icons of frequently used applications. On the right-side, thi e
Taskbar features the Notification Area which informs the user of different things like the
stat1C of the Internet connection or the charge of the laptop battery and it will allows you to
chec u the date and time, items running in the background.

Notification Area : The Notification Area is located at the right side of the Taskbar. It show
different types of notifications from your computer like your Internet connection,. or thi
volume level. At first, the Notification Area shows a limited amount of icons. But you can
did the upward arrow on its left-side to see other icons as well.

Uve TUes : Many of the Start menu tiles are "Live" in the sense that they display often-updat
information instead of the app icon. For example, the Weather tile shows the current
weathe for your default location, the Mail tile displays recent email messages, and the
shows your upcoming events. Note that these tiles don't display any live content untilyrJ.
have used them at least once.

Tiles: The rectangles you see on the right side of theSt· t . ,..,
. . . ar menu each represent an item LP
your c- most tiles represen apps, but you can also add tiles for folders and websitesa
you chcka tile to launch that item. Tiles are generally ·1 bl .
Medium, Wide and Large. ava,a e tn four different sizes: sma
Destn"P• The desktop is the main screen area that you see after you turn on your com
r and tog on to Windows. like the top of an actual desk, it serves as a surface for
your w r• When you open programs or folders, they appear on the desktop. You can also
put things on the desktop, such as files and folders and arrange them however you want.

U&et Acc:Oum: A user account allows you to sign in to Windows 10. By default, your
computer already has one user account, which you were required to create when setting up
Windows for the first time. But if you plan to share your computer, you can create a separate
user account for each member of your home or office.

.t.9.6 Setting The Date And Time

Keeping the correct time on your computer is essential, especially if you are using it
as a business machine The computer keeps its own date and time internally and uses it
on files docments and reminders. 1'f you set the dock incorrectly bad dates becomes a
flood of erroneous information, leading to. 1 os:t tfes, missed appomtments and poor record
keeping. Computers connected to the·nte,net shou d automatscaHy adjust for daylight savings
time. By using the following methods, we c n se h, : · and time correctly.
..,.., 0/fl Automt'lt1,i_
1. Right-click on the time in _. ht f the screen and select Adju t
the bottom-rig 0

2. A window will open. On the left side of the window select the Oat • andtim t
• 11 1 · k Change Note· Both Set time automatically
under "Change date and ti me c 1 c • •
and zone automatically must be Off to make this change.
3. Enter the time and press Change.
no g
4. The system time has been updated.

1:..:..:.9:..:·...:..7 :l:..:c=o.::n_:E::x:.!p:..:la=n=a=-t=i-=-o=n and
Icon is a small graphical representation of a program or file. When we double-click ar
icon, the associated file or program will be opened. For example, if we were to double-did
on the My Computei. icon, it ould open Windows Explorer. Icons are a component of GUl
operating systems, including Apple macOS X and Microsoft Windows. Icons help users quick!
identify the type of file represented by the icon.

Types Of Icons
,.,,.,,., Introduction to Computer and Windows ,._,._,._ 33

Microsoft Paint is a simple raster graphics editor. It opens and saves

fifes in Windows bitmap (BMP), JPEG, GIF, PNG, and single-page TIFF
The program can be in color mode or two-color black and white but there is
no grayscale mode. '

Paint isa feature in Windows that you can use to draw, color and edit pictures. You
can use Paint likea digital sketchpad to make simple pictures, creative projects or to add text
and designs to other pictures, such as those taken with your digital camera

• ' ?f :::¾lit[ '":;=. ·•

- " t;:Chis

l. Quick Access Toolbar

2. Title Bar
3. Control Buttons
4. MenuTab
. 5. Ribbon
6 Drawing Area
7. ScroUBar
8. Status Bar

The principal features of MS Paint are simple drawing tools that you can use to easily
paint on a blank canvas or existing image. Beyond that, Paint includes cropping,
resizing, rotating, skewing and·selection tools to further manipulate images. With the
Windows 10 Creators Update, try creating in three dimensions with Paint 30. In addition
to the new 3D capabilities, many of the classic 20 features from Microsoft Paint are
available to use.
-- Office Auto,n0
34 tlo
There are various tools to help people edit photos, including, ,_,.,., lntro
files an
The paint bucket. It supp
Pencils. How to
. Spray cart
Eras r.
Line and curved line tools.
Multiple shape tools. 1.9.tO
& Text tool.
Cutout tool. include

- o t open Windows Paint Graphi

♦:♦ The
To open Paint, type paint in the search box on the ope
• •• Then select Paint from the list of The
f n
otepad he
Windows Notepad is a simple text editor for Windows it creates and nd
edrts piain text documents. First released in 1983 to commercialize the AG
co , puter mouse in MS-DOS, Notepad has been part of every version of ' -
ows ever s·ince.


