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(quote) Partlcuiar altentlon must be paid to the
hands. They should be regularly manicured 2nd kept ln
lhls nmmer of the erstwnlle 'JI,ui' makes tne the best possible condltlon. (unquote)
fourth lssue that has -uccessfulIy appeared and ye ed-
ltor 1s gratlfled beyond words at and for the 1eLters I can't add to that, It's all there. Ulgest it.
that have bsen received In regards to the contents of
said periodical. By the ray, altnough I don't use tnls sheet to
advertise my own lndlvldual publlcatlons, I sm safe ln
I'll admit that I started out wltn tne Idea 0f saying that tne last book I put out 'jh-h-h. It'8 a
kuttln; befora tne magical world a sheet of tnree good Secret. ' 1s entlrely out of print and has been for
tricks a month. ;ahether I've done that or not 1s a mat- nearly two months. I'll pay two dollars a copy for a~
ter of nlstory since tne first three issues included I oan get in good condition as the price has been put
thirteen seperate and complete effects (with nothing tc up to three dollare. Send tnem to me at baaverly, P.Y.
send for or buy from the publisher) and I aisn to stats
now tnat lt 1s not seal or an Over amount of amoltlon And while I'm at it I can't forget the Chrlstmas
that made me do it. cards. I have seven or eight steady friends wno don't
mlse me but twenty-nine cane in addressed to none ot:ier
1 have enough material of my own to run 'The Jim' than 'The Jinx' a& I thought it was swell. I'll zdmlt
ror two
years. nlth mat I nave neen recelvlng in the I'm a slacker wnen it comes to nollday greetings but
Way Or tricks and effects there Is no doubt l.n my mind It isn't because I didn't want to send Out as many ae 1
but that this et111 uncompromising sheet will be tak- could. I guess i'm Just one of those Persons who was
ing up space in the showcases of tne dealers for four 'born tired rind never got rested.'
years to oomg.
If you pick up and read 'The Jinx' you'll flnd at
least one trick you can use. &very ltes 1s complete
unto ltselr. I pay cash for every outslde trick tnat I
can use but lt has to sult no other person than myself
nno at present comprises tne entire staff redardlesa of
how many grand soundlnd titles mlgnt be Invented. THE iuAbTLH GE’ THli bMibblia8. (Annemann)

I lsnt to apologize to a certain extent to those lhen this f lrst dawned on me I thougnt It a ver-
.no nave- sold me materlal a.llcn I have used. I want funny ldea but about a week later I had tne opportunl
ideas -tnat make complete effects and for them I pay and lty for doing it before a party of about fifteen men
give credit. From that point on I lead tne Ilfe of an and tne way it turned out leads me to believe that it
lndlvldual. The titles are niy own ani the desorlptlons 1s of real value. Certalnly nothing could be simpler
and explanations are as I see them. At times I get a or of a more lmyromptu nature.
little out of oounds and become fascetlous as well ae
dlegedly funny but I do Justice to a trick as le my I noa slttlng in a restaurant with Yax riolden at
nature and no one can deny me tnat rl&ttl the time and something came up about tne old trick
whereln a coin or ball 1s made to vsnlsh after being
ihglclans ln general seem to be on the everlast- covered with a handkerohlef and felt by several of the
lng search for new trlckd. dot that new tricks aren't wltnesser. Then the light broke and I thought of what
needed but it arkecus to me tnat a great many of the r0ii0w6.
Bood old tricks are misused and tramped uPon by lndl- The perronner at any time or place borrows a
vldual 5.dlosyncraslee. The important one to me at the
moment has been mentloned In Jean Hugsrd's latest book piece of paper about 3 x 4 lnohee. It oan be of any
Oalled 'Close up Xaglc'. grade or color but should be heavy enough to be opaque
for the subsequent SatlsiaCtiOn of the audlenoe.
Mr. hugard has crept up upon the present vogue for It 1s glven one person wltn tne request tnat he
aloe+up and typical nlght club trlclrery and lf he gets
mad at q verbatin tuotation rrom hle book I'm sorry write aomethlng sucn a8 tne name or a rs;nous person,
but noove all tne perfect table tricks one pa%raPh ln the name or (L city, a short quotqtlon, etc., and tnen
tne lntoroductlon watt exoeedlngly ln order: fold the paper onae each way wlth tne wrltlng Inside.

