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Microeconomics 3rd Edition Hubbard

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Microeconomics, 3e (Hubbard/O'Brien) - TB2
Chapter 9 Consumer Choice and Behavioral Economics

9.1 Utility and Consumer Decision Making

1) Economists usually assume that people act in a rational, self-interested way. In explaining
how consumers make choices this means that economists believe
A) consumers will always buy goods and services at the lowest possible prices.
B) consumers spend their incomes to order to accumulate the most goods and services.
C) consumers make choices that will leave them as satisfied as possible given their incomes,
tastes and the prices of goods and services available to them.
D) consumers will spend their incomes and time on activities that benefit themselves as much as
possible, without regard to the welfare of others.
Answer: C
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 1 Page Ref: 280/280
Topic: Rational Decision Making
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

2) The satisfaction a person receives from consuming goods and services is called
A) contentment.
B) psychic income.
C) wealth.
D) utility.
Answer: D
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 1 Page Ref: 280/280
Topic: Utility
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

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3) The economic model of consumer behavior predicts that
A) consumers will try to earn as much income as they can over their lifetimes.
B) consumers will choose to buy the combination of goods and services that make them as well
off as possible from those combinations that their budgets allow them to buy.
C) consumers will try to accumulate as many goods and services as they can before they die.
D) consumers divide their time between consumption and leisure activities in order to maximize
social welfare.
Answer: B
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 1 Page Ref: 280/280
Topic: Consumer Behavior
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

4) An economist observes two consumers in a supermarket. One of the consumers buys a case of
Coca-Cola and the other buys a case of Pepsi-Cola. Both colas sell for the same price and the
ages and incomes of the consumers are also the same. Based on this information, how would the
economist explain the consumers' choices?
A) One of the consumers made the wrong choice, but it is impossible to say which one.
B) Both consumers should have considered buying other colas that had lower prices.
C) Both consumers should have purchased less than a case because they would be able to buy
more later.
D) Apparently, the consumers had different tastes.
Answer: D
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 1 Page Ref: 280/280
Topic: Consumer Behavior
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

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5) The word "util" has been used by economists in the past as an objective measure of utility.
Today economists believe that
A) utility cannot be measured objectively.
B) utility can be measured objectively because people can use prices of different goods to
measure utility.
C) all of the important conclusions of the economic model of consumer behavior depend on
utility being measured objectively.
D) the util truly is an objective, rather than a subjective, measure of utility.
Answer: A
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 2 Page Ref: 280-281/280-281
Topic: Utility
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

6) Suppose the marginal utilities for the first three cans of soda are 100, 80 and 60, respectively.
The total utility received from consuming 2 cans is
A) 20.
B) 80.
C) 90.
D) 180.
Answer: D
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 1 Page Ref: 282-282
Topic: Utility
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

7) The additional utility that George receives from consuming one more slice of pizza is called
A) average utility.
B) marginal utility.
C) total utility.
D) diminishing utility.
Answer: B
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 1 Page Ref: 281/281
Topic: Marginal Utility
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

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8) Marginal utility is
A) the change in total utility divided by the price of the last unit of a good or service consumed.
B) the change in total utility a person receives from consuming an additional unit of a good or
C) the utility from consuming a given quantity of a good or service.
D) the decrease in total utility from consuming more and more units of a good or service.
Answer: B
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 1 Page Ref: 281/281
Topic: Marginal Utility
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

9) If marginal utility of apples is diminishing and is a positive amount, consuming one more
apple will cause
A) total utility to decrease.
B) a consumer to get no satisfaction from consuming apples.
C) a consumer's total utility to increase.
D) a consumer to go beyond her optimal consumption of apples.
Answer: C
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 2 Page Ref: 281-282/281-282
Topic: Utility
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

10) If Paul decides to buy a $60 ticket to a Cirque du Soleil show rather than a $45 ticket for a
Blue Man Group performance, we can conclude that
A) the marginal utility per dollar spent on Cirque du Soleil is lower than the marginal utility per
dollar spent on Blue Man Group.
B) Paul's demand for a ticket to see Cirque du Soleil is more elastic than his demand for a ticket
to see Blue Man Group.
C) Paul is not making a rational choice.
D) the marginal utility per dollar spent on Cirque du Soleil is higher than the marginal utility per
dollar spent on Blue Man Group.
Answer: D
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 2 Page Ref: 281-284/281-284
Topic: Marginal Utility
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Analytic Skills
Special Feature: None
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11) If the marginal utility Ida Mae receives from eating chicken wings is negative then
A) her total utility from eating chicken wings has fallen.
B) her total utility from eating chicken wings is negative as well.
C) Ida Mae does not like chicken wings.
D) her total utility has risen, but by less from the last chicken wing than from the next to last
chicken wing.
Answer: A
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 2 Page Ref: 281-282/281-282
Topic: Marginal Utility
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

12) If Joey Kobayashi experiences diminishing marginal utility from eating hot dogs then
A) his total utility from eating hot dogs is negative.
B) the marginal utility from the next hot dog Joey eats will be negative.
C) the additional satisfaction he receives from eating another hot dog will be less then the
satisfaction he received from his eating his last hot dog.
D) Joey is maximizing the marginal utility per dollar he receives from eating hot dogs.
Answer: C
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 2 Page Ref: 281-282/281-282
Topic: Marginal Utility
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

13) Optimal decisions are made

A) in the marketplace.
B) if information about prices and marginal utilities is known.
C) when marginal utility is minimized.
D) at the margin.
Answer: D
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 1 Page Ref: 281-284/281-284
Topic: Rational Decision Making
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

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14) Total utility is maximized in the consumption of two goods by
A) equating the marginal utility for each good consumed.
B) equating the marginal utility per dollar for each good consumed.
C) equating the total utility of each good divided by its price.
D) maximizing expenditure on each good.
Answer: B
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 2 Page Ref: 281-284/281-284
Topic: Marginal Utility
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

15) In making decisions about what to consume, a person's goal is to

A) allocate her limited income among all the products she wishes to buy so that she receives the
highest total utility.
B) buy low-priced goods rather than high-priced goods.
C) maximize her marginal utility from the goods and services she wishes to buy using her limited
D) consume as many necessities as possible and then, if there is money left over, to buy luxuries.
Answer: A
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 2 Page Ref: 281-284/281-284
Topic: Rational Decision Making
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

16) The amount of income a consumer has to spend on goods and services is known as
A) purchasing power.
B) effective demand.
C) a budget constraint.
D) wealth.
Answer: C
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 1 Page Ref: 289/289
Topic: Budget Constraint
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

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17) A budget constraint
A) represents the bundles of consumption that make a consumer equally happy.
B) refers to the limited amount of income available to consumers to spend on good and services.
C) reflects the desire by consumers to increase their income.
D) shows the prices that a consumer chooses to pay for products he consumes.
Answer: B
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 1 Page Ref: 281/281
Topic: Budget Constraint
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

18) The restriction that a consumer's total expenditure on goods and services purchased cannot
exceed the income available is referred to as
A) maximizing behavior.
B) economizing behavior.
C) the price constraint.
D) the budget constraint.
Answer: D
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 1 Page Ref: 281/281
Topic: Budget Constraint
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

19) Which of the following is explained by the law of diminishing marginal utility?
A) The marginal utility of Isabel's second bottle of Coca-Cola is greater than the marginal utility
of her third bottle of Coca-Cola.
B) The marginal utility of Isabel's second bottle of Coca-Cola is greater than the marginal utility
of her third pretzel.
C) The marginal utility of Isabel's second bottle of Coca-Cola is greater than the marginal utility
of her friend Margie's third pretzel.
D) The total utility of one bottle of Coca-Cola is greater than the total utility of two bottles of
Answer: A
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 1 Page Ref: 281/281
Topic: Marginal Utility
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

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20) Marv Pilson has $50 worth of groceries in a shopping cart at his local Shop 'n Save. Assume
that the marginal utility per dollar of the liter bottles of soft drink in Marv's cart equals 50. The
marginal utility per dollar of the boxes of cereal in Marv's cart equals 20. Marv has only $50 to
spend, but has not yet paid for his groceries. How can Marv increase his total utility without
spending more than $50?
A) Marv should substitute his favorite soft drink or the cereal in his cart for generic brands that
have lower prices.
B) Marv should buy more boxes of cereal and fewer bottles of soft drink.
C) Marv should buy fewer boxes of cereal and more bottles of soft drink.
D) Marv should buy fewer boxes of cereal and fewer bottles of soft drink. He can then spend
more on other items.
Answer: C
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 2 Page Ref: 281-284/281-284
Topic: Utility
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Analytic Skills
Special Feature: None

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
Table 9-1

Ice Cream Cones Lime Fizz Soda

Quantity MU/P MU/P
1 15 40
2 12.5 35
3 10 26
4 7.5 18
5 5 15
6 2.5 7

21) Refer to Table 9-1. The table above shows Lee's marginal utility per dollar from consuming
ice cream cones and cans of Lime Fizz Soda. The price of an ice cream cone is $2 and the price
of Lime Fizz Soda is $1. Use this information to select the correct statement.
A) We cannot determine how many ice cream cones and cans of Lime Fizz Soda Lee will
consume without knowing what his income is.
B) To maximize his utility Lee should consume 1 ice cream cone and 5 cans of Lime Fizz Soda.
C) We cannot determine how many ice cream cones and cans of Lime Fizz Soda will maximize
Lee's utility because we are given only the marginal utility per dollar values. We also need to
know the marginal utility for each quantity.
D) If Lee has an unlimited budget he will maximize his utility by buying only Lime Fizz Soda.
Answer: A
Diff: 2 Page Ref: 284-285/284-285
Topic: Marginal Utility
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Analytic Skills
Special Feature: Solved Problem: Finding the Optimal Level of Consumption

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Table 9-2

Ice Cream Cones Lime Fizz Soda

Quantity MU MU
1 30 40
2 25 35
3 20 26
4 15 18
5 10 15
6 5 7

22) Refer to Table 9-2. The table above shows Lee's marginal utility from consuming ice cream
cones and cans of Lime Fizz Soda. Select the phrase that completes the following statement. "We
can determine the number of ice cream cones and cans of Lime Fizz Soda Lee should consume
to maximize his utility
A) if we know what Lee's income is."
B) if we know what Lee's income is and the price of an ice cream cone and the price of a can
Lime Fizz Soda."
C) by adding up the marginal utilities for ice cream cones and Lime Fizz Soda."
D) if we know the values of the marginal utility per dollar for ice cream cones and Lime Fizz
Answer: B
Diff: 2 Page Ref: 284-285/284-285
Topic: Marginal Utility
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Analytic Skills
Special Feature: Solved Problem: Finding the Optimal Level of Consumption

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
23) During a study session for an economics exam with three other students, Peter Daltry
commented on an example of a consumer who had to decide the on number of slices of pizza and
cups of Coca-Cola he would consume. Peter explained that "To maximize his utility this
consumer must equate the marginal utility per dollar for pizza and Coca-Cola." Was Peter's
analysis correct?
A) Peter described one of the conditions necessary for utility maximization. The consumer also
must equate the marginal utility of pizza and the marginal utility of cups of Coca-Cola.
B) Peter's statement is correct.
C) Peter's statement is correct but we must also assume that the consumer is rational.
D) Peter describes one of the conditions necessary for utility maximization. The second
condition is that total spending on both goods must equal the amount available to be spent.
Answer: D
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 2 Page Ref: 281-284/281-284
Topic: Utility
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

