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-Sorting work is no longer performed in trains.

-Posting of prepaid unregistered articles in trains and mail offices: prescribed for late fee collection
in respect of each mail carrying train.

- ‘Detained Late Fee not paid’ stamp will be impressed on all articles, except postcards, on which a late
fee has not been prepaid.

-No article should be received by hand by RMS section.

- NO Interception or redirection of articles. – Except on the authority Of the Director-General or the

Head of the Circle (This rule will not apply to camp articles)

-If the detention to mails due to breaches or accidents is likely to exceed 6 hours, it should be reported
at once by fax/telegraph to the Superintendent.

-In cases of detentions of less than this period, a report by fax/telegraph should be sent only to the Record

Extra reserved accommodation in trains

-Request for extra accommodation will be made by the Record Officer or the Mail Agent
-Requisition should be prepared in four parts by the Record Officer or Head Sorting Assistant
-Superintendent should, on the 10th of each month, compile and submit to the Head of the Circle

-Misconnection of mail buses, trains and air services: Reported to the Superintendent as early as
possible by Record Offices.

-Circulars of Heads of Circles: all Supervising Officers and Record Officers and should be filed in Guard

-The Superintendent, Inspector or Record Officer may order a Sorting Assistant to attend the Record
Office for practice sorting during his rest-time.

-Metal tokens should also be supplied to those mailmen who travel in charge of mails in reserved
-The tokens are the property of Government and are supplied from the stock depot to the Head Record

- In case of record office, The Record Officer will initially prepare the memorandum of distribution
of work, and forward it to the Superintendent.

-In case of a sorting mail office The Inspector will initially prepare the memorandum of distribution
of work of the mail office or section and forward it to the Superintendent.

-In the case of a section the memorandum will show proper arrangements of bags in the van
Disposal of Records
-Correspondence relating to robberies, thefts, etc= One year after the cases are closed
-Invoices of articles received from the Stock Depot=Three years
-Order Book of a mail office and a section=Three years
-Work papers, Correspondence, Arrangement Register, Attendance Register and Daily Report of RMS
offices and sections=Eighteen months

*The following records may not be destroyed without the special permission of the
Head of the Circle
1. Order book of a Record Office.
2. Nominal roll of token -holders.
3. Work papers, correspondence, or documents regarding which enquiry is in progress

-Gradation lists should be destroyed three years after new ones have been issued.

-Registers of sanctioned establishment should be destroyed at the end of the year after
New ones have been supplied or prepared.

-Director General’s circulars and General Orders and Postmaster General’s circular should be destroyed
after the lapse of three years.

-Head of the Circle may order the preservation of any other classes of correspondence for a period longer
than that prescribed above.

-Every mail office is provided with a stock of postage stamps and stationery.
(Including embossed envelopes, inland letter cards and postcards) for sale to the public.

-Record Officer should distribute the postage stamps to the various sets of the mail offices according to
the orders of the Superintendent.

-When the office is closed, the “Daily Stock” box should be replaced within the “Reserve Stock” box.

-A Group ‘D’ official who has furnished security may be employed for the sale of stamps to the public
with the approval of Superintendent, RMS but the services of Group D officials who is employed to deface
postage stamps should not be utilized for this purpose.

Custody of Government Money

-In Head Record Office, one key of the safe will be retained in the custody of the Head Record Officer and
other in that of the Accountant.
-In Record and Sub Record offices one of the locks should be retained by the Record Officer or the Sub-
Record officer and that of the other by the Sorting Assistant nominated by the SRM
-During the working hours in the custody of the Accountant in the Head Record Office & Sub Record
Officer or Record Officer in the other offices.

-Type-boxes, containing the type not in use and the name stamps are kept in the Record office.

-‘Detained Late Fee Note Paid’ stamp is supplied to mail offices/sections which deal with letter box

-Each Order Book has 200, and each Guidance Book 100 serially numbered pages.
-Type Boxes} Carried only by those sections exempt from RO Attendance.

-Hand bag is supplied to each Sorting Assistant, each Mail Guard and Each Van Attendant of a section in
which to keep his personal luggage.

-Hand bag and roll of bedding not exceeding 1 meter by 1.2 meter in girth.

-It is the duty of the Head Sorting Assistant to personally receive from the Record Officer the work papers
of the set.

-Each Sorting Assistant should have the work papers, for which he is responsible or which relate to him
examined in his presence by the Record Officer

-The checking of work papers and preparation of daily report and extract reports should be performed By
the Head sorting Assistant/other Sorting Assistants at the end of duty hours.

-Preparation of daily report (M.S.83):

-The Head Sorting Assistant is required to submit to the Superintendent through the Record Officer
-The daily report should be written by the Head Sorting Assistant from the rough notebooks of the set.

-Supervisor, Speed Post Centre will also use the same format MS (83) for submitting his daily report to
the Manager, Speed Post.

-Delivery of empty bags to be sent to UBO/DBO concerned.

-The work papers for the next trip or working hours of the set will be supplied by the Record Officer

-A list of the work papers to be used by a set during a trip.

-Receipt of empty bags from Record Office.–The Head Sorting Assistant will receive from the Record

-Mail abstract (M.42 for Transit Sections and M-43 for Mail Offices)

- Mail abstract: divided into two parts, viz., “Mails” and “Bags”

- The registered abstract is divided into two parts, viz. “Receipts” and “issues

- The parcel abstract is divided into two parts, viz., “Receipts” and “Issues

- The mail abstract also shows in what cases due mails, opened or closed by the section or mail office

- In the case of sections, the entries for the out and in trips are shown separately in the mail abstract

- At important stations where a large number of bags is exchanged, the Head of Circle may authorise
the Mail Agent/Mail Guard of a section to deliver his mails before receiving those for onward
transmission, in order to make room in the mail van.