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performer now etates that he will attempt an paper lnelde out and benn2gdly hands lt to the perfor-
uhlbltlon of dfreot thought rerdixlg & to make cer- mer who in turn benbnly gets enough information from
tain that the subjeot be etroagly transmitted to hh, thlm strangely folded ellp to reveal tne hidden (?)
more than one Demon should know what It m be. Ho thou@!
aeka the writer to hand the paper to a rltter
who In turn read8 It to himself, rrrolde and likewlee There 1s no doubt ln n(y mind but that this dodge,
passes lt to another whop the performer lndloate~. ior dodge it ie, wl.l.1 find a spot in the repertoire of
These persons are separated from each other BO that many who make use of thle type of stunt. I thought it
after about four have read the writing the ooaoeatrat- rather runny until I had the ohanoe to try it out anb
ing will be done from all anglee. (7) it worked 80 well I am not in the leaet ashamed to put
it la print. There ~111 be tlmee when ev8rYthW ~111
not be perfectly clear but there ~111 always be enough
to give the performer an inkling of mat it 15 all
about and even ii a Ilftle wrong there ~111 be plenty
to lmpreee the audience that the test 1s one of gen-
ulne orypteetheela.

CIOARETTE PiWEETfON. (Nartln SUnshin8)

Phle 1s an lapromptu blindfold test that can be

done at any time or place and la alwaye Interesting
becauee of the novelty.

'The performer says that through an eXtrem84

acoute sense of smell he is able to tell different
brands of cigarettes purely through a eluht smell Of
the smoke.

About four of those present are asked to take

olgarettee, each holdin& a different brand. Pe shall
aerume they have Lucky Strikea, Ch8eterflelde, Old
Oolde arvi Camela. The performer 1s blindfolded with
a handkerchief and asks that the four eP8Cttitors now
l&ht their Cigarettea.

One at a the and in mixed order, theee four sP80,

tatore approach the performer and pa88 the burning
olgarette under hle nose, and each time he instantly
and oorrectly names the oorreof brand. And flnllly he
request& that two come near and hold botn Cigarette8
Close at the aame time, the correct brands being in-
rtantly n.amed!

The eeoret 18 another of thoee nle8 little idea8

that are alwqye 80 welcome. In the be&m% the Per-
former Been tnat four people eaoh have a cisarette of
‘a different brand and tnese four are placed three or
four y&e away from him in readlnees. However, the
performer, knowing the brand held by each merely takes
notice or their ahoer! There will always be a differ-
ence aad a glance at each le all that 1s neceescuy.
There 10 no reason why the performer can't, nave
The last person to read the billet hande it to noted these even before etart~ the effect itself.
the performer who takes It In hie left hand, oloaee Lhe blindfold of a handkerohlef means notnlng mor8 thy
fingers around lt and after a moment's thought reveal8 it ever ha8 and tne perforaer looking downward can s8e
OOrreotLy the thought in the nlnde of his audlenoe! a good two and a half feet in front of him.

Immediately he checks hfe etatement and the paper Therefore, when one of the four approaches and
is returned to the writer. There are no duplloaterr, no hold8 a Cigarette out tnere la no doubt ln the perfor-
switcher and not a elngle sleight rlth which to take mer's loiod as to the tientlty of the person and aleo
chancee. the brand oi the cigarette.

Ron pleame don't break down when I explain that

there is a confederate ln the audience. There are ao
coder or elngnale and his dutiee are lees than rinple.
The effect when prerented etron& effeote the aud-
ience Just that way beoauee It le beyond ocameaelon,

The llluetratlone show you Juet abOut what taker

place and the manner in Which the BrfOrmer reoetvea OAaD 80x 8xMPmix. (Orville Fqyne ideyer)
hL lnformatlon. The confederate le, of ooume, the
lart of the four or five who are given the ohanoe to Thir effect while 4 oomplete number In lteelr
read the paper to themselves In order that there be maker poerlble two thiDgr heretorore considered lmpore-
plenty or thought going 013. ible. Using a P. & L metal card box you oan actually
ohago ONE or TUO card8 and leave the reet UiiCHAG@A%
However, this confederate, while entirely trurt- Secondly you can change carda that have been INITIALED.
worthy as far ata 11, concerned the recnt Of the per-
fo1per'a greatneee, nwertneleee durera from the other Two decks are wed ln the effect. One naa a red
rpectatore in an important ry. ba& and the other 1s blue. Taking the blue deok the
Der?oz?aer remvea a aard whloh he openly shows and har
Rhlle the otherr read the oontoatr Of 8 mectator isitld. Yloklng up a metal card box, the
the paper and refold it a8 rhould be dose, thlr one D@rforwr Plaoee the card face up withia where lt la
lndlvidual who hae the last reading merely fold8 the Sairly eeen by all.