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Table 9-3

Steak & Cheese Steak & Cheese Grilled Chicken Grilled Chicken
Quantity MU MU/P MU MU/P
1 40 10 30 15
2 32 8 24 12
3 20 5 16 8
4 12 3 12 6
5 6 1.5 8 4
6 2 0.5 4 2

24) Refer to Table 9-3. For steak and cheese and grilled chicken sandwiches, the table contains
the values of the marginal utility (MU) and marginal utility per dollar (MU/P) for Mabel Jarvis.
Mabel has $14 to spend on steak and cheese and grilled chicken sandwiches. Which of the
following statements is false?
A) The price of steak and cheese sandwiches is $4. The price of grilled chicken sandwiches is
B) If Mabel maximizes her utility she will buy three grilled chicken sandwiches.
C) If Mable maximizes her utility she will buy two steak and cheese sandwiches.
D) We do not have enough information to determine how many sandwiches Mabel will buy to
maximize her utility.
Answer: D
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 2 Page Ref: 281-284/281-284
Topic: Marginal Utility
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Analytic Skills
Special Feature: None

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
25) Refer to Table 9-3. For steak and cheese and grilled chicken sandwiches, the table contains
the values of the marginal utility (MU) and marginal utility per dollar (MU/P) for Mabel Jarvis.
Mabel has $14 to spend on steak and cheese and grilled chicken sandwiches. Which of the
following statements is true?
A) If Mabel maximizes her utility she will buy three steak and cheese sandwiches and two grilled
chicken sandwiches.
B) If Mabel was maximizing her utility and then received an additional $4 her next purchase
would be another grilled chicken sandwich.
C) Mabel will first buy two steak and cheese sandwiches; then with her remaining $6 she will
buy three grilled chicken sandwiches.
D) To maximize her utility, Mabel will need a total of $36, the income needed to buy 6 steak and
cheese sandwiches and 6 grilled chicken sandwiches.
Answer: B
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 3 Page Ref: 281-284/281-284
Topic: Marginal Utility
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Analytic Skills
Special Feature: None

26) The marginal utility per dollar that Harold Stratton receives from oranges is greater than the
marginal utility per dollar Harold receives from pears. To maximize his utility, what should
Harold do?
A) He should acquire more income so that he can afford to buy more oranges and pears.
B) He should reduce his consumption of both oranges and pears so that he can buy a greater
variety of goods.
C) He should buy fewer pears and more oranges.
D) He should buy fewer oranges and more pears.
Answer: C
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 1 Page Ref: 281-284/281-284
Topic: Marginal Utility
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
27) There are two conditions necessary for a consumer to maximize her utility. One is that the
marginal utilities per dollar spent on each good and service consumed are equal. What is the
other condition?
A) Total spending on all goods and services must equal the amount available to be spent.
B) The consumer must be satisfied with the choices she makes.
C) The total spent on each good and service is the same.
D) The prices of each good and service consumed must not be too high.
Answer: A
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 1 Page Ref: 281-284/281-284
Topic: Marginal Utility
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
Table 9-4

Italian Sub Italian Sub Taco Taco Taco

Quantity MU MU/$4 MU MU/$2 MU/$1
1 40 10 30 15 30
2 32 8 24 12 24
3 20 5 16 8 16
4 12 3 12 6 12
5 6 1.5 8 4 8
6 2 0.5 4 2 4

28) Refer to Table 9-4, which lists the values of Harry Taber's marginal utility and marginal
utility per dollar for Italian submarine (sub) sandwiches and tacos. Assume that the price of the
sub sandwiches is $4 and the price of tacos is $2. When Harry's income is $14 he buys two
Italian sub sandwiches and three tacos. The last column lists the values of the marginal utility per
dollar for tacos when the price of tacos decreases to $1. Complete this statement: As a result of
the change in price
A) Harry's purchasing power has increased. He will reduce his consumption of tacos so he can
buy one more sub. This is an example of the substitution effect of a price change.
B) Harry's purchasing power has increased. If tacos are a normal good for Harry he will buy
fewer tacos. This is an example of the income effect of a price change.
C) Harry's purchasing power has increased. If tacos are a normal good for Harry he will buy
more tacos. This is an example of the income effect of a price change.
D) Harry's purchasing power has increased. Harry buys fewer tacos. This is an example of the
substitution effect of a price change
Answer: C
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 3 Page Ref: 287-288/287-288
Topic: Income and Substitution Effects
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Analytic Skills
Special Feature: None

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
29) Refer to Table 9-4, which lists the values of Harry Taber's marginal utility and marginal
utility per dollar for Italian submarine (sub) sandwiches and tacos. Assume that the price of the
sub sandwiches is $4 and the price of tacos is $2. When Harry's income is $14 he buys two
Italian sub sandwiches and three tacos. The last column lists the values of the marginal utility per
dollar for tacos when the price of tacos decreases to $1. Complete this statement: As a result of
the change in price, the marginal utility of each taco Harry consumes increases and
A) the substitution effect of the price change will cause Harry to buy more tacos and fewer subs.
B) the substitution effect of the price change will cause Harry to buy more tacos if they are a
normal good, and fewer tacos if they are an inferior good.
C) the substitution effect will cause Harry to buy another sub because his purchasing power has
D) the substitution effect will cause Harry to buy fewer tacos.
Answer: A
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 3 Page Ref: 287-288/287-288
Topic: Income and Substitution Effects
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Analytic Skills
Special Feature: None

30) Marge buys 5 CDs and 7 DVDs. The marginal utility of the 5th CD and the marginal utility
of the 7th DVD are both equal to 30 utils. Can we say that this is the optimal combination of
CDs and DVDs for Marge?
A) No. We need to know her preferences for CDs and DVDs.
B) Yes.
C) No. We need to know the prices of the CDs and DVDs.
D) No. If this was the optimal combination, the marginal utility per dollar of the 5th CD and the
7th DVD would be equal.
Answer: D
Diff: 3 Page Ref: 286/286
Topic: Marginal Utility
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Analytic Skills
Special Feature: Don't Let This Happen to YOU!: Equalize Marginal Utilities per Dollar

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
Table 9-5

Quantity of Marginal Quantity of Marginal

Burgers Utility Pepsi Utility
1 20 1 30
2 14 2 10
3 10 3 7
4 3 4 5
5 1 5 1
6 -5 6 0
7 -10 7 -4

Table 9-5 lists Jay's marginal utilities for burgers and Pepsi. Jay has $7 to spend on these two
goods. The price of a burger is $2 and the price of a can of Pepsi is $1.

31) Refer to Table 9-5. What is Jay's optimal consumption bundle?

A) 1 burger and 2 Pepsis
B) 2 burgers and 3 Pepsis
C) 3 burgers and 1 Pepsi
D) 3 burgers and 2 Pepsis
Answer: B
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 3 Page Ref: 281-284/281-284
Topic: Marginal Utility
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Analytic Skills
Special Feature: None

32) Refer to Table 9-5. If Jay can eat all the burgers he wants for free, how many burgers will he
A) 7 burgers
B) 6 burgers
C) 5 burgers
D) 3 burgers
Answer: C
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 2 Page Ref: 281-284/281-284
Topic: Marginal Utility
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Analytic Skills
Special Feature: None

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
33) Suppose Barry is maximizing his utility from consuming used paperback novels and audio
books. The price of a used novel = $4 and the price of an audio book = $8. If the marginal utility
of the last novel was 32 units of utility (utils) what was the marginal utility of the last audio book
A) 2 utils
B) 12 utils
C) 16 utils
D) 64 utils
Answer: D
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 3 Page Ref: 281-284/281-284
Topic: Marginal Utility
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Analytic Skills
Special Feature: None

34) Terence has $50 per week to spend on Subway sandwiches and milkshakes. The price of a
Subway sandwich is $5 and the price of a milkshake is $4. He buys 6 sandwiches and 5
milkshakes. The marginal utility of the 6th sandwich = 25 and the marginal utility of the 5th
milkshake = 24. Which of the following is true?
A) He is not maximizing his utility and should buy more milkshakes.
B) He is maximizing his utility.
C) He is not maximizing his utility and should buy more Subway sandwiches.
D) He is not maximizing his utility because he is not spending all of his income.
Answer: A
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 2 Page Ref: 281-284/281-284
Topic: Marginal Utility
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Analytic Skills
Special Feature: None

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
35) Suppose Renee can increase her total utility from consuming video rentals and books by
buying one more book and renting one fewer video. Which of the following is true?
A) The marginal utility of video rentals is negative.
B) The marginal utility per dollar spent on books exceeds that of video rentals.
C) The marginal utility of the last book consumed exceeds the marginal utility of the last video
rental consumed.
D) The marginal utility of the last video rental consumed exceeds the marginal utility of the last
book consumed.
Answer: B
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 2 Page Ref: 281-284/281-284
Topic: Marginal Utility
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

Table 9-6

Quantity of Quantity of
Total Utility Total Utility
Beer (glasses) Pizza (slices)
1 25 1 20
2 45 2 35
3 60 3 45
4 65 4 50
5 69 5 52
6 70 6 52

Table 9-6 shows Antonio's utility from beer and pizza.

36) Refer to Table 9-6. What is Antonio's marginal utility from consuming the fifth beer?
A) 4 utils
B) 13.6 utils
C) 69 utils
D) 134 utils
Answer: A
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 1 Page Ref: 281-284/281-284
Topic: Marginal Utility
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Analytic Skills
Special Feature: None

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
37) Refer to Table 9-6. Suppose Antonio has $10 to spend and the price of beer = $2 per glass
and the price of pizza = $2 per slice. How many of each good will he consume when he
maximizes his utility?
A) 2 glasses of beer, 1 slice of pizza
B) 2 glasses of beer, 3 slices of pizza
C) 3 glasses of beer, 2 slices of pizza
D) 4 glasses of beer, 5 slices of pizza
Answer: C
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 2 Page Ref: 281-284/281-284
Topic: Marginal Utility
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

38) If Lisa spends her income on veggie burgers and pints of soy milk and the price of veggie
burgers is three times the price of a pint of soy milk, then when Lisa maximizes her utility she
will buy
A) both goods until the marginal utility of veggie burgers is three times the marginal utility of
soy milk.
B) three times as many veggie burgers as pints of soy milk.
C) three times as many pints of soy milk as veggie burgers.
D) both goods until the marginal utility of a pint of soy milk is three times the marginal utility of
veggie burgers.
Answer: A
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 2 Page Ref: 281-284/281-284
Topic: Marginal Utility
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Analytic Skills
Special Feature: None

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
39) The income effect of a price change refers to
A) the change in demand that occurs when consumer income changes.
B) the change in the quantity demanded that results from a change in price, making the good
more or less expensive relative to other goods, holding everything else constant.
C) the change in demand that occurs when both income and price change.
D) the change in the quantity demanded of a good that results from the effect of a change in price
on consumer purchasing power, holding everything else constant.
Answer: D
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 1 Page Ref: 287-288/287-288
Topic: Income and Substitution Effects
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

