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The Magical Book

In a magical village, there once was lived a boy named Asta who
doesn’t have any magic in him. Everyone in the village bullied him for
having no magic at all. Asta has a friend named Yuno, a talented and
handsome young man. Unlike Asta, Yuno have a lot of magic scorching
in him. One day, while Asta was walking in the forest he found a magical
book. It shone in front of him; it is as if a star that fell down from the sky.
He was amazed by that book he found. He took it and ran towards the
village. But a group of bullies stopped him in the middle of the street and
they tried to steal the book from him. The bullies used magic against
Asta knowing that he couldn’t fight back because he doesn’t have any
magic at all. Fortunately, Yuno came to his rescue. Even so, Asta and
Yuno are still outnumbered. In the middle of the fight the book once
again shines and elevates in the sky and then a sword came out. The
sword was an anti-magic weapon Asta then used it to defeat the bullies.
Eventually they won the fight and came home. Asta keep the book and
studied until he learned a lot from it.

1. What was the name of the boy who doesn’t have any magic?


2. Who is Yuno?


3. Where did Asta found the magical book?


4. What did the bullies do to Asta?


5. What came out of the book that Asta used to defeat the bullies?

Finding My Father

When Gon was still a child his father left him with his aunt and
never returns. His father was a hunter a prestigious job back in time.
When Gon turns to 11, he wanted to become a hunter to find his father.
Gon started his journey on becoming a hunter with his bestfriend Ken,
whom he met during the entrance exam. In order to find his father, Gon
has to pass many tests. Gon and Ken trained very hard until they
become stronger and stronger every time. In the midst of finding his
father, they have met a lot of friends and foes. But one day Gon got
really sick and had been to hospital for couple of weeks. However, Gon
wanted to resume his journey even without getting fully recovered.
Because he got worried he might not find his father or so. But his friend
Ken stops him from doing so. Ken promised Gon that if he fully recovers
both of them will immediately search for his father. When Gon got better
they continue their journey and eventually they found Gon’s father in the
top of a big tree in the middle of the Earth.

1. Who was the person that Gon trying to find?


2. Who is Gon’s bestfriend?


3. Why did Gon wanted to become a hunter?


4. What did Ken promised to Gon?


5. Where did they found his father?

Beyond the Wall
There was once a village surrounded by a big wall. Everyone was
trapped inside the wall and no one can escape from it. Beneath a big
and tall tree, a 12 year old boy Eren is sleeping. Eren is having a dream
and teardrops came out from his eyes. Mikasa, Eren’s friend, woke him
up and asked, “What’s wrong Eren why are you crying?” “Nothing,” he
replied. Armin from a far distance was calling them to go home. All three
of them are running and playing but suddenly birds from the sky catches
their attention. “Oh I wish to be like a bird so that I can fly wherever I
want to,” Armin said. “Me too,” Mikasa added. “I wish to take down that
wall so that we can finally see the ocean. Oh I wonder when that will be.”
Eren sighed. They only see drawings of the ocean through the books
that they read or hear stories of it from the elders. One night a strong
earthquake happened and in the morning everyone was shocked for the
walls that surrounds them no longer exist. It was taken down by that
strong earthquake from last night. While everyone was still in shocked
Eren immediately ran towards the open space looking for the ocean.
Together with his friends they went looking for it and finally found it. It
was blue, wide and cold just as they imagined it, the ocean.

1. What are the names of the children in the story?


2. How old is Eren?


3. What is the reason Armin wants to become a bird?


4. What was Eren’s wish?


5. What happened to the wall?

The Pirate King
Since Luffy was still a kid he always wanted to become a pirate.
One day when he comes to an age he gathered his own crew and sailed
across the ocean to find treasures. He named his first pirate ship The
Merry Go Round, it was beautiful and magnificent. Luffy and his crew
travelled across the ocean, beneath the ocean and even above the
ocean. They met other pirates, mermaids and even sky people. They
found a lot of treasures along the way. However, the marine police
forces were looking for them since they are pirates and just because
most of the pirates in their town are known as criminals. But not them
though because Luffy and his friends are good pirates. They help people
in needs, they rescue animals from the sea and free prisoners from other
pirates. Later all the people in town realized that they really are good
pirates and that is why they considered Luffy as the king of the pirates.

1. Who is Luffy in the story?


2. What was the name of his ship?


3. Where did Luffy and his crew travelled to?


4. What kind of pirate are Luffy and his friends?


5. Who is the King of the Pirates?

The Red Flower Moon
One day Tan’s sister got sick. He wants to get her to the hospital
but he doesn’t have the money for the bills. So she brought her to the
nearest healer in town. The healer said to him that in order for his sister
to get better he must find cure, the red flower moon, which can only be
found in the deepest part of the dark forest. Tan immediately pack his
things and gone to the dark forest. The dark forest was cold and creepy
with a lot of malicious scent nearby. Tan did not flinch and still continues
his walk towards the deepest part of the forest. He just walking and
walking without realizing that a wolf was following from the beginning
and only waiting for a chance to devour him. When Tan reaches a cliff
the wolf makes its appearance and when the wolf tries to eat him a man
appears and save him. The man save Tan from the wolf and even help
him find the flower. Eventually, Tan found the red flower moon. He
thanks the man and makes his way back to his sister. Later that day his
sister got better and they continue to live their lives happily.

1. Who is sick?


2. What is the cure of Tan’s sister sickness?


3. Where did Tan found the Red Flower Moon?


4. Who saves Tan from the wolf?


5. What happened to Tan and his sister?


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