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Deepak Menon, DTM

First Vice President Candidate, 2017-18


Decide upon six to ten topics which relate to the theme of the meeting. Keep
them very short and simple. The topics should be of general nature on which
anyone can speak. Print or type them all on one sheet of paper, or separately, on
3 X 5 card for each topic. After you arrive at the meeting, note which members
are present who are not assigned to speak in that meeting. Write beside each
topic, the name of the person whom you want to speak on the designated topic.
Call upon Club members to begin. You should not call on guests unless you have
spoken to them in advance and they have expressed their willingness to speak
during this segment. Ordinarily you will call upon only members not scheduled
to be on the agenda. However, if attendance is low and everyone or almost
everyone is on the agenda, you may also call on the Ah Counter, the Grammarian,
the Parliamentarian and the Timer.

The TM of the Meeting will introduce you. When they finish introducing you,
come quickly to the lectern, shake their hand and turn towards the audience.
Look at the audience. Smile. Turn towards the TM, and say, “Thank you,
Toastmaster”. Turn towards the audience and say, “Fellow Toastmasters and
guests”. (Pause for one second.) “Table Topics is that section of the
Toastmasters program which gives us an opportunity to practice
impromptu speaking, speaking on a topic without any preparation. I will
read a topic and then ask someone to come to the lectern and speak for at
least a minute on that topic. Try to speak at least until the green light
comes on.” (Opening remarks should not exceed 1 min)

(Read the topic. Then state the name of the person you have chosen to respond
to that topic. Wait at the lectern until the speaker arrives. Shake the person’s
hand and then step back and to the side. Do not go and sit in the audience. When
he/she has finished, step forward, shake the person’s hand and say thank you. Do
not comment on how good or poorly they did; however, you may make
transitional remarks concerning their response or the topic. Repeat this for each

“After we determine, if the speakers met the time requirements, we will

vote for the one we felt did the best job of speaking on the topic. Mr. Timer,
did the speakers qualify?” (Perhaps not all the speakers spoke for at least one
minute.) Ask the members to vote only for those who qualified. After getting the
report from the Timer, say: “Please vote for either ____________, ____________,
____________, _____________ , etc. and give your ballot to the Sergeant at arms.”
“This concludes the Table Topics section of the meeting. I now return
control of the lectern to the Toastmaster of the Meeting.”

(Wait at the lectern until the Toastmaster of the Meeting returns, shake their
hand and then take your seat.)

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