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Macroeconomics 11th Edition Gordon

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Macroeconomics, 11e (Gordon)
Chapter 8 Inflation: Its Causes and Cures
1) Continuous inflation in the long run requires repeated ________ shifts of the AD curve caused by a
continuous increase in the ________.
A) leftward; government expenditures
B) rightward; nominal money supply
C) inward; nominal money supply
D) None of the above, inflation is primarily a supply side phenomenon.
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

2) Continuous inflation requires repeated ________ shifts of the SAS curve, accompanied by continuous
________ of price expectations.
A) leftward; upward adjustments
B) rightward; downward adjustments
C) inward; downward adjustments
D) None of the above, inflation is primarily a demand side phenomenon.
Answer: A
Question Status: Previous Edition

3) After a period of sustained unexpected inflation, it is likely that the renegotiation of nominal wages will
A) shift the SAS curve downward thereby increasing output.
B) shift the SAS curve upward thereby increasing output.
C) shift the SAS curve upward thereby decreasing output.
D) shift the AD curve downward thereby increasing output.
Answer: C
Question Status: Previous Edition

4) The short-run SAS curve is positively sloped because as

A) AD increases, mark-ups are increased, indicating variable mark-up pricing.
B) SAS increases, mark-ups are increased, indicating variable mark-up pricing.
C) AD increases, raw materials prices set by auction tend to rise.
D) A and C are both correct.
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

5) Suppose that members of Congress and the President believe that the natural rate of unemployment is 2%
but in fact it is 6%, and employing fiscal policy they increase AD each time unemployment rises above 2%.
The underestimation of the natural rate combined with adaptive expectations will
A) lead to continuous inflation by shifts in both AD and SAS.
B) lead to a continuous inflation by a shift in only AD.
C) lead to a continuous inflation by a shift in only SAS.
D) lead to continuous increases in output and unemployment.
Answer: A
Question Status: Previous Edition

6) When the expected rate of inflation falls, the short-run Phillips Curve
A) shifts upward.
B) shifts downward.
C) remains unaffected.
D) becomes vertical.
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

7) In constructing the short-run Phillips Curve, SP,

A) real wages are fixed.
B) nominal wages are renegotiated.
C) nominal wages are fixed.
D) raw materials prices are fixed.
Answer: C
Question Status: Previous Edition

8) Each SP curve is drawn assuming

A) Pe as embodied in wage contracts is "fixed."
B) Pe and prices are rigid.
C) Pe and real wages are rigid.
D) None of the above.
Answer: A
Question Status: Previous Edition

9) The slope of the SP curve is determined in large part by the

A) rate of increase in mark-ups.
B) the slope of the LP curve.
C) the level of Pe.
D) the level of fixed real wage.
Answer: A
Question Status: Previous Edition

10) When the actual inflation rate is equal to the expected inflation rate the economy will be ________ and the SP
curve will ________.
A) in long-run equilibrium; shift upward
B) in disequilibrium, at an output level less than the natural rate of output; shift upward
C) in short-run equilibrium; shift upward
D) in short- and long-run equilibrium; be stable
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

11) Suppose that the government enforced a law which required employers to adjust nominal wages monthly by
the previous month's CPI. The short-run SAS curve would shift ________ and the SP curve would be
A) gradually; stable
B) rapidly; unstable
C) continuously; flat
D) slowly; steep
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

12) An acceleration of nominal GDP growth from, say 4% to 6% will
A) permanently raise the rate of inflation.
B) temporarily lower the rate of inflation.
C) leave real GDP unaffected in the long run.
D) Both A and C.
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

13) If expectations are adaptive it means that the expected rate of inflation
A) depends on the observed rate of inflation.
B) depends on one's previously expected rate of inflation.
C) will be rising when inflation is rising.
D) All of the above are accurate statements about adaptive expectations.
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

14) All points on the SP curve (but not on the LP line) share the characteristic that the economy is not in the long-
run equilibrium because
A) price level is constantly increasing faster than nominal wage rate.
B) wage contracts failed to anticipate inflation correctly.
C) wage contracts failed to specify in advance the wage increases necessary to keep up with inflation.
D) All of the above.
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

15) The slope of the SP curve depends on

A) how business changes its markups when output varies.
B) whether the expansionary force in the economy is coming through monetary policy or fiscal policy.
C) the percentage of GDP that is sold on auction markets.
D) Both A and C.
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

16) The variable p(e) represents

A) the inflation rate that workers expect during the current period.
B) the price level that workers believe will exist during the next year.
C) the inflation rate that both workers and firms expected at the time of the last contract negotiation.
D) the difference between the inflation rate expected this year and the actual rate of inflation.
Answer: C
Question Status: Previous Edition

17) The short-run Phillips Curve gives

A) the actual short-run level of real GDP and inflation.
B) all possible combinations of real GDP and inflation, for a given set of expectations.
C) all possible combinations of real GDP and inflation, for fully adjusted expectations.
D) the response of real GDP and inflation to supply shocks.
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

18) The rate of inflation will be permanently reduced provided
A) the rate of monetary growth is permanently reduced.
B) the government balances the budget.
C) people behave rationally.
D) there is a Pigou effect.
Answer: A
Question Status: Previous Edition

19) If actual real GDP (Q) is permanently greater than natural real GDP (YN)
A) the economy is off its short-run Phillips Curve.
B) the actual rate of inflation must be less than the expected rate.
C) the economy is on its long-run Phillips Curve.
D) there must be a continuous acceleration of inflation.
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

20) The flatter the SP curve

A) the greater will be the shift in the SP.
B) the greater will be the change in inflation and the smaller will be the change in real GDP for any given
change in nominal GDP growth.
C) the greater will be the change in real GDP and the smaller will be the change in inflation for any given
change in nominal GDP growth.
D) the greater will be the growth of nominal GDP.
Answer: C
Question Status: Previous Edition

21) The short-run equilibrium of inflation and real GDP

A) depends only on the rate of growth of the money supply.
B) occurs where expected inflation equals actual inflation.
C) depends only on the rate of growth of nominal GDP.
D) None of these.
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

22) An increase in the rate of growth of nominal GNP

A) will cause a greater increase in real GNP the lower the rate of inflation.
B) will cause a smaller increase in real GNP the lower the rate of inflation.
C) will shift the SP curve upward.
D) will shift the SP curve downward.
Answer: A
Question Status: Previous Edition

23) The growth of nominal GDP

A) can be broken down into the growth of the price level times the growth of real GDP.
B) is equal to the index of prices times the level of real GDP.
C) can be broken down into the growth of money supply plus the growth of velocity.
D) is the same as the growth of aggregate supply.
Answer: C
Question Status: Previous Edition

24) If the inflation rate is 10% and nominal GDP growth is 8% then real GDP must have
A) increased by 2%.
B) decreased by 18%.
C) decreased by 2%.
D) increased by 18%.
Answer: C
Question Status: Previous Edition

25) Which of the following does NOT affect nominal GDP?

A) tax rate
B) foreign exchange rate
C) nominal money supply
D) expected inflation rate
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

26) If nominal GDP growth has accelerated permanently (assuming Y(N), is constant)
A) real GDP must keep growing until the growth rate of nominal GDP equals the inflation rate.
B) real GDP will increase by the same percentage that nominal GDP increased.
C) real GDP must keep growing until the rate of growth of real GDP equals the inflation rate.
D) the level of real GDP will be permanently increased.
Answer: A
Question Status: Previous Edition

27) Which of the following are reasons why rational workers and firms may form their expectations by looking
backward rather than forward?
A) the existence of long-term wage and price agreements would prevent actual inflation from responding
immediately to an acceleration in nominal GDP
B) if in the past acceleration in nominal GDP has caused inflation, then a current acceleration might be
expected to increase inflation
C) people may have no reason to believe that the acceleration in GDP growth will be permanent
D) Both A and B.
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

28) If people completely adjust for any error in their estimation of this period's inflation rate
A) the expected rate of inflation must be higher next period.
B) the expected rate of inflation must be lower next period.
C) the actual rate of inflation will be higher next period.
D) next period's expected inflation will be the same as this period's actual inflation.
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

29) Which of the following "theories" of the formation of expectations are discussed by Gordon?
A) menu costs, markup, and wage efficiency theories
B) forward and backward-looking theories
C) economic, sociological, and political science theories
D) None of the above.
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

30) Lucas's idea of information barriers as applied to the formation of inflation expectations is an example of
A) forward-looking expectations.
B) backward-looking expectations.
C) adaptive expectations.
D) irrational expectations.
Answer: A
Question Status: Previous Edition

31) Backward-looking expectations could be classified as a ________ theory.

A) proactive
B) reactive
C) first proactive then a reactive
D) None of the above.
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

32) Backward-looking expectations may reasonably describe actual behavior because

A) changes in inflation rates or price levels are often temporary.
B) changes in inflation rates or price levels are often permanent.
C) the speed of adjustment of prices and wages is difficult to estimate since contract negotiators have
perfect information about negotiations in other industries.
D) Both A and C.
Answer: A
Question Status: Previous Edition

33) If firms have only a weak tendency to raise markups during cyclical expansions, or if there are only a few
auction markets in raw materials, then
A) the SP curve will be relatively flat and a "cold-turkey" cure for inflation will be relatively quick.
B) the SP curve will be relatively flat and a "cold-turkey" cure for inflation will be long lasting.
C) the SP curve will be relatively steep and a "cold-turkey" cure for inflation will be relatively quick.
D) the SP curve will be relatively steep and a "cold-turkey" cure for inflation will be long lasting.
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

34) The long-run Phillips Curve is

A) horizontal at the level of expected inflation p(e).
B) vertical at the natural level of Y/Y(n) = 100.
C) dependent on price expectations.
D) dependent on the rate of inflation.
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

35) In order for the economy to be in long-run equilibrium

A) price expectations must be accurate.
B) the economy is on an SP curve.
C) y = p.
D) All of the above.
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

Figure 8-1

36) Everywhere to the left of the long-run Phillips Curve as in the figure above
A) actual inflation is less than expected inflation and the expected inflation rate will be reduced.
B) actual inflation is less than expected inflation and the expected inflation rate will be raised.
C) actual inflation is greater than expected inflation and the expected inflation rate will be raised.
D) actual inflation is greater than expected inflation and the expected inflation rate will be reduced.
Answer: A
Question Status: Previous Edition

37) In the figure above, suppose that the economy traces the path E 0 to E1 to E1'. We might conclude that
________ fiscal or monetary policy shifted the AD curve with price expectation first ________ then ________.
A) expansionary; constant; revised upward
B) expansionary; revised upward; constant
C) contractionary; revised upward; constant
D) contractionary; constant; revised downward
Answer: A
Question Status: Previous Edition

38) Everywhere to the right of the long-run Phillips Curve

A) actual inflation is less than expected inflation and the expected inflation rate will be reduced.
B) actual inflation is less than expected inflation and the expected inflation rate will be raised.
C) actual inflation is greater than expected inflation and the expected inflation rate will be raised.
D) actual inflation is greater than expected inflation and the expected inflation rate will be reduced.
Answer: A
Question Status: Previous Edition

39) In response to a rapid deceleration in the growth rate of nominal GDP in the early 1980s,
A) inflation declined slowly, thus giving empirical support to the proponents of the adaptive expectations
B) inflation declined slower than the deceleration in nominal GDP and real output actually declined.
C) inflation declined slower than the deceleration in nominal GDP and the output ratio actually declined.
D) All of the above are correct.
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

40) Stagflation may be explained by
A) an upward shift in the SP curve.
B) a downward shift in the SP curve.
C) a stagnating level of AD.
D) a stagnating level of SAS.
Answer: A
Question Status: Previous Edition

41) The success or failure of economic policy with regard to the twin goals may be measured by the
A) stagflation rate.
B) unemployment rate.
C) change in the output ratio.
D) inflation rate.
Answer: C
Question Status: Previous Edition

42) As the output rises above 100%, unemployment

A) falls and inflation rises.
B) rises and inflation falls.
C) and inflation rise.
D) and inflation fall.
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

43) As the output ratio falls below 100%, unemployment

A) falls and inflation rises.
B) rises and inflation falls.
C) and inflation rise.
D) and inflation fall.
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

44) Assuming adaptive expectations, a "cold turkey" reduction in AD by policymakers will initially reduce
A) output but not inflation.
B) inflation but not output.
C) output less than inflation.
D) both output and inflation.
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

