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Quiz_PSII Total points 10/10



Roll No;

1) When all the three phases are short circuited it gives rise to * 1/1

(a) Asymmetrical fault

(b) Symmetrical fault

(c) Zero fault current

(d) Both (a) and (b)

2) The line currents of a three phase supply are IR= 1 + j5, IY= 2 + j2, IB= *1/1
–j1A. The zero sequence current is

(a) 1 +j2

(b) 1 +j4

(c) -2 - j1

(d) 3 + j6
3. The base impedance and base voltage for a power system are 10 Ω *1/1
and 400 V respectively. The base KVA and base current will be

(a) 16000 KVA and 40 A

(b) 4 KVA and 16 A

(c) 16 KVA and 40 A

(d) 4 KVA and 400 A

4. The zero sequence reactance will be more than the positive sequence *1/1
reactance, if the equipment is

(a) Generator

(b) Transformer

(c) Transmission line

(d) Both (b) and (c)

5. A peak load station * 1/1

(a) Should have high operating cost

(b) Should have a low capital cost

(c ) Can have a operating cost high

(d) Both (b) and (c)

6. If the capacity factor = load factor, then * 1/1

(a) Utilization factor is equal to one

(b) Utilization factor is zero

(c) Utilization factor is non zero

(d) None of the above

7. At a slack bus * 1/1

(a) δ is unknown

(b) P is known

(c) Q is unknown

(d) V is unknown

8. Generally in load flow solutions the load is modelled as * 1/1

(a) Constant impedance load

(b) Constant power load

(c) Constant current load

(d) Dynamically varying load

9. The critical clearing angle of a power system is related to * 1/1

(a) Reactive power limit

(b) Short circuit limit

(c) Steady state stability limit

(d) Transient stability limit

10. The bus impedance matrix is a * 1/1

(a) Column matrix

(b) Full matrix

(c) Sparse matrix

(d) Diagonal matrix

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