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The following section of paragraph involves the fallacy of suppressed evidence (based on what follows).

“Yes,” he replies. “And given that first rate work deserves an ‘A,’ I deserve an ‘A’ for this paper.”

Step 3 of 16

Fallacy of Complex Question

“Beats me. Why do you always insist on giving moral advice to everyone?”

Step 4 of 16

Fallacy of Complex Question.

“The real question is, why do you always ignore moral advice?” she asks.

Step 5 of 16

Fallacy of Begging the Question.

“Well, the way I see it,” Brad says, “there’s really nothing wrong with plagiarism. After all, students who
plagiarize their work usually get better grades.

Step 6 of 16

Fallacy of Weak Analogy.

Anyway, I’m just following in the footsteps of most U.S. Presidents. They have speech writers who write
most of their speeches. Why shouldn’t I get someone to write my papers?”

Step 7 of 16

Fallacy of Argument against the person, abusive.

“You are so stupid!” Carly replies. “Honestly, I really think everyone should stop listening to you.”

Step 8 of 16

Fallacy of False Dichotomy.

“Okay, how about this?” he asks. “Either I get someone to write this paper for me, or I’ll get an ‘F’ in the
class. I can’t afford to get an ‘F’; thus, I get someone to write the paper for me.”

Step 9 of 16

Fallacy of Appeal to the People, bandwagon argument.

“I doubt many students would think badly of me,” he says. “Practically everyone plagiarizes their work
nowadays, and if they do it, so can I.”

Step 10 of 16

Fallacy of Hasty Generalization.

“It’s not true that all students plagiarize their work,” Carly replies. “In fact, I am quite certain that none
of them do. I certainly don’t, and most of the students I know don’t.”

Step 11 of 16

Fallacy of Composition.

“Well, every word of your paper appears in the dictionary, so it’s clear that you plagiarized it from the

Step 12 of 16

Fallacy of Equivocation
“But this paper is original work,” Brad insists, as they enter the social sciences building. “My girlfriend
has never written a paper like this before, and she didn’t copy it from anyone.”

Step 13 of 16

Fallacy of Amphiboly.

“Yes, I have attached a copy of the pledge document to the paper, and I signed it ‘Professor Judy
Halvorson,’ just as the rule says.”

Step 14 of 16

Fallacy of Division.

“You’re wrong about that,” Brad counters. “Consider this. I’m a member of the senior class, and the
senior class graduates in May. That means I’ll graduate in May.”

Step 15 of 16

Fallacy of Appeal to Pity.

“Uh oh.” Brad looks concerned again. “That had slipped my mind. But you won’t rat on me, will you?
Please, please don’t. All my life I have struggled with my sense of self-esteem, and if I get and ‘F’ on this
paper, I will feel absolutely crushed.”

Step 16 of 16

Fallacy of Appeal to Force.

Carly smiles grimly back. “On whether you hand in the paper your girlfriend wrote.”

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