1. Title Bar
2. Control Buttons
NEP 3. Menu Tab
_1, .. ............,._

4. Typing .Area
5. ScroRBar it

6. .
Status Bar Ci)

0 Aoo.

How to

Notepad isa text editor, i.e., an app specialized in ed· . . dit te

files (bearing the txt" fil..
. • - iting plain text. It cane !
• ename extension) and compatible formats, such as batch files,I
NNN Introduction to Computer and Windows NNN 35

files and log files. Notepad can read and write plaln texts encoded in ASCII, UTF-8 and UTF-16.
It supports both left-to right and right-to..left based languages.
How to open Notepad,

.. To open not P d, type notepad In the search bo>< on the taskbar.

Then s lect notep d from the 11st of results.

indows Calculator is a software calculator developed by Microsoft and
in lu ed in Windows. It has four modes Standard, Scientific, Programmer and

e Standard mode includes a number pad and buttons·: for performing arithmetic
operations. It is used for basic maths.
) e Scientific mode takes this a step further and adds exponents and trigonometric
• 1, is used for advanced calculation(Complex maths).
·,.• e -Programmer mode allows the user to perform operations related to computer
rogramming. It is used for binary code, data calculation for working with dates and
, nder converting units of measurements.
Graphing mode was added to the Calculator, allowing users to graph equations on a
coordinate plane.

- tl X

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How to open calculator windows,
- Office AutomatiA


h n H k which mode you want .


"""'·""'"""'".n n f Mi r oft Windows that

n · y t m settings. ft consists of a.
adding - r removing hardware and software,
a ""'.,Ul t ,dlan ing accessibility options and access·ng
i ional applets are provided by third parties, such as a d.

a d networking toots.

llft, t"'!ll"aftt"li"ftr panel, type control panel in the search box on e ikt>ar
select r ... t panet from the list of results.

V e, I
,v,V#V Introduction to Computer and Windows ..,,.,,., ,31

'1.9.12 Mouse Properties

A mouse is a d vi . h t II w th u. r to po ition a pointer on the screen. A mouse

has the following prop,-rti ,

i nb ltion d nywher on th . phy icaf screen. (Note that,
mo can . this n out id of your application window in a graphical

nde; r. phical environments, the mouse pointer can have a variety of shapes. The
efault shape is typically an arrow. On character-based systems, the mouse pointer is
. quare in reverse-video.

The mouse itse,lf has two buttons on it. These buttons are referred to as the Left and
·ght Buttons. A mouse with two buttons has only left and right buttons, a one-button
, ouse has only a left button. Left-handed users typically exchange the meani gs of
, e l.eft and right buttons, but this is handled outside of the application - your prog am
refers to the primary mouse button as the left button regardless of the actuaf b on
W en you press the left one, it is called a Left click. When you press the one o e
·ght, it is called a Right click. By default, the left button is the main mouse button a ·
.isused for common tasks such as selecting obje.ctsand double-click·ng.The rig, . m
se button is often used to open contextual menus, which are pop-up menus tha c - a
· epending where you click.
Some mouses, In addition to the buttons, have a wheel. The mouse wheeJ can be
used to croU a window, just like a scroll bar. tn the Windows environmen , in ouse
Properties applet of the Control Panel, the user can configure mouse heei act"on so
. ha. each click (or notch) of the mouse wheel is equivalent ta a certain number of
m u e button clicks on the scroll bar.

The mouse pointer is independent from the program's text cursor.. Typically, an
application lets the user position the text cursor on the screen by positioning the
mouse pointer at the desired location and clicking the left button.

Windows 10 gives you a range of customisation options for your mouse, so you have
flexibility 'in how your cursor behaves.
,.,,,., Office Autolhot'
38 ion

How to change mouse settings in Windows 10. ---,n

Step 1: Navigate to Start Settings Devices.

Step 2: Click on Mouse .
Step 3: In the right pane, click on Adjust mouse and cursor

Step 4: Under Pointer tab, Click on Use Default.

Step S:Click on Apply and OK.

Gttewn menout Windows

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Saolt Inactive windows when I howw over them

0 use
Introduction to Computer and Windows -N
. 39

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Mouse pointer
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Change pointer size and color

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Change touch feedback

ShOl# 1 "t AfCiUnd touc.b fX)mtS, whtn1towb the S(f'ffA
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1.9.13 Multitasking
'Multitasking is the concurrent execution of multiple tasks (also known as processes)
over a certain period of time. New tasks can interrupt already started ones before they
finish, instead of waiting for them to end.

tt can be overwhelming when you!re working with a lot of apps and files, but Windows 10
can help. Let us discuss that some multitasking on Windows 10.

