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Release Notes – Tranzax Sprint 5

1. DTXCID- 366 (Page Layout - Remove Extra white space at bottom) –

There was white space between the content Panel and the Navigation
Bar. So, changed in caseagent.js file to adjust the scrollbar

2. DTXCID- 391 (JS Error - Property Pages) –

There was occurring some JavaScript error, this was resolved by doing
some changes in basepp.jsp file.

3. DTXCID- 395 (Copy Appointing Companies to Store Appt Comp for

Errors) –

Made changes to reflect the entries of the Temp Appointing companies

to Store Appt Comp for errors section, while the data in the Temp
Appointing Companies section is still populated

4. DTXCID-400 (Screen Updates - Add Text X of Y field) –

Modified the jsp according to the BDC such that the desired
requirements are met.

5. DTXCID-402(Internal Select License Page - Errors) –

The Check Box was not enabled in the License page. Made some
modification to the already existing jsp.
6. DCMHIGHMARKCID-124 (Highmark version of the Producer Work
The Producer Page was to customize for Highmark according to the

7. DTXCID-353 (Select Practice - Allow additional Tranzax elements

and DCM elements as selection criteria)-
The concerned practice have to be selected depending upon the
selection criteria, while this service is executed

8. DTXCID-377(Next Previous Buttons - Add Functionality)-

New functionality to add caption of back and next button with previous
and next sub task

9. DTXCID-378 (Location of Back, Next, Cancel Buttons)-

For DTXCID-378 there was a change needed for footer.jsp and

10. DTXCID-399(Change the text on the cancel button)-

The string appeared on button was coming from couple of properties
files but these files were a part of a jar that was the part of BDC not the
part of trunk. It was required to update the jar as well as build.xml

11. DTXCID-256(DCM/Tranzax Integration - Tranzax tabs should

appear as DCM sub-tabs)-
To get this I have to make changes into DCMTZX Integration module of
DCM. There I read tabs from tranzax and made the same into DCM with
same functionality and look and feel. After button moved to DCM I
managed to work with tabs to provide service to open pages into
Tranzax frame while click in DCM window tab.
12. Demo Box-

Integrated the DCM and the Tranzax functionality under one roof.The
Tranzax Case Agent tab needed to be shown while the DCM URL was

13. DTXCID-404 (Setup an integrated VDI to run continuously and add

new cases everyday) –

In this task, an integrated machine had to be deployed where each day

a new case is added.

14. DTCXID-405 (Setup an integrated VDI to run continuously, with

new build deployed weekly and new cases added everyday)-

In this, an integrated machine had to be deployed where in addition to

adding a case every day , a fresh build has to be run once every week.

Test Plan


 DTXCID-391
 DTXCID-395
 DTXCID-400
 DTXCID-402

 DTXCID-353
 DTXCID-377
 DTXCID-378
 DTXCID-399
 DTXCID-256

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