40) Which of the following describes the substitution effect of a price change?
A) The change in demand that results from a change in price, making the good more or less
expensive relative to other goods, holding constant the effect of the price change on consumer
purchasing power.
B) The change in quantity demanded of a good that results from the effect of a change in price
on consumer purchasing power, holding everything else constant.
C) The change in quantity demanded of a good that results from the change in the price of a
substitute for the good.
D) The change in quantity demanded of a good that results from a change in price, making the
good more or less expensive relative to other goods, holding constant the effect of the price
change on consumer purchasing power.
Answer: D
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 2 Page Ref: 287-288/287-288
Topic: Income and Substitution Effects
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
41) Which of the following correctly describes the result of a price increase for an inferior good?
A) Both the substitution effect and the income effect cause the consumer to buy less of the good.
B) The substitution effect causes the consumer to buy less of the good and the income effect
causes the consumer to buy more of the good.
C) The substitution effect causes the demand for the good to decrease; the income effect causes
the demand for the good to increase.
D) The substitution effect causes the demand for the good to increase; the income effect causes
the demand for the good to decrease.
Answer: B
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 2 Page Ref: 287-288/287-288
Topic: Income and Substitution Effects
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

42) The substitution effect of a decrease in the price of movie tickets results in
A) an increase in the quantity demanded of movie tickets.
B) a decrease in the quantity demanded of movie tickets.
C) an increase in the demand for movie tickets.
D) a decrease in the demand for movie tickets.
Answer: A
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 1 Page Ref: 287-288/287-288
Topic: Income and Substitution Effects
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

43) The income effect of a decrease in the price of macaroni and cheese (assume this is an
inferior good) results in
A) a decrease in the demand for macaroni and cheese.
B) an increase in the quantity demanded of macaroni and cheese.
C) a decrease in the quantity demanded of macaroni and cheese.
D) an increase in the demand for macaroni and cheese.
Answer: C
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 2 Page Ref: 287-288/287-288
Topic: Income and Substitution Effects
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
44) The income effect of an increase in the price of peaches is
A) the change in the quantity demanded of peaches that results from the price increase making
peaches more expensive than other fruit, holding constant the effect of the price change on
consumer purchasing power.
B) the change in the demand for peaches as a result of the change in the price of peaches, holding
all other factors constant.
C) the change in the quantity demanded of other fruit that results from the impact of the price
change on purchasing power, holding all other factors constant.
D) the change in the quantity demanded of peaches that results from the effect of the change in
price on consumer purchasing power, holding all other factors constant.
Answer: D
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 3 Page Ref: 287-288/287-288
Topic: Income and Substitution Effects
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

45) The substitution effect of an increase in the price of peaches is

A) the change in the quantity demanded that results from a change in the price of peaches
making peaches more expensive relative to other goods, holding constant the effect of the price
change on consumer purchasing power.
B) the change in the demand for nectarines (a substitute good) that results when peaches become
more expensive relative to nectarines, holding constant the effect of the price change on
consumer purchasing power.
C) the change in the quantity demanded of peaches that results from the effect of the change in
the price of peaches on the consumer's purchasing power.
D) the change in the demand for peaches that results when the price of peaches increases.
Answer: A
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 2 Page Ref: 287-288/287-288
Topic: Income and Substitution Effects
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
46) The French Bakery ran a special which decreased the price of its croissants from $1.50 to
$1.00. Although her money income had not changed, Toni decided to buy 2 croissants instead of
her usual 1 bagel and 1 croissant. Toni's actions are explained by which of the following?
A) income effect only or substitution effect only but not both effects
B) income and substitution effects
C) price effect
D) consumption effect
Answer: B
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 2 Page Ref: 287-288/287-288
Topic: Income and Substitution Effects
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Analytic Skills
Special Feature: None

47) The income effect of a decrease in the price of legal services, a normal good, results in
A) a decrease in the demand for legal services.
B) a decrease in the quantity demanded of legal services.
C) an increase in the quantity demanded of legal services.
D) an increase in the demand for legal services.
Answer: C
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 2 Page Ref: 287-288/287-288
Topic: Income and Substitution Effects
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

48) A change in the price of a good has two effects on the quantity consumed. What are these
A) the income effect and the substitution effect
B) the utility effect and the budget effect
C) the total utility effect and marginal utility effect
D) the consumption effect and expenditure effect
Answer: A
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 1 Page Ref: 287-288/287-288
Topic: Income and Substitution Effects
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
49) The substitution effect of a change in the price of cauliflower is the portion of the change in
the quantity of cauliflower demanded that can be attributed to the change in the price of a
substitute vegetable such as asparagus.
Answer: FALSE
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 2 Page Ref: 287-288/287-288
Topic: Income and Substitution Effects
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

50) To maximize utility consumers should buy goods and services to the point where the
marginal utility of each item consumed is equal.
Answer: FALSE
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 2 Page Ref: 281-284/281-284
Topic: Marginal Utility
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

51) In explaining consumer behavior economists explain how consumer tastes and preferences
are formed.
Answer: FALSE
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 1 Page Ref: 280-281/280-281
Topic: Utility
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

52) If by purchasing more apples and fewer oranges you increase your total utility, then apples
must be cheaper than oranges.
Answer: FALSE
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 1 Page Ref: 281-284/281-284
Topic: Marginal Utility
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
53) Economists assume people's tastes are identical.
Answer: FALSE
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 1 Page Ref: 280-281/280-281
Topic: Utility
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

54) Economists do not think it is possible to compare the relative utility that two people get from
consuming an additional unit of a particular good.
Answer: TRUE
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 1 Page Ref: 280-281/280-281
Topic: Utility
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

55) The Wong family consumes 3 pounds of fish and 5 pounds of chicken per month. The price
of fish is $8 per pound and chicken is $4 per pound.
a. What is the amount of income allocated to fish and chicken consumption?
b. What is the price ratio (the price of fish relative to the price of chicken)?
c. Explain the meaning of the price ratio you computed.
d. If the Wongs maximize utility, what is the ratio of the marginal utility of fish to the marginal
utility of chicken?
e. If the price of chicken rises, will the Wong family consume more chicken, less chicken or the
same amount of chicken? Explain your answer using the rule of equal marginal utility per dollar.
a. Income = $44
b. Price of fish / price of chicken = $8 / $4 = 2
c. To buy a pound of fish the family has to give up 2 pounds of chicken.
d. MUfish / MUchicken = Price of fish / Price of chicken = $8 / $4 = 2
e. If the price of chicken rises, the marginal utilities per dollar will not be equal. Specifically,
MUfish / Price fish > MUchicken / Price chicken. The family can raise its total utility by buying
less chicken and more fish.
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 3 Page Ref: 281-284/281-284
Topic: Marginal Utility
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Analytic Skills
Special Feature: None

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
56) You participate in a taste test for a new protein supplement called "Boost." You are given
five consecutive one ounce vials of the supplement and after consuming each vial you are asked
to note your reaction. You consume the first vial and your response is: "Hmmm, quite good!"
After the second, you say, "Not bad at all." After the third, you note, "It's alright." and after the
fourth you wince, "No more, the after-taste is getting to me. I need water." What economic
principle does this scenario illustrate? Define the principle.
Answer: It illustrates the law of diminishing marginal utility which states that consumers
experience diminishing additional satisfaction as they consume more of a good or service during
a given period of time.
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 2 Page Ref: 281/281
Topic: Marginal Utility
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

57) The increase in consumption of a good when its price falls is caused by two effects. What are
these two effects? Explain the difference between these effects.
Answer: The two effects are the substitution and income effects. According to the substitution
effect, more is consumed when the price of a good falls because the price of the good in question
is now lower relative to the prices of other goods. In addition, the fall in price increases the
consumer's purchasing power causing the quantity demanded to increase for a normal good and
decrease for an inferior good. This is the income effect. For most goods, the income effect is
small relative to the substitution effect which is why the overall effect of a price decrease is an
increase in quantity demanded.
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 2 Page Ref: 287-288/287-288
Topic: Income and Substitution Effects
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

58) You wish to buy only one CD. Use the rule of equal marginal utility per dollar to determine
which one to purchase: (a) Usher's latest CD for $15 which gives you 75 units of utility, or (b)
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers' Greatest Hits for $10 that gives you 100 units of utility?
Answer: You should buy the Tom Petty CD because the MU per dollar is 10 while MU per
dollar for the Usher CD is only 5.
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 1 Page Ref: 281-284/281-284
Topic: Marginal Utility
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
59) Lilly Davis has $5 per week to spend on any combination of ice cream and candy. The price
of an ice cream cone is $2 and the price of a candy bar is $1. The table below shows Lilly's
utility values. Use the table to answer the questions that follow the table.

of Ice Total Marginal Quantity Total Marginal
Utility per
Cream Utility Utility of Candy Utility Utility
1 20 1 20
2 38 2 38
3 52 3 48
4 62 4 54

a. Complete the table by filling in the blank spaces.

b. Suppose Lilly purchases 2 ice cream cones and 1 candy bar. Is she consuming the optimal
consumption bundle? If so, explain why. If not, what combination should she buy and why?
Answer: a.
of Ice Total Marginal Quantity Total Marginal
Utility per
Cream Utility Utility of Candy Utility Utility
1 20 20 10 1 20 20
2 38 18 9 2 38 18
3 52 14 7 3 48 10
4 62 10 5 4 54 6

b. If Lilly purchases 2 ice cream cones and 1 candy bar she is not maximizing her utility. The
marginal utility per dollar spent on ice cream cones = 9 and marginal utility per dollar spent on
candy bars = 20. Her total utility from this bundle is 58 utils. If she buys 1 ice cream cone and 3
candy bars, she will equate her marginal utilities per dollar and the total utility from this bundle =
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 2 Page Ref: 281-284/281-284
Topic: Marginal Utility
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Analytic Skills
Special Feature: None

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
9.2 Where Demand Curves Come From

1) We can derive the market demand curve for gold earrings

A) only if the tastes of all gold earring consumers are similar.
B) by adding horizontally the individual demand curves of each gold earring consumer.
C) by adding vertically the quantity demanded of each gold earring consumed at each price.
D) by adding the prices each gold earring consumer is willing to pay for each quantity.
Answer: B
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 1 Page Ref: 288-290/288-290
Topic: Market Demand Curve
Objective: LO2: Use the concept of utility to explain the law of demand.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

2) The income effect due to a price decrease will result in an increase in the quantity demanded
A) a Giffen good.
B) an inferior good.
C) a public good.
D) a normal good.
Answer: D
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 2 Page Ref: 288-290/288-290
Topic: Income and Substitution Effects
Objective: LO2: Use the concept of utility to explain the law of demand.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
Figure 9-1

Figure 9-1 represents the demand for ice cream cones.

3) Refer to Figure 9-1. Which of the following statements is true?