- Mail Peon’s Book (Form MS-28).

- Every section must carry spare loose forms of mail list to prepare the triplicate copy of Mail list.
- Key of the Cage T.B is to be forwarded in a sealed cover.

- Parcel bags should be entered in the mail abstract

- So long as the bags are not disposed of, they must be kept locked up in the mail box, the key of which
must always be retained by the Head Sorting Assistant on his person.
- Preparation of mail lists should be prepared by the Head Sorting Assistant in duplicate

- When mails are forwarded by one section or office to another through one or more intervening sections
or offices, the forwarded mail list should be entered in the mail list for the next intervening section or
office under the head “Due Mails” in the column for “Transit bags”

- Closing of transit bags label and the seal, must be carefully examined by the Head Sorting
Assistant/Mail Guard/Mail Agent

- Head sorting Assistant or LSG Supervisor in charge of insured parcel branch is further responsible
that every insured bag received is opened in his presence.

- ‘B’ orders copied in the guidance book

- T.B orders which are kept in a guard book

- Opening of mail bags: The Postmaster-General may relax the provision of this in the case of any
sorting office in which he considers such relaxation to be necessary.

- The branch office bags addressed to the mail office should be opened by the Mail Sorting Assistant.

- Certificates of posting should be granted to the public.

- The due mail list will guide the Mail Sorting Assistant in performing this work.
- Parcel and packet bags that are not to be sent loose.

- Parcel bags made up by the set will be received from the Parcel Sorting Assistant and the mail sorting

- Examination and arrangement of work papers: Head Sorting Assistant should Obtain from the
registration and Parcel Sorting Assistants & examine by HSA

- All keys of the office must be kept by the Head Sorting Assistant on his person but, during working
hours, the keys of the different sorting cases should be entrusted to the Sorting Assistant concerned.

- The HSA is responsible for the custody of the books of the registered journal in use and in stock.

- station bundles= more than Fourteen paid or unpaid and insufficiently paid station articles of the
unregistered letter mail.

- The most important work of the Railway Mail Service is the sorting of unregistered articles.
- Reply halves of postcards received from foreign countries posted in letter boxes should be treated as
unpaid if they do not bear the date stamp.

- The pigeon-holes of the sorting cases will be painted with the approved diagrams & the diagram
prepared by the Superintendent.
- In sorting camp articles, the Sorting Assistant should be guided by the instructions issued by the
Superintendent in the T.B orders which are kept in a guard book

- The Sorting Assistant is responsible for the examination of the articles to be placed in the mail bags

- After the articles have been examined and separated, they should be put in labeled bundles of suitable
sizes, and tied tightly with thin twine.

- Letter Sorting Machine (LSM): speed of 35,000 articles into about 200 selections for each set of
sorting programs of the LSM

-Mixed mail sorters having sorting capacity of 18000 items per hour respectively

- Culling: machinable articles are separated into machinable and non-machinable mails.

- The AMPC is headed by a Manager who is familiar with the operations of the centre
- The registration Sorting Assistant is responsible that the registered bags, registered packet bags and
registered articles made over to him are fully examined

- The registered abstract is divided into two parts, viz. “Receipts” and “issues

- Registered abstract: The totals of both sides of the abstract should agree and it should be signed by the
Registration Sorting Assistant

-In case of articles closed with “Economy” labels, the number slips should be affixed on the labels and
not on the covers.

-Each registered bag and registered packet bag will be made over to the Registration Sorting

-If, in the money order, bundles made for a sorting office or in the money order bundles marked “Sorting”
for a Post Office, there are six or more money orders for any particular Post Office, these money orders
should be bundled separately, which should be addressed to the Post Office and marked “Station’’

-M.O.list (MO 75).

-high value station M.O. bundles: number of such money orders for a particular station is two or more.

-Forward registered bundles should each be treated as a single registered article

-In sorting Mail Offices, the registration sorting case must always be kept locked when the work of
sorting is not going on, and the key must remain, during working hours in the custody of the Registration
Sorting Assistant.

-Insured bundles: Whenever there are two or more (Exceeds 1) insured letters

-The insured bundle will be properly closed and sealed. If a bag is used, it will be labeled with a plain
manilla tag label.

-Registration Sorting Assistant should complete the registered abstract & He should also examine the
check sheet of insured article.
A Computerized Registration Sorting Centre (CRC)
*The in-charge of CRC will be the System Administrator
* System Administrator will also be responsible for the security of the Master Data fed in the system.
- He will be responsible for the generation of MIS (Management Information System) reports (Supervisor
not exercise only one this option in absence of system administrator)
- Supervisor: He will make RSA allocation; He will make the opening bag allocation.

- Insurance Sorting Assistant (ISA)

- Registration Sorting Assistant (RSA)

- Set Master= It contains the number of each working Set in the CRC

- Service Master= It contains details of services/type of articles that are handled in the CRC

- Closing Bag Allocation= It contains the sorting diagram of each RSA working in the set

- The parcel abstract is divided into two parts, viz., “Receipts” and “Issues.

- The totals of both sides of the abstract should agree and the abstract should be signed by the Parcel
Sorting Assistant.

-Where no mail bag is closed for the office for which a parcel list is to be issued, the blank parcel list
should be dispatched duly entered in the mail list.