Select the Task View button or press Alt-Tab on your keyboard to see or switch
between apps.
To use two or more apps at a time, grab the top of an app window and drag it to the
side. Then choose another app and it'll automatically snap into place.

Create different desktops for home and work by selecting Task View New desktop
, and then opening the apps you want to use.
1 .i.9.14· My Computer/ This PC
In Windows 10 the My Computer icon is called "ThisPC".TheThis PC windowi
starting point to access every disk, folder and file on your PCcomputer.Youcanace·· h,
"This PC" window from File Explorer. The This PC window displayslocal folders(N. wl)
nd several types of local, removable and network drives. Drives and
foldersarerepresened by icons. To get to "This PC" in Windows 10, open File Explorer
from thetaskbar andselect Thi

PC in the left pane.

o . , m
[ Fite Explorer ]

Each drive is assigned a drive letter, denoted with parentheses and a colon,such as
Local Disk (C:), to make it easier to identify. Your PC computer assigns them letters in
a phabetical order. Once you open more than one drive or folder, you can usebuttons
Ribbon to help you move·between folders.

v Devicesand
drives(J) MICE Office (0:) MICEWotks(&)
!e==-· -_- .....----·-:· -·' .. l
167 GS ,,;· f22,,2 ,,.,_- loS GB he of 195 G8
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·} 0 byt frtt of 564 MS

t.9.1;5, Folder Creation

, In- wm· dows 10 and other operatin s
where you can store files and oth f Id g ystems,a folder isa place
anattribute of the files andf Id er o rs (subfolders).A folder is not just
o ers contained in it b t
can exist even if no files arec t . d . .. , u a separateobjectthat
on ame ms1de.
The ability of folders to contain subfold I . . • ••
Each tree of folders in Windowsh ers eads toa hierarchythat iscalleda "Tree"
Th . as a root folder that i •
• ere is one folder tree structure fo h. .. s notcontained inanyother
partition is formatted for the first tim: ::c part1t1on n your drives inWindows. Whena
, e root folder is created to allo· w wm· dows to use it.
_,"' Introduction to Computer and Windows .._,.,,., 41

ws 10
et:hod #_1:-- ea, a !1 !' folder with_a keyboard sho cut.

The faStest way to create a new folder in Windows is with the CTRL+Shift+N shortcut.
Navigate to the location where·you want to create the folder. You can create a new
folder at any location on your hard drive or within another folder (creating a
subfolder) in File Explorer. You can also create a new folder on your desktop with
this method.
Ctrl+Shift+ N keys a the same time. Windows will immediately create the new
folder with the not-very-imaginative suggested folder name of "New folder".
Enter your desired folder name·. It takes just seconds to create a new folder this
way, but be sure to immediately b gin typing your fold r name when the folder first
appears, because if you click on the folder or click away from File Explorer, the
folder name will be "New folder" and you'll have to rename it.

M o d:-.: , i,f )ii i!i: E,,:RiFf;i - •

Navigate to the location where you want to create the folder.
Right-click on a blank space in the folder ocation. If you right-click on an existing item
in the folder, you'll get the wrong menu.
Select New then Folder from the contextual menu. Windows will create the new folder
at your current location.
Enter your desired folder name to replace "New folder" and hit Enter.

You can create folders on the Desktop using this method too. Right-click on a blank space on
the Desktop, then go to New Folder.

, Qd·#S; q at!! a--a, ·w fo}:der fro!'l_th ribb n menu.

Another simple way to create a new folder is to use the New folder button in the File
Explorer menu. Just navigate to the place you want the folder and click or tap "New folder"
in the Home tab.
These three methods are the simplest and quickest ways to create a new folder, so you
can get right to organizing your files.
NOTE: libraries in Windows are different from folders. Whereas folders have their own
Physical spac ona disk partition, libraries are vi,rtual collections of existing folders and files.
- Office Automation•

1.9. 6 u e Of Rec c!_ Bin and Ta k Bar

U Ing th Windw 1 cycf 8, unavoldabf.e. If you remove
om.thing Ithr n purpo r by a id nt fr my·ur Windows 10 computer or
d vie , you . n g tit ba k from he R cy te B'n,

ft cycl Bin
It' eay to define the Window Recycle Bin as a special fofder witha fancy icon that
tor deleted files and folders. When you defete item from your computer or device, they
ar not perman ntly removed, they are first moved to this foJder. Windows does this as a
precaution in case you deleted something by mi,stake or if you discover you still need a
certain discarded file or folder. The Recycle Bin Icon appears on the Desktop and looks like a
waste paper basket.