A) Points a and b are the utility-maximizing quantities of ice-cream cones at two different prices
of ice-cream.
B) Points a and b may not necessarily be the utility-maximizing quantities of ice-cream cones at
two different prices because we have no information on the consumer's budget or the price of
other goods.
C) Point a could be a utility-maximizing choice if the price is $3 but point b may not be because
we have no information on the marginal utility per dollar when price changes.
D) Points a and b are derived independently of the utility-maximizing model.
Answer: A
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 1 Page Ref: 288-290/288-290
Topic: Where Demand Curves Come From
Skill: Graphing
Objective: LO2: Use the concept of utility to explain the law of demand.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
4) Refer to Figure 9-1. When the price of ice cream cones increases from $2 to $3, quantity
demanded decreases from 4 ice cream cones to 3 ice cream cones. This change in quantity
demanded is due to
A) the price and output effects.
B) the income and substitution effects.
C) the law of diminishing marginal utility.
D) the fact that marginal willingness to pay falls.
Answer: B
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 1 Page Ref: 288-290/288-290
Topic: Where Demand Curves Come From
Skill: Graphing
Objective: LO2: Use the concept of utility to explain the law of demand.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

5) Goods with upward sloping demand curves are referred to as

A) Marshall goods.
B) Giffen goods.
C) substitute goods.
D) luxury goods.
Answer: B
Diff: 2 Page Ref: 290-291/290-291
Topic: Giffen Goods
Objective: LO2: Use the concept of utility to explain the law of demand.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: Making the Connection: Are There Any Upward-Sloping Demand Curves in
the Real World?

6) For a demand curve to be upward sloping, the good would have to be an inferior good, and
A) the income effect would have to be larger than the substitution effect.
B) the income effect would have to be smaller than the substitution effect.
C) the income effect would have to be equal to the substitution effect.
D) the income effect and the substitution effect would have to be nonexistent.
Answer: A
Diff: 2 Page Ref: 290-291/290-291
Topic: Giffen Goods
Objective: LO2: Use the concept of utility to explain the law of demand.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: Making the Connection: Are There Any Upward-Sloping Demand Curves in
the Real World?

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
7) The income effect results in consumers increasing the quantity of normal goods demanded
when the price falls.
Answer: TRUE
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 1 Page Ref: 288-290/288-290
Topic: Where Demand Curves Come From
Objective: LO2: Use the concept of utility to explain the law of demand.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

8) The demand for a Giffen good slopes upward.

Answer: TRUE
Diff: 1 Page Ref: 290-291/290-291
Topic: Giffen Goods
Objective: LO2: Use the concept of utility to explain the law of demand.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: Making the Connection: Are There Any Upward-Sloping Demand Curves in
the Real World?

9) The only Giffen goods that have been identified so far in the real world are luxury goods.
Answer: FALSE
Diff: 1 Page Ref: 290-291/290-291
Topic: Giffen Goods
Objective: LO2: Use the concept of utility to explain the law of demand.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: Making the Connection: Are There Any Upward-Sloping Demand Curves in
the Real World?

10) Describe the demand curve for a Giffen good.

Answer: The demand curve for a Giffen good slopes upward, indicating that the quantity
demanded increases when the price increases, and the quantity demanded falls when the price
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 1 Page Ref: 288-290/288-290
Topic: Giffen Goods
Objective: LO2: Use the concept of utility to explain the law of demand.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
11) What did economists Robert Jensen and Nolan Miller determine must be true for a good to
be a Giffen good, where the income effect is larger than its substitution effect?
Answer: The good must be an inferior good and it must make up a very large portion of
consumer's budgets.
Diff: 2 Page Ref: 290-291/290-291
Topic: Giffen Goods
Objective: LO2: Use the concept of utility to explain the law of demand.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: Making the Connection: Are There Any Upward-Sloping Demand Curves in
the Real World?

9.3 Social Influences on Decision Making

1) Traditionally, economists have considered culture, customs, and religion as

A) very important influences on the choices consumers make.
B) relatively unimportant factors in explaining the choices consumers make.
C) important influences in explaining consumer choices in command economies but less
important in market economies.
D) subject to normative economic analysis rather than positive economic analysis.
Answer: B
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 1 Page Ref: 291/291
Topic: Social Influences on Decision Making
Objective: LO3: Explain how social influences can affect consumption choices.
Special Feature: None

2) Which of the following statements describes economists' attitudes regarding the influence of
social factors on the choices consumers make?
A) Economists formerly believed they were very important but now they believe they are not
B) Economists believe social factors affect consumer choice in markets for public goods but not
in markets for private goods.
C) Liberal economists believe social factors are very important; conservative economists do not
believe social factors have any influence on consumers.
D) Economists traditionally believed they were unimportant, but many economists now believe
social factors are important.
Answer: D
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 1 Page Ref: 291/291
Topic: Social Influences on Decision Making
Objective: LO3: Explain how social influences can affect consumption choices.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
3) Economists Gary Becker and Kevin Murphy are associated with which of the following?
A) the discovery of the first example of a Giffen good
B) They have argued that social factors are not important in explaining the choices consumers
C) Consumers appear to receive utility from consuming goods they believe are popular.
D) They discovered that price changes have both income and substitution effects.
Answer: C
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 1 Page Ref: 291/291
Topic: Social Influences on Decision Making
Objective: LO3: Explain how social influences can affect consumption choices.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

4) In October 2008, Oprah Winfrey revealed on her television show that she received a Kindle as
a gift and that it changed her life. Almost instantly, the Kindle sold out. Oprah's endorsement of
the Kindle and the subsequent increase in sales is an example of ________ on decision making.
A) the income effect
B) a social influence
C) the substitution effect
D) a scientific influence
Answer: B
Diff: 1 Page Ref: 279/279
Topic: Social Influences on Decision Making
Objective: LO1: Define utility and explain how consumers choose goods and services to
maximize their utility.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: Chapter Opener: Can Oprah Get You to Buy a Kindle?

5) Which of the following is not a reason why companies such as Nike and Gillette pay Tiger
Woods to endorse their products?
A) Many consumers feel more fashionable if they use the same products that Tiger Woods uses.
B) Some consumers will buy a product endorsed by Tiger Woods because they believe he is
particularly knowledgeable about the product.
C) Some consumers want to feel closer to a celebrity who endorses a product.
D) Some consumers believe that Tiger Woods is more rational than the average consumer.
Answer: D
Diff: 2 Page Ref: 292/292
Topic: Social Influences on Decision Making
Objective: LO3: Explain how social influences can affect consumption choices.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: Making the Connection: Why Do Firms Pay Tiger Woods to Endorse Their

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
6) Which of the following refers to the increase in the usefulness of a product as the number of
consumers who use it increases?
A) positive externalities
B) network externalities
C) external marginal utility
D) the impact of celebrity endorsements
Answer: B
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 2 Page Ref: 292-293/292-293
Topic: Network Externalities
Objective: LO3: Explain how social influences can affect consumption choices.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

7) Tiger Woods endorses Nike golf balls and Gillette razors. One reason Nike pays Tiger Woods
for his endorsement is that consumers believe he is more knowledgeable about golf than they are.
Why would the makers of Gillette razors pay Tiger Woods to endorse their products?
A) Many consumers believe Tiger Woods is more knowledgeable about razors than they are.
B) More people play golf than any other sport.
C) Some consumers believe that buying products endorsed by Tiger Woods makes them appear
to be more fashionable.
D) Gillette receives free publicity whenever Tiger Woods wins a tournament.
Answer: C
Diff: 1 Page Ref: 292/292
Topic: Social Influences on Decision Making
Objective: LO3: Explain how social influences can affect consumption choices.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: Making the Connection: Why Do Firms Pay Tiger Woods to Endorse Their

8) Which of the following is used to explain why a consumer's willingness to buy a cell phone
increases as the number of other people who own and use cell phones increases?
A) network externalities
B) market failure
C) diminishing marginal utility
D) the income effect of a price change
Answer: A
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 1 Page Ref: 292-293/292-293
Topic: Network Externalities
Objective: LO3: Explain how social influences can affect consumption choices.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
9) The order of the letters along the rows of computer keyboards could be changed to allow users
to type faster, but this would inconvenience the vast majority of people who learned to type with
the current keyboard layout. The costs of switching to a new layout make this change unlikely.
This is an example of
A) path dependency.
B) how social influences overwhelm the substitution effect of a price change.
C) how the elasticity of demand for typewriters has been affected by externalities.
D) how consumers sometimes do not behave rationally.
Answer: A
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 1 Page Ref: 292-293/292-293
Topic: Network Externalities
Objective: LO3: Explain how social influences can affect consumption choices.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

10) An advantage of Microsoft windows is its compatibility with the widest range of hardware
and software. The dominance of Windows is self-reinforcing: hardware and software
manufacturers ensure that their products are compatible with Windows in order to have access to
the large number of Windows users. Which principle best describes this scenario?
A) endowment effects
B) endorsement effects
C) economies of scale
D) network externalities
Answer: D
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 1 Page Ref: 292-293/292-293
Topic: Network Externalities
Objective: LO3: Explain how social influences can affect consumption choices.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
11) Some economists have argued that path dependence and switching costs can lead to market
failure. Which of the following is an example of this argument?
A) Costly celebrity endorsements lead many consumers to buy a product even though it is more
expensive or less effective than a product that is not endorsed by a celebrity.
B) A consumer who won a lottery for a Super Bowl ticket refuses to sell it for $3,000 even
though he would not have paid $3,000 for a ticket if he had not won the lottery.
C) While playing the ultimate game, an allocator decides to share $20 equally with a recipient
rather than keep the $20 for herself.
D) VHS video recorders became more popular with consumers than Sony Betamax recorders
even though the Betamax recorders embodied a superior technology.
Answer: D
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 2 Page Ref: 292-293/292-293
Topic: Network Externalities
Objective: LO3: Explain how social influences can affect consumption choices.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

12) All but one of the following have been suggested by some economists as possible
consequences of path dependency and switching costs. Which of the following is not a possible
consequence of path dependency and switching costs?
A) Consumers may get locked into using products with inferior technology.
B) market failure
C) diseconomies of scale
D) Government intervention may be necessary in affected markets in order to improve economic
Answer: C
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 2 Page Ref: 292-293/292-293
Topic: Network Externalities
Objective: LO3: Explain how social influences can affect consumption choices.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
13) Some economists have suggested that network externalities result in consumers being locked
into the use of products with inferior technologies. Economists Stan Leibowitz and Stephen
Margolis have studied cases that have been cited as examples of this and found
A) there is no convincing evidence that the alternative technologies were superior.
B) consumers sometimes do become locked into the use of products with inferior technologies.
C) that in all of these cases network externalities resulted in market failure.
D) that consumers use products with inferior technologies when their prices are lower than
products with superior technologies.
Answer: A
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 2 Page Ref: 292-293/292-293
Topic: Network Externalities
Objective: LO3: Explain how social influences can affect consumption choices.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

14) Maurice Allais, Reinhard Selten and Vernon Smith all were awarded the Nobel Prize in
Economics in part because
A) of their work with experimental economics.
B) they discovered the first example of a Giffen good.
C) of their work on the substitution and income effects of price changes.
D) they proved that external economies would lead to market failure.
Answer: A
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 2 Page Ref: 293-294/293-294
Topic: Experimental Economics
Objective: LO3: Explain how social influences can affect consumption choices.
Special Feature: None

