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Annisa Diah Pratiwi 5201411038

English Proficiency Test Preparation

Activity 4
Complete the following diagram, which represents the description of Sydney. Two of
them have been done for you. How are they related to Sydney?


the capital city

Many attraction in Sydney

Historical interest places
in Sydney

Sydney temperature Efficient

climate. communications
network within city
in Sydney.

The writer‟s
opinion on Sydney

Activity 5
True, False, and Not Given State whether )the following sentences are True, False, or Not Given in the
text. To answer the questions, give a check () in the right column.

Statement True False Not


1. Sydney has a number of historical heritages which go back to 

the nineteenth century.

2. The people of Sydney are not proud of their city.

3. The historical places are all close to the harbor and the city

center because the early settlement was near the coast.
4. The city is more densely populated compared to other big
cities in Australia. 
5. You will probably find few numbers of entertainments in


Activity 6
Read the text once more. This time pay attention to the underlined words or phrases. What do they refer
to? One has been done for you. Do them in the same way
1. It : Sydney
2. Its : Sydney
3. The harbor : Sydney
4. This one of the most beautiful examples of modern architecture : Opera House
5. Temperature : Temperature climate
6. His : Sydneysider
7. He : Sydneysider
8. It : Sydney

Activity 7
The sentence can be cut into the following formula.

X = Y
Noun, or Noun Phrase Be Noun, or Noun Phrase

Sydney is Australia‟s oldest, largest, and liveliest state capital with a

population of over 3,000,000.
The other sentences with the same formula include:

1. It is a colorful, modern city, but it has also a natural beauty with green parkland and perhaps the
world‟s most beautiful deep-water harbor.

2. For example, Mrs. Macquarie‟s Chair, the area called the Rocks, which dates back to the early
nineteenth century, and the attractive terrace houses of Paddington, are all close to the harbor and the
city center.

Find sentences in the text that are similar to the formula.

1 There (Sydney) Is Also, a very efficient network of communications within

the including public telephones, an underground railway,
buses and taxis.
2 There Are Few places in the world where a visitor can find such a
rich variety of natural and historical beauty, entertainment,
and culture.
3 Entertainment Is A wide variety of restaurants, nightclubs, sports, and
there social clubs.

The formula can also be extended in the following.

X Be Y
Noun, or Noun ≠ Be Noun/Noun Phrase, Adjective, or Prepositional Phrase
Phrase not

Sydney is not a cold city

The harbors are beautiful

The city is near the beach

Think of your own city or town, and write sentences similar to the formula.

1. Jogjakarta is the capital of Jogjakarta Special Region Province, which is in the southern part of java.

2. The city is renowned for being a center of Javanese art and drama as well as being a center for higher
education in Indonesia.

3. Jogjakarta is also known for its gamelan music, which was developed in the courts during the hight of
the Javanese Empire.
You can also describe Sydney by using the verb „have‟.

... it has also a natural beauty with green parkland and perhaps the world‟s most
beautiful deep-water harbor.

This sentence can be broken down into the following formula.

X Have, or has Y
Noun, Noun Phrase ≠ Do/does Noun, or Noun Phrase
not have

It has also a natural beauty with green parkland and

perhaps the world‟s most beautiful deep-water

It does not have enough Indonesian restaurants.

The streets do not have enough trees in each sides.

Find other sentences in the text which have the same construction as the formula.

Sydney has many attractions which tourists can enjoy- surf beaches, a zoo, Koala Bear Park, and an
Opera House which is situated at the water’s edge.

1 Sydney Has many attractions which tourists can enjoy- surf beaches, a zoo, Koala
Bear Park, and an Opera House which is situated at the water’s
2 Indonesia Have many Place which tourist can enjoy with the view.

3 The network Has many Find in Indonesia.


Describe what your town or city has.

1. Yogyakarta has many Dutch colonial architecture

2. Yogyakarta has many cultures including in history, for example like museum sonobudoyo, in
there display numerous Javanese archeological artifacts.
3. Yogyakarta has leadership under the kingdom, and lead by a king we called Sri Sultan.

Activity 8: Description: Noun with pre- and post-modifiers

Read the following sentences and pay attention to the underlined words.

Sydney is Australia‟s oldest, largest, and liveliest state capital with a population of over 3,000,000.

A noun can be modified by a number of pre- and post-modifiers. For example:

Deictic Number Describing Classifying Noun Qualifier

Australia‟s oldest, largest, State capital with a population of

liveliest over 3,000,000
The Nineteenth Early, attractive Mrs. area called the Rocks
Sydney Very pleasant, Temperature Climat in summer is 21.7
temperate e C and in winter
12.6 C

Activity 9: Description: Parallel Structure

Identify the parallel structures in the following sentences.

1. The swimming is very good and the beaches are as clean as any you will find.
2. Ask any Sydneysider about his city and he‟ll say there‟s no place like it.
3. There are not enough restaurants where you can eat well and take the children.
4. Sydney is Australia‟s oldest, largest, and liveliest state capital with a
population of over 3,000,000.
5. You may talk about the play or the film you have seen recently.
6. The wild country side, the rugged mountains, and the colored fishing boats are
still printed on my memory.
7. The attractive waterside bars and the busy tavernas vibrate with bouzouki
music until the small hours.
8. Speak to the friendly local people and they will show you where to eat the
most delicious local food.

Write your own sentences using parallel structures.

1. She likes swimming, hiking, and singing

2. Mommy asked me to go there now but I did it tomorrow

3. I don’t know what you see or feel right now

4. Both you and she are being sad after that moment

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