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PYQs -


● To what extent did the various economic and social developments in nineteenth century
Britain impact upon the parliamentary system and political parties?
● Peaceful change, not armed revolution, was responsible for the growth of democracy in
Britain. Critically examin with reference to developments in Britain from the 1830s to the
● “Revolution was averted in Britain through reforms”. Write how true this statement is in
light of the development of parliamentary democracy in Britain in the 19th and early 20th
● Trace the evolution of parliamentary democracy in Britain between 1830 and 1928.
● Discuss the evolution of British Parliamentary democracy through the course of the 19th

● The period from 1905 to 1917 marked a series of setbacks to the Tsarist regime. To what
extent did this influence the course of events leading up to the October Revolution? + 1
● What were the factors responsible for the collapse of the Tsarist regime in Russia in
● Examine the factors responsible for the overthrow of the provisional government in
Russia in October 1917.
● Provide a critical overview of the nature and significance of the October Revolution in
● Trace the political movement and radical political formations that emerged within the
tsarist Russia between 1870 and 1917.

● Discuss the various strands of Utopian socialist thought, To what extent did Marx differ
from them?
● On the eve of World War I the European socialist movement had come a long way from
its origins. Discuss key developments in the evolving socialist movement from 1848 to
● Discuss the growth of socialism in Europe till 1850.
● Marxism signified a major turning point in the evolution of socialist thought in Europe,
● Discuss the central ideas of Marxian socialism. How were these different from earlier
currents of socialism ?

● Discuss the key features of the fascist state in Italy or Germany, with special reference to
their social, economic and political measures.
● Explain with reference to italy or Germany the factors responsible for the rise o
Fascism/Nazism in Europe after World War I.
● Analyze the main characteristics of Nazi and Fascist regimes in Germany or Italy
● Define the term fascism. Discuss the growth of fascist ideology and emergence of fascist
dictatorship in Europe.
● Discuss the key features of the Fascist State in Italy or Germany, with special reference
to their social, economic and political measures.
● Discuss the key features of economic policies, everyday life and political and social
processes in Fascist Italy or Germany.

● The Second World War was an outcome of the problems that emerged in the post-World
War I era. Elaborate.
● Critically evaluate the extent to which the outbreak of theSecond World War was a fallout
of aggressive Nazi and Fascist expansionist claims.

● The inter-war period was not a period of peaceful and unhindered reconstruction in
Europe. Discuss the salient features and key developments of this era.
● Representative government collapsed in many countries under the weight of social and
economic crisis in the inter war period. Discuss with reference to either Italy or Germany.
● The signing of the Treaty of Versailles, the formation of the League of Nations and the
Dawes Plan were important moments that shaped the interwar period. Discuss.
● Describe the factors leading to the growth of fascist parties in various countries of
Europe after 1918.

● How have various theorists explained the phenomenon of imperialism? + 1

● Do you agree with the view that imperialism was the highest stage of capitalism?
● Imperialism is the highest stage of capitalism'. To what extent can this be used to
understand the outbreak of the first world war ?
● What do you understand about the term 'New Imperialism'? How has it been explained
by various theorists?
● In what ways did the growing industrialisation and scarcity of resources contribute to the
development of imperialism. Discuss with reference to theories of Imperialism.

● Trace the shifts in the historiography of the First World War. + 1

● Do you agree with the assessment that the division of European pôwers into two hostile
blocs was a major factor behind the great war of 1914?
● What urged the countries in Europe after 1870 to embark on hectic imperialist
adventures in the period marking the outbreak of World War I
● By 1914 most European powers had militarized and were prepared for war. To what
extent is this an accurate assessment of the situation leading to the outbreak of the First
World War?
● The socio-economic conditions in Europe after the revolutions 1848 offered the
kingdoms of Piedmont and Prussia with an opportunity to further their political ambitions.
Discuss with reference to the unification of Italy or Germany.
● Discuss the problems in nation building in post- unification Italy or Germany.
● Discusst h edominant role played by Prussia or Piedmonti nthe process of German or
Italian unification.

UNIT - 4
● Discuss the key art movements of the nineteenth century. To what extent was it a
response to the changing economic, political and social milieu of the age?
● Critically examine the main features of European art and literature since 1850s
● Make a critical appraisal of the leading trends in 19th and 20th century European art and
● Discuss the development of art and literature in Europe from romanticism to Imperialism.
● The twentieth century in Europe witnessed major shifts in the realm of culture, media
and art. Discuss.
● From the mid-nineteenth century how did the visual arts break with the standards of
aesthetics that had governed European culture since the Renaissance.
● The second half of the nineteenth century in Europe witnessed major shifts in the realm
of culture, the emergence of a new public sphere, and the growth of print and literacy.
● The romantic movement was a reaction against the dominant ideas of the
Enlightenment. Explain
● Nineteenth century Europe witnessed a major transformation in print culture, literacy and
education. Elucidate


1. Trace The growth of the feminist movement in Europe in the period after World War II till
2. Account for the success of Bolsheviks in 1917 in Russia.
3. Nation building required major improvements in the education of all citizens and the
creation of a new public sphere and print culture. Discuss
4. To what extent did the economic and political transformation in the late 19th and early
20th century contribute to the growing nationalist sentiments in the Balkans
5. In what ways did new political movements threaten the established aristocratic and
military elites in Spain, thereby leading to a civil war. What role did the international
community play in this war.
Write short notes on any two of the following
● The Great Depression +1
● Social Darwinism + 1 + 1 + 1
● German social democracy + 1
● Institutionalization of the discipline of history + 1 + 1
● Futurist Art + 1
● Orientalism + 1
● Development of mass media and emergence of public sphere +1
● Emancipation of serfs in Russia
● League of Nations
● Origin of second WW
● Spanish civil war
● WW 2
● Freud + 1 and psychoanalysis
● 1905 Russian revolution
● New imperialism
● Realism in 19th c art and literature
● Einstein
● Post war western and Eastern Europe
● European economic community
● Food riots
● Dev of sociology as a discipline
● Gender identity and political movements in early 20th century Europe
● Post Impressionism
● Race and Empire
● Growth of psychology as a discipline
● Chartist movement in Britain

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