45) If the SP curve is steep then monetary and fiscal policy will have a ________ effect on inflation and a
________ effect on unemployment.
A) large; large
B) large; small
C) small; large
D) small; small
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

46) According to Gordon an upward shift in the SAS curve caused by a renegotiation of nominal wages is
A) supply inflation since the SAS curve shifted.
B) not supply inflation since the required change in nominal wages is the result of past change in AD and
C) natural since the SAS curve shifted.
D) a permanent acceleration of inflation.
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

47) "Supply inflation" is caused by

A) exogenous disturbances such as fiscal policy.
B) changes in business costs unrelated to prior changes in nominal GDP.
C) changes in business costs related to prior changes in nominal GDP.
D) shocks such as labor negotiations.
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

48) An adverse supply shock will shift the short-run Phillips Curve
A) outward to the right.
B) downward to the right.
C) upward to the left.
D) upward to the right.
Answer: C
Question Status: Previous Edition

49) A beneficial supply shock will shift the short-run Phillips Curve
A) inward to the left.
B) downward to the right.
C) upward to the left.
D) downward to the left.
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

50) A once-and-for-all increase in the price of a raw material, such as crude oil, will
A) not be inflationary, because this is, simply, "high prices".
B) have a short-run inflationary effect and reduces employment.
C) have no effect on inflation because this is the price of a raw material, not a final good.
D) both A and C are correct
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

51) If the government raises the growth of nominal GDP in response to a supply shock
A) inflation will decelerate and unemployment will fall.
B) inflation will accelerate and unemployment will worsen.
C) employment can be maintained so long as expectations are unaffected by the supply shock.
D) none of these results follow an increase in the growth of nominal GDP
Answer: C
Question Status: Previous Edition

52) Which of the following will shift the short-run Phillips Curve?
A) supply shocks
B) price controls
C) removal of price controls
D) All of the above are correct.
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

53) The effect of a supply shock on inflation and real GDP

A) depends on the initial expected rate of inflation.
B) depends on the response in the growth of nominal GDP.
C) depends on the level of natural real GDP.
D) both A and B are correct
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

54) In the short-run, the impact of an adverse supply shock is to

A) reduce real GDP and increase the inflation rate if the growth of nominal GDP remains the same.
B) reduce real GDP and leave the inflation rate unchanged if the growth of nominal GDP is reduced
C) maintain the same level of real GDP and increase the inflation rate if the growth of nominal GDP is
increase enough.
D) All of the above
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

55) In the short-run, the impact of an adverse supply shock is to

A) reduce real GDP and leave the inflation rate unchanged if the growth of nominal GDP remains the
B) reduce real GDP and leave the inflation rate unchanged if the growth of nominal GDP is reduced
C) maintain the same level of real GDP and reduce the inflation rate if the growth of nominal GDP is
increase enough.
D) All of the above
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

56) Confronted with an adverse supply shock, an economy with rigid wages and prices would suffer
A) an increase in output and inflation.
B) a decrease in output and increase in inflation.
C) an increase in output and decrease in inflation.
D) a decrease in output only.
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

57) Confronted with an adverse supply shock, an economy with rigid wages but flexible prices would suffer
A) an increase in output and inflation.
B) a decrease in output and increase in inflation.
C) an increase in output and decrease in inflation.
D) a decrease in output only.
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

58) If price controls are initiated, we would expect that
A) unemployment will rise in the short-run.
B) the short-run rate of inflation will be unchanged.
C) the rate of inflation will accelerate in the short-run.
D) the rate of inflation will fall in the short-run.
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

59) The imposition of price controls can be expected to

A) raise the natural rate of output and reduce unemployment.
B) raise unemployment in the short-run but decrease it in the long-run.
C) raise employment in the long-run, but reduce unemployment in the short-run.
D) raise employment in the short-run, but create market dislocations in other sectors.
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

60) The effects of a supply shock on employment can be moderated in the short-run by
A) an appropriate acceleration in nominal GDP growth.
B) an appropriate deceleration of nominal GDP growth.
C) price controls.
D) both A and C would moderate the effects of a supply shock
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

61) An accommodating policy response to a supply shock

A) reduces the expected inflation rate.
B) maintains a fixed growth rate of nominal GDP.
C) eliminates the additional inflation caused by the supply shock.
D) none of these
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

62) An extinguishing policy response to a supply shock

A) attempts to keep real GDP from changing.
B) is one that maintains a fixed growth of real GDP.
C) changes the expected inflation rate.
D) causes a downward shift in the SP curve.
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

63) Given an adverse supply shock, an "extinguishing policy response" will

A) maintain the inflation rate and the output ratio.
B) lower the inflation rate and the output ratio.
C) raise the inflation rate and the output ratio.
D) maintain the inflation rate but lower the output ratio.
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

Figure 8-2

64) In the figure above, a policy that maintains nominal GDP growth in the advent of an adverse supply shock is
A) extinguishing policy; M.
B) neutral policy; L.
C) accommodating policy; N.
D) incomes policy; N.
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

65) In the figure above, a policy that maintains the level of real GDP in the advent of an adverse supply shock is
A) extinguishing policy; M.
B) neutral policy; L.
C) price-control policy; N.
D) accommodating policy; N.
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

66) If there is a permanent adverse supply shock

A) the rate of inflation can be held constant if real wages are kept from falling.
B) an extinguishing policy will produce an acceleration of inflation.
C) the level of employment at the natural level of real GDP will remain constant only if the labor supply
curve is vertical.
D) the natural level of real GDP will remain the same if the supply curve of labor is vertical.
Answer: C
Question Status: Previous Edition

67) If there is a permanent adverse supply shock

A) the rate of inflation can be held constant if real wages are kept from falling.
B) an extinguishing policy will produce an acceleration of inflation.
C) the level of employment at the natural level of real GDP will remain constant only if the labor supply
curve is upward sloping to the right.
D) a policy of accommodation at the original natural level of real GDP is not possible without an
acceleration of inflation.
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

Figure 8-3

68) Employing Figure above and assuming the nominal money supply is not altered, a permanent adverse
supply side shock puts ________ pressure on nominal wages during renegotiation provided ________.
A) no; the reduction in the natural real GDP Y N to Y1 is exactly offset by the fall in goods demanded due
to the rise in the price level
B) downward; the reduction in the real GDP YN to Y2 is exactly offset by the fall in goods demanded due
to the rise in the price level
C) upward; the reduction in the natural real GDP is exactly offset by the fall in goods demanded due to
the rise in the price level
D) no; since the natural real GDP does not change
Answer: A
Question Status: Previous Edition

69) Suppose that an adverse supply shock causes downward pressure on nominal wages and unemployment to
increase. If the Fed increases the money supply to stimulate AD and restore output to its previous level
(assuming no change in the labor supply) a(n)
A) one time increase in prices will result.
B) inflationary spiral will begin if the real GDP has been reduced.
C) increase in the real GDP will follow.
D) All of the above
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

70) Suppose that a country's workers are universally protected by COLA's and an adverse SAS shock, occurs.
After wage and price adjustments, ceteris paribus, we find
A) output falls dramatically and unemployment rises.
B) real wages decline and unemployment rises.
C) real wages rise and unemployment falls.
D) none of the above
Answer: A
Question Status: Previous Edition

71) Can monetary policy maintain a constant price level when confronted with the effects of an adverse supply
A) Yes, if the economy is characterized by real and/or nominal wage rigidity
B) No, if the economy is characterized by real and/or nominal wage rigidity
C) Yes, if the economy is characterized by continuous renegotiation
D) No, if the economy is characterized by overlapping contracts
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

72) Given an adverse supply shock, an "accommodating policy" will
A) maintain the inflation rate and the output ratio.
B) lower the inflation rate and the output ratio.
C) raise the inflation rate and the output ratio.
D) maintain the output ratio but allow inflation to increase.
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

73) Given an adverse supply shock, a "neutral policy" will

A) maintain the inflation rate and the output ratio.
B) lower the inflation rate and the output ratio.
C) raise the inflation rate and the output ratio.
D) maintain the inflation rate but lower the output ratio.
Answer: C
Question Status: Previous Edition

74) The existence of COLA's in an economy will introduce

A) real wage rigidity and shift the LP curve.
B) real wage rigidity and shift the SP curve.
C) nominal wage rigidity and shift the SP curves.
D) nominal wage rigidity and shift the LP curve.
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

75) The statement, "With a permanent adverse supply shock, the government should engage in extinguishing
policy changes," is true only if
A) the social costs of higher inflation are small and less than the social cost of less output.
B) the social costs of lost output are less than the social cost of permanently.
C) accommodating policy is impossible to conduct.
D) neutral policy is impossible to conduct.
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

Figure 8-4

76) Employing Figure above in the time periods t0 to t1, and t4 to t5 real GNP is ________; from t1 to t2, t3 to t4,
and beyond t5 real GNP is ________.
A) decreasing; decreasing
B) increasing; decreasing
C) increasing; increasing
D) decreasing; increasing
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

77) If there is a supply shock and there are full protection COLAs
A) the Fed must reduce the money supply and follow an extinguishing policy to prevent an inflationary
B) the Fed must increase the money supply and follow an extinguishing policy to prevent an inflationary
C) the Fed must reduce the money supply and follow an accommodating policy to prevent an inflationary
D) the Fed must increase the money supply and follow an accommodating policy to prevent an
inflationary spiral.
Answer: A
Question Status: Previous Edition

78) The aggravation of inflation and unemployment as a result of a supply shock

A) is unavoidable and is referred to as the direct effect of an adverse supply shock.
B) is called the indirect effect of an adverse supply shock.
C) is a subsequent result of following an accommodating policy.
D) can be avoided if expansionary fiscal policy is initiated when the shock occurs.
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

79) Inflation is a ________ increase in the price level and it can be produced if the AD curve shifts up ________.
A) continuous, continuously
B) continuous, either once or continuously
C) one-shot, once but only once
D) one-shot, either once or continuously
Answer: A
Question Status: Previous Edition

80) In Chapter 8, the SAS curve is upward-sloping. One assumption that justifies this is that
A) that natural real GDP never exceeds actual real GDP.
B) that wage rates adjust instantaneously.
C) the use of long-term wage agreements.
D) All of the above.
Answer: C
Question Status: Previous Edition

81) A rising nominal wage causes

A) upward movement along the SAS curve.
B) downward movement along the SAS curve.
C) a downward shift of the SAS curve.
D) an upward shift of the SAS curve.
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

82) From an initial AD/SAS/LAS equilibrium with price and wage index numbers of 1.00 and an output index
number of 100, suppose a new SAS curve must be drawn for a wage level of 1.03. Applying a general rule for
drawing SAS curves, it goes through the
A) current AD curve at Y = 103.
B) current AD curve at P = 1.03.
C) LAS curve at Y = 103.
D) LAS curve at P = 1.03.
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

Figure 8-5

83) In the figure above, from initial point A in the top diagram AD 0 shifts to AD1, while the nominal wage
remains constant. Short-run equilibrium occurs at point
A) G.
B) B.
C) C.
D) D.
E) F.
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition
84) In the figure above, from initial point A in the top diagram AD 0 shifts to AD1, while at the same time the
nominal wage rises by 5 percent. Short-run equilibrium occurs at point
A) G.
B) B.
C) C.
D) D.
E) F.
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

85) In the figure above, the wage rate attached to SAS 1 is

A) 1.10.
B) between 1.05 and 1.10.
C) 1.05.
D) 1.00.
Answer: C
Question Status: Previous Edition

86) In the figure above, if we move from points A to B to C in the top diagram, this is translated to the bottom
diagram as a move from points
A) A to J and back to A.
B) A to J.
C) A to H.
D) A to J to H.
E) A to H and back to A.
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

87) In the figure above, from point B suppose the nominal wage rises by 5 percent while aggregate demand
remains constant. As a result we
A) move to point C.
B) move to point D.
C) move to point F.
D) move to point A.
E) remain at point B.
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

88) In the figure above, in going from points A to B the real wage ________, and then from point B to point C
(where the exact price level is 1.1025, rounded to 1.10 in the diagram) the real wage ________.
A) rose, remained constant
B) rose, rose again
C) fell, remained constant
D) fell, fell again
E) remained constant, remained constant
Answer: C
Question Status: Previous Edition