- The Mail Agent/Mail Guard should examine the interior of the van and the fittings.

- Disposal of unregistered articles: under the special order of the Head of the Circle, be made applicable
to transit sections.

- With a few exceptions, every transit mail office is authorized to receive articles of the letter mail or
registration, but not for insurance.

-The Mail Agent should examine and check the articles detailed in the List of Articles.

-A Computerized Transit Mail Office (CTMO) = Computerization of a Transit Mail Office facilitates the
location of any bag that would have passed through the TMO

-System administrator=He is the overall In charge of computerized TMO.

-The Record Officer has discretionary power to make such temporary arrangements in cases of sudden
illness of Sorting Assistants.

-The Record Officer may permit mutual exchange of duties between sorting assistants.
-The Record Officer carelessness in the preparation of work papers, or when complaints are made
against Sorting Assistants, he should warn them.

-Each Record Office will maintain an Arrangement register.

-Nominal Roll of metal tokens to be kept at Record Office.

-The Record Officer must keep a nominal roll of metal tokens.

- The Record Officer must keep a register (prepared in manuscript) of the sorting lists received.

-The Head of a Circle, may at his discretion dispense with the presence of the Record Officer at Railway
stations where there is an Inspector to supervise the transfer of mail bags.

- The most important duty of the Record Officer is the examination and filing of the work papers
received in the Record Office, who neglects liable to dismissal or to any other statutory penalty.

- When the work papers for its next trips or working hours have been prepared by a set and
submitted to the Record Officer.

- The daily sweepings of Mail Offices should examine personally by the Record Officer

- Delivery book: All communications from the Superintendent, calling for explanation of irregularities
omitted by Sorting Assistants, are sent to the Record Officer for delivery to the persons concerned, and
the replies to the communications are sent through the Record Officer to the Superintendent

- On receipt of a ‘B’ order from the Superintendent, the Record Officer should have it neatly copied by
one of the sorting assistants into the guidance book of each set concerned.

- The B. Orders and T.B. Orders for each year should be filed in a guard book

- In the case of important and big mail offices, the Head of the Circle may order that a separate guard
file of T.B. Orders should be maintained by each set of the mail office.

- ‘B’Orders should not be copied in the guidance book of the mail offices located in the same
building as the sub-record offices and having the same hours as those of the sub-record offices.

- The work -papers of the Mail Office should be put up in daily bundles.
- Mail abstracts of transit sections and mail offices should be filed in separate monthly bundles

Periodical returns to be submitted by Record Officer

- Daily Report= Daily
-Indent for stationery= Half-yearly not later than the 10th February and 10th August of each year.
- Indent for case labels= Monthly (15th of each month)
- OTA bill in form AGC-37= Once in every 4 Weekly cycle
- The Record Officer’s daily report should contain particulars of T.B. Orders cancelled in the guidance
books of sets.

- An Inward Correspondence Register in Form Corr.2

- The form of the Outward Correspondence Register (Form Corr.9).
Monthly account bundle
* On the 5 of every month, the Head Record Officer must submit under a cover registered on service

to the HOC & PMG.

* To the Head of the Circle of, the monthly contingent bill accompanied by vouchers
* To the Superintendent R.M.S. the memorandum of disbursement of salaries and traveling allowances
accompanied by acquittance rolls
- The Head Record officer must personally see that the documents to be submitted with the
memorandum of disbursement of salaries and monthly contingent bill are complete
- All acquittance rolls should be numbered in the Head Record Office in a consecutive series for each

- The binding of acquittance rolls in respect of staff, for whom Establishment Returns are sent to the
Postal Accounts Office and from whom Service Books of Service Rolls are maintained, need not be in
leather, but in cloth, as they are to be Preserved for six years only.

- In the transit sections, official designated van attendants is attached to each set as a general assistant,
and must be ready to give help wherever it is needed.

- Van attendants should be able to stamp with rapidity and clearness, and to tie and seal bags with
facility and dispatch.

- Speed and Economy are retarded by one factor and that is the number of times an article is handled
during the course of transmission.

- Operational efficiency would depend upon a sorting pattern that keeps the element of re-handling
to the minimum.

- Rehandling should not exceed 1.8 per article on an average

- Sorting case diagram should be readily available in the mail office

- TTBs prepared by Post Offices and Mail Offices.

- Territorial money order bundles should be prepared when the number of money orders is 10 or

- The Post Offices must prepare territorial RBs for each State when the number of RLs for the State is 10
or more.

- No inter-circle bag should be closed by the Post Office except where it is a station bag and except in
those cases where the Post Office is doing detailed sorting like a Mail office.

-The Head Sorting Assistant and Supervisor of the sets should check a minimum of three sorting bags
and five stations bags & two bags closed for the local Head Office

-Cycle of 28 days.

-Deposits register. - A register should be maintained in each Mail Office which will show the details
of articles received, transferred from the previous set, received in the set, disposed of in the set and
transferred to succeeding set.

-This register should be personally seen by ASRM

-All India Mail Survey=the survey will be conducted in one selected P.O. in each Division. The Post
Office can be a Head Post Office or a Sub-Post Office (In report is to be prepared as per pro forma Form

-In case the number of parcels for a state exceeds 5, then the Post Office should directly bag off these
parcels to the Circle Parcel concentration centre of the destination Circle

-The sorting equipment should be designed accordingly and whether it is a 72-pigeon hole sorting case
or a 100-pigeon hole sorting case, the handling rate should not exceed 1.6

-All the Post Offices (other than Branch Post Offices and EDSOs) termed as Unit Bag Offices.