15) ________ is an experiment that tests the significance of fairness in consumer decision
A) The fairness challenge
B) The consumer choice paradigm
C) The ultimatum game
D) The Giffen paradox
Answer: C
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 2 Page Ref: 293-294/293-294
Topic: Experimental Economics
Objective: LO3: Explain how social influences can affect consumption choices.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
16) The quantity demanded of tickets to the Super Bowl is always greater than the than the
quantity supplied. Which of the following in the best explanation why the National Football
League does not raise the price of tickets to the level where the quantity demanded equals the
quantity supplied?
A) Raising the price would reduce the demand for tickets; there would then be a surplus and the
game would not sell out.
B) The cost of raising the price and printing new tickets would exceed the revenue the NFL
would receive from higher ticket prices.
C) The demand for Super Bowl tickets is elastic; raising the price would reduce total revenue.
D) The NFL is concerned that raising ticket prices would be considered unfair.
Answer: D
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 2 Page Ref: 294-295/294-295
Topic: Business Implications of Fairness
Objective: LO3: Explain how social influences can affect consumption choices.
AACSB: Analytic Skills
Special Feature: None

17) Economist Alan Krueger conducted a survey of people who attended the Super Bowl in
2001. What was the purpose of Krueger's survey?
A) He wanted to know why people would pay a substantial amount to watch the Super Bowl in
person rather than watch the game on television.
B) He asked those who attended the game whether they believed it would be fair for the National
Football League to raise the price of tickets to an amount that is still less than they would be
willing to pay.
C) He compared the willingness to pay for Super Bowl tickets to the willingness to pay for
tickets to other sporting events (the World Series, the World Cup and the Olympics).
D) He compared the difference between the willingness to pay for tickets between (a) fans from
the cities with teams that played in the Super Bowl, and (b) fans who receive utility from
attending an event they believe is popular.
Answer: B
Diff: 2 Page Ref: 295-296/295-296
Topic: Business Implications of Fairness
Objective: LO3: Explain how social influences can affect consumption choices.
Special Feature: Making the Connection: Professor Krueger Goes to the Super Bowl

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
18) Economist Alan Krueger surveyed people who attended the 2001 Super Bowl in order to
determine whether they believed it would be fair for the National Football League (NFL) to raise
the price of tickets to a level that was still less than the amount most fans would be willing to
pay. What conclusion did Krueger come to based on his survey results?
A) Whatever the NFL would gain from raising ticket prices in the short run, it would more than
lose in the long run.
B) The NFL should raise ticket prices so long as the price is less than the maximum fans would
be willing to pay.
C) The demand for Super Bowl tickets is elastic.
D) The substitution effect from an increase in price is greater than the income effect.
Answer: A
Diff: 2 Page Ref: 295-296/295-296
Topic: Business Implications of Fairness
Objective: LO3: Explain how social influences can affect consumption choices.
Special Feature: Making the Connection: Professor Krueger Goes to the Super Bowl

19) During its run on Broadway, the play The Producers regularly sold out all available tickets at
the St. James Theater. The theater could have raised ticket prices from $75 to $125 and still sold
all available tickets but chose not to do so. The best explanation for this decision is
A) theater owners are unaware of the elasticity of demand for Broadway shows.
B) theater owners do not want to raise their tickets on weekends, when demand is high, and then
have to lower prices during the week, when demand is lower.
C) firms sometimes give up profits in the short run to keep their customers happy and increase
their profits in the long run.
D) theater owners are not motivated to maximize their profits.
Answer: C
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 1 Page Ref: 294-295/294-295
Topic: Business Implications of Fairness
Objective: LO3: Explain how social influences can affect consumption choices.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

20) All but one of the following economists were awarded a Nobel prize for their contributions
to experimental economics and their explorations of the influence fairness has on consumer
decision-making. Which economist did not receive a Nobel Prize for this work?
A) Vernon Smith
B) Alan Krueger
C) Daniel Kahneman
D) Maurice Allais
Answer: B
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 1 Page Ref: 293-294/293-294
Topic: Experimental Economics
Objective: LO3: Explain how social influences can affect consumption choices.
Special Feature: None

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
21) In an experiment that employed the dictator game, economists at Cornell University gave
student "allocators" the option of dividing $20 in only two ways (a) $18 for themselves and $2 to
another student, or (b) $10 for themselves and $10 to another student. What was one result from
this experiment?
A) Most allocators chose to give themselves $18 and $2 to the other students.
B) Most of the students who were not allocators did not like having someone else make decisions
for them.
C) A majority of the female allocators chose option (a); a majority of the male allocators chose
option (b).
D) Most of the allocators apparently valued acting fairly.
Answer: D
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 2 Page Ref: 293-294/293-294
Topic: Experimental Economics
Objective: LO3: Explain how social influences can affect consumption choices.
Special Feature: None

22) Economists have used the ultimatum game and the dictator game in experiments designed to
A) whether consumers care about fairness when they make decisions.
B) whether consumers believe it is fair for producers to raise the price of a product for which
there is excess demand.
C) whether consumers understand the difference between implicit costs and explicit costs.
D) whether consumers understand the rule of equal marginal utility per dollar spent.
Answer: A
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 2 Page Ref: 293-294/293-294
Topic: Experimental Economics
Objective: LO3: Explain how social influences can affect consumption choices.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

23) Many people leave their servers tips in restaurants, even when they are not likely to visit the
restaurant again. This is evidence that
A) people would rather pay for good service at an inexpensive restaurant than pay higher prices
and receive poor service at an expensive restaurant.
B) people enjoy eating at restaurants more than eating at home.
C) people treat others fairly even if doing so makes them worse off financially.
D) there has been an improvement in the service people receive in restaurants over time, partly
because the restaurant industry has become more competitive.
Answer: C
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 1 Page Ref: 291/291
Topic: Social Influences on Decision Making
Objective: LO3: Explain how social influences can affect consumption choices.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None
Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
24) In their surveys of consumers, Daniel Kaheman, Jack Knetsch and Richard Thaler found that
A) most people considered it unfair for firms to raise their prices because of an increase in their
costs, but fair to raise their prices after an increase in demand.
B) most people considered any increase in price to be unfair as it led to an increase in profits.
C) most people believed that low income people were hurt most by increases in prices.
D) most people considered an increase in price by firms following an increase in their costs to be
fair but believed it was unfair for firms to raise their prices because of an increase in demand.
Answer: D
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 2 Page Ref: 294-295/294-295
Topic: Business Implications of Fairness
Objective: LO3: Explain how social influences can affect consumption choices.
Special Feature: None

25) In a survey of consumers, Daniel Kaheman, Jack Knetsch and Richard Thaler asked their
opinion of a hardware store's decision to
A) go out of business because a larger hardware store opened in the same city; 82 percent of
those surveyed believed it was unfair for the larger store to compete with the smaller store.
B) raise the price of snow shovels the day following a snowstorm; 82 percent of those surveyed
believed this was unfair.
C) sell tickets to sporting and cultural events at prices higher than prices paid at the ticket
windows for the same events; 82 percent of those surveyed believed this was unfair.
D) remain in business even though the store was not making an economic profit; 82 percent of
those surveyed believed it would be unfair for the store to go out of business if there no other
hardware stores in the same area.
Answer: B
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 2 Page Ref: 294-295/294-295
Topic: Business Implications of Fairness
Objective: LO3: Explain how social influences can affect consumption choices.
Special Feature: None

26) The ultimatum game and the dictator game are used in economic experiments to test whether
fairness is an important influence on consumer decision-making.
Answer: TRUE
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 1 Page Ref: 293-294/293-294
Topic: Experimental Economics
Objective: LO3: Explain how social influences can affect consumption choices.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
27) Results of the ultimatum game indicate that most people value fairness enough that they will
refuse to participate in a transaction they consider unfair, even if they are worse off financially as
a result.
Answer: TRUE
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 1 Page Ref: 293-294/293-294
Topic: Experimental Economics
Objective: LO3: Explain how social influences can affect consumption choices.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

28) A network externality causes firms to sacrifice profits in the short run in order to satisfy their
customers and increase their long-run profits.
Answer: FALSE
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 1 Page Ref: 292-293/292-293
Topic: Network Externalities
Objective: LO3: Explain how social influences can affect consumption choices.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

29) Explain the concept of network externalities.

Answer: A network externality is a situation in which the usefulness of a product increases with
the number of consumers who use it.
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 1 Page Ref: 292-293/292-293
Topic: Network Externalities
Objective: LO3: Explain how social influences can affect consumption choices.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

30) Studies on consumer behavior have found that most people value fairness enough that they
will refuse to participate in transactions they consider unfair, even if they are worse off as a
result. How does this affect a firm's decision to raise prices in the event of a temporary increase
in demand?
Answer: If the firm chooses to raise prices, consumers will consider this price increase unfair
and might choose to buy elsewhere. This loss of consumer goodwill could lead to lower profits
in the long run. It is rational for firms to forego raising prices in the short run to keep customers
happy. This can lead to increased profits in the long run.
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 2 Page Ref: 294-295/294-295
Topic: Business Implications of Fairness
Objective: LO3: Explain how social influences can affect consumption choices.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
31) Economists have noted that businesses of a certain type tend to congregate geographically,
attracting workers with skills in those fields. This, in turn, lures more firms seeking employees
with those skills. Some examples include commercial banking, software development, and the
automobile industry. What mechanism is at work here? Briefly explain how the mechanism
works to the advantage of employers and employees.
Answer: The mechanism at work is a network externality. Employers will have access to a
larger pool of skilled employees. At the same time, the efficiency of the job search for employees
will be enhanced. In addition, industries are likely to draw ancillary services which could yield
further efficiency gains for producers.
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 2 Page Ref: 292-293/292-293
Topic: Network Externalities
Objective: LO3: Explain how social influences can affect consumption choices.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

9.4 Behavioral Economics: Do People Make Their Choices Rationally?

1) A new area of economics studies situations in which people appear to be making choices that
do not appear to be economically rational. This area is called
A) behavioral economics.
B) irrational economics.
C) social economics.
D) new wave economics.
Answer: A
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 1 Page Ref: 296-297/296-297
Topic: Behavioral Economics
Objective: LO4: Describe the behavioral economics approach to understanding decision making.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

2) Behavioral economics refers to the study of situations

A) where consumers and firms appear to make choices that are appropriate to reach their goals.
B) where consumers and firms appear to value fairness when they make choices.
C) where consumers and firms disobey the laws of demand and supply.
D) where consumers and firms do not appear to be making choices that are economically
Answer: D
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 1 Page Ref: 296-297/296-297
Topic: Behavioral Economics
Objective: LO4: Describe the behavioral economics approach to understanding decision making.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

3) One reason that consumers and businesses might not act rationally is
Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
A) it is difficult to obtain enough information about the elasticities of demand and supply.
B) they may not realize their actions are inconsistent with their goals.
C) consumer tastes change constantly.
D) they do not always value fairness when they make choices.
Answer: B
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 1 Page Ref: 296-297/296-297
Topic: Behavioral Economics
Objective: LO4: Describe the behavioral economics approach to understanding decision making.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

4) The highest-valued alternative that must be given up to engage in an activity is the definition
A) utility.
B) implicit cost.
C) opportunity cost.
D) economic sacrifice.
Answer: C
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 1 Page Ref: 296-297/296-297
Topic: Opportunity Cost
Objective: LO4: Describe the behavioral economics approach to understanding decision making.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

5) Which of the following is a common mistake made by consumers?

