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Deepak Menon, DTM

First Vice President Candidate, 2017-18


It is your job to listen carefully during the meeting and make a physical note of
exceptionally good usage of the English language (such as excellent choice of
words or phrases, very descriptive words or phrases which paint a word picture,
etc.) and also any poor usage of words or poor grammar. Be prepared to suggest
a better choice of words and something grammatically correct. If the club has the
tradition of presenting the word of the day, you will be responsible to track the
number of times and by whom it has been used.

At the beginning of the meeting, the General Evaluator of the Meeting will
announce that you are the Grammarian for this particular meeting and will ask
you to stand and explain what you will be doing. State the following:

“Thank you, Mr. /Madam General Evaluator, fellow Toastmasters and

guests. I will be listening carefully to all that is said and will make note of
good and incorrect usage of the English language. I will also keep a track of
the use of the word of the day so use it as often as you can. Near the end of
the meeting, when called upon by the General Evaluator, I will present my

When called upon by the General Evaluator to present your report, say Thank
you, Mr. /Madam General Evaluator, fellow Toastmasters and guests, face
the audience, and read your report. Try to do it in a helpful and supportive
manner. When you mention errors, try to preface your remarks with words like
”In my opinion....”, or “I believe that _________________ is more correct.” That way
it does not sound dictatorial and the person you are trying to help will be willing
to accept your suggestions. Do not name the Toastmaster who erred, instead say,
“Some one said…. …. and in my opinion better usage can be ……..” Also report on
the use of the word of the day, if required.

When you have finished, simply say “That concludes my report.” and sit down.

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