-RMS Record Offices will function as District Bag Offices

-Head Post Offices can also function as District Bag Offices
- Foreign post will function as a District Bag Offices
- Each administrative office will function as a Unit Bag Office
- RLO will function like a Unit Bag Office

- RLO sends daily bag balance report to the Circle Bag Office or DBO to which it is linked
- Administrative office sends a daily bag balance report to the District Bag Office to which it is linked.

-The Central Bag Office will not keep any stock of bags.

-No day bag book will be maintained in the Central Bag Office.

-Day bag book=The book must be serially numbered.

-Each DBO will maintain only one day bag book pertaining to its own role as UBO as well as DBO.

-Each Divisional Superintendent of Post Offices and RMS will issue Due Bag List in Form MS-74 in
two parts for each office/set of Mail Office and section
(Except for BOs) once in a year (The list corrected upto 31st of October will be issued by 15th

-Every Circle Bag Office will maintain a register of repairable bags

-Each Circle Bag Office will maintain a register of unserviceable bags
-Each Circle Bag Office should maintain a master schedule showing the particulars of due bags closed for
offices in other circle by each Mail Office or P.O.

-Half-yearly statement of bags physical verification Physical verification of bags will be done twice in
a year on Ist April and Ist October.

-Joint Verification of inter-circle bag accounts are done annually.

- Changes in inter-circle mail arrangements will be ordered only once in two months.

- The bag accounts will be checked monthly in detail for any four days
(one day of each week) by the Inspector RMS or ASRM who is Incharge of the office (also same applicable
for post office)

- Issue of Empty bags=The Record Officer should make over to the Head Sorting Assistant or Mail
Guard the number of empty bags.

- Director of Postal Services should physically verify the stock of bags in the Circle Bag Office with the
help of inspectors

- The ASRM (Bags) attached to the Circle Bag Office will inspect at least 10% of the District Bag Offices
every month & also inspect 1% of the Unit Bag Offices every year.

- The APMG/ADPS (Mails) will carry out the physical verification of bags in the CBO in January, April,
July and October of every year.

- The Heads of Circles should identify and nominate the Post Offices through which the bags will be
delivered to the above offices.

Preservation period of records

1. Stock Register …. …. Ten years.
2. Repairable bags register …. … Ten years.
3. Unserviceable bags register …. …. Ten years.
4. Day bag books in CBOs … …. Ten years.
5. Day bags book in UBOs/DBOs …. ….. Two years.
6. Annexure-C (Bag Balance Reports) …. Two years.

-Immediately on receipt of a tour programme, the Superintendent should issue a T.B. order detailing
how camp articles are to be disposed of and what special bags ( if any) are to be closed and where they
are to be delivered by each section and office each day during the tour.

-T.B. order will be issued by a Superintendent only when there is a change in the disposal of camp
articles by any Mail Office in the Division.

-The special bag for the President should be taken charge of and delivered personally by the
Superintendent OR inspector.

-The Superintendent will be responsible that all T.B. orders issued are intelligible and correct in
every particular

-The Record Officer will be similarly responsible for all tour orders.

Mind it
-High value Mo bundles & Insured bundles prepared when more than one
-handling rate should not exceed 1.6 per article
-Rehandling rate should not exceed 1.8 per article
-Except on the authority of the Director-General or the Head of the Circle, a mail office may not (a)
redirect any article (B) intercept or deliver any article to the addressee. Exception - camp articles

-Interruptions of the mail service If detention:

Exceed 6 hours - to the Superintendent and the Record Office
If less than 6 hours - sent only to the Record Office

-Misconnection of mail buses, trains and air services:

If air service – Record Office report to HOC
For other service-Record office report to supdt.

-Record officer will supply stationary to HSA of set of various sections on 1st of every month under
receipt in stationary register.

- At important stations where, large no of bags is exchanged, HOC may authorize the Mail agent/Mail
Guard of section to deliver his mail before receiving in order to make room in van.
-The key of the Cage T.B is to be forwarded in a sealed cover.

-Each insured bag received/despatched & parcel is weighed in his presence by Parcel sorting
assistant(To fix responsibility).

-Maintenance of correspondence register inward ( corr – 2) and outward (corr -9) in all sub record
office/ record office / Head record office

-On 5th of each month HRO will submit to HOC/PMG and SP of RMS statement showing.

-Air mail bags: More than 150 articles.

- Air mail registered bag: more than 25 or bulky.

-Deposit register- ASRM to check personally –

If transfer exceed
24 hrs – Report to SP
48 hrs – Report to PMG
72 hrs - Report to DG

-Live Mail Survey (Monthly)

-Due Bag List (MS-74): Each SSP of PO/RMS will prepare due bag list in two parts for PO/Set of
section/mail office once a year.
(Issued on 15th November corrected up to 30th October)

-Condemnation of unserviceable bags and their disposal will be done by a committee comprising:
DPS + 1 APMG/ADPS of Circle Office + SP of PSD
-Half-yearly statement of bags physical verification:
Twice in a year on 1st April and 1st October

-Inter-Circle mail arrangements:

Ordered once in two months - on 1st February, April, June, August, October and December.

-Duties of ASRM (Bag) attached to Circle Bag Office –

Inspect 10% DBO each month (should not be repeated until all DBO inspected)
Inspect 1 % UBO each year.

