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Founded i n 1976 by Steve J obs, Steve Apple's revenue surged from 2008 to 2013 due to
Wozni ak, and Ronal d Wayne, Appl e successful product launches (iPhone, iPad), global
started i n a garage. I t revol uti oni zed market expansion, App Store growth, efficient supply
technol ogy wi th i coni c products l i ke chain, and strategic partnerships, despite economic
the Maci ntosh, i Phone, and i Pad,
becomi ng a gl obal tech gi ant. Appl e
f aced chal l enges i n the 1990s but
made a tri umphant comeback under
J obs' l eadershi p. Today, i t' s a l eader Swansea Academy of Theater Arts
i n consumer el ectroni cs and a Bachel orof Fi ne Arts i n Theater Arts
tri l l i on-dol l ar company. Mi nor i n Stage Producti onAppl e' s market
share i ncreased f rom 2008 to 2013 due to
STATISTICS successf ul product l aunches (i Phone, i Pad),
As of 2021, Appl e I nc. expandi ng i ts ecosystem, ef f i ci ent suppl y
boasted a market chai n, and strategi c partnershi ps, sol i di f yi ng
capi tal i zati on surpassi ng i ts posi ti on i n the market.
$2 tri l l i on, wi th annual
revenues exceedi ng $365
bi l l i on. Wi th over Apple's share price from 2008 to 2013
150, 000 empl oyees likely rose due to successful product
worl dwi de, Appl e launches, increasing market share, and
mai ntai ned i ts strong financial performance, while
l eadershi p i n i nnovati on, facing challenges like the 2008
of f eri ng i coni c products financial crisis.
l i ke the i Phone, i Pad,
and Mac, and thri vi ng i n SPECIAL SKILLS
the gl obal consumer
el ectroni cs market. Apple possesses exceptional design expertise,
creating sleek and user-friendly products. Its
vertically integrated ecosystem, combining
hardware, software, and services, enhances user
POSTER BY experience and loyalty. Innovation, evidenced by
sarah g 11 groundbreaking products like the iPhone, fosters
a competitive edge. Strategic supply chain
management ensures efficiency, while successful
marketing and branding build a unique and
powerful brand image globally.

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