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M. Lorenzo St., Purok 5, Calaba, San Isidro, Nueva Ecija


Name: _________________________________________ Grade/Section:___________________________ Score: _____

Choose the letter of the best answer. Encircle only the letter of your choice.
1. What is the function of the reproductive system?
a. To supply the body with energy. c. To produce living things like itself.
b. To help the bones and muscles move. d. To throw out body wastes.
2. Which of these organs has an end part covered by a lose flap of skin and maybe removed by circumcision?
a. testes b. vas deferens c. urethra d. penis
3. How often does an egg cell mature and leave the ovary?
a. once a day b. once a week c. once a month d. once a year
4. Stage at which boys and girls experience physical and mental changes due to hormonal changes.
a. maturation b. pregnancy c. puberty d. circumcision
5. If females’ sex cells and sex hormones produced in the ovaries, where do males’ sex cells and hormones produce?
a. testes b. urethra c. penis d. vas deferens
6. In which part does a fertilized egg stay and develops?
a. Ovary b. uterus c. vagina d. cervix
7. What was conceived when two egg cells meet two sperm cells?
a. Fraternal twins b. Identical twins c. quintuplet d. Siamese twins
8. A monthly series of hormonal changes leading to egg maturation and uterine preparation for a possible
a. Menstruation b. Fertilization c. Puberty d. Ejaculation
9. How are identical twins formed?
a. Linkage of two egg cells c.Formation of two zygote from two egg and two sperm cells
b. Division of two egg cells d. Division of one zygote into two
10. A fetus is unable to support himself for his/her development, what helps him to get supply from his mother?
a. Through his mouth c. Through his umbilical cord
b. By his undeveloped hands d. Support from his mother
11. What gives oxygen to a developing embryo inside a woman’s uterus?
a. Umbilical cord b. Amniotic fluid c. Amniotic sac d. Placenta
12. What do you call the process that takes place when the sperm and egg cell unite?
a. circumcision b. fertilization c. menstruation d. ovulation
13. Body system designed for conception, pregnancy and childbirth.
a. Female reproductive system c. male reproductive system
b. Hermaprodite d. Respiratory system
14. The coiled tube that serves as storage of sperm cells is called
a. Epididymis b. Testicles c. urethra d. penis
15. The type of reproduction where there is only one parent and no special reproductive cells or organs involved.
a. Sexual b. Bisexual c. Asexual d. Homosexual
16. Species that possess both sets of sexual organs.
a. hermaphrodites b. plants c. twins d. animals
17. A mode of asexual reproduction where the parent organism splits into two unequal parts.
a. regeneration b. budding c. parthenogenesis d. splitting
18. It is the fertilization of eggs in the environment outside the body of the female.
a. external b. internal c. ectopic d. incubation
19. It is the ability of an organism to regrow lost body parts.
a. regeneration b. budding c. parthenogenesis d. splitting
20. The small,median chamber in some organisms that is used to pass fecal matter, urine and sperms.
a. cloaca b. urogenital c. anus d. penis
21. Which animal can regenerate and produce new individuals from a cut part of its body?
a. star fish b. lizard c. fish d. frog
22. All of these reproduce asexually except one, which is it?
a. planarian b. starfish c. hydra d. cat
23. Fertilization occurs within the body of the female organism.
a. external b. internal c. ectopic d. incubation
24. Which animal completes its development inside the mother’s body?
a. lion b. alligator c. frog d. grasshopper
25. Which animal produces both eggs and sperm in the same individual?
a. dragonfly b. earthworm c. frog d. lizard
26. Which animal goes through the egg, larva, pupa, and adult stages in its life cycle?
a. butterfly b. grasshopper c. chicken d. frog
27. Which of these animals reproduce by external fertilization?
a. camel b. fish c. parrot d. bats
28. Series of changes that insects undergo as they develop from an egg to adult.
a. puberty b. metamorphosis c. life cycle d. adolescensce
29. Why do birds classify as oviparous?
a. They are livebearers animals. c. They are either livebearer or egg-laying animals.
b. They are egg-laying animals d. None of these
30. Why do female mosquitoes only suck blood of human or other animals?
a. for the development of their eggs. c. for their survival
b. for the nourishment of their body. d. for transferring diseases.
31. Why do animals reproduce?
a. to continue their existence. c. obligation to the species.
b. to get rid of unhealthy animals. d. to get food from its young.
32. In which animal does the process of budding occur?
a. hydra b. earthworm c. fish d. planaria
33. What do all female flowers have?
a. petals b. pollen c. pistil d. stamen
34. What is the most colorful and attractive part of flowers?
a. sepals b. petals c. stamen d. pistil
35. Which part is NOT present in an imperfect flower?
a. petal or sepal b. pollen or sepal c. anther or filament d. pistil or stamen
36. Flowers with both stamen and pistil are called _______________
a. complete and perfect c. incomplete but perfect
b. complete and imperfect d. incomplete and imperfect
37. What type of pollination happens when the pollen grains are transferred from the
anther of a flower to the stigma of another flower in the same plant?
a. Cross pollination b. Imperfect pollination c. Self-pollination d. perfect pollination
38. In which part of the plant does the embryo develop?
a. seed b. flower c. leaf d. stem
39. The corn grain is a monocot. How many cotyledons does it have?
a. one b. two c. none d. many
40. It is a food storage tissue that develops inside the seed ?
a. Fruits b. seed coat c. cotyledons d. endosperm
41. From which structure can potato be propagated asexually?
a. corm b. rhizome c. tuber d. bulb
42. Stem that grows horizontally underground.
a. rhizome b. tuber c. shoots d. runners
43. Artificial vegetative reproduction where stems of a plant is bent over so that a part of it is covered with soil.
a. marcotting b. cutting c. grafting d. layering
44. Which of the following plants is grown from a bulb?
a. onion b. ginger c. potato d. kangkong
45. Mosses, fungi and ferns reproduce by ____ formation ?
a. Petals b. seed c. fruit d. spore
46. Area where land meets the sea, between high and low tides.
a. estuary b. intertidal zone c. wave zone d. coastline
47. Body of water near the coast where fresh water from rivers and streams flows into the ocean
and mixes with salt water.
a. estuary b. intertidal zone c. wave zone d. coastline
48. When is the intertidal zone covered with water?
a. at high tide b. at low tide c. during night time hours d. during daytime
49. Why do birds abundant in estuaries?
a. Birds can rest and look for food in estuaries. c. It is a peaceful place
b. It is a relaxing place d. It is not polluted
50. In ecosystem, plants are the only living things capable of producing their own food. They are called
a. heterotrophs b. consumers c. autotrophs d. living things