89) In the figure above, a crucial assumption that goes into positioning the SP curve in the bottom diagram is
A) the wage rate is 1.00.
B) expected inflation is zero.
C) expected inflation is 5 percent.
D) the AD curve is AD1.
E) the shift of AD1 to AD2 will be repeated continuously.
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

90) At every current AD/SAS equilibrium point to the right of the LAS curve, the price level is ________ than
that expected on average and figured into the wage contracts in force, and thus there is pressure on the SAS
curve to shift ________ with wage renegotiations.
A) greater, upward
B) greater, downward
C) less, upward
D) less, downward
Answer: A
Question Status: Previous Edition

91) At every current AD/SAS equilibrium point to the left of the LAS curve, the price level is ________ than that
expected on average and figured into the wage contracts in force, and thus there is pressure on the SAS curve
to shift ________ with wage renegotiations.
A) greater, upward
B) greater, downward
C) less, upward
D) less, downward
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

92) Suppose than successive AD/SAS equilibrium points run up a vertical line to the right of the LAS curve. It
must be the case that inflation is ________ the average expected inflation figured into the wage contracts in
force, which allows output to ________ the natural GDP.
A) greater than, remain below
B) greater than, remain above
C) less than, remain below
D) less than, remain above
E) equal to, be maintained at
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

93) When the expected inflation rate is 5 percent, we know to draw the short-run Phillips Curve through the
A) horizontal axis at Y = 105.
B) horizontal axis at P = 1.05.
C) long-run Phillips Curve at P = 1.05.
D) long-run Phillips Curve at p = 5.
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

94) Along the SP curve with expected inflation of 4 percent, we are below the natural GDP when
A) inflation falls below 4 percent.
B) inflation rises above 4 percent.
C) expected inflation falls below 4 percent.
D) expected inflation rises above 4 percent.
Answer: A
Question Status: Previous Edition

95) Along the SP curve with expected inflation of 6 percent, we are above the natural GDP when
A) inflation falls below 6 percent.
B) inflation rises above 6 percent.
C) expected inflation falls below 6 percent.
D) expected inflation rises above 6 percent.
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

96) A rise in expected inflation causes

A) the SP curve to shift upward.
B) the SP curve to shift downward.
C) a movement upward along the SP curve.
D) a movement downward along the SP curve.
Answer: A
Question Status: Previous Edition

97) The SP curve shifts downward when

A) the average wage rate falls.
B) the average wage rate rises.
C) expected inflation falls.
D) expected inflation rises.
Answer: C
Question Status: Previous Edition

98) The economy is in long-run equilibrium

A) at any point along the current SP curve.
B) where the current SP curve intersects the LP line.
C) at any point along the SP curve for zero expected inflation.
D) only where the SP curve for zero expected inflation intersects the LP line.
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

99) At any point on the current SP curve that is to the right of the LP line, actual inflation is ________ than
expected, which leads to wage renegotiations that shift SP ________.
A) lower, upward
B) lower, downward
C) higher, upward
D) higher, downward
Answer: C
Question Status: Previous Edition

100) The "long-run Phillips Curve" is the set of points for which
A) expected inflation is zero.
B) expected inflation is equal to actual inflation.
C) actual inflation is zero.
D) actual inflation is equal to expected inflation plus the growth rate of nominal wages.
E) actual inflation is equal to expected inflation minus the growth rate of nominal wages.
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

101) Compared to an economy with staggered overlapping wage contracts, an economy in which wage contracts
are renegotiated simultaneously will tend to have
A) steeper SP curves.
B) flatter SP curves.
C) faster shifting of its SP curves.
D) slower shifting of its SP curves.
Answer: C
Question Status: Previous Edition

102) Natural real GDP is the rate of output produced by the amount of labor hired when
A) inflation is zero.
B) inflation is expected to be zero.
C) inflation is both zero and is expected to be zero.
D) being correctly anticipated.
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

103) The LP curve shifts when

A) the natural real GDP changes.
B) expected inflation changes.
C) output deviates from the natural real GDP.
D) actual inflation changes.
Answer: A
Question Status: Previous Edition

104) From an initial situation where P = 1.00 and Y = 100, 6 percent nominal GDP growth that causes P to go to
1.02 also causes Y to go to
A) 98.
B) 112.
C) 103.
D) 104.
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

105) From an initial situation where P = 1.00 and Y = 100, 6 percent nominal GDP growth that causes P to go to
1.10 also causes Y to go to
A) 116.
B) 104.
C) 96.
D) 94.
Answer: C
Question Status: Previous Edition

106) Whenever x exceeds p,
A) y must be positive.
B) y must be negative.
C) Y must be above YN.
D) Y must be below YN.
Answer: A
Question Status: Previous Edition

107) For real output to remain constant

A) x must be zero.
B) p must be zero.
C) x and p must both be zero.
D) p must equal x.
E) x must equal -p.
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

108) From a long-run equilibrium with p = pe = 0, suppose x rises to 6. If initially pe remains at zero and p rises to
4, Y becomes
A) 110.
B) 102.
C) 98.
D) 96.
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

109) Suppose expected inflation is fixed at zero and we are on the SP curve with p = 2 and Y = 104. If nominal
GDP rises (again) by 6 percent
A) the SP curve must now shift up.
B) we must move off the SP curve to where p = 6 and Y = 104.
C) we must slide northeast further up the SP curve.
D) we must move off the SP curve to where p = 2 and Y = 110.
Answer: C
Question Status: Previous Edition

110) From a long-run equilibrium with p = pe = 0, suppose x rises permanently to 8 and pe never rises from zero.
The economy will come to rest
A) on its LP curve with p = 8.
B) at p = 0 and Y = 108.
C) back at p = 0 and Y = 100.
D) on its SP curve at p = 8.
E) on its SP curve at p = 4 and Y = 104.
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

111) Suppose we are on the economy's SP curve for pe = 0. Currently x = p = 7. We cannot be in long-run
equilibrium because this long-run equilibrium conditions is being violated:
A) p must equal zero.
B) y must equal zero.
C) x must equal zero.
D) p must equal pe.
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

112) If nominal GDP growth in an economy is a constant 7 percent, the economy's long-run equilibrium is at Y
equal to ________ with inflation of ________.
A) 100, zero
B) 100, 7 percent
C) 107, zero
D) 107, 7 percent
E) 103.5, 3.5 percent
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

113) In the SP/LP model it is possible to have all short-run equilibrium points run along the LP line if we employ
the assumption of ________ expectations.
A) backward-looking
B) forward-looking
C) adaptive
D) extrapolative
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

114) Using a model of the economy's structure to estimate the future behavior of a variable is the procedure we
assume is being followed under ________ expectations.
A) backward-looking
B) forward-looking
C) adaptive
D) extrapolative
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

115) The existence of staggered overlapping wage contracts makes the assumption of backward-looking
expectations ________ reasonable since wages and prices tend to adjust ________ to changes in nominal GDP.
A) less, quickly
B) less, gradually
C) more, quickly
D) more, gradually
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

116) "pe = p - 1" is an expression of

A) the forward-looking expectations assumption.
B) the adaptive expectations assumption.
C) one of the conditions for short-run equilibrium.
D) one of the conditions for long-run equilibrium.
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

117) From an initial long-run equilibrium with zero nominal demand growth, nominal GDP growth rises to a
permanent 9 percent. If we assume adaptive expectations with a one-period lag, the dynamic process in
response to the demand growth is
A) a loop that eventually terminates at Y = 100 with 9 percent inflation.
B) a loop that eventually terminates at Y = 100 with zero percent inflation.
C) a straight path to the northeast until we reach Y = 109 with 9 percent inflation.
D) in the first period Y = 109 with zero inflation, and every period thereafter Y =100 with 9 percent
Answer: A
Question Status: Previous Edition

118) With a permanent acceleration in nominal GDP growth, an "adjustment loop" leaves us in the end with
________ output and ________ inflation.
A) higher, unchanged
B) higher, higher
C) unchanged, unchanged
D) unchanged, higher
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

119) "Overshooting" refers to a temporary period in the adjustment loop during which
A) the percentage deviation of real GDP from natural real GDP exceeds the growth rate of nominal GDP.
B) inflation exceeds the growth rate of nominal GDP.
C) nominal GDP growth exceeds its permanent value.
D) we move from one long-run equilibrium to another.
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

120) The segment of an adjustment loop in which movement is to the northwest is sometimes called
A) inflation.
B) expansion.
C) stagflation.
D) undershooting.
Answer: C
Question Status: Previous Edition

121) Can "stagflation" occur as part of a business cycle triggered by a change in nominal GDP growth?
A) It is the first thing that happens after GDP growth accelerates, before expected inflation has changed
B) It happens after the cyclical peak in output from a GDP growth acceleration, and expected inflation is
catching up to actual inflation.
C) It is the first thing that happens after GDP growth decelerates, before expected inflation has changed
D) It is part of the business cycle triggered by supply shocks, but not by demand shocks.
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

122) With a "cold turkey" disinflationary policy of reducing GDP growth, the assumption of adaptive expectations
A) inflation to not decrease in the long-run.
B) an immediate full reduction in inflation with no temporary recession.
C) a temporary recession en route to the final long-run equilibrium.
D) a permanently lower level of output at the long-run rate of inflation.
Answer: C
Question Status: Previous Edition

123) A counterclockwise loop spiraling downward in the SP/LP diagram is the dynamic process typical of
________ policy with inflationary expectations that ________ adjust.
A) inflationary, are slow to
B) inflationary, instantly
C) disinflationary, are slow to
D) disinflationary, instantly
Answer: C
Question Status: Previous Edition

124) From a long-run equilibrium with x = p = pe = 10, a reduction in nominal GDP growth to 4 percent results in
the long run in output of ________ and inflation of ________.
A) 100, 10 percent
B) 100, 4 percent
C) 94, 4 percent
D) 94, 10 percent
E) 96, 4 percent
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

125) Assume adaptive expectations. Compared to a simple one-period lag, if the last five periods' inflation rates
are averaged to arrive at currently expected inflation, we have ________ disinflationary loops and ________
recessions accompanying disinflationary policy
A) skinnier, milder
B) skinnier, deeper
C) fatter, milder
D) fatter, deeper
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

126) During 1981-82, the drop in inflation was ________ than the drop in nominal GDP growth, resulting in a
________ real GDP.
A) less, slowly growing
B) less, shrinking
C) more, slowly growing
D) more, shrinking
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

127) On the historical diagram with (Y/YN) on the horizontal axis, the disinflationary loop that began in 1981
contained an unusual movement almost straight downward during ________, attributable to ________.
A) 1983-84, an adverse supply shock
B) 1983-84, renewed disinflationary monetary policy
C) 1985-86, a beneficial supply shock
D) 1985-86, renewed disinflationary monetary policy
E) 1990-91, the catching-up of expected inflation
Answer: C
Question Status: Previous Edition

128) While the actual inflation rate in the United States in 1998 was about 1.0 percent, demand-only models of the
economy had predicted that inflation would be roughly
A) 1.0 percent.
B) 2.8 percent.
C) 3.8 percent
D) 5.8 percent.
Answer: C
Question Status: Previous Edition

129) Supply inflation is triggered by changes in

A) the prices of imported goods.
B) wages as expected inflation catches up with actual inflation.
C) wages due to the current value of (Y/YN).
D) business costs unrelated to prior changes in nominal GDP growth.
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

130) Preeminent among the causes of supply inflation in recent decades is

A) general strikes
B) large changes in the price of oil.
C) unusually good or bad harvests.
D) unusually rapid adjustment of expected inflation to actual inflation.
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

131) The "direct effect" of an adverse supply shock in the SP/LP model is
A) a rightward shift of LP.
B) a leftward shift of LP.
C) an upward shift of SP.
D) a downward shift of SP.
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

132) The "indirect effect" of an adverse supply shock in the SP/LP model is
A) a rightward shift of LP.
B) a leftward shift of LP.
C) an upward shift of SP.
D) a downward shift of SP.
Answer: C
Question Status: Previous Edition

133) The "indirect effect" of a beneficial supply shock in the SP/LP model is
A) a rightward shift of LP.
B) a leftward shift of LP.
C) an upward shift of SP.
D) a downward shift of SP.
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

