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‘Don’t Forget Me, Nana Phoebe’

‘Don’t Forget Me, ‘She’s my nana but we’re like best friends, too.’

Nana Phoebe’ Do you think someone can be best

friends with another person who is
also a relative, like a grandparent?

‘Don’t Forget Me, Nana Phoebe’ ‘Don’t Forget Me, Nana Phoebe’

‘She has her own lovely smell, too, my nana.’ ‘No one else I know calls it [fizzy pop]’.

Have you ever recognised a person Can you think of any words or
by another sense such as their scent phrases that someone you know
or sound? often uses but no one else tends
to say? Does this make the words
‘Don’t Forget Me, Nana Phoebe’ ‘Don’t Forget Me, Nana Phoebe’

‘My stomach dropped as I realised that Nana wasn’t ‘It wasn’t because she didn’t love us but that she was
being silly. She really thought that I was Agnes.’ poorly and Alzheimer’s disease was stopping her brain
from remembering things properly.’
Have you ever called someone by
the wrong name by mistake? Have Have you ever heard of Alzheimer’s
you ever been called the wrong disease or dementia? Do you know
name by someone else? How does someone who suffers from a type
it make you feel? of dementia? You don’t have to talk
about it if you don’t want to.

‘Don’t Forget Me, Nana Phoebe’ ‘Don’t Forget Me, Nana Phoebe’

‘We drove until we spotted her, then helped her into the ‘I tried to use my kindest, most patient voice’.
car. She said that her feet were hurting.’

What does it mean to be ‘patient’?

What dangers might be faced by
Why can this be more difficult at
someone with dementia when
some times, compared to others?
they go out on their own, without
anyone knowing where they are?
‘Don’t Forget Me, Nana Phoebe’ ‘Don’t Forget Me, Nana Phoebe’

‘We used to talk non-stop when I visited Nana. Now, ‘I think that Nana had got dressed twice that morning.
we sat without talking a little more.’ It was kind of funny but kind of sad.’

Do you think it is a good or Do you think something can be both

bad thing to sit with someone, funny and sad?
without speaking?

‘Don’t Forget Me, Nana Phoebe’ ‘Don’t Forget Me, Nana Phoebe’

‘I was getting better at letting her steer our few ‘My favourite butterfly is still the peacock butterfly –
conversations; it was easier than trying to correct her.’ even when I only catch the occasional glimpse of its
bright colours.’
Should you always correct
How do you think Nana could be
someone if they get something
compared to the peacock butterfly in
wrong or are there times when it’s
the story?
OK not to say anything?

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