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~mv f.rOm the inked and face down red deck the per- The peraon ln question 1s asked to first Write
son In audience selects a card freely and without It down his age, and this 1s tneu doubled or in Other
oeh3 seen the Performer lnltlals it and it 1~ dropped words multiplied by two. To the result Of this CahU-
face down on the card selected by performer. The iid latlon 1s added tne figure five and the reeultkrg cum
Of box 1s closed and performer hands It directly to a Is multlplled by fifty. If the subject 1s not yet as-
spectator to hold while he explains that his card wae leep he subtract6 three hundred and sixty-five. NOW
selected first from one deck and lnltlaled by the speo- he 1s told to dlg deeply, ascertain the amount or
tatOr to prevent substltutlon. In turn the speotator cnange which he has in hls pocket and add thls to the
freely selected a card from the otner deck and thle reeult and thle final number 1s dlven the performer
was initialed by the performer. to do with as he wlshee.
The SPWtator Opens the box himself and FINDS Tm Prnctlcally rvlttiout emotion (deyendiw entirely
PVio INITIALED CARUS AiW TdEY ARii BVl'H &I&$: uJD BOTH upon hle ability with figures) the performer reveal6
OlZKS AW FOUND ORDIIAEU A4i) UNYREPAREU. not only the age of the pqrson waiting patlently for
the finish, but also the exact amount of change in hia
It would be best to follow thls explanatlon with pocket. C1lmr.x.
a card box and cards at hand. TO make this combination of f&urea clear I shall
In the regular compartment with the performer!s lmpoee an example upon the reader. We shall suppose
initials on the face, lles a card face down from the that the onlooker in question 1s twenty-e&ht years of
red backed deck. We shall asiume it to be the Five of ege. Next we ehall assume (taking myself at the mam-
Jlamonds. ent) that he has forty-three oents in onange. The fig-
urea will read as follows:
In the false compartment and lying face up la an
extra Five of Lllamonds, the color of the back nhlch *se
does not matter in this case as it la an odd card from Aultlplled by 2 2
a deck not in use. hnd then add 5
idultlply by 50 x2$
N ow * with a Y and L card box, if the false lid la Subtract 365
not closed but merely let down carefully, the box can Add ohmgo (43) 2728
be held on the left hand and either the flase or reg-
ular compartment opened at will, it looking all the Thle laet total or result 1s glcen the Rerformer
same to the audience regardleaa of which 1s done. And either on paper or in hls mind he adds the figure
125. In thls case he reaches the total of 2843. And
In starting the performer runs through the blue without further recourse to mathematlcre he knOwe that
deok and removes the Plve of Dlsmonds therefrom. He the first two tlguree (28) 1s the age, and the la&
states that this 1s his selection and showing lt Open- two ILguree (43) represents the change.
ly has a spectator put his initials on the face Of it
ior safety. While this 1s done the performer ploks up The main angle which prompted me to include this
the box and opening It at the regular compartment but ae a Jinx within a Jinx was the 'ahange' business and
not allowlw lnslde to be seen, takes back the card and 'age' kink. i-ersonal angles will always attract more
sllps It face up UblDJiR the blue backed Flve Of DfenrOrAde tnan an impersonal number regardless of how far the
already there. performer mey go in order to attract attention.
The lid 1s allowed to close but performer timed-
lately reopens lt as an afterthought and thls tkoe he
opens the false compartment and shows the audience the
Elve of Diamonds face up and alone in the box.
the red deck 1s shuffled and spread faae down SOMEl'HfBK( TO WORK ON ----__--------------------
whlle tne ppectator pushes one card out of hla Own free
will. Plcklng it up the performer ewe that a8 SPeO-
tator initialed tne flret, he shall initial this One. 1 received the followlnc~ letter from Lotion and Lt
This the performer pretends to do and then elthout let- oontaine something that rnq be of interest to ma. I
~111 give a year’6 subscription to anyone the aan give
ting lt be seen opens the false lid again and dropa me a workable method tnat I can publlah.
the red backed oard face down on top. This time the -em-
false lid 1s pressed firmly shut and the box handed 28, The Drive
a spectator to hold. Walthametow
London, N. 17
blow when the spectator opens the box the two
oards found are both Fives of Diamonds and bo th bear 5th. December 1934
inltlale. phe deoks may be examined but are nor CC+ Theo Annemann Esq..
plete and unprepared. The puzzling Fart of all thle 1Iaverly, New York
1s that the performer shone hle card op8ni$, the aud-
lance sees it face up and alone Fn the box, and the Dear sir,
spectator initials it and then later oheoke these ma?- A London magistrate stated a few dye ego.
t-e. that tine experience gained through thirty years on the
bench had enabled h& to judge pretty well when a man
It will fool ma&clans and people who know the was telling a lie and when he was speaking the truth.
oard box for the purpaae of merely ohaneing a oard.
'The member of the audlenoe shufflee the paoL
of oarde and then, while the performer'8 back ie turned
he deals tne cards slow4 faoe up on to the table, eaai?
time aalllng aloud the name each card as dealt. Oooae-
ionally, he deals one card and calls the name of anoth-
ONJi OF THOSE THIW8. (Calvin Cole) or but whenever he does thls the performer pulls him UJ
I know many people who don't care iOr an effect TJLLINCI 1, Lit. ’
llke that which is to follow ln the wake of thloe la-
sent but nevertheless there are a few WhO will make That ie the 'plot' and it 1s a dood One. The
use of it in tnelr spare time. method I have not found at all, Yet. Will you tW to
get a method from readers of 'The Jinx?'
#hen Mr. Coleshowed it to me I thought it rather
oute and different in severnl ways from the ueue;i run WLth kind regards
of such stunts. t find lt nice to do when I have the
back of an envelop that io without notes and UPon Yours faithfully
which the lenient vlotim can make hle notations a0
wall as calculatlone. (signed) Vincent Dalban