A) taking into account the implicit costs of an activity
B) ignoring sunk costs
C) being overly optimistic about their future behavior
D) being overly pessimistic about their future behavior
Answer: C
Comment: Recurring
Diff: 1 Page Ref: 298-299/298-299
Topic: Behavioral Economics
Objective: LO4: Describe the behavioral economics approach to understanding decision making.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Special Feature: None

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
Another random document with
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form communities consisting at times of a countless number of
individuals; but it has not been thoroughly ascertained whether these
are the produce of a single queen, as in the case of the hive-bee, or
whether there may be more than one egg-producer in each
community. The late F. Smith thought the former of these alternatives
would prove to be correct. These mosquito-bees are frequently
spoken of as stingless bees, but this is not quite correct, for although
they do not sting, von Ihering[34] says that all the essential elements
of the sting are present, the pointed or penetrating part of the
apparatus being stunted.

It would serve no useful purpose to attempt to construct the social

history of these stingless bees from the numerous brief scattered
accounts in entomological literature, for they refer to different
species; it is, however, positively stated by Smith on the authority of
Peckolt[35] that Trigona mosquito sends off swarms after the manner
of the hive-bee in this country, and that after searching six hives only
one royal female could be found in each.

Fig. 24.—Melipona sp. ♀. Amazons.

The nests of many of these little bees are rich in honey, and they
have a host of enemies from man and monkeys downwards; and as
they do not defend themselves by stinging, it might be supposed
they would have but a poor time of it. From the accounts that have
been published we may, however, gather that they are rich in
devices for the protection of their nests, and for the exclusion of
intruders. Bates has given some particulars as to Melipona interrupta
(fasciculata); it is about one-third shorter than the hive-bee, and its
colonies are composed of an immense number of individuals. The
workers are usually occupied in gathering pollen; but they also
collect clay in a similar manner, and convey it to the nest, where it is
used for building a wall to complete the fortification of the nest, which
is placed either in a suitable bank, or in a trunk of a tree; in either
situation it is completely built in with clay. A nest which Bates saw
opened contained about two quarts of pleasantly-tasted liquid honey.
Forty-five species of these little bees were found in different parts of
the Amazons Valley, the largest kind being half an inch in length, the
smallest very minute, not more than one-twelfth of an inch. These
little creatures are thus masons as well as workers in wax and resin,
and they are also gatherers of nectar, pollen, and resin.

According to Gosse, one of these bees is well known in Jamaica,

where they are called "Angelitos," in consequence of their not
stinging people. He observed a nest of this bee in a tree, and found it
to be much infested by black ants anxious to obtain entrance to it;
three bees, however, stood sentinel in the entrance, so as to
completely block it and keep out intruders, but the middle bee moved
on one side out of the way directly one of its fellows wished to come
in or out of the nest. The honey accumulated by this species is kept
in clusters of cups about the size of a pigeon's egg, at the bottom of
the hive and away from the brood-cells. The queen or mother-bee is
lighter in colour than the others, and has the hind body twice the
length of theirs.

Hockings[36] has given us some details as to the natural history of

two of these bees that inhabit Australia, where they are called
"Karbi" and "Kootchar," the first being, it is supposed, Trigona
carbonaria, Smith: it is usually about three-sixteenths of an inch in
length, the queen, when fully developed, being nearly twice that
length. The comb is built in a most peculiar form, being, it is said, in
the shape of a spiral staircase, and tapering towards the ends:
honey-pots and pollen are constructed for the storage of food. The
comb is encased in wax, and outside it a labyrinth of waxen
passages is formed. The entrance to the colony is guarded by a line
of bees who inspect every one that arrives, and it is surprising to see
how soon a stranger is discovered and pounced upon before it has
time even to alight; the intruder, when caught, is held by several
bees, who put it on the rack by holding and stretching out its limbs to
their full extent, retaining it in this position for as long as an hour, by
which time the unfortunate prisoner is usually dead. These bees, as
well as many other allied species, fight desperately with their
mandibles, and are apparently of a very fierce disposition. The other
species, called "Kootchar," is said to produce a very large number of
drones, and the habits and dispositions of the bees differ
considerably from those of the "Karbi": the entrance to their hive is
guarded by a pipe of propolis (a sort of resinous wax) about an inch
in length, having an exceedingly sticky outer edge, and it is by this
pipe alone that access to the interior can be gained. At night the
entrance is closed by numerous minute globules of semi-fluid gum
placed against it, thus forming a thin wall full of air-holes. The
colonies of "Kootchar" can be united by taking away a queen and
then packing her brood-nest, bees and all, against that of the colony
it is to be joined to. This cannot be done with the "Karbi." The
account given by Mr. Hockings contains a great many other
interesting details, and there can be no doubt that a full account of
the natural history of these Insects would be very instructive.

Fritz Müller has recorded a singular case bearing on the instinct of

these social Insects: he says that a nest of a small Trigona was built
in a hollow tree, and that as a consequence of the irregularity of the
hole the bees were obliged to give a very irregular shape to their
combs of honey. These bees were captured and put in a spacious
box (presumably together with the irregular comb, but this he
unfortunately does not mention): after a year, "when perhaps not a
single bee survived of those which had come from the canella tree,"
they still continued to build irregular combs, though quite regular
combs were built by several other communities of the same species
that he had kept. These bees, he also tells us, do not use pure wax
for the construction of their combs, but mix it with resin or gum that
gives it a peculiar odour and appearance. He captured two
communities of a common Melipona, one of which had the combs
made of dark reddish brown, the other of pale yellowish brown, wax,
and in captivity in a distant locality each of the two communities
continued to form its comb in the same way, thus showing the
continuity that prevails in these cases as long as circumstances
permit. Müller thinks this due to imitation, but it seems at least as
probable that it is due to perception of the properties of the nest. The
nest has a certain colour that the worker-bee matches.

Several species of the Melipona and Trigona were imported from

Brazil to France, and kept there for some time in captivity by M.
Drory. Girard has published[37] some details as to these colonies,
and is of opinion that some of them indicate an intelligence or instinct
superior to that of the honey-bee. The queen-bee of M. scutellaris
seems to display more intelligence than the corresponding sex of A.
mellifica. The mode of feeding the larvae apparently differs from that
of A. mellifica, a provision of pollen being first placed in the cell, then
some honey; when sufficient food for the whole consumption of a
larva is accumulated the queen deposits an egg in the cell, which is
at once completely closed by the worker. The interior of the abode of
these bees is quite dark, only a very small orifice being left, and in
this a sentinel is constantly on the alert. The same writer states that
Trigona crassipes has the very peculiar habit of always locating its
brood-comb in the nest of a species of Termes.

The honey-bee, Apis mellifica (Fig. 6), is considered the highest form
attained by the Anthophilous division of the Hymenoptera. The
differentiation of the three forms, male, female, and worker, is here
carried to a greater degree of perfection than in the other bees. The
drones are the males; the individuals we see gathering honey are
always workers, neither the male nor the female in this species
taking any part in procuring food for themselves or for the colony. In
addition to this the colonies formed may be described as permanent:
they do not come to an end at the close of one season, and
provision is made for the formation of a new colony while the old one
still persists, by means of a peculiar process called swarming. The
life-history of Apis mellifica and its anatomy and physiology have
been discussed in a whole library of works, and we need only notice
the chief features. When a swarm of bees leaves a hive it consists of
the queen-bee or female, and a number of workers, these latter
being, in fact, the surplus population that has been produced in the
hive. The swarm is not a nuptial flight, as is often supposed, but an
act of emigration. When this swarm has been housed, the bees
commence operations in their new quarters, by secreting wax; they
are enabled to do this by having consumed much saccharine food;
the wax is produced by means of glands in the hind-body over the
inner faces of the ventral plates of the abdominal rings, and it makes
its appearance there, after passing from the interior of the body
through some peculiar membranes on the ventral segments, in the
form of thin projecting plates. These the bee takes off with an
apparatus on the hind pair of legs and applies, after working up with
the mandibles, to form the cells in which young ones are to be
reared and food stored. A large number of bees working in common
thus produce the regular and beautiful structure known as the comb;
the queen afterwards lays an egg in each cell, and as these soon
hatch, great labour is thrown on the workers, which have then to
feed the young; this they do by eating honey and pollen, which,
being formed into a sort of pap by a portion of their digestive organs,
is then regurgitated and given to the young, a quantity of it being
placed in the cell, so that the larva is bathed by it, and possibly may
absorb the food by the skin as well as the mouth. When the colony is
in good progress and young bees emerge, these act as nurses, the
older ones cease to prepare food and act as foragers, bringing in
honey and pollen which are each stored in separate cells. The larva
in the cell increases its size and sheds a very delicate skin several
times; when the larva has reached its full size no more food is
supplied, but the worker-bees seal up the cell by means of a cover
formed of pollen and wax, in such a manner as to be pervious to air:
sealed up in the cell the larva spins a cocoon for itself, remains
therein for a little time as a larva, then changes to a pupa, and
thereafter bites its way out through the cover of the cell, and appears
for the first time as a new being in the form of a worker-bee; the
whole process of development from the egg-state to the perfect
condition of the worker-bee occupies about three weeks.
When the denizens of a hive are about to produce another queen,
one or more royal cells are formed; these are much larger than the
ordinary worker-cells, and of a quite different form. In this cell is
placed an egg, not differing in any respect from the egg that, if
placed in an ordinary cell, produces a worker; when the egg has
produced a larva this is tended with great care and fed throughout its
life with royal jelly. This food appears to be the same as that supplied
to an ordinary worker-larva when it is first hatched; but there is this
difference, that whereas the worker-larva is weaned, and supplied,
after the first period of its existence, with food consisting largely of
honey, pollen and water, the queen-larva is supplied with the pap or
royal jelly until it is full grown. Some difference of opinion exists as to
this royal jelly, some thinking that it is a different substance from
what the workers are fed with; and it is by no means improbable that
there may be some difference in the secretion of the glands that
furnish a part of the material composing the pap. The queen is
produced more rapidly than workers are, about sixteen days being
occupied in the process of her development. Only one queen is
allowed in a hive at a time; so that when several queen-cells are
formed, and queen-larvae nurtured in them, the first one that is
developed into a perfect queen goes round and stings the royal
nymphs to death while they are still in their cells. The production of
drones is supposed to depend chiefly on the nature of the egg laid
by the queen; it being considered that an unfertilised egg is
deposited for this purpose. There is still some doubt on this point,
however. Though there is no doubt that drones are produced in great
numbers from unfertilised eggs, yet there is not evidence that they
cannot also be produced from fertilised eggs.[38] The drone-cells are
somewhat larger than the ordinary worker-cells, but this is probably
not of much import, and it is said that the larvae intended to produce
drones receive a greater proportion of pap than worker-larvae do:
about twenty-four days are required to produce a drone from the

From this sketch it will be seen that the production of the worker (or
third sex, as it is improperly called, the workers being really females
atrophied in some points and specially developed in others) is
dependent on the social life, in so far at any rate as the special
feeding is concerned. There is good reason for supposing that A.
mellifica has been kept in a state of domestication or captivity for an
enormous period of time; and this condition has probably led to an
increase of its natural peculiarities, or perhaps we should say to a
change in them to suit a life of confinement. This is certainly the case
in regard to swarming, for this process takes place with comparative
irregularity in Apis mellifica in a wild condition. The killing of
superfluous queens is also probably a phenomenon of captivity, for it
varies even now in accordance with the numbers of the colony. It is
interesting to notice that in confinement when a swarm goes from the
hive it is the old queen that accompanies it, and this swarm as a rule
settles down near the old hive, so that the queen-bee being already
fertilised, the new swarm and its subsequent increase are nothing
but a division of the old hive, the total products of the two having but
a single father and mother. When a second swarm goes off from a
hive it is accompanied by a young queen, who frequently, perhaps,
in the majority of cases, is unfertilised; this swarm is apt to fly for
long distances, so that the probability of cross-fertilisation is greatly
increased, as the fertilisation of the young new queen is effected
during a solitary flight she makes after the colony has settled down.
But in a state of nature the colonies do not send off swarms every
year or once a year, but increase to an enormous extent, going for
years without swarming, and then when their home is really filled up
send off, it may be presumed, a number of swarms in one year. Thus
the phenomena of bee-life in a wild condition differ considerably from
those we see in artificial confinement. And this difference is probably
greatly accentuated by the action of parasites, the proportions of
which to their guests are in a state of nature liable to become very
great; as we have seen to be the case in Bombus.