c. M. Lorenzo St., Purok 5, Calaba, San Isidro, Nueva Ecija



1.c 26. a
2.d 27. b
3.c 28. b
4.c 29. b
5. a 30. a
6. a 31. a
7. a 32. a
8. a 33. c
9. b 34. b
10. c 35. d
11. a 36. a
12. b 37. a
13. a 38. a
14. a 39. a
15. c 40. d
16. a 41. c
17. b 42. a
18. a 43. d
19. a 44. a
20. a 45. d
21. a 46. b
22. d 47. a
23. b 48. a
24. a 49. a
25. b 50. c
M. Lorenzo St., Purok 5, Calaba, San Isidro, Nueva Ecija




Describe the parts of the reproductive system and
6 1,2,5,6,13,14
their functions
Explain the menstrual cycle 5 7,9,10,11,12
Describe the changes that occur during puberty 3 3,4,8
Describe the different modes of reproduction in
animals such as butterflies, mosquitoes, frogs, cats and 18 15-32
Describe the reproductive parts in plants and functions 8 33-40
Describe the different modes of reproduction in
flowering and non-flowering plants such as mongo, 5 41-45
ferns and mosses
Discuss the interaction among living things and non-
5 46-50
living things in estuaries and intertidal zones
M. Lorenzo St., Purok 5, Calaba, San Isidro, Nueva Ecija



Grade and Section: ___________________________________ SCIENCE
Subject: ______________________
Describe the different modes of reproduction
1 Describe the parts of the reproductive
1 21 in animals such as butterflies, mosquitoes, 1
system and their functions
frogs, cats and dogs
Describe the different modes of reproduction
Describe the parts of the reproductive
14 2 32 in animals such as butterflies, mosquitoes, 2
system and their functions
frogs, cats and dogs
Describe the reproductive parts in Explain the menstrual cycle
37 3 10 3
plants and their functions
Describe the changes that occur during Describe the different modes of reproduction
8 puberty 4 17 in animals such as butterflies, mosquitoes, 4
frogs, cats and dogs
Describe the changes that occur during Describe the different modes of reproduction
4 puberty 5 28 in animals such as butterflies, mosquitoes, 5
frogs, cats and dogs
Describe the different modes of Describe the different modes of reproduction
reproduction in animals such as in flowering and non-flowering plants such as
12 6 45 6
butterflies, mosquitoes, frogs, cats and mongo, ferns and mosses
Describe the reproductive parts in Describe the reproductive parts in plants and
34 7 38 7
plants and functions functions
18 Describe the different modes of 8 43 Describe the different modes of reproduction 8
reproduction in animals such as in flowering and non-flowering plants such as
butterflies, mosquitoes, frogs, cats and mongo, ferns and mosses
Describe the reproductive parts in Describe the different modes of reproduction
40 plants and functions 9 25 in animals such as butterflies, mosquitoes, 9
frogs, cats and dogs
Discuss the interaction among living Discuss the interaction among living things
46 things and non-living things in estuaries 10 50 and non-living things in estuaries and 10
and intertidal zones intertidal zones

Prepared by:
Teacher III

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