134) Crop failures generally produce ________ supply shocks in which the price level rises and then ________.
A) temporary, holds at its new higher level
B) temporary, returns to its previous level
C) permanent, holds at its new higher level
D) permanent, returns to its previous level
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

135) Oil price increases generally produce ________ supply shocks in which the price level rises and then
A) temporary, holds at its new higher level
B) temporary, returns to its previous level
C) permanent, holds at its new higher level
D) permanent, returns to its previous level
Answer: C
Question Status: Previous Edition

136) Suppose we are initially at a long-run SP/LP equilibrium with x = p = pe = 4. Then an adverse supply shock
adds 3 percentage points to the inflation necessary to produce each level of output. An "accommodating"
policy response ________ the level of nominal GDP growth so that inflation is ________ percent while (Y/YN)
A) lowers, 4, falls
B) lowers, 7, remains at 100
C) holds constant, 4, falls
D) raises, 4, remains at 100
E) raises, 7, remains at 100
Answer: E
Question Status: Previous Edition

137) Suppose we are initially at a long-run SP/LP equilibrium with x = p = pe = 4. Then an adverse supply shock
adds 3 percentage points to the inflation necessary to produce each level of output. A "neutral" policy
response ________ the level of nominal GDP growth so that inflation is ________ percent while (Y/YN)
A) lowers, 4, falls
B) lowers, between 4 and 7, remains at 100
C) holds constant, between 4 and 7, falls
D) raises, 4, remains at 100
E) raises, 7, remains at 100
Answer: C
Question Status: Previous Edition

138) Suppose we are initially at a long-run SP/LP equilibrium with x = p = pe = 4. Then an adverse supply shock
adds 3 percentage points to the inflation necessary to produce each level of output. An "extinguishing" policy
response ________ the level of nominal GDP growth so that inflation is ________ percent while (Y/YN)
A) lowers, 4, falls
B) lowers, between 4 and 7, remains at 100
C) holds constant, between 4 and 7, falls
D) raises, 4, remains at 100
E) raises, 7, remains at 100
Answer: A
Question Status: Previous Edition

139) Will a supply shock that shifts the SP curve upward leave it permanently at its new higher position?
A) A permanent shock will; a temporary shock cannot.
B) A permanent shock may if inflationary expectations are raised; a temporary shock cannot in any case.
C) Permanent or temporary shocks may if inflationary expectations are raised.
D) In no case will SP stay at its higher position.
Answer: C
Question Status: Previous Edition

140) COLAs ________ the probability that a permanent adverse supply shock will permanently increase an
economy's ________.
A) increase, inflation rate
B) increase, price level
C) decrease, inflation rate
D) decrease, price level
Answer: A
Question Status: Previous Edition

141) With COLAs in effect, if the Fed wishes to avoid a permanent acceleration of inflation after a permanent
adverse supply shock, it
A) must respond with an accommodating monetary policy.
B) must respond with a neutral monetary policy.
C) must respond with an extinguishing monetary policy.
D) can choose from accommodating, neutral, or extinguishing monetary policies.
Answer: C
Question Status: Previous Edition

142) Government price controls act as ________ supply shock, shifting SP ________.
A) an adverse, downward
B) an adverse, upward
C) a beneficial, downward
D) a beneficial, upward
Answer: C
Question Status: Previous Edition

143) With a beneficial supply shock, an extinguishing policy prevents ________, and allows ________.
A) output from rising, inflation to fall
B) output from falling, inflation to rise
C) inflation from rising, output to fall
D) inflation from falling, output to rise
Answer: C
Question Status: Previous Edition

144) The natural unemployment rate fell in the 1990s in part because of ________.
A) a drop in the fraction of labor force made up of teenagers.
B) an increase in the fraction of the male labor force in prison.
C) the growth in temporary help agencies.
D) All of the above.
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

Figure 8-6

145) In the figure above, positive nominal GDP growth accompanied by higher inflationary expectations take us
along path
A) A.
B) C.
C) E.
D) G.
Answer: A
Question Status: Previous Edition

146) In the figure above, an adverse supply shock accompanied by a neutral policy take us along path
A) F.
B) G.
C) H.
D) A.
Answer: C
Question Status: Previous Edition

147) In the figure above, a beneficial supply shock accompanied by an accommodating policy takes us along path
A) A.
B) C.
C) D.
D) E.
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

148) In the figure above, a contractionary monetary policy with no change in inflationary expectations takes us
along path
A) A.
B) H.
C) G.
D) F.
E) E.
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

149) In the figure above, an expansionary monetary policy with no change in inflationary expectations takes us
along path
A) A.
B) H.
C) G.
D) F.
E) B.
Answer: E
Question Status: Previous Edition

150) In the figure above, the one year since 1970 that the U.S. economy managed to travel along path E was
A) 1971.
B) 1970.
C) 1979.
D) 1986.
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

151) 1974-75 and 1980-81 saw the U.S. economy traveling along path ________ in Figure 8-6.
A) D
B) H
C) B
D) F
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

152) The late 1990s saw the U.S. economy traveling along path ________ in Figure 8-6.
A) D
B) H
C) B
D) F
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

153) If x is the growth rate of nominal GDP, p is the inflation rate, and y is the growth rate of real output, then
A) y = x + p.
B) p = x + y.
C) x = p + y.
D) none of the above.
Answer: C
Question Status: Previous Edition

154) In 1996, the growth rate of real GDP was 2.46 percent and the inflation rate was 1.94 percent. The growth of
nominal GDP was
A) 4.4 percent.
B) 0.52 percent.
C) 3.88 percent.
D) 4.92 percent.
Answer: A
Question Status: Previous Edition

155) In 1991, the growth rate of nominal GDP was 2.97 percent and the growth rate of real GDP was -0.98 percent.
The inflation rate was
A) 1.99 percent.
B) 2.91 percent.
C) 2.97 percent.
D) 3.95 percent.
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

156) The sacrifice ratio for disinflations is the cumulative

A) loss of real GDP/increase in unemployment rate.
B) loss of real GDP/cumulative loss of nominal GDP.
C) loss of real GDP/permanent decrease in inflation rate.
D) gain in real GDP/total population.
Answer: C
Question Status: Previous Edition

157) The disinflation carried out with a cold turkey policy from 1980 to 1985 had a sacrifice ratio of
A) 35.5.
B) 5.9.
C) 450 billion.
D) 4.4
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

158) The recession of the early 1990s produced a sacrifice ratio ________ that of the much larger recession of the
A) greater than
B) slightly smaller than
C) much smaller than
D) equal to
Answer: C
Question Status: Previous Edition

159) The inflation rate, actual employment rate and natural rate of unemployment from 1980 to 1996 indicate that
A) the inflation rate fell when the actual unemployment rate exceeded the natural unemployment rate.
B) the inflation rate increased when the natural rate of unemployment exceeded the actual unemployment
C) during most of this period the inflation rate was falling and the actual unemployment rate exceeded the
natural rate of unemployment.
D) All of the above.
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

160) Supply shocks in the 1990s
A) reduced the natural rate of unemployment.
B) helped hold down inflation.
C) had the opposite effect on the economy from the supply shocks of the 1970s.
D) All of the above.
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

161) Which of the following was not a beneficial supply shock occurring in the 1990s?
A) falling computer prices
B) the transition to managed health care organizations, i.e. HMOs.
C) a stronger bargaining position for labor
D) increased global competition
Answer: C
Question Status: Previous Edition

162) Beneficial supply shocks ________ the rate of inflation and ________ the natural rate of unemployment.
A) reduce, reduce
B) reduce, increase
C) increase, reduce
D) increase, increase
Answer: A
Question Status: Previous Edition

163) Which of the following countries had the lowest inflation rate from 1980 to the early 1990s?
A) Italy
B) Germany
C) France
D) United Kingdom
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

164) The European Monetary System

A) led to resurgent inflation in the 1980s.
B) gave a competitive trade advantage to countries with high inflation rates.
C) required members to keep their exchange rates within a narrow band around the German currency.
D) All of the above.
Answer: C
Question Status: Previous Edition

165) Under the European Monetary System, a country's export prices

A) decreased if the inflation rate in that country increased.
B) could be controlled by loosening domestic monetary policy.
C) became more competitive as long as that country accelerated its domestic inflation and kept its foreign
exchange rate with the deutsche mark stable.
D) none of the above.
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

166) For countries with high inflation rates, joining the European Monetary System meant
A) higher unemployment until they could lower their inflation rates sufficiently.
B) facing periodic upward adjustments in their exchange rate with the deutsche mark.
C) having to pursue loose monetary policy until they lowered the unemployment rate to the European
D) abandoning the fixed exchange rates they had preserved since the 1960s.
Answer: A
Question Status: Previous Edition

167) The European Monetary System

A) broke down in 1990 and resulted in a resurgence of inflation in many European countries.
B) was still in place in 1996 but was permitting frequent exchange rate adjustments.
C) came to an end in 1992 and was followed by devaluations in Italy, the U.K. and several other countries.
D) has been a successful experiment in fixed exchange rates and was still in place as of 1996.
Answer: C
Question Status: Previous Edition

168) A policy to slow the growth of nominal GDP

A) can result in a higher inflation rate and an increase in the output ratio.
B) can result in a lower inflation rate and a drop in the output ratio.
C) can be combined with cost-cutting supply policies to lower the inflation rate while maintaining the
output ratio.
D) A and C.
E) B and C.
Answer: E
Question Status: Previous Edition

169) A policy response to a beneficial supply shock which allows the full impact of the shock to increase the
output ratio is
A) a neutral policy.
B) an extinguishing policy.
C) an accommodating policy.
D) an aggravating policy.
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

170) A policy response to a beneficial supply shock which focuses the full impact of the shock to lower the
inflation rate is
A) a neutral policy.
B) an extinguishing policy.
C) an accommodating policy.
D) an aggravating policy.
Answer: C
Question Status: Previous Edition

171) In ________ there were beneficial supply shocks to the U.S. economy.
A) 1974-1975.
B) 1980-1981.
C) 1995-1999.
D) All of the above.
Answer: C
Question Status: Previous Edition

172) In ________ there were adverse supply shocks to the U.S. economy.
A) 1973-1981
B) 1981-1986
C) 1995-1999
D) All of the above
Answer: A
Question Status: New

173) Which of the following represent supply shocks:

A) oil, farm prices, import prices, productivity growth
B) oil, export prices, unemployment, real GDP
C) farm prices, export prices, money supply, productivity growth
D) all of the above
Answer: A
Question Status: New

174) Which of the following was a beneficial supply shock in the United States in the late 1990s?
A) Higher energy prices.
B) Lower import prices.
C) Stable real prices of computers.
D) None of the above. Supply shocks in the late 1990s were detrimental to the economy.
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

175) A negative relationship between inflation and unemployment emerged in

A) 1963-70.
B) 1974-75
C) 1979-81.
D) All of the above
Answer: A
Question Status: Previous Edition

176) A positive relationship between inflation and unemployment emerged in

A) 1963-70.
B) 1974-75
C) 1986-90.
D) All of the above
Answer: A
Question Status: Previous Edition

177) The natural unemployment rate fell in the 1990s in part because of ________.
A) a drop in the fraction of labor force made up of teenagers
B) an increase in the fraction of the male labor force in prison
C) the growth in temporary help agencies
D) All of the above
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

178) The introduction of a single currency or "Euro" in 1999 ________ the likelihood that inflation rates will
converge in countries that join the Euro.
A) increases
B) decreases
C) has no effect on
D) may increase or decrease
Answer: A
Question Status: Previous Edition

179) According to "Okun's Law," if expansionary monetary policy were to increase Y/Y(N) by 3 percent, we could
expect the unemployment rate to decrease by ________ percentage points.
A) 0.4
B) 1.0
C) 1.5
D) 1.6
Answer: C
Question Status: Previous Edition

180) "Okun's Law" refers to

A) the trade-off between inflation and unemployment.
B) the relationship between real and nominal output growth.
C) minimum wage laws and the impact of price controls.
D) the relationship between the unemployment rate and the ratio of actual to natural output.
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

181) "Okun's Law" is the ________ relation between the ________ and the difference between the actual
unemployment rate and the average rate of unemployment.
A) direct; output ratio
B) observed positive; price ratio
C) implicit positive; output ratio
D) negative; output ratio
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

