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Subject: Decisions young people have make nowadays

Our lives is set on our decisions for sure. Decisions have formed our past and will out path to the future.
Whether it be a simple choice between the colors of a shirt or fundamental one like what major to
study, we are instantly making decisions. But in which stage of life these choices have the most influence
on our future and we should be more cautious about? Children are too green to make important
decisions so older people usually supervise them. Old people on the other hand are wise but don’t have
much time left. In between there are young people who are getting themselves ready to build the
foundation of their future lives.

Youngsters, mature enough to make decisions on their owns, should be prepared to frame their ideas
about their life style, ways of making a living, how to manage financial resources, an ideal partner and
concept of family, where to live in the future and many other issues. As a person in his late 25, I started
youth by deciding on my life style. At first stage you come up whit the question of who I want to be and
how should I be in terms of appearance? Other series of decisions make your professional life. What
major to choose? What kind of job is to my taste and where I like to spend time as a workplace? This a
challenging one and many people are dissatisfied whit their carriers after some years. This is true in
some degree about life partners. There are numerous instructions and theories aimed to guide people
for a successful marriage but still the problem exists. Taking the responsibility or relief yourself from an
unnecessary burden, it depends on your view apart from what is right.

All in all, it is not clear what lies in the store even if you are 100% sure about your decision. At the end of
the day you may find yourself in a place where environment has decided for you to be. But at least a
perspective can be drawn.

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