Physical verification of bags

The APMG/ADPS (Mails) – will carry out in CBO - in January, April, July and October of every year
-Monthly verification should be completed by 20th of each month and incorporated in 2nd fortnight report
submitted to Member (O) by HOC.

-Foreign Post – Function like DBO & will send daily report to Circle Bag Office

-RLO – Function like UBO & report to Circle Bag Office or DBO to which it is attached.

-Administrative office – UBO & report to DBO

Preservation of records – Bag a/c
1. Day bag books in CBOs - Ten years
2. Day bags book in UBOs/DBOs – Two years
3. Stock Register - Ten years
4. Repairable bags register - Ten years
5. Unserviceable bags register - Ten years
6. Annexure-C (Bag Balance Reports) – Two years
7. due bag lists - Two years
8. Register showing the bags exchanged with mails between Circles - Two years
10. Records pertaining to physical verification of bags - Two years

* Diagram of a sorting case is prepared by SRM.

* A mail office may redirect any article or intercept or deliver any article to the addressee- On the
authority of the DG or Head of the Circle.

Information from RMS records asked for by any Govt officer be given- With the specific orders of the
Head of the circle.

* The misconnection between air services should invariably be reported by Record Officer to- The
Head of the circle by first post.

* Circulars of Head of the circle are issued by monthly and should be filled in Guard books.

* The period of preservation of invoices of articles received from stock depot is- Three years.

Preservation period
- Order book of mail office and section is three years & Order book of record office may not be destroyed
special order of supdt
- Work paper, arrangement register, attendance register & daily report of RMS offices and section is
eighteen months
- Correspondence related to robberies, theft etc is one year after the case closed.
*Among the postage stamp kept in the stock of mail offices for sale if any stamp cannot be disposed of
within a reasonable time the mater should be reported to- The Supdt. Of RMS.

* In Head Record offices one key of the safe will be retained in the custody of HRO and other one is

* The insured seal supplied to the set of mail office should be kept in the personal custody of Head Sorting

* Each set of section is supplied with a portfolio with lock & key bearing designation of section.

* The Head sorting Assistant of each set of the various sections attached to a Record Office will be
supplied by the The Record officer in once in a month.

* The supervisor Speed post centre will send his daily report to Manager Speed post- By using
format MS 83.
* When an official on duty in a mail van is attacked with any serious illness, the Mail Agent / Mail
Guard should communicate the fact to- The Guard of the train, The Superintend & the Record officer.

* The cage TB addressed to the Mail office of Terminal Station is to be opened at the terminal
station personally by- The HSA.

* Protecting bags containing articles marked ‘By parcel post”- To be included in the total unusual
mails entered at the top of the mail list with suitable remakes.

* Forward mail list containing bags for one or more intervening office is to be entered in the mail
list in- Head ‘Due mail’ in the column TB

* Express mail bags/express bundles mean- The mail witch should opened first and taken for
sorting immediately

* The station and territorial bundles received for onward transmission- Should be placed
unopened in the bags in which there are to be forwarded

* The fee for a registered article that has been delivered by a post office in the same town and
presented for registration unopened with a revised address is- Registration fee prescribed only
* High value station MO bundle is justified when the number of HVMO for a particular station
exceeds- One

* In a mail office when the work is not going on, the registration sorting case must be locked and
the key should remain- With the Registration SA

* In the mail office insured check sheet is to be maintained by- The insured registration PA

* The supervisor of a CRC is responsible for- Opening bag allocation, closing bag allocation, maintaining
the master data for the interim dispatch.

* Set master relating to CRC means- The number of each working set in the CRC

* MIS -Management Information System

* Mail agency master related to CRC means- It contains agencies detail of MMS & Sections for carrying
bags closed in the CRC to other offices.

* Beat Master related to CRC means- It contains details of beats covered by each delivery office

* The blank parcel list received from opening of a mail bag will be handed over to the parcel sorting
assistant- Will be entered in separate mail list and transfer direct to the PSA under acquaintance.

* Parcel sorting case must always be kept locked when the work of the Sorting is not going on and
the key must remain- With the parcel sorting assistant

* When no mail bag is closed for office for which a blank parcel list is to be issued , the BPL should
be dispatched- By entering in the mail list dispatched for that office

*sign on parcel Abstract-Parcel sorting assistant

*ACS: - Advanced compact suite

*LSM: Letter sorting machine

*Letter sorting machine which run on power, sort barcode mails at speed of: -30000 article or more
per hour.

*Books of registered journal in use and in stock-custody of HSA

*with a few exceptions, every transit mail office is authorized to receive articles of the letter mail: - For
registration only.

*mail guard and mail agent should make is attendance in Transit mail office

*The work paper of the mail office should be put in Monthly bundle

*All communication from the supdt calling for explanation of irregularities committed by sorting
assistant are sent to the Record officers

*The chief duties of van attendants are to: - Stamp article & document, close and seal bags.

*what is the presently acceptable end product of the sorting effort in an office: -1000 article per hour.

*preservation period of register showing the closing balance of UBOs/DBOs is: - Two year.

*joint verification of inter circle bag account is done: -Annually.

*Closing bag allocation: it contains the sorting diagram of each R.S.A working in the set.

*Beat master: it contains details of beats covered by each delivery office.

*Bulk addressee master: it contains addressees for which

*Nominal Roll: maintained serially numbered 100 pages.

