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Semana 4/Week 4
Health problems and remedies
1. Write the health problem each person has and give a remedy or suggestion according
to each case. Try to be creative!
Health Remedy
She has a sore A few remedies to calm the inflammation
throat and it are to eat ice to reduce inflammation and
hurts her to numb the throat, sleep a lot and take
pass food and antibiotics.

He has Refresh the skin with

sunburn. moisturizing creams or aloe
vera gel, take pain relievers and
do not remove flaky skin.
nasal Avoid irritants, drink water and
congestion take nasal decongestants.

cough Drink fluids. , like hot water or

honey and medical treatment.
stress Exercise frequently, Spend
time outdoors, Schedule social
Eat well, get plenty of sleep.
toothache take ibuprofen, eat ice, use cold
compresses on the area, and
rinse with salt.
Pox There is no known cure for
smallpox. Treatment includes
drinking plenty of fluids and
taking medications to control
pain and fever. To prevent the
spread of the virus, an infected
individual should be isolated
from other people until he or
she is no longer contagious.
Rash Treatments include
moisturizers, lotions, baths,
cortisone creams that relieve
inflammation, and
antihistamines, which relieve
fever Drink plenty of fluids to stay
Wear light clothing.
Use a light blanket if you feel
cold, until the chills pass.
Take paracetamol
broken leg movement must be restricted.
A splint or cast is often used to
2. Read the symptoms and match it with the best advice for it.

1. I am tired. 9 a. She needs a Band Aid.

2. Sandra has a headache. 5 b. He needs a tissue to clean his nose.
3. Carolina has a toothache. 8 c. He needs to get a thermometer and go
4. John is overweight. to see a doctor.
5. Tony has a running nose. 6 d. They need to go to the ophthalmologist
6. Berta and Lisa do not see well. 1 e. She needs to take an aspirin.
7. Laura and Samuel have a twisted ankle. 3 f. He needs to be on a diet.
8. Hugo has fever. 7 g. They need some ice and elevate the foot.
9. Mary cut her finger. 2 h. She needs to go to the dentist.
10. I can´t hear well. 1 i. You need some rest.
10 j. You need to go to see an otolaryngologist
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