Physically, deleted files occupy the same space on your hard drive(s). However, once
an item is deleted, you can't see it in the same location on your system anymore and
Windows now displays it inside the Recycle Bin folder. To put it simply, the Recycle Bin is the
place where the references towards your deleted flies and folders are kept, until the items are
permanently removed from your system.

Where Is the Recycle Bin In Windows 10?

By default, you should find the Windows 10 Recyde Bin on the top-left corner of your
Desktop. All the fifes you delete appear in this folder. The Recycle Bin icon changes to reflect
whether there are files stored in it or if it's currently empty.
Ta kba-r : The Windows 10 taskbar sits at the bottom of the screen giving the user access to
the Start Menu, as well s the icons of frequently used applications. On the right-side, the
Taskbar features the Notification Area which informs the user of different things like the state Y
of the Internet connection or the charge of the laptop battery.

Th Jeon in the middle of the are "pinned" applications, which isa way to
havea quick access to applications you use frequently "Pinned" apr t· .
Taskbar until you "unpin" them. • • P tea ions w111stay in the
,.,Introduction to Comput r and Window ..

• p ly(>f M1 )(/ ,i, I

( J ' • " .. ,. m•- #I ,,,, • .' ,1,,-, ,,, ,, , r , / ' • I

- - - -

t t-tft IYttOn

. Pin an Application to the Taskbar

Step 1: Search for th appli ati n y- u v ,n
Step 2: Right-dick on the appli ation,
Step 3: Select "More" option at th t · p f h n e ,
Step 4: Select the "Pin to taskbar' op i n.

Unpin an Application from the Taskbar

To "unpin'' it, just right-dick the icon in the Taskbar and set ct" ·np·n from as' ar'.
You can "pin" it back again any time you want.
,-,;--. Office Automation "''l

xtr mely us_fol

m r
n y, rd ktop.
.-.a1'11,,oc .a.nt . ny w ndow th~t

nt to wttch from on
th program button on the
n indows on the desktop so
.s itch between them simply by
. rch you want to work.
• Character Map, Jnternet
Panel, Notepad, Pint, Print 30, Quick
p connetion, Snipping Tool, Steps
,ad Scan, windows Media Player, Word

e a ces ·es can be activated as follows,

ey on your keyboard t 1 un h • .
tph b tic.Hy listed nth. le ha d .. lu

n. a by,th first lett r n t tart en 1•

• oJ • r · n n • dis I .
_,,., Introduction to Computer and Windows --- 45

Program Description
Character Map is a utility included with Microsoft Windows operating
character Map systems and is used to view the characters in any installed font, to
check what keyboard input (Alt code) is used to enter those
- characters,
and to copy characters to the clipboard in lieu of typing them.
Internet Explorer Internet Explorer is a free web browser, commonly called IE that allows
users to view web pages on the internet.
Math Input Panel is a tiny application that is found in the Windows
operating system and it lets you use input devices such as external
digitizers, touchscreens and even your simply mouse to write
Math Input Panel
mathematical problems in the form of formulas. The formulas are then
made recognizable so they can be inserted into different document
types using Microsoft Word, Excel and others.
Notepad is a simple text editor for Windows; it creates and edits plain
Notepad text documents.
Microsoft Paint is a simple raster graphics editor that has been
included with all versions of Microsoft Windows. The program opens
and saves files in Windows bitmap (BMP), JPEG, GIF, PNG, and
single- page TIFF formats.
Paint 3D is a built-in creative application that comes free with
Print 3D Windows 10. Paint 3D makes it easy to customize models from the
built-in 3D library or create 3D designs from scratch.
Quick Assist is a new app in Windows 10 that enables you to receive
Quick Assist or provide assistance over a remote connection.
Remote Desktop Connection app allows you to connect to other
Remote Desktop computers or devices that are connected to your local network or that
Connection are on the Internet and have a public IP address.
Snipping Tool It allows you to take all or part of a screenshot and save that image.
Steps Recorder is a program that helps you troubleshoot a problem on
your device by recording the exact steps you took when the problem
Step Recorder

Windows Fax and Scan users with computers that have fax modems
can send and receive faxes and fax scanned documents. Without a
Windows Fax and Scan fax modem, users can email scanned documents and forward faxes
r---- as
email attachments from their computer.
creates, Edits and Displays Text, Rich Text Format and Word
Word Pad


, (I-Jot.J( Y )

y combination _

. hortcutMenu for the selected Item
Op n the Start Menu
select Task Manager
Open the Drop-Down Ust box
Switch to another running program
Switch to Next child window
Close the Current Document
Close the Current Window
Display Main Window's System Menu

icroSoft Naturaf Keyboard


·start Menu

Run Diog Box

.Minimize All
sl.ogo+M Undo Minimize al-I
Find Computer '

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