Under these circumstances it is not a matter for surprise when we

find that the honey-bee has formed distinct races analogous to those
that exist in the case of the domesticated vertebrate animals. The
knowledge of these races is, however, at present very little
advanced, and is complicated by the fact that only imperfect
information exists as to the true species of the genus Apis. There is
a bee very like our common honey-bee found in southern Europe
called A. ligustica; this is certainly a variety of A. mellifica, and the
same remark applies to a bee found in Egypt, and called A. fasciata.
This gives the honey-bee a very wide distribution, extending possibly
over the whole of the palaearctic region: besides this, the species
has been introduced into various other parts of the world.

According to Karsch the honey-bee shows in Germany several

varieties, all of which belong to the northern form, which may be
spoken of as the A. domestica of Ray; the A. ligustica and A. fasciata
form as we have said distinct races, and it is a remarkable fact that
these races remain distinct even when imported into other climates;
though for how long a period of time this remains true there is very
little evidence to show. The northern form, A. domestica, is now
found in very widely separated parts of the world, in some of which it
is wild; Smith mentions it as occurring in the West India islands,
throughout the North American continent as far south as Mexico,
even in Central and Southern Africa, and in Australia and New
Zealand. The var. ligustica has been found also at the Cape of Good
Hope. The other species known of the genus Apis all belong to the
Old World, so that there is very little doubt that A. mellifica is also a
true native of the eastern hemisphere, and its original home may
possibly have been not far from the shores of the eastern portion of
the Mediterranean sea. Seven or eight other species of Apis are
known, all but one of which occur in Asia, extending as far as Timor
and Celebes. The exceptional one, A. adansonii, occurs in tropical
Africa and in Madagascar. Gerstaecker thought these species might
be reduced to four, but Smith's statement that the males and even
the workers show good distinctive characters seems to be correct.
Very little is known as to the honey-bees of China and Japan.

The queen-bee greatly resembles the worker, but has the hind body
more elongated; she can, however, always be distinguished from the
worker by the absence of the beautiful transverse, comb-like series
of hairs on the inner side of the first joint of the hind foot, the planta,
as it is called by the bee-keeper: she has also no wax plates and
differs in important anatomical peculiarities. The male bee or drone
is very different, being of much broader, more robust build, and with
very large eyes that quite meet in the middle of the upper part of the
head: he also has the hind leg differently shaped. The form of this
limb enables the male of A. mellifica to be distinguished from the
corresponding sex of allied species of the genus.

Fig. 25.—Portions of hind-feet, 1, of male, 2, of worker, 3, of queen, of

the honey-bee; series on the left, outer faces; on the right, inner
faces. a, Tip of tibia: b, first joint; c, second joint of tarsus.

We are indebted to Horne for some particulars as to the habits of A.

dorsata, an allied East Indian species. He informs us that these bees
greatly disfigure buildings, such as the Taj Mahal at Agra, by
attaching their pendent combs to the marble arches, and are so
pertinacious that it is almost useless to destroy the nests. This bee is
said to be so savage in its disposition that it cannot be domesticated;
it attacks the sparingly clad Hindoos with great ferocity when they
disturb its nest. Notwithstanding its inclination and power to defend
its societies this Insect appears to be destroyed wholesale. Colonel
Ramsay failed to establish hives of it, because the Insects were
eaten up by lizards. The crested honey-buzzard carries off large
portions of the comb, and devours it on a branch of some tree near
by, quite regardless of the stings of the bees; while the fondness of
bears for the honey of the "Dingar," as this species is called, is well
Note to P. 33: It has just been discovered that a most remarkable
symbiosis, with structural modification of the bee, exists between
the females of Xylocopa, of the Oriental sub-genus
Koptorthosoma, and certain Acarids. A special chamber, with a
small orifice for entry, exists in the abdomen of the bee, and in
this the Acari are lodged.—See Perkins, Ent. Mag. xxxv. 1899, p.

Note to P. 80: referring to the habits of social wasps in warm

countries. The anticipation we ventured to indulge in is shown to
be correct by the recent observations of Von Ihering.[39] He
states that social wasps in Brazil may be divided into two great
groups by their habits, viz. 1. Summer communities, lasting for
one year, and founded annually by fertilised females that have
hibernated—example, Polistes; 2. Perennial communities,
founded by swarms after the fashion of bee colonies—examples,
Polybia, Chartergus.

Note to Vol. V. Pp. 545, 546: The development of Encyrtus

fuscicollis has now been studied by Marchal, who has
discovered the existence of embryonic dissociation. The chain of
embryos and the epithelial tube in which they are placed, are
formed as follows: the Encyrtus deposits an egg in the interior of
the egg of the Hyponomeuta. This does not kill the egg of the
Lepidopteron, but becomes included in the resulting caterpillar.
The amnion of the Chalcid egg lengthens, and forms the
epithelial tube; while the cells within it become dissociated in
such a way as to give rise to a chain of embryos, instead of a
single embryo.—C.R. Ac. Paris, cxxvi. 1898, p. 662, and
translation in Ann. Nat. Hist. (7), ii. 1898, p. 28.



Division II. Diploptera—Wasps.

Anterior wings longitudinally plicate in repose; the pronotum

extending back, so as to form on each side an angle reposing on
the tegula; the basal segments of the hind body not bearing
nodes or scales; the hind tarsi formed for simple walking. The
species either solitary or social in their habits; some existing in
three forms, males, females, and workers.

Fig. 26—Upper aspect of pronotum and mesonotum of a wasp,

Eumenes coarctata. a, Angle of pronotum; b, tegula; c, base of
wing; d, mesonotum.

This division of Hymenoptera includes the true wasps, but not the
fossorial wasps. The name applied to it has been suggested by the
fact that the front wings become doubled in the long direction when
at rest, so as to make them appear narrower than in most other
Aculeata (Fig. 27). This character is unimportant in function so far as
we know,[40] and it is not quite constant in the division, since some of
the Masaridae do not exhibit it. The character reappears outside the
Diploptera in the genus Leucospis—a member of the Chalcididae in
the parasitic series of Hymenoptera—the species of which greatly
resemble wasps in coloration. A better character is that furnished by
the well-marked angle, formed by the pronotum on the dorsal part
(Fig. 26). By a glance at this part a Diplopterous Insect can always
be readily distinguished.

Three families are at present distinguished in the Diploptera, viz.

Eumenidae, Vespidae and Masaridae. We anticipate that Eumenidae
and Vespidae will ultimately be found to constitute but one family.

Fam. 1. Eumenidae—Solitary True Wasps.

Claws of the feet toothed or bifid; middle tibiae with only one
spur at tip. Social assemblages are not formed, and there is no
worker-caste, the duties of nest-construction, etc., being
performed solely by the female.

The Eumenidae, or solitary wasps, are very little noticed by the

ordinary observer, but they are nevertheless more numerous than
the social Vespidae, about 800 species being known. In Britain we
have sixteen species of the solitary, as against seven of the social
wasps. The Eumenidae exhibit a considerable diversity in form and
structure; some of them have the pedicel at the base of the abdomen
very elongate, while in others this is so short as to be imperceptible
in the ordinary position of the body. A repetition of similar differences
of form occurs in the social wasps, so that notwithstanding the
difference in habits there seems to be no satisfactory way of
distinguishing the members of the two families except by the
structure of the claws and tibial spurs.

Fig. 27.—Eumenes flavopicta ♀. Burma. The wings on the left in the

position of repose, to show folding.
Fabre has sketched the habits of a species of Eumenes, probably E.
pomiformis. This Eumenes constructs with clay a small vase-like
earthenware vessel, in the walls of which small stones are
embedded (like Fig. 28, B). This it fills with food for the young. The
food consists of caterpillars to the number of fourteen or sixteen for
each nest. These caterpillars are believed to be stung by the parent-
wasp (as is the case in the fossorial Hymenoptera), but complete
evidence of this does not seem to be extant, and if it be so, the
stinging does not completely deprive the caterpillars of the capacity
of movement, for they possess the power of using their mandibles
and of making strokes, or kicking with the posterior part of the body.
It is clear that if the delicate egg of the Eumenes or the delicate larva
that issues from it were placed in the midst of a mass of this kind, it
would probably suffer destruction; therefore, to prevent this, the egg
is not placed among the caterpillars, but is suspended from the
dome covering the nest by a delicate thread rivalling in fineness the
web of the spider, and being above the mass of food it is safe. When
the young larva leaves the egg it still makes use of the shell as its
habitation, and eats its first meals from the vantage-point of this
suspension; although the mass of the food grows less by
consumption, the little larva is still enabled to reach it by the fact that
the egg-shell splits up to a sort of ribbon, and thus adds to the length
of the suspensory thread, of which it is the terminal portion. Finally
the heap of caterpillars shrinks so much that it cannot be reached by
the larva even with the aid of the augmented length of the
suspensory thread; by this time, however, the little creature has so
much increased in size and strength that it is able to take its place
amongst the food without danger of being crushed by the mass, and
it afterwards completes its metamorphosis in the usual manner.
Fig. 28—Nidification of solitary wasps: section through nest, A, of
Odynerus reniformis; B, of Eumenes arbustorum. a, The
suspended egg of the wasp; b, the stored caterpillars. (After

It is known that other species of Eumenes construct vase-like nests;

E. unguiculata, however, according to an imperfect account given by
Perris, makes with earth a closed nest of irregular shape, containing
three cells in one mass. The saliva of these builders has the power
of acting as a cement, and of forming with the clay a very
impenetrable material. One species, E. coarctata, L. of this genus
occurs in Britain. The clay nests (Fig. 29) of this Insect are often
attached to the twigs of shrubs, while those of the two species
previously mentioned are usually placed on objects that offer a large
surface for fixing the foundations to, such as walls. According to
Goureau the larva of this species forms in one corner of its little
abode, separated by a partition, a sort of dust-heap in which it
accumulates the various débris resulting from the consumption of its

Eumenes conica, according to Horne, constructs in Hindostan clay-

nests with very delicate walls. This species provisions its nest with
ten or twelve green caterpillars; on one occasion this observer took
from one cell eight green caterpillars and one black. It is much
attacked by parasites owing, it is thought, to the delicacy of the walls
of the cells, which are easily pierced; from one group of five cells two
specimens only of the Eumenes were reared.

