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Aspecte importante de citit clasa a X-a

Rusia la 1900. Prima industrializare.

1. Revolutia de la 1905. Manifestul din Octombrie 1905. Partide și ideologii
politice în Rusia la începutul sec XX.
2. Viața parlamentară în Rusia (1906-1917). Reformele lui P. Stolîpin. Rusia
în primul război mondial.
3. Revoluția din februarie 1917 și soarta Romanovilor. Dualitatea puterii și
guvernele provizorii
4. „Afacerea Kornilov” și lovitura de stat bolșevică (august – noiembrie
5. V.I. Lenin – schiță pentru un portret istoric
6. L.D. Troțki – rolul și locul lui în istoria revoluției ruse
7. Războiul civil, intervenția străină, comunismul de război. Cauzele victoriei
8. NEP-ul și lupta pentru succesiune după moartea lui Lenin.
9. Stalin – industrializarea și cooperativizarea. Holodomor. Primele două
planuri cincinale
10. Clarity of Writing: Bastiat is praised for his clear and accessible writing style. He presents
economic concepts in a straightforward manner, making them understandable even to
readers who may not have a strong background in economics.
11. Persuasive Argumentation: The essay effectively communicates Bastiat's core economic
ideas, particularly the concept of the "broken window fallacy." He argues against the
belief that destruction or negative events can be economically beneficial by illustrating
the unseen consequences and opportunity costs.
12. Relevance: Despite being written in the 19th century, Bastiat's ideas are often considered
relevant to contemporary economic debates. Many readers appreciate the timeless
nature of his insights, as they can be applied to various economic and political situations.
13. Defense of Free Markets: The essay is celebrated for its defense of free-market
principles. Bastiat emphasizes the importance of individual liberty, private property rights,
and limited government intervention in economic affairs.
14. Short and Concise: The brevity of the essay is often cited as a strength. Despite its
concise nature, Bastiat effectively conveys his message, making it accessible for a wide
range of readers.
15. Influence on Economic Thought: Bastiat's work has had a lasting impact on the
development of economic thought. Many economists and scholars continue to reference
and build upon his ideas, making "That Which Is Seen and That Which Is Not Seen" a
foundational text in the study of economics.

While the reviews are generally positive, it's important to note that perspectives on Bastiat's ideas
may vary depending on one's economic and political philosophy. Some critics argue that his
views oversimplify complex issues, but the essay's enduring popularity suggests that it continues
to resonate with those who appreciate the principles of classical liberalism and free-market

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