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Grade 6

1) Where does the electricity come from in a circuit?

a.LED b. Switch
c. Resistor d. Battery
2) How many pins in Soil moisture sensor
a.2 b.3 c.4 d.5
3) Is a Battery consisting only positive ions?
a. Yes b. No
4) In series circuit voltage is _______.
a. Added b. Divided
c. Multiplied d. None of these
5) which material allows the electricity to flow through them?
a. Rubber b. Copper
c. Cotton d. Both a & b
6)LED Abbreviation-
a. Light Emerging Diode
b. Light Emitting Diode
c. Light Enveloping Diode
d. Light Entering Diode
7)Arduino is a______ based IC.
a. Microprocessor
b. Microcontroller
c. Both a & b
d. None
8) Arduino UNO have ______ Analog Pins.
a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d.6
9) Bread board used to lace electronics components permanently.
a. Yes b. No
10) Which programming language Arduino UNO can accept.
a. Assembly language b. Java script
c. Python d.C/C++

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