182) "Okun's Law" is the close relationship observed between a period's ________ unemployment rate and
A) actual unemployment rate, (Y/YN)
B) actual unemployment rate, YN
C) inflation rate, (Y/YN)
D) inflation rate, Y
Answer: A
Question Status: Previous Edition

183) The actual unemployment rate is most likely to rise when

A) Y is rising.
B) YN is rising.
C) (YN/Y) is falling.
D) (Y/YN) is falling.
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

184) In the general linear formulation of Okun's law, the value of the coefficient "h" given in the textbook as fairly
summarizing U.S. data is
A) 200.
B) 4.
C) 1.75.
D) 0.5.
E) 0.025
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

185) If the average unemployment rate = 6.0, Y = 5200, and YN = 5030, Okun's law, using the textbook's value for
"h," predicts that the unemployment rate is approximately ________ percent.
A) 7.4
B) 6.4
C) 4.3
D) 5.6
E) 5.0
Answer: C
Question Status: Previous Edition

186) If the average unemployment rate = 6.0, Y = 4850, and YN = 5030, Okun's law, using the textbook's value for
"h," predicts that the unemployment rate is approximately ________ percent.
A) 20.3
B) 7.0
C) 4.6
D) 7.8
E) 6.0
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

187) Suppose the average unemployment rate = 6.0, and YN = 5000. According to Okun's law and the textbook's
value for "h," what value of Y would bring about an actual unemployment rate of exactly 5.5 percent?
A) 6250
B) 6000
C) 5050
D) 4937.5
E) 4000
Answer: C
Question Status: Previous Edition

188) Suppose the average unemployment rate = 6.0 and YN = 5000. According to Okun's law and the textbook's
value for "h," what value of Y would bring about an actual unemployment rate of exactly 7.2 percent?
A) 4880
B) 4940
C) 5060
D) 5150
E) 4760
Answer: A
Question Status: Previous Edition

189) From 1989 to 1992, the output ratio fell by 4 percent while the unemployment rate rose by 1.44 percentage
points. This implies an Okun's law coefficient of
A) 2.60
B) 0.36
C) 2.40
D) 5.40
E) 0.059
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

190) From 1991 to 1996, the output ratio rose by 2.2 percent while the unemployment rate fell by 1.35 percentage
points. This implies an Okun's law coefficient of
A) 5.0.
B) 2.136.
C) 13.8.
D) 41.36.
E) 0.614.
Answer: E
Question Status: Previous Edition

191) In the diagram displaying Okun's law, the data points loop around the summarizing "Okun's law line" in a
________ direction because the unemployment rate reacts to changes in production ________.
A) clockwise, in advance
B) clockwise, with a lag
C) counterclockwise, in advance
D) counterclockwise, with a lag
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

Another random document with
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Povo portuguez! A tua rainha diz que quer paz, mas
consente que os janisaros assassinem e roubem, como o
estão fazendo.
Povo portuguez! Ás armas! Senão serás fusilado ou
deportado! Viva Portugal! Ás armas! e seja o novo grito de
guerra: Viva D. Pedro v! (ap. Livro azul; corr. 11 out.)
Em Coimbra, Loulé, governador civil, ao saber do golpe d’Estado,
rebella-se, proclama, reconstitue o batalhão academico. Foi isto a 8;
no dia seguinte Aveiro segue o exemplo. Campos, no Grito nacional,
dizia claramente:
Ha poucos dias arrojámos dois (traidores sc. Cabraes) pela
barra fóra: pódem ir mais alguns. Marche todo o paiz a
Lisboa e esmague a cabeça da hydra (a rainha?) se quanto
antes a facção parricida não esconder a sua vergonha nas
ondas do oceano.
A guerra estava formalmente declarada: chegava o momento de
appellar para as prevenções tomadas. Saldanha, então, officiou,
pedindo a intervenção aos governos de Londres, Paris e Madrid,
segundo o tratado de 22 de abril de 34, allegando que os
miguelistas saíam a campo. (Relat. do min. neg. estr. em 48) De
Madrid estava certo, e os hespanhoes mandaram logo um corpo de
observação para a fronteira; (Ibid. off. de Isturiz a Renduffe) mas a
Inglaterra, não vendo miguelistas, queria impedir a intervenção
hespanhola e forçar a rainha á paz. Em toda esta historia ver-se-ha
a funesta consequencia de uma tal politica, protrahindo uma guerra
desoladora; porque, se a Inglaterra não queria consentir na
intervenção da Hespanha para dar a victoria á rainha, tampouco
intervinha para impôr uma conciliação. Nós, em casa,
evidentemente não tinhamos força para nos governarmos: e depois
de doze annos de liberdade, o Portugal novo achava-se, como o
antigo se achára, dividido em duas fracções sem que nenhuma
tivesse poder bastante para submetter a contraria.
Palmerston ordenava para Madrid ao seu delegado que não
consentisse na intervenção; (Livro-azul P. a Bulwer, 5 nov.) e para cá
mandava-nos um coronel, o Wylde, afim de negociar uma paz entre
os belligerantes. Melancolica situação antiga em que nos
achavamos, de que a liberdade nos não tirava ... Costa-Cabral já
era nosso embaixador em Madrid, e a Hespanha, de accordo
comnosco, procedia bizarramente, apezar de soffreada pela
Inglaterra. Mandara para a fronteira um exercito, e enviava para
Lisboa trezentos contos: (Ibid. Southern a Palmerston, 22-3 de out.)
assim podesse trazer a Lisboa e ao Porto os seus soldados!—
suspirava Cabral em Madrid, e na capital Saldanha.
Porque a insurreição lavrava, e para peior, o miguelismo não no
pronunciava bastante para justificar a intervenção extrangeira. (Ibid.
22, 3, 9 de out.) As noticias que lhe iam de Lisboa mantinham
Palmerston na sua reserva. «Era uma revolução como outra
qualquer: o inverso de 42; a propria junta batia os miguelistas,
raros e sem importancia». E tudo ardia! as guerrilhas surgiam de
todos os lados. O Galamba e o Batalha com 500 homens corriam o
Alemtejo; José-Estevão estava em Alcaçovas com 600; (Ibid. 22-3)
Taipa e Sá-da-Bandeira no Porto; Aguiar em Coimbra; Mousinho-
d’Albuquerque e Bomfim tinham desertado do Lisboa; Antas vinha,
caminho da capital, já em Leiria, com 2:500 homens, fóra guerrilhas,
devagar, aggregando gente todos os dias. (Ibid. 29) Que seria de
Lisboa, a que o inglez não deixava o hespanhol acudir? O governo,
entretanto, preparava-se, lançando mão de tudo. Arregimentavam-
se os empregados-publicos. Havia rusgas; nas boccas das ruas os
cabos de vigia prendiam. Todo o homem de 18 a 50 annos tinha de
pegar em armas. Formara-se um batalhão das Obras-publicas, outro
do Commercio. Fortificavam-se, artilhavam-se as linhas. O Banco
dera 300 contos para acudir ás urgencias. Prendiam-se os suspeitos
nos navios no Tejo: todo o setembrista fugia, e Palmella em pessoa
estava homisiado.(Ibid. 22-3). Embargavam-se as cavalgaduras e as
pessoas, obrigando-as a trabalhar nas linhas.
Mas apesar de tão grandes esforços e de meios tão violentos, o
rei D. Fernando, commandante em chefe do exercito, não podia
passar revista a mais do 3:000 homens. (Ibid. 29) Que ia ser da
rainha, alvo de todos os tiros? Que resultado, o d’essa guerra
encetada? Se a Inglaterra não havia de vir a consentir que os
vencedores acabassem de vencer, que singular escrupulo a
embaraçava?—E se os sublevados não fossem afinal agrilhoados
pela intervenção, que teriam feito? Depôr a rainha? É natural.
Proclamar uma republica? Provavelmente. Mas nenhum d’esses
dois actos destruiria os males constitucionaes do paiz, causa da sua
desgraça: nem a anarchia das doutrinas, nem a penuria universal.


