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Objective: Understand the concept of global warming, its causes, effects on the environment, and

potential solutions.


 Start with a brief definition of global warming: the gradual increase in the Earth's surface
temperature due to human activities and natural processes.

 Highlight the importance of understanding global warming and its impact on the planet.

I. Causes of Global Warming: a. Greenhouse Gases: - Explain the greenhouse effect and its role in
trapping heat in the Earth's atmosphere. - Identify major greenhouse gases: carbon dioxide (CO2),
methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), and fluorinated gases.

b. Human Activities: - Discuss the main human activities contributing to the increase in greenhouse gas
emissions: burning fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas), deforestation, industrial processes, and

II. Effects of Global Warming: a. Temperature Rise: - Discuss the rise in global average temperatures
and its impact on ecosystems and weather patterns.

b. Melting Ice and Rising Sea Levels: - Explain how global warming leads to the melting of polar ice caps
and glaciers, resulting in rising sea levels.

c. Extreme Weather Events: - Explore the connection between global warming and the increase in
frequency and intensity of extreme weather events such as hurricanes, droughts, and heatwaves.

d. Impact on Ecosystems: - Discuss the effects of global warming on ecosystems, including shifts in
biodiversity, disruptions in food chains, and threats to various species.

III. Solutions to Global Warming: a. Mitigation Strategies: - Introduce measures to reduce greenhouse
gas emissions, such as transitioning to renewable energy sources, improving energy efficiency, and
promoting sustainable practices.

b. Adaptation Measures: - Discuss strategies for adapting to the impacts of global warming, such as
building resilient infrastructure, implementing water management practices, and developing early
warning systems.

c. International Cooperation: - Emphasize the importance of global collaboration in addressing climate

change, including international agreements like the Paris Agreement.

IV. Classroom Activities: a. Carbon Footprint Calculation: - Engage students in calculating their carbon
footprint and discuss ways to reduce it.

b. Debates or Discussions: - Organize debates or discussions on the ethical, economic, and social aspects
of global warming and climate change policies.


 Summarize key points about global warming, its causes, effects, and potential solutions.
 Encourage students to take personal and collective actions to contribute to the fight against
global warming.


 Evaluate student understanding through quizzes, discussions, or projects that demonstrate their
comprehension of global warming and related concepts.

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