Fig. 29—Nest of Eumenes coarctata: A, the nest attached to wood; B,

detached, showing the larva. a, the larva; b, the partition of the
cell. (After André.)
Odynerus, with numerous sub-genera, the names of which are often
used as those of distinct genera, includes the larger part of the
solitary wasps; it is very widely distributed over the earth, and is
represented by many peculiar species even in the isolated
Archipelago of Hawaii; in Britain we have about fifteen species of the
genus. The Odynerus are less accomplished architects than the
species of Eumenes, and usually play the more humble parts of
adapters and repairers; they live either in holes in walls, or in posts
or other woodwork, or in burrows in the earth, or in stems of plants.
Several species of the sub-genus Hoplopus have the remarkable
habit of constructing burrows in sandy ground, and forming at their
entry a curvate, freely projecting tube placed at right angles to the
main burrow, and formed of the grains of sand brought out by the
Insect during excavation and cemented together. The habits of one
such species were described by Réaumur, of another by Dufour; and
recently Fabre has added to the accounts of these naturalists some
important information drawn from his own observations on O.

Fig. 30.—Odynerus antilope ♀. Britain.

This Insect provisions its cell with small caterpillars to the number of
twenty or upwards (Fig. 28, A.) The egg is deposited before the nest
is stocked with food; it is suspended in such a manner that the
suspensory thread allows the egg to reach well down towards the
bottom of the cell. The caterpillars placed as food in the nest are all
curled up, each forming a ring approximately adapted to the calibre
of the cell. Fabre believes these caterpillars to be partly stupefied by
stinging, but the act has not been observed either by himself,
Réaumur, or Dufour. The first caterpillar is eaten by the wasp-larva
from its point of suspension; after this first meal has been made the
larva is supposed to undergo a change of skin; it then abandons the
assistance of the suspensory thread, taking up a position in the
vacant chamber at the end of the cell and drawing the caterpillars to
itself one by one. This arrangement permits the caterpillars to be
consumed in the order in which they were placed in the cell, so that
the one that is weakest on account of its longer period of starvation
is first devoured. Fabre thinks all the above points are essential to
the successful development of this wasp-larva, the suspension
protecting the egg and the young larva from destruction by pressure
or movement of the caterpillars, while the position of the larva when
it leaves the thread and takes its place on the floor of the cell
ensures its consuming the food in the order of introduction; besides
this the caterpillars used are of a proper size and of a species the
individuals of which have the habit of rolling themselves up in a ring;
while, as the calibre of the tube is but small, they are unable to
straighten themselves and move about, so that their consumption in
proper order is assured. Some interesting points in the habits of an
allied species, O. (Pterocheilus) spinipes have been observed by
Verhoeff; the facts as regards the construction and provisioning of
the cell are almost the same as in O. reniformis. The species of
Odynerus are very subject to the attacks of parasites, and are, it is
well known, destroyed to an enormous extent by Chrysididae.
Verhoeff says that the wasp in question supplied food much infested
by entoparasites; further, that a fly, Argyromoeba sinuata, takes
advantage of the habit of the Odynerus of leaving its nest open
during the process of provisioning, and deposits also an egg in the
nest; the Odynerus seems, however, to have no power of
discovering the fact, or more probably has no knowledge of its
meaning, and so concludes the work of closing the cell in the usual
way; the egg of the Argyromoeba hatches, and the maggot produced
feeds on the caterpillars the wasp intended for its own offspring.
Verhoeff observed that the egg of the wasp-larva is destroyed, but
he does not know whether this was done by the mother
Argyromoeba or by the larva hatched from her egg. Fabre's
observations on allied species of Diptera render it, however, highly
probable that the destruction is effected by the young fly-larva and
not by the mother-fly.
Mr. R. C. L. Perkins once observed several individuals of our British
O. callosus forming their nests in a clay bank, and provisioning them
with larvae, nearly all of which were parasitised, and that to such an
extent as to be evident both to the eye and the touch. In a few days
after the wasps' eggs were laid, swarms of the minute parasites
emerged and left no food for the Odynerus. Curiously, as it would
seem, certain of the parasitised and stored-up larvae attempted (as
parasitised larvae not infrequently do), to pupate. From which, as Mr.
Perkins remarks, we may infer that (owing to distortion) the act of
paralysing by the wasp had been ineffectual. Mr. Perkins has also
observed that some of the numerous species of Hawaiian Odynerus
make a single mud-cell, very like the pot of an Eumenes, but
cylindrical instead of spherical. This little vessel is often placed in a
leaf that a spider curls up; young molluscs of the genus Achatinella
also avail themselves of this shelter, so that a curious colony is
formed, consisting of the Odynerus in its pot, of masses of the young
spiders, and of the little molluscs.

Horne has recorded that the East Indian O. punctum is fond of

availing itself of holes in door-posts where large screws have been;
after the hole has been filled with provisions, the orifice is covered
over level with the surface of the wood so that it eludes human
observation. It is nevertheless discovered by an Ichneumon-fly which
pierces the covering with its ovipositor and deposits an egg within.

The genus Abispa is peculiar to Australia and includes some very

fine solitary wasps, having somewhat the appearance of very large
Odynerus: these Insects construct a beautiful nest with a projecting
funnel-shaped entrance, and of so large a size that it might pass for
the habitation of a colony of social wasps; it appears, however, that
this large nest is really formed by a single female.

The species of the genus Rhygchium are also of insecticide habits,

and appear to prefer the stems of pithy plants as the nidus for the
development of the generation that is to follow them. Lichtenstein
says that a female of the European R. oculatum forms fifteen to
twenty cells in such a situation, and destroys 150 to 200 caterpillars,
and he suggests that, as it is easy to encourage these wasps to nest
in a suitable spot, we should utilise them to free our gardens from
caterpillars, as we do cats to clear the mice from our apartments.

The East Indian R. carnaticum seems to have very similar habits to

its European congener, adapting for its use the hollow stems of
bamboos. Horne has recorded a case in which a female of this
species took possession of a stem in which a bee, Megachile lanata,
had already constructed two cells; it first formed a partition of mud
over the spot occupied by the bee, this partition being similar to that
which it makes use of for separating the spaces intended for its own
young. This species stores caterpillars for the benefit of its larvae,
and this is also the case with another Eastern species, R. nitidulum.
This latter Insect, however, does not nidificate in the stems of plants,
but constructs clay cells similar to those of Eumenes, and fixes them
firmly to wood. Rhygchium brunneum is said by Sir Richard Owen to
obliterate hieroglyphic inscriptions in Egypt by its habit of building
mud nests amongst them. An individual of this wasp was found by
Dr. Birch when unrolling a mummy—"There being every reason to
believe that the Insect had remained in the position in which it was
found ever since the last rites were paid to the ancient Egyptian."

Fam. 2. Vespidae—Social Wasps.

Claws of the feet simple, neither toothed nor bifid, middle tibiae
with two spurs at the tip. Insects living in societies, forming a
common dwelling of a papery or card-like material; each
generation consists of males and females and of workers—
imperfect females—that assist the reproductive female by
carrying on the industrial occupations.

The anterior wing possesses four submarginal cells, as in the

Eumenidae. The attention of entomologists has been more directed
to the habits and architecture than to the taxonomy of these Insects,
so that the external structure of the Insects themselves has not been
so minutely or extensively scrutinised as is desirable; de Saussure,
the most important authority, bases his classification of the Insects
themselves on the nature of the nests they form. These habitations
consist of an envelope, protecting cells similar in form to the comb of
the honey-bee, but there is this important difference between the
two, that while the bee forms its comb of wax that it secretes, the
wasps make use of paper or card that they form from fragments of
vegetable tissue,—more particularly woody fibre—amalgamated by
means of cement secreted by glands; the vegetable fragments are
obtained by means of the mandibles, the front legs playing a much
less important part in the economy of the Vespidæ than they do in
that of the bees and fossorial Hymenoptera.

In most of the nests of Vespidæ the comb is placed in stages or

stories one above the other, and separated by an intervening space,
but in many cases there is only one mass of comb. It is the rule that,
when the cells of the comb are only partially formed, eggs are
deposited in them, and that the larva resulting from the egg is fed
and tended by the mother, or by her assistants, the workers; as the
larvae grow, the cells are increased in correspondence with the size
of the larva; the subsequent metamorphosis to pupa and imago
taking place in the cells after they have been entirely closed. The
food supplied is of a varied nature according to the species, being
either animal or vegetable, or both.

Fig. 31—Section of the subterranean nest of the common wasp, Vespa

germanica, in position. (After Janet.) a, One of the chambers of an
ant's nest, Lasius flavus, placed above the wasps' nest; b, root to
which the first attachment of the nest was made; c, secondary
attachments; d, the first-made attachment; e, a flint within the
envelopes of the nest; f, the chief suspensory pillar of the second
layer of comb; g, lateral galleries; h, one of the secondary pillars
of suspension between two layers of comb; i, the layers of wasp-
paper forming the envelope of nest; j, vacant space round the
nest; k, flints that fell to the bottom during the work of excavation;
l, numerous larvae of a fly, Pegomyia inanis (?) placed vertically in
ground beneath the nest; m1 to m7, the layers of comb, in m2 the
cells are indicated, in m8 (above the main figure) the arrangement
of the three cells forming the commencement of the new layer of
comb, m7, is shown; n, gallery of access from surface; o, burrow
of a mole; p, interval of 90 mm. between top of nest and surface;
q, height of the nest, 163 mm.

Although the nests of the social wasps are very elaborate

constructions, yet they serve the purposes of the Insects for only a
single season. This is certainly the case in our own country. Here
each nest is commenced by a single female or queen; she at first
performs unaided all the duties for the inauguration of the colony;
she lays the foundation of the cells, deposits the eggs in them, feeds
the young, and thus rears a brood of workers that at once assist her,
and for the future relieve her of a considerable portion of her former
occupations; the nest is by them added to and increased, till the cold
weather of the autumn is at hand; at this time many males and
females are produced; the cold weather either destroys the
inhabitants of the nest, or reduces their vitality so that it is impossible
for them to pursue successfully the avocations necessary for their
subsistence, and they succumb to adversity. The young females,
however, hibernate, and each one that lives through the winter is the
potential founder of a new nest in the way we have already
described. It might be supposed that in tropical countries where no
cold season occurs the phenomena would be different, that the
colonies would be permanent, and that the nests would be inhabited
until they were worn out. De Saussure, however, informs us that this
is not the case, but that in the tropics also the colonies die off
annually. "The nests are abandoned," he says, "without it being

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