*Checking correctness of sale of stamp: by HSA

*In mail office no business on holiday and Sunday: only sale of postage stamps & booking of
registered articles on payment of usual late fee

*The empty bags remaining over the previous trip or spells of duty are required to be sent to:

*MMS schedule are not to be supplied to Transit section

Due mail List

-Name of station and mail office from which mail is to be received
-Time of receipt of mail.
-total no of bags to be received

*PIN Code dictionary is not supplied to TMO & Transit section.

*In RMS important irregularities and occurrences are mentioned in: Daily report (Rough note book)

*HSA takes works paper of the sets personally from a record officer
* The willful removal of a page of an order book or guidance book- Will be regarded as a services
offence and render the official liable for dismissal

* The abbreviation CTMO stands for: - Circle transit mail office

*The Record Officer is required to submit a daily report to the Superintendent The report should be
accompanied by the daily reports of the HSA & Mail agent of the sections attached to the Record office
and by the Sorting Assistants, written explanations (if any) of irregularities committed by them.

* The binding of acquaintance rolls in respects of staff, for whom establishment returns are sent to
the Postal account office preserved for-6year

* Territorial money order should be prepared when the number of money order exceed-10

* Territorial RBs for each state should be prepared when the number of RL exceed-10
* Territorial bundle-25 or more

*Territorial bundle prepaid for foreign: 5 or more

* Live mail survey is carried out in-monthly

*A report of bag balance sent on 5thof each month

*Each Divisional Supdt. PO& RMS will issue Due Bag List in Form MS-74 in two parts for each
office/set of Mail Office and section (except for BOs) once in a year the list corrected upto 31st of
October will be issued by 15th November

*The present system of bag accounting was introduced with the object of:
- Cutting down the circulation of empty bags to the minimum possible.
- Ensuring adequate working stock of bags in each office.
- Ensuring that bags are not withdrawn for irregular use or misuse.

* The seals, cords, labels and bags required to be preserved in connection with investigation into
a case of loss or abstraction in the RMS should be preserved in the personal custody of the:- Record

* Physical verification of bags should be done by every Unit Bag Office, District Bag Office and
Administrative Office on the 1st of: April and October
* The forward bags should be kept locked up in the mail box until it is time to dispatch them.

*Periodicity of supply of hand bags in RMS Wing: - Not less than 3 years

Mind it

-MO station bundle prepared when—2 or more

-Direct parcel bag—5 or more
-HVMO—2 or more
-TD bundles—5 or more
-Foreign labeled bundles –5 or more
*In RMS offices, the receipt issued on registration of articles marked registered found in LB will be posted
to daily report.

*Half yearly enumeration Both UR letter parcel.

*Postmarks maintain in all post office, mail office, record office, transit office.

*The application of recall of Inland articles will be preserved for-1year.

*Post box containonly fully prepared un registered letters.

*Inland unregistered parcel: It should be handed over across the counter.

*What is the enquiry fee for complaint regarding foreign registered letter with advice of deliveryNo
enquiry fee necessarily.

*If any foreign parcel is returned to sender for having contained prohibited articles, what is the liability of
the senderThe charges for conveyance resulting there from are recoverable from the sender.

*MOD work for sub office prepared by SPM

*First copy of MO Issue journal is treated as audit Copy.

*Fee for issue of identity slip of KVP denomination of Rs.10000/-No Fee.

*MS83-Daily report by HSA

*MS84-Daily report for section
*M42-mail abstract of transit mail office
*M43-Mail abstract of sorting mail office.

*The sorting assistant who performs all the duties of the mail department in the set of the mail offices in-
charge of a selection grade head sorting assistant is designated as: Mail sorting assistant.

*Every sorting assistant conversant with  all PIN codes of sorting district.

*Sorting list supplied to each sorting assistant corrected up to date will be responsibility of each sorting

*MOD work of record office by record officer to supdt.

*MOD work of mail offices by the inspector concerned to supdt.

*The stock of postage stamps for the sale to the public needs to replenishment in a mail office the postage
stamps may be obtained by purchase from: Post office
*Guidance book will not be supplied to transit mail offices/sections it’s only for mail office ‘B’ orders are
copied in it.

*Sealed bag by Transit section:

1) Ball twine
2) Sealing was, stamp brush
3) Sweeping brush, labels for bag.
*If a registered article is received misspent by a mail office, note of the irregularity should be made  on
the registered list with which it was received.

*Record of order should note the result of examination of cleaning of stamp seal in  His rough note book.

*All communication received from supdt calling explanation of irregularities are sent to a record officer
for delivery to the persons concerned & the replies to the communications are sent through record officer
to the supdt the book is maintained in the record office for the purpose is calledDelivery book.

*TB orders received from supdt are field in the guard books in the ‘SMO’

*Record officer will submit following records to supdt

1) Indent for stationery every half year
2) Indent for case label every month
3) Indent for articles of stock whenever required
4) OTA bill in form ACG-37once in every 4-week cycle.

*HRO will submit the HOC/PMG a monthly account bundles comprising the contingent bills
accompanied by vouchers & written orders relating to it.

*The inward correspondence register concerning the public complaints maintained in the record offices
in the selection grade should be checked personally by the record officer or by the officer authorized in
this behalf: Once in week

*Computerization of HRO will enable integration of the functioning of HRO with  Mail & Divisional office.

*TTB’s prepared by post offices & mail offices will as a normal rule opened in the circle to which they are
addressed & not by the intermediary mail offices.

*The deposit register maintained in the set of the mail office should personally seen by  ASRM only.

*Memo of authorized balance, no day bag book is maintained in Central Bag office.