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fo my sometimes perverse way of tnlnklng, thls Is the best and cleanest way cb
preseritlw a newspaper test yet conceived. The metnod for securing the numbers
whlcn In turn are used to lndloate a column and ad 18 moat disarming axni highly
orl6lnal. In book tests and effects of tnls nature I have always objected to the
introduction of outside and otnerwlee foreign object such as cards, dice, counters,
numbered papers and whatnot that immediately gave the effect an air of preparedness
and trlokery.
In tne oaae at hand there la nothing ever seen by tne audlenoe except the
newspaper and it becomes a mean8 unto Itself. That 1s what gives the entire stunt a
veritable air of nonchalanoe and falrneea.
rhe otner lmwrtant point Is tne ease wltn whloh lt mqi be done and tne fact
tnat the performer has little to get ready. de can purchase a payer on the way to
his ewa&ement and use It wlth but two mlnutea of perusal. Or, lf desired to per-
form the feat lmvromptu, he mqy use a paper at hand with no more than two minutes
of time in preparation. rrofeselonalo appreciate greatly suoh a point as this.
In effect a copy of tne dally newepaper Is shown and the performer states he
will try a feat of telepathy In oonjunotlon with the want or classified advertls-
ing. Phe paper 1s opened and one page of these olasslfled ada la torn Out, lt oe-
inc; given a member of the audience to hold.
AOW t:le performer SW& he le in need of a method for having one Of the many
ads selected In an open and obviously fair manner. So aaylng, he holds the newa-
paper In front of him and wlth One motion tears off the upper rlght oorner Of the
entlre paper. This includes all the pagea and aleo lnoludee, to which he oalle
attention, all the numbered corners of the paper.
Laylw tne paper aside the paoket of cornera le tossed into a borrowed hat or
oowl and mlxed rell by anyone. The performer aeke this pereon to reach in without
looking. to select Just one of the corners, crumple It up small and drop It on
hle (performer's) hand. The performer hands it directly to the person holding the
torn out pege and walks to a far corner of the room. This person is told to look
at the selected corner. On botn sides of this corner wlll be a number. They are
to select elther number and use that to count across the pwe to a column. Then
they are to use the other number and count down that ooaumn to an individual ad.
They nre to concentrate upon tne wording and 8ubJect matter of this ad and call
to the performer when ready. He returna and effectively reveals whnt, the ad 1s al.1
about even if not able to give the nordlng in lte' exact form.
The effect never fall8 to win applause and a lot of wonder through its' dlr-
eotneee. Phe method le aa direct. irevioualy the performer has torn out a corner
lt belnts for instance tne corner bear- the page number8 5 and 6. Turning to the
Page tnat he will remove later and which oont.Qns nothing but claselfled ads, he
reads the sixth ad In column five and the fifih ad in column six. Tne main th-
18 merely to know what It is about and not botner to learn it word for WOM.
In hia Pocket he oarrbe the well known and reepeoted thumb tip. Into this he
puta this mden oorner after OrUmPli~ it UP. NOW the effeot prooeede as deeorib-
ed. The corner seleoted by Wectator mlxlng the pleoee le placed on perfomer’e
outatretoned left Pti while right hae secured tlp on thumb. In going to person
rlth Pa@ w r&W thumb 18 placed on left palm and paper, left fingers oloae
and thumb OomQs from hand with the etolen slip iran tip ati thle 1~ hded speitah
or a.B left hand pocket8 the tlP and other corner whlle performer walks away He
watchee tne spectator from a distance while tne oountlng 16 done a& theref'ore
know8 Whim Of tne two ade. hae been eeleoted. Newepapera have oolhmne on both
aldee of tne Page and both sides line up with each other. The DZyetery ia ovw &
a few or v-eat maw more people have been mystified.

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