José Passos era o presidente da camara do Porto. Já o

telegrapho dissera o golpe-d’Estado de Lisboa, quando em sessão
abriu os officios do novo governo, e o aviso da vinda do duque da
Terceira. «Vou fazer a revolução!» exclamou, levantando-se e
saíndo. (D. João de Azevedo, Os dois dias de outubro, ex. annot.
por J. Passos) Chegava ao mesmo tempo (9) ao Douro o vapor com
o duque, Santa-Maria, Vallongo e Campanhan, um estado-maior
para o exercito do norte. José Passos desceu da Casa-Pia ao
Carmo; esbaforido, mandando tocar a rebate, convocando os
patriotas ás armas; e feito isto, pronunciou a guarda-municipal e os
regimentos 6 e 3. Depois, montou a cavallo, dirigindo-se a Villar, na
margem do rio, a receber condignamente o duque já desembarcado.
A cidade estava sublevada, a guarnição por ella, os sinos batiam a
rebate, o povo borborinhava nas ruas, pedindo armas, e os gritos
nasaes da turba destacavam-se no côro do rufar dos sóccos sobre
as lages das calçadas. Entardecia: Passos era um rei. O sussurro
da agitação ondeava até ao fundo da grota de Villar, a poente da
cidade, onde os generaes de Lisboa se tinham recolhido na casa do
Conde de Terena, quando, já pelo escuro da noite, o rei do Porto
chegou, seguido e acclamado pela sua turba, perante o lugar-
tenente da rainha de Lisboa. A cidade não obedecia, rendesse-se o
duque. Elle recusava-se, com firmeza, assegurando que cumpriria a
missão a que viera. Fóra, o povo clamava, exigindo o reembarque
dos generaes para o Mindello que os trouxera. Um certo Navarro
subiu, e em nome do povo prendeu o duque.—«Meia duzia de rotos
que estão lá em baixo?»—«O bastante para repetir as scenas de
Alcantara!» (Ibid.) Passos começou então a perceber que o povo se
excederia, que era capaz de trucidar alli o duque, se elle o
abandonasse. Tomou-lhe pois do braço e desceram, assim, até ao
Ouro, sobre o rio, para embarcar. O duque estava effectivamente
preso, e mais enleiado do que elle o seu guardião, defendendo-o
contra a plebe ameaçadora. Em uma noite negra e espessa de
nevoeiro penetrante que suffocava, alagando. Nada se via; apenas
do meio do susurrar da turba já se destacavam, já se repetiam os
gritos—mata! mata! Ao longe distinguia-se o rodar breve das seges
que fugiam com os timoratos, ouvia-se o rebate desesperado dos
sinos; por entre o nevoeiro moviam-se os archotes de lume
vermelho, despedindo faiscas e rolos de fumo, pondo manchas de
luz funebre na massa espessa e humida do ar. Seguiam pela
estrada da Foz: ao lado, no rio negro, fluctuavam os reverberos da
procissão que parecia um enterro, ou o levar de um reu ao patibulo.
A turba clamava—mata! mata! e as suas ondas cresciam,
ameaçando passar por cima dos que iam adiante. Passos que
levava o duque pelo braço era corpulento, muito gordo; e o duque,
sereno, indifferente ao perigo, quando a onda do povo crescia
impellindo-os, dizia-lhe:—«O José Passos é uma formidavel
trincheira!» (Macedo, Traços) Assim chegaram á Cantareira, para
embarcar; mas o escaler desapparecera. José Passos, receando
que o embarque fosse o signal da fusilada, mandara-o embora,
projectando já guardar os presos no castello para os salvar. (Disc.
do conde das Antas, sess. de 15 fever. 48)
O barco não apparecia; nada vinha do rio, negro e indifferente.
Caía a chuva, roncava o mar proximo nos baixios e cachopos da
barra, e a furia do povo crescia n’um clamor terrivel—mata! mata! O
gordo Passos suffocava: o cordão dos que com elle defendiam o
duque, o Browne, os Limas, os dois Navarros, Custodio Teixeira e
os mais, continham a custo as ondas do povo. E a chuva fria,
miudinha, encharcava, deixando distinguir mal a massa negra dos
muros do castello bordados de recifes contra os quaes o mar
grunhia: só na densa bruma scintillavam as lanternas entre as
ameias, como pharoes a uma tripulação em navio corrido pelo
tempo. Dando a pôpa ao vendaval, acossados pelas ondas da turba,
batidos pelas rajadas de vozes pedindo morte, foram correndo a
entrar no porto de abrigo, dar fundo no castello. O duque estava
salvo, e preso. Passos socegado, regressou ao Porto.
No dia seguinte, com a adhesão do general da divisão do norte, o
conde das Antas, definiu-se a attitude do Porto sublevado: os
extrangeiros que dirigiam a rainha tinham-na obrigado a mudar o
ministerio; S. M. estava coacta e era mistér correr ás armas para a
libertar.—O programma da nova JUNTA repetia ao avesso o da de
42; e as revoluções liberaes eram forçadas a usar de expedientes
antigos de 23 e 24: os expedientes apostolicos. Nada ha novo á luz
do sol!
Para libertar a rainha saíu, então, para o sul o conde das Antas
com o seu exercito, a juntar-se em Santarem a Bomfim: reunidos
salvariam Lisboa. O norte do Douro considerava-se seguro e por
isso na urgencia de congregar forças, retiraram-se as guarnições do
Minho. Vianna, proclamada a junta, ficara sem tropa: os cartistas
aproveitaram. Expulsaram da praça o inimigo e fortificaram-se. Veiu
em milhares o povo dos campos dar um assalto, e a cidade
capitulou: na refrega ficara morto o tenente que a defendia. Os
camponezes enfurecidos—eram quatro mil—pediam vingança e
mortes, exigindo as chaves do castello (onde o velho governador
reformado prendera tambem os mais compromettidos) mas o
homem prudente perdera as chaves a tempo, enfurecendo ainda
mais a turba com o seu ardil. Começavam os tiros, preparavam-se
os machados, ia começar o assalto, o arrombamento e a matança
inevitavel, quando uma piedosa senhora teve uma idéa abençoada.
Viu-se apparecer no meio das ondas do povo em furia uma
procissão de padres de cruz alçada, caminhando solemnemente,
cantando—Benedictus! Benedictus! Dominus Deus, Israel! E os
minhotos sobresaltados paravam, escutavam, como tocados por um
milagre. A furia começava por ceder ao espanto. Que vinham fazer
os padres? que mandaria Deus agora?... Á sombra do crucifixo
erguido, um sacerdote lh’o disse; e caíram todos de joelhos,
contritos, batendo nos peitos:—Bemdito! bemdito e louvado seja! (D.
João d’Azevedo, Os dois dias, etc.) Era uma scena primitiva, e
eloquente para nos mostrar até que ponto o povo tomava parte na
resurreição do setembrismo no norte. Seria José Passos a
verdadeira Maria-da-Fonte?
Não era de certo elle a encarnação do genio das populações
minhotas, superiormente individualisado na poetica pessoa do
irmão; mas era uma resurreição do espirito burguez e portuense, de
tradicionaes arruaças, na Edade-media, contra os bispos, e depois
contra os reis. Bacharel tambem, aprendera em Coimbra as
fórmulas benthamistas em que agora se moldava o antigo espirito
de rebeldia burgueza. O Porto era um reino seu, porque o genio
portuense, em todas as suas varias cambiantes, se achava n’elle
individualisado. Era pratico, popular, bonacheirão, e no fundo
bondoso, com uma ironia rasteira que os patriotas não chegavam a
perceber e por isso os não offendia. Era corpulento, quasi obeso, e
com o seu chapeu alto, sempre na cabeça, os collarinhos antigos
que chegavam á raiz dos olhos, a sobrecasaca longa, o cinturão e a
espada pendente, esbaforido, communicativo, abraçando toda a
gente nas ruas, satisfeito de si, feliz, na paz da sua consciencia e na
importancia da sua pessoa: José Passos era a imagem d’essa
burguezia ingenua das cidades de tradições feodaes, rebellada
contra os irmãos burguezes que o novo systema levantára á classe
de aristocratas.
José Passos reinava no Porto como um pater-familias: todos eram
filhos, amigos, patriotas, irmãos. A rua era uma permanente
assembléa, e o governo similhante ao que a historia nos conta das
velhas republicas da Grecia, e das communas ou concelhos da
Edade-media. Resolvia-se tudo familiar, popular, patriarchalmente.
Faltava o dinheiro? O Passos ia em pessoa ao banco, (Commercial)
entrava na thesouraria, dava no balcão um sonoro murro, e
exclamava: «Arre! D’aqui ninguem sae!» E contava, atava o sacco e
partia. (Macedo, Traços) Assim tirou 67 contos ao banco
Commercial, e 16 á companhia dos vinhos. (Ibid.) Ninguem punha
em duvida a sua honradez e o seu espirito de economia burgueza
era falado com motivo. Arranjou o governo e a guerra, durante quasi
um anno, com mil contos, se tanto. Conhecia a fundo todos
pormenores da administração: era um homem do officio politico,
pratico, sem a sombra de uma idéa, apenas com as fórmulas e
rotulos decorados na mocidade. N’isto via-se o contrario do irmão.
A sua bonacheirice, a sua franqueza popular alegravam, incutindo
esperanças, dissipando duvidas, afagando ambições, lisongeando
vaidades. Promettia sempre, tudo. Que proporções viria a ter a
Alfandega, se lá entrassem todos os que pediam empregos, e a
quem o tribuno popular os promettia sempre, invariavelmente? A
Alfandega era o eldorado dos patriotas eximios. Com o chapeu
enterrado na cabeça descaída sobre o hombro esqueredo, José
Passos descia da Casa-pia, onde era o palacio do governo, e os
grupos de curiosos, ou de assustados, perseguiam-no. Queria fugir-
lhes: não podia. Seguia apressado, e atraz d’elle, como um rebanho,
furando, ás corridas, seguia a cauda dos perguntadores. Que ha?—
Isto está aqui, está acabado!—E com um tom de mysterio, como
quem revela altos segredos (já de todos conhecidos) ia de grupo em
grupo animando os espiritos, picando as ambições. Isto ia bem. O
nosso conde (das Antas) era para a cousa. E a vaquinha lá de baixo
ia rendendo ... ia rendendo. Grande gente!—Queria sumir-se; outro
grupo accudia: E de Lisboa?—Excellente! Ha de ir tudo pelo pó do
gato ... salvo o respeito devido á rainha!—Mudando de tom e
assumpto: É verdade, já sentou praça? Ah, sim? Bom patriota!
Assim é que se querem!—Escapava-se: era em vão.
Outro chegava, mysteriosamente, segurando-lhe a banda da
sobrecasaca, dizendo-lhe ao ouvido: Ha cartistas dentro da Junta!—
Elle, virando-se, com um ar fino, baixinho, respondia: Socegue; bem
sabemos; escrevemos direito por linhas tortas. Isto vae bem, vae
bem ... (baixando mais a voz, ao ouvido), mas é para nós: não
espalhe o que lhe estou contando, ouviu?—O outro inchava-se; elle
queria proseguir. Debalde. Um patriota chegava com um plano de
campanha infallivel, seguro ... Dê cá; traz isso escripto? Não?
Escreva-m’o, escreva-m’o, meu general!—A paciencia começava a
fugir-lhe, quando outro vinha com uma combinação dynastica para
substituir D. Maria II e resolver tudo pela raiz.—Pois sim, pois sim,
meu patriota. Eu já tenho cinco memoriaes para rei. Mande o seu, e
será attendido na occasião competente ...
De tal modo conseguia romper, chegar pela Batalha á Aguia
d’Ouro, quartel general do setembrismo, no meio da confusão da
gente congregada. José Passos chamava a isto o methodo confuso,
(T. de Vasconcellos, Prato d’arroz doce) e com effeito nenhum outro
methodo podia servir no meio de uma agitação vaga, em que as
plebes, sem vontade determinada, só com odio aos Cabraes,
seguiam os demagogos presididos por chefes cujo proposito era
moderar a revolução, convencer a rainha a que pactuasse com
elles. O methodo confuso era o methodo natural de uma cidade em
coufusão, de um reino confundido. Todo o Porto era um ágora e
realisava o programma radical da omnicracia—o governo de todos
por todos.
Da Batalha e do Postigo do Sol, observando as janellas da Casa-
pia, espiando a saída de alguns dos da junta, vinham os magotes
enchendo as ruas até á Aguia-d’Ouro e em frente do Estanislau. A
Praça-Nova e os Loyos, a rua de Santo-Antonio e as Hortas, os
Clerigos, a rua das Flores até S. Domingos, e por S. João até á
Ribeira: todo o coração do Porto borborinhava de gente, falando,
resolvendo, discutindo, ameaçando, com a verbosidade e a
sufficiencia ingenitas nos filhos da cidade da Virgem. Os mercadores
estavam ás portas sentados nos seus bancos, com a cabeça
descoberta, os pés nos sóccos, trocando os seus pareceres com os
transeuntes. Estalavam nas lages das calçadas as ferraduras de
cavallos a galope, vinham ordenanças da municipal correndo: que
seria? Que novidade? O soldado no seu caminho, atravessava os
grupos com o officio de papel branco entalado no peito, e abriam-se
as janellas para vir vêr: que haveria?—Outras vezes eram
cavalleiros que chegavam aos grupos, do outro lado do rio, com a
banda a tiracollo, a sobrecasaca desabotoada, em vez de barretina
um chapeu desabado; uns sem espada, mas na argola do sellote
um bacamarte de bocca-de-sino; outros á paisana, montando bons
cavallos, seguidos por creados de farda á velha moda da provincia:
eram fidalgos que vinham juntar-se ao povo. A turba acclamava-os,
elles paravam, e havia effusões de sentimento, apertos de mão,
saudes, vivas:

Eia avante! Eia avante!

Eia avante! Não temer!
Pela santa liberdade,
Pelejar até morrer!

Não descobre o leitor n’esta estrophe o que quer que é de

litterario, pouco espontaneo? Que santa é essa santa liberdade?
Compare o Rei chegou, francamente plebeu, nada metaphysico;
compare o caso de Vianna—Bemdito! e louvado seja!—francamente
catholico, tambem nada doutrinario: e diga se n’esse hymno que
agora o povo canta, ha a expressão do que elle sente. Não irá o
povo levado sem saber para onde, nem porque: apenas impellido
por protestos negativos contra os males que o affligem?
São burguezes rebellados, não são o povo em revolução,
aquelles que sob a presidencia do Passos se reunem na Casa-pia, o
palacio da junta. É uma revolta de communa á antiga, a do Porto.
São os popolani grassi, que se levantam contra o podestá de
Lisboa. Passos, entendido em politicas, bacharel, plumitivo, não é
decerto um Masaniello. O litterato Seabra não vem da rua: traduzia
Horacio, falara nas camaras, contara já por alguma cousa na politica
(V. a biog. por T. de V. na Rev. contemp.); outrotanto Lobo d’Avila, o
general; outrotanto os mercadores de grosso trato; outrotanto o
humoristico Almeida e Brito, ouvido nos tribunaes, advogando. Na
Casa-pia reinavam patriarchal, espartanamente. Passos tinha os
ministerios da fazenda e dos extrangeiros, que ambos cabiam n’uma
sala com duas mezas: n’uma elle, na outra o secretario, official
maior, amanuenses e tudo, n’um homem só. Quando havia
conselho, o pessoal ia para fóra patulear com os patriotas que
enchiam os corredores, á espera de novidades. Terminada a
sessão, Passos abria a porta, de chapeu na cabeça, penna entre os
dedos, chamava o pessoal (T. de Vasc. Prato d’arroz doce) Não
illuda porém tudo isto: a installação era provisoria, porque a
definitiva esperava-os em Lisboa. Nada queriam destruir: apenas
acabar de expulsar os Cabraes para governarem elles, com as suas
opiniões e pessoas, das quaes sinceramente julgavam depender a
fortuna do povo. O povo era um bom instrumento, mas se tudo
fossem soldados, melhor ainda. «José, fiquei de cama por causa de
uma constipação. Esta gente (os populares) deve servir-nos como
exercito auxiliar, mas a nossa força real deve consistir nos soldados,
ou ao menos em homens que o pareçam». (Carta de Almeida e
Brito a José Passos; em Macedo, Traços, etc.)