*Bag balance report submitted by

1) Daily UBODBO
2) Weekly DBO CBO (circle bag office)
3) Monthly CBO Central bag office

*Physical verification of circle bag office should be done by the DPS with the help of the inspectors at the
time of: Annual inspection.
-When done by the APMG/AD mail in the month-JAN, APRIL, JULY, OCTOBER
*Joint verification of Inter circle bag accounts will be done at a place ordered by the directorate 

*The special bags for the president of India should be taken charge of and delivered personally by the
supdt or any officials nominated by him.

*Monthly sorting order by HOC/CPMG.

*Sorting Memo by HOC/CPMG on Urgent exigencies.

*TB orders issued by supdt RMS intimating tour programs of dignitaries.

*MS-7Hand to hand receipt book
*MS-9 Due mail sorting list (DMSL)
*MS-74due bag list
*M-1-Mail List
*M1 (a) Sectional mail list.

*Port folio supplied to all sets of section to keep work papers, stamp & seal, order book, MDW, knife,
Acme cover.

*Hand bagssupplied to section staff only.

*insurance seal has to be in the personal custody of HSA.

*HRO (Accounts work)

*SRO (Attachment of MO is must)
*RO (only section attachment).

*In RMS office maintenance of nominal roll of metal tokens & register of sorting list by RO.

*Test sorting result, PF verification report & stamp cleaning verification result are recorded in Record
officer in Rough note book.

*Mail office=
1) RMS officeAt Railway station
2) Sorting office places other than Railway station
3) Transit mail office
At Railway station=RS TMO
At Bus stand=BS TMO.

*Sorting list correction has to be done by SA.

*Mobile TMO on Rails, functioning in a train compartment.

*The distance between starting station and the terminal station is called beat of the section.

*If Two sections functioning in the same train changing, they functioning at an intermediary station they
are called changing section & that particular station is called changing station.

*If two sections functioning in two different trains, they are having mail correction at a station they are
called connecting sections

*There is no article sorting work in transit section.

*Article can be posted at transit sections only with late fee paid.

*The Number of sets for a section is decided on the basis of weekly working hours of the section.

*Mail office closes bag only to delivery SO’s HO’s

*In the case of BO’s mail transmission is done by its Account office.
’A’ order Rule 162
- ‘A’ order shows instruction regarding any change in sorting list. It is issued in two parts; part –I being
supplied in bound books and part-II in loose sheet.
- ‘A’ Order should be brief, concise and written in simple and intelligible language.
-In ‘A’ orders, the necessary explanation should be given to enable the official concerned to correctly alter
the sorting list.
-Communications received from HOC should not be re-issued verbatim as ‘A’ orders.

*Average time for inspection:

HRO 6 days
RO2-3 days
SRO4 days
Each set of mail office1 day.

*The letter ‘T’ should be prefixed to the letter ‘B’ in the case of orders ‘B’ issued in connection with the
disposal of camp article for high officials on tour and they should be given separate serial no.

*When a “B” order requires to be cancelled or amended it should be done by means of a fresh ‘B’ order
and the supdt should see that the fact of the original order having been cancelled is mentioned in the
record officers daily report

*The memorandum of authorized advances supplied by supdt RMS to the mail office shows:
1) The authorized advance for postage stamp
2) Will advise the postmaster concerned of the amount to be drawn for the advance from each head post
*The memorandum of distribution of work prepared by supdt RMS for record offices shows
1) Hours of attendance in the office of record officer
2) The details of work to be done by him while in the office
3) The train which he is required to attend and the work to be done by him on the platform.
4) The work papers of the sorting assistants to be examined.

*Register of weighment system Maintain in (M162) by supdt submission by half yearly.

*When sanctioning any increase or decrease in the advance of mail office, the supdt RMS will bear in mind
that the maximum must be equal to one week’s demand plus the demand for the period between two

*Record officers are authorized to order sorting assistants to perform overtime duty in any sudden

*In Order to avoid unnecessary handling of bags by intermediate sections the concept of Cage TB

*Extra letter mail bag does not belong to unusual mail.

*The camp articles and camp bag are disposed in accordance with –TB orders.

*A SPCC is classified as urban when it is situated in a city/town with population more than5Lakh.

*Supdt RMS prepare stationery rate list in duplicate formSK.9 and it has two part submit to HOC
*Camp bag eligible for
-Inspector (complaints)

* Department Designation of official in charge

a) Mail Department Head Sorting Assistant
b) Sorting Department Sorting Assistant
c) Registration Department Registration Sorting Assistant
d) Parcel Department Parcel Sorting Assistant.
Tricks: RMS-P

* Extra reserved accommodation in trains:

-Copy in four parts
-1.handed over to station master
-2. Delivered up at the station.
-3. One copy to supdt.
-4. One copy to record officer or mail agent.
-supdt compile & submit on 10th of each month to HOC.

* If the sorting list is lost, a sum of Rupee one is recovered from the official as a nominal cost of the sorting
list, before a new copy is supplied.

* Metal Tokens:
-To the other than supervising officer.
-To the record officer, sorting assistant, group D
-In case of Token holder transfer or suspend then Metal token should be return to record officer.
- If the holder loses his metal token, he must immediately report the fact to the Record Officer who will
issue a new token to him and submit a report to the Superintendent.

*Disposal of Records:
-The following should not be destroyed without the orders of HOC
Order Book of Record Office
Nominal Roll of token holders
Work papers, correspondence, or documents regarding with enquiry is in progress.

-Order book of mail office and section for three years.

-Gradation lists should be destroyed three years after new ones have been issued.
-Register of sanctioned establishment should be destroyed at the end of the year after ones
have been supplied or prepared.

