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Theory -

Plagiarism is the act of presenting someone else's ideas, words, creations, or intellectual property
as one's own without giving proper credit or acknowledgment. It is a violation of academic and
professional ethics, as it undermines the principles of originality, honesty, and the proper
attribution of intellectual contributions.

Forms of Plagiarism:
1. Verbatim Plagiarism - Copying and pasting text directly from a source without using
quotation marks or providing proper citation.

2. Paraphrasing Plagiarism:
- Rewriting someone else's work in different words without proper attribution to the original

3. Self-Plagiarism:
Presenting one's own previously submitted work as new or original without proper citation.
This is often considered unethical in academic and professional contexts.

4. Patch writing:
Copying a section of someone else's work and slightly modifying the language while retaining
the original structure and ideas.

5. Using Unaccredited Ideas or Concepts - Incorporating someone else's unique ideas, concepts,
or theories into one's own work without giving proper credit.

Consequences of Plagiarism :
1. In educational settings, consequences may include failing a course, receiving a reduced
grade on an assignment, or exclusion from an academic program.
2. In professional contexts, plagiarism can lead to damage to one's reputation, job
termination, or legal actions, particularly in fields where intellectual property is highly
Preventing Plagiarism:
1. Properly cite and reference all sources used in academic or professional writing using
recognized citation styles (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago).
2. Familiarize one self with the specific guidelines and policies of educational institutions or
workplaces regarding plagiarism.
3. Prioritize originality and creativity in research, writing, and the development of ideas.

Importance of Avoiding Plagiarism:

1. Maintaining Academic Integrity:
2. Upholding the integrity of academic institutions and the pursuit of knowledge.
3. Respecting Intellectual Property
4. Recognizing and respecting the intellectual contributions of others.

Plagiarism Check Using Duplichecker - Step-by-Step Guide

1. Access Duplichecker:
Visit the Duplichecker website at [].
Create a new account or log in using existing credentials.

2. Upload Document:
Navigate to the "Plagiarism Checker" section on the Duplichecker website.
Upload the document you want to check for plagiarism.
Ensure fulfillment with the specified file format and submission requirements.

3. Configure Settings:
Explore any available settings within Duplichecker to customize the plagiarism check according
to your preferences.
Some tools allow you to adjust sensitivity levels or exclude specific sources.
4. Submit Document -
Initiate the plagiarism check by clicking the appropriate button or option to submit the document.

5. Review Plagiarism Report:

Wait for Duplichecker to process the document and generate a plagiarism report.
Access the report, which typically highlights areas of potential plagiarism.

6. Interpret Results:
Analyze each match in the report to understand the nature of the similarity.
Differentiate between common phrases, properly cited material, and potential instances of

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