Esta gente, porém, chamada á revolta sentia pulsar-lhe nas veias

o antigo sangue de nómadas barbarescos, de bandidos historicos,
serranos guerreiros: não os minhotos, mas os transmontanos, os
beirões, os extremenhos, e toda a população transtagana. A sedição
lavrava pelo reino inteiro. A tyrannia cabralista acirrara o instincto
adormecido, e as politicos do setembrismo rebelde davam o
pretexto para a explosão. Por toda a parte surdiam guerrilhas; de
todos os lados o exercito se bandeava. José-Estevão e
Vasconcellos tinham saído de Lisboa a sublevar Santarem, quartel
de cavallaria 4; e tres guerrilhas esperavam, dominando na
Extremadura, a chegada do exercito que vinha do Porto, com o
conde das Antas: Vasconcellos no centro, flanqueado por José-
Estevão pela direita e pelo conde da Taipa pela esquerda. A junta
nomeara Braamcamp governador civil da capital, in partibus, porque
Lisboa era do governo; mas pelo districto o governador, com o
conde de Villa Real e outros, andavam de terra em terra alliciando
sectarios, fomentando a revolta. (Elog. hist. de A. J. Braamcamp, do
a.) Ao sul, mandava Mantas em Setubal, o conde de Mello e
Galamba no Alemtejo; o general Celestino levantara-se no Algarve
com o guarnição; Castello-Branco, Elvas, e Santarem onde Manuel
Passos creara uma junta (D. João d’Azevedo, Dois dias, etc.),
eram contra o governo.
A 6 de novembro saíu de Lisboa Saldanha com o seu exercito
para se bater com o de Antas. Na capital lavrava um terror
verdadeiro, e completa anarchia nos partidos. Presentia-se uma
catastrophe, porque os do governo, vendo o opposição da Inglaterra
ao auxilio da Hespanha, acreditavam-na alliada da junta e
consideravam Wylde um emissario mandado a expulsal-os do
poder. Corria que os inglezes davam todo o dinheiro aos rebeldes. E
porque fomentariam assim a rebellião? Para minar a ordem reinante
em Hespanha, creando tambem lá um partido exaltado que
contrariasse a influencia franceza, dominante desde o fatal
successo dos casamentos de Guizot. Assim a Inglaterra era a
supposta alliada da junta, e não só ella o inimigo do throno
portuguez: tambem os falsos cartistas, os perfidos ordeiros.
«Cartistas! (dizia uma proclamação) O inglez Palmella, o rapoza
Magalhães, o inglezado Athouguia e outros que taes, tratam com
um coronel inglez de nos vender á Inglaterra. Fóra com os traidores!
fóra com os marotos! Se não querem deixar-nos a bem, saiam a
mal: a pau ou a tiro! Fujam ou morrem!» (No Livro azul, 19 de nov.)
Tal era o estado do centro e do sul. No norte, áquem Tamega,
obedecia tudo ao Porto; mas em Traz-os-Montes Cazal, declarando-
se pelo governo de Lisboa, veiu descendo, na esperança de
combinações cartistas preparadas dentro da cidade da junta. Dois
regimentos se bandeariam, indo soltar o duque da Terceira e Cazal
apoderar-se-hia da cidade. Mas dos officiaes comprados, uns não
estavam seguros dos sargentos, outros receiavam as
consequencias do combate: logo que os dois regimentos (3 e 15) se
denunciassem, seriam provavelmente esmagados pela populaça; e
a patuléa iria á Foz, e a consequencia seria o assassinato do duque
e seus companheiros. (T. de Vasc. ibid.) Em vão, portanto, desceu
Cazal até Vallongo; em vão esperou; e despeitado por ter de recuar,
vingou-se trucidando barbaramente as aldeias que fugiam d’elle
para os altos das serras—Agrella, Villarandello, Constantim, (D.
João d’Azevedo, Os dois dias, etc.) Pobre gente sacrificada ás
contendas liberaes! Era o primeiro sangue que corria em
abundancia, n’este novo episodio da historia sangrenta de vinte
annos! (1831-51)
Cazal retirou sobre Chaves, e do Porto saíu Sá-da-Bandeira com
uma divisão para o bater. Encontraram-se em Val-Passos, (16 de
nov.) onde dois dos regimentos do Porto se bandearam para o
inimigo, dando-lhe a victoria. Batido, o general regressou pelo Douro
ao Porto, onde havia uma desordem tão grande como a da capital.
A junta era um cháos patriarchal: cada cabeça, cada sentença.
Apenas a sedição se declarara, e já os burguezes rebeldes
começavam em rixas: que faria se vencessem! Manuel Passos
chegara ao Porto, fugindo ao conde da Taipa de quem os soldados
tambem fugiam, por elle os sustentar a epigrammas. (Azevedo, Dois
dias, etc.) Antas não bolia de Santarem, esperando que Saldanha o
fosse desafiar, em vez de aproveitar da fraqueza do inimigo. Cazal
ficára dominando em Traz-os-Montes. A sedição parecia um fogo-
de-palha: tão breve crescera, como ia morrer. Wylde chegára, falara,
apresentara as suas propostas, como delegado de Palmerston que
de Londres resolvera conciliar os inimigos: mas era inutil. O burguez
é teimoso. No meio de tão graves difficuldades, occupavam-se os
da junta a mascarar-se de fidalgos, distribuindo entre si titulos,
commendas, cartas-de-conselho. (Azevedo, Dois dias, etc.) Sempre
assim tinham sido as communas rebelladas contra os barões. A
principio, o Porto só falara em paz: agora que a derrota de Val-
Passos o ameaçava de morte, a sua voz tinha ameaças. Levantára-
se contra o «systema de sophisma, fraude e corrupção»; houvera
«bayonetas contra o peito dos eleitores desarmados, (45) descargas
de fusilaria: o sangue dos cidadãos correra». E era um tal governo
que a rainha restaurara em 6 de outubro! Queria «lançar grilhões ao
paiz?» Não; por força estava coacta. Mas «seu augusto esposo
descera da sua elevada posição á de simples empregado de um
ministerio protervo».—«A Europa (leia-se Wylde-Palmerston) não
consentirá que extrangeiros (leia-se hespanhoes) venham roubar
um paiz innocente á liberdade!» (Manif. da Junta do Porto, 3 de
dezembro) Que singular insistencia no qui-pro-quo! D’onde vem o
motivo? Do facto de a junta pedir auxilio a um povo cuja soltura
receia; de querer os revolucionarios sem a revolução; de appellar
para as plebes, para ficar burgueza; de proclamar a democracia e
ao mesmo tempo um respeito official á rainha, que injuriava em
particular e por vontade quereria vêr derrubada, necessitando por
politica mantel-a no throno—mas coacta, de uma verdadeira
coacção, e não supposta, como a allegada no Manifesto e em que
ninguem acreditava.
As consequencias de uma situação tão singular, quasi ridicula,
viram-se quando, no fim, victoriosa, a junta achou que a victoria lhe
não servia e lhe era indispensavel ser vencida; essas
consequencias viam-se já na falta de unidade nos planos, no
rivalidade dos commandos, deploravel mal que deu de si a morte de
muita gente.
A guerra, generalisada a todo o reino, em bandos, columnas e
guerrilhas, tinha porém a Extremadura como theatro principal. Antas
e Bomfim com o grosso das forças estavam em Santarem, o conde
de Villa-Real em Ourem. Foi contra este, para o bater, que Saldanha
destacou uma brigada sua (4 de dezembro) ao mesmo tempo que
Antas destacava Bomfim para cortar a retirada d’essa brigada,
cousa que não conseguiu. Em Leiria, porém, uniu-se a Villa-Real, e,
reforçado com mais tropa mandada de Santarem, Bomfim
commandava cousa de 3:000 homens, quando foi surprehendido
por Saldanha, vendo-se obrigado a recolher-se a Torres-Vedras.
Dizem que ao começar a batalha (22) o pobre general sempre infeliz
se escondera n’uma egreja, mettido n’um confessionario, com uma
bandeira preta cravada no telhado a indicar um hospital de sangue.
(Azevedo, Dois dias, etc.) Diz-se mais que Antas, do seu quartel-
general, ouvia a acção e não quiz acudir. (ibid.) Como quer que
fosse, Saldanha obteve uma victoria cruel, ficando entre os mortos o
illustre Mousinho d’Albuquerque, merecedor de melhor sorte. O
governo ganhava uma batalha, mas vencer era-lhe impossivel. A
guerra fervia por todos os lados e de todos os mondos. Desde que
os litigantes tinham declarado a intransigencia, acontecia
absolutamente o mesmo que se observara em 32-4: nenhum dos
combatentes podia vencer, nenhum ser anniquilado. A guerra
chronica é a sorte das nações arruinadas. O governo não podia
vencer, mas podia vingar-se; podia repetir D. Miguel em cuja
sítuação se achava, e fel-o, perdendo mais com a vingança do que
lucrara com a victoria. Os prisioneiros (43) de Torres-Vedras,
degredados para Africa no Audaz (1 de fevereiro de 47) aggravaram
o labeu de sanguinario que a affinidade cabralista punha no


Quando Sá-da-Bandeira, vencido em Val-Passos, depois de ter

retirado pelo Pinhão e embarcado, descia o Douro para recolher ao
Porto, ao passar em frente das Caldas d’Aregos, foi incommodado
por tiros que partiam das montanhas agrestes da margem. Era o
Cazal que o perseguia? Não; o Cazal retirara tambem para Chaves.
—Desembarcou. Era o espectro miguelista: um bando de quasi um
milhar de homens tendo á frente Macdonell, já nosso conhecido de
Santarem em 34 ... Como espectro, sumiu-se, dissipou-se, mas
deixando um negro terror no animo de todos.
Quem evocára tão cruel apparição? Qual o réu d’esse crime de
leso-liberalismo? A junta, diziam de Lisboa. O partido de setembro
já desde 34 parcial pelos vencidos, coalisado com elles em 42, em
45, estava agora positivamente alliado para a guerra. Mas não
tinham os guerrilheiros do Macdonell feito fogo contra Sá-da-
Bandeira? É que a junta, ao que parece, sem positivamente se
alliar, deixava crescer a desordem. Ella appellava para os exercitos
da Maria-da-Fonte, o povo-armado, e esse povo que em Vianna
caíra de joelhos ouvindo a homilia dos sacerdotes, tinha ainda vivas
as raizes da velha religião que reverdeciam. A junta, diziam do
Porto, (Livro azul, cartas do consul, 18 de nov.) «não tem dado
attenção ás guerrilhas miguelistas e hade arrepender-se. A força
d’ellas vae todos os dias crescendo. São mais para temer do que
pensam. (c. de 27) Todo o Minho jura essas bandeiras, e ha planos
positivos. Muita gente dará dinheiro; talvez até a companhia dos
vinhos, cujos directores na maior parte são miguelistas. D. Miguel
tem já sido positivamente acclamado. Ha pois tres partidos hostís
em campo, porque se os miguelistas se têem batido até aqui sob a
bandeira da opposição constitucional, agora voltam-se já contra os
setembristas, depois do episodio de Aregos». (Livro azul, Southern
a Palmerston, 3 de dezembro)
No proprio dia em que o ministro inglez mandava dizer isto para
Londres, affirmava a JUNTA no seu Manifesto que «a facção
sanguinaria organisou guerrilhas para acclamarem D. Miguel!»
Macdonell era para muitos um enygma, e não faltava quem, com
effeito, o acreditasse mandado pelo governo, ou emissario da
França para levantar o miguelismo, dando assim motivo á
intervenção que esmagaria o setembrismo, forçando a Inglaterra a
saír da sua reserva. Se assim foi, o cartismo jogava com fogo; e
tanto em Lisboa como no Porto, querendo utilisar em proveito
proprio o povo genuino, corriam o risco de serem saccudidos por
elle. Iam acordar ao seu tumulo um cadaver? Iam galvanisar um
morto? Queriam conquistar com elle o poder, ou esmagar os
rebeldes? Mas o espectro erguia-se, e a sua voz rouca, mas longa e
retumbante, acordava as populações da indifferença, falava-lhes
uma linguagem sabida de tempos antigas, falava-lhes no Throno e
no Altar destruidos.
E a voz do espectro caminhava, convertia. Já Macdonell e Garcia,
um hespanhol, (Azevedo, Dois dias, etc.) tinham entrado em
Guimarães, (25 de novembro) já occupavam Braga. Todo o Minho
acclamava D. Miguel. Corria que havia de casar com uma filha do
marquez de Loulé, fidalgo alistado no setembrismo, partidario da
junta, e que nada fazia para coarctar a propagação d’esta nova e
affirmativa Maria-da-Fonte. Em Guimarães havia illuminações e
festas (4 de dezembro); e no Porto acreditava-se que a infanta
Isabel-Maria estava á frente da restauração. Macdonell em Braga já
recusava gente: iam do Porto offerecer-se-lhe em massa, fugindo á
tyrannia burgueza do gordo Passos, ás rusgas com que se alistava
gente em monterias como a lobos, (Livro azul, carta do consul, 18
de nov.) iam procural-o de todo o Minho por onde corria um protesto
formal contra esta gente, Cabraes e não Cabraes. (Ibid. carta do
consul, 11 de dezembro)