*checking and submission of work papers the checking of the work papers and the preparation of the
daily report and extract reports may be performed by the Head Sorting Assistant either during rest time
before attending the Record Office or at the Record Office.

*Checking and submission of work papers by HSA

*Work papers supplied by record officer to mail agent or mail guard.
*A List or work papers to be used by a set during a trip, is given in Appendix-c of this volume.

* Preparation of daily report (M.S.83)

-by HSA through Record officer to SSPO
- The daily report should be written by the Head Sorting Assistant from the rough Notebooks of the set.

* Attendance of set on Railway Platform: present at the hour fixed by the Superintendent which will be
at least half an hour before the departure of the train. Approval of the Head of the Circle must be obtained
if early attendance beyond half an hour is required, as a regular measure.

* The mail abstract is divided into two parts, viz., “Mails” and “Bags”.
*Duties and Responsibilities of Head Sorting Assistant:
-the duties of the Head Sorting Assistant comprise primarily the work connected with the receipt, custody
and dispatch of mails, the opening of bags (other than registered, registered packet and parcel bags)
addressed to the office, and the closing of bags (other than registered, registered packet and parcel bags)
made up by the set

*TB must be closed in presence of HSA

*Detailed sorting for a circle:

-FullQuantum of mail for circle exceeds 6000
-Halfbetween 3000-6000
-Number of selections correspondingly lessbetween 500-3000

* All the selections provided on the sorting cases should be based on the actual traffic pattern of the last
two years.
*Types of selections. -
-Selections can be Station, District TD or Circle.
-A station selection is by far the best sorting solution since no further handlings are involved.
-If there is a choice between a Station bundle and a District bundle, station bundles should be preferred
but it the average number of letters included in a District bundle are more than twice than that of a Station
bundle, a District bundle should be preferred.

*Co-relation between preliminary and detailed tables –

-For each detailed table there should be one selection on the preliminary table.
-More than one selection for the same detailed table should be station selection or a TD/District selection.

*Closing of Bags Statistical Justification. -

(a) Surface L bags: More than 50 articles.
(b) Surface D bags: More than 50 articles, 6 registered letters.
(c) Air Mail PC: Between 50 to 150 articles.
(d) Air mail bags: More than 150 articles.

*Checking the quality of sorting by SSRMs/SRMs/ASRMs

City division3 visit 1.Mail officeonce a week

2. Post office once a week
3. Each night setfortnightly

Non-city Division2 visit

1. Mail office at HQ-Once a week
2. Three mail offices outside HQ once a month
SRM attached to mail2 visit
1. Dailyone SET
2. WeekTwo nights set

Sub divisional IRMs2 Visit

1. Once a weekeach mail office at HQ
2. Once a month All mail office, All Sets, SRO
& At list
one post office

* Sample Surveys of Mail

1. Metro Mail survey

-One GPO
-One HPO
-Two sub office
-In September Month
-25% of the total mail received.

2. All India Mail survey

-Cover Home District, Home Circle,
Neighboring Circle and Distant Circle mails
-One Post office (Either HO or SO) in each
Division office.
-25% of the total mail received.

3. Live mail survey

-One delivery post office in each division.
-25% of the total mail received.

*Checking of Bags:

1. Five station Bag

*By HSA/Supervisor should checked Daily 2. Three Sorting Bag
3. Local HO Bag
*ASRMs/IRMs/SRMs checking of Bag:
1. Five station Bag
2. Five Sorting Bag

*Bag Balance:


1. Minimum: Number of bags

required for dispatch + 10%
2. Max: Bag required + 10% +


1. Minimum:
(i)Bag required + 10% for
surplus offices.
(ii) Four times the number of
bags dispatched in case of Deficit

2. Max: No Limit

MS 28 MAIL ATTENDANCE BOOK (when BO is attached to RMS Office)

Rs.1410 Rs.494/-

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1) Language-English
2)Based on syllabus related to post office subject only

३)Useful for four exam :

GDS to PA/SA Exam
Postaman/Mailguard/Mts to PA/SA Exam
MTS/GDS to Postman/Mailguard Exam
GDS to MTS Exam

4) There is no many difference in syllabus related to post office subject

specified for above four exam
5)Total Pages :175

Correction on page 1st:

The six members of the Board hold portfolios of
4.Postal Life Insurance
5.Banking & DBT

Salient Features:

1.Two Books

2.Tailor Solution-1 having 500 Pages.

3.Tailor Solution -2 having 225 Pages.

4.Books are in English language.

5.A Comprehensive Reference books.

6.Complete subject matter has been arranged in a systematic manner in eachchapter.

7.The text matter of the book is lucid, precise and given in simpleunderstandable language.

8.Each chapter start with “IN SHORT” section.

9.At the end of Every chapter included “Mind it”, “Important Points”,Miscellaneous Points, &
Exercise Section for easily understanding.

10.All Volumes important Notes are included,

11. All SB orders, Memorandum are Updated as per Exam syllabus

12.This book is made on the basis of new pattern of Exam.

13.For to curtail the Size of book we have avoided to include 4Th Paper of IPExam

14.Inspector of posts, PSS group “B” and Po & RMS Accountant Exam having same 99% syllabus so we
combined All 85 subjects/chapter with accuracy andupdated in Tailor Solution 1 & 2.


1)Swachha bharat Chapter not printed

2) Schedule of financial powers chapter included as per syllabus notified for the exam year but if any
updated order issued kindly read updated one.

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