E a junta a affirmar que eram obras do governo para a

comprometter! E o governo a dizer que era o crime da patuléa!
Quando era a positiva consequencia da liberdade e dos seus
coripheus, quaesquer que tivessem sido as primitivas origens da
sedição: ou o tacito applauso do Porto, ou as intrigas franco-
hespanholas de Lisboa, ou ambas simultaneamente. Se fôra o plano
do governo, elle devia folgar porque o exito excedia as esperanças.
O povo tomara ao pé da letra as falas insidiosas dos agitadores, e
sem curar, sem saber de intrigas, via chegado o momento de
liquidar contas antigas. Errantes vogavam pelo reino as sombras
das velhas classes exterminadas, roubadas. E ao mesmo tempo
que o espectro miguelista falava pela bocca dos frades guerrilheiros,
falava pela bocca do jornalista Sampaio o Espectro, jacobino,
setembrista, patuléa. Da direita e da esquerda ouviam-se as
mesmas imprecações de colera, eguaes ameaças. O jornal,
occultamente impresso a bordo de um navio no Tejo, apparecia em
toda a parte, como espectro que era, condemnando em pessoa a
rainha, a carta, a monarchia, todo o liberalismo:
Estão em presença dois principios, o popular e o pessoal.
Mas o governo pessoal não triumpha e o principio
revolucionario vae supplantal-o. O que fica sendo uma
realeza vencida? Que prestigio póde ter um rei que
desembainha a espada ferrugenta e que depois é obrigado a
despir a farda no meio da rua? A realeza vilipendiada não é
somente inutil, é um mal. O paço é incorrigivel: conspira
sempre. Uma rainha que se declara coacta seis mezes em
cada anno, não é rainha. O paço é a espelunca de Caco,
onde sempre se teem reunido os conspiradores. A purpura
dos reis tem servido para varrer a immundicie dos palacios e
dos cortezãos mais abjectos. (Espectro, O estado da
Assim vociferava o espectro jacobino, reclamando a abdicação da
rainha; e ás suas vozes respondiam os eccos do espectro
miguelista, condemnando a nova dynastia, acclamando o rei
vencido em 34. E quando, no seu primeiro numero, o Espectro
desenrolava o sudario da crise financeira, a restauração no Minho,
com uma voz mais verdadeira, não accusava Pedro nem Paulo,
Cabraes nem Passos: accusava o liberalismo de ter emprazado o
reino á praça de Londres, recordava D. Miguel que reinara cinco
annos sem tomar dinheiro emprestado ao extrangeiro, e contava as
riquezas desbaratadas, da patriarchal e da casa das rainhas e do
infantado e dos conventos, vendo-se agora os frades famintos a
pedir esmola miseravelmente.
E tomado de um accesso de franqueza e lucidez, o espectro de
Lisboa, contra a rainha, confessava o crime juridico do liberalismo:
O throno da rainha só póde ser sustentado pelos liberaes:
a sua corôa é condicional, segundo a carta. A um throno
despotico, o direito de D. Miguel é melhor. (Espectro n.º 2)
Era o que dizia o espectro minhoto, monarchico e legitimista: o
nosso direito é o verdadeiro! O vosso rei um usurpador! O nosso rei
é portuguez, o vosso extrangeiro. É uma rainha filha de mãe
austriaca e pae brazileiro, casada com allemão; allemães são os
mestres e os medicos do paço, o Dietz e o Kessler; inglezas as
amas de leite, inglez o cocheiro, franceza a modista. Só ha um
portuguez, o capellão, um padre indigno, o padre Marcos!
E os frades animavam-se, contando já com a restauração dos
conventos, e os cadaveres da nação morta em 34 erguiam-se dos
seus tumulos para ouvir, envolviam-se nos seus lençoes, saíam,
caminhavam, em procissão lenta e funebre para Braga, onde
Macdonell reinava, em nome do rei esperado dia a dia, outra vez
adorado nos altares, chamado em preces fervorosas. Mas Cazal
que segunda vez descera de Traz-os-Montes e em volta do Porto
andara farejando a ver se achava a combinada brecha, (Azevedo,
Dois dias, etc.) de novo teve de retirar desilludido. A sua crueldade
vingara-se primeiro sobre as populações das aldeias serranas,
agora ia vingar-se na capital miguelista do Minho que atacou. (31 de
dezembro) Vencida uma batalha sangrenta, começou pelas ruas a
matança desapiedada. Eram tiros, gritos de misericordia,
imprecações de desespero, e um matar cruel e duro na gente
amontoada pelas ruas. O sonho de uma esperança morria breve
afogado em sangue, e os cadaveres com os seus lençoes tintos de
vermelho tornavam pesadamente ás suas covas. Caía a tarde,
escurecia a noite, pelas esquinas das ruas havia montões de mortos
e poças de sangue coalhado por entre as pedras. Os que ficavam,
abraçados a Deus, varrida a esperança do Rei, foram pondo nos
lugares da matança nichos sagrados com cruzes lugubres,
allumiadas á noite por lampadas, com a triste lenda: Resae por alma
de nossos irmãos que foram mortos n’esta rua! (Azevedo, Dois dias,
Então a voz do espectro miguelista sumiu-se n’um largo pranto ...
Mas o espectro jacobino de Lisboa, mundano e sem piedade,
rangera os dentes, prorompera em bramidos ao presencear a
carnagem de Torres-Vedras (22 de dezembro); e a sua colera não
teve limites contra a rainha a quem—oh, velhas, mentidas
esperanças!—dera em Londres o sceptro de ouro e a carta
encadernada a primôr.
A côrte dançou quando ouviu dizer que houvera muito
sangue derramado. O valido e os protectores beberam á
saude das victimas! A rainha deu beija-mão á sua criadagem!
(Espectro n.º 5) Quando a rainha soube da morte e
aprisionamento dos bravos, saíu ás janellas do palacio, e
como uma bacchante gritou para a sua guarda—Victoria!
victoria!—No dia da chegada dos prisioneiros saíu a passeio
em signal de regosijo. (Ibid. n.º 6)
E o espectro, lembrando-se da longa e dura guerra de seis annos,
do exilio e dos soffrimentos padecidos para exaltar essa rainha,
dizia-lhe do fundo da sua recondita imprensa:
Morremos todos por via de ti! Morrendo te acclamámos, e
tu exauthoraste-nos e mandaste-nos assassinar! O nosso
sangue cairá sobre ti e sobre a tua descendencia! (Ibid. n.º 6)
Mas quem observa, não acha na voz d’este espectro a
sinceridade simples, a solemnidade epica das vozes espontaneas
do povo—«Resae por alma de nossos irmãos!» A alma que aqui
gemia era composta de fórmulas doutrinarias, intrigas politicas,
odios e ambições pessoaes. O setembrismo falara sempre em nome
do povo, mas esse povo era uma fórmula rethorica, mais ou menos
sincera no animo da gente democratica. Mais romanticos, menos
doutrinarios, mais calorosos mas menos audazes e
intellectualmente menos fortes, os setembristas eram mais
sympathicos e mais chimericos. O povo de que falavam apenas
acordara duas vezes: uma para queimar as papeletas da ladroeira
em maio, outra para acclamar D. Miguel, para caír, e ficar resando
por alma dos martyres, em dezembro. Partidos, intrigas, pessoas,
Por isso a palavra do Espectro é contradictoria comsigo propria;
por isso a lingua se lhe enrola e as phrases saem confusas, baças,
desde que, cessando de injuriar a rainha, pretende affirmar as
ambições da nação. «O povo respeita a rainha, respeita o throno.»
(n.º 2) Que atroz ironia é esta, depois do Estado da questão que
assentou o programma do Espectro? «Para o rei ser irresponsavel é
necessario que não faça o mal.» (Ibid.) Singular aberração, a idéa
de um rei irresponsavel no bem, responsavel no mal! É essa a
doutrina liberal, genuina, que oppunham ao cartismo?
Taes singularidades, que pintam o desnorteamento das cabeças
setembristas, poderiam multiplicar-se, se fosse necessario insistir
n’um facto já conhecido e demonstrado por varios modos. A guerra
tinha principalmente por alvo o throno: pois que esse throno, no
meio da incompatibilidade das clientelas politicas, era forçado a
optar e optava por uma d’ellas; pois que a fome e a excitação dos
animos faziam da politica uma campanha; pois que, finalmente, a
rainha não possuia o caracter astuto para usar das artes de um Luis
Philippe, mas sim a força viril para entrar pessoalmente na lucta.
Declarada a crise, o liberalismo, com effeito, tem de abdicar, e
manha ou força são indispensaveis no throno para illudir ou para
rasgar as teias constitucionaes. Quando voltam a paz, a indifferença
e a fartura, por isso, quando não ha questões, apparecem então os
verdadeiros reis constitucionaes, pela razão simples de que a
sociedade prescindiria perfeitamente de chefe.

A rainha «bate o pé no paço e diz que se vencer, a maior parte

dos seus inimigos hade saír do reino. E se não vencer?» (
n.º 6) Pois nem depois de Braga e Torres-Vedras tinha vencido?
Não, não tinha; porque as forças odientas das clientelas politicas
exprimiam a crise constitucional do paiz. Não tinha vencido; e para
vencer seria mister que viesse de fóra uma intervenção apoiar e
defender, ao mesmo tempo, o throno ameaçado pela revolução
armada, e os proprios chefes d’essa revolução que tinham medo da
victoria e queriam ser forçados a ficar vencidos.
Clame, clame embora o Espectro que «o tratado (34) morreu,
apenas se conseguiu o fim especialissimo para que se contratara; e
senão, risquem dos diplomas a phrase—rainha pela graça de Deus
e da constituição, e substituam: por graça dos alliados e vontade
dos extrangeiros»; clame, clame embora o Espectro. Essa
intervenção, pedida a principio por Lisboa assustada, é no fim
egualmente necessaria para o Porto embaraçado e afflicto com a
quasi victoria consummada.
Essa intervenção é egualmente indispensavel, porque depois dos
morticinios de Braga e de Torres-Vedras, os setembristas vencidos
deram francamente a mão ao miguelismo que, tambem esmagado
n’um ponto, se levanta em varios outros de um modo já prudente e
politico, reconhecendo a liberdade patuléa. Manuel Passos
mantinha ainda a velha esperança de nacionalisar o liberalismo, e
fazel-o equivalia a converter os sectarios de D. Miguel. Povoas que
saíra a campo na Beira, dizia-se convertido; mas repetiria o dito o
partido inteiro, se acaso a revolução vencesse?
Á maneira que o miguelismo fôra crescendo, antes de Torres e
Braga, crescera em Madrid a vontade de intervir, pois, além das
instancias do conde de Thomar que os hespanhoes queriam para
seu descanso vêr restaurado ao governo em Lisboa, (Livro azul,
Southern a Palm. 28 de nov.) havia um medo positivo das faladas
combinações entre o miguelismo e o carlismo do conde de
Montemolim. (Bulwer a Palm. Madrid, 13 dez.) Assim, no meiado de
dezembro, a Hespanha soffreada pela Inglaterra e reduzida a
observar a fronteira com o seu exercito e a abastecer e auxiliar o de
Cazal em Traz-os-Montes, (Southern a Palm. 28 nov.) declara
terminantemente que intervirá, com ou sem o auxilio das potencias,
se o miguelismo continuar a crescer. (Bulwer a Palm. Madrid, 13
dez.) A França falava pela bocca da nação nossa visinha; e perante
o miguelismo, aberta, publicamente alliado aos setembristas depois
de Torres, a Inglaterra teve de ceder. O embaixador em Madrid
apenas conseguira que previamente o avisassem antes de os
exercitos se pôrem em marcha. (Ibid.) No fim do anno de 46 a

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