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Information Sheet 1: Business Meetings, Protocols and System

I. Learning Outcomes

You are expected to:

1. define the term “meeting”

2. describe the procedures in the conduct of business meeting
3. work as a team

Key Concepts: Meeting, Procedure, Protocol, System

III. Materials:

Laptop, soundbox, blackboard, chalk


Revised CBLM 2011, Passi Trade School, QA System

Values Statement:

Participation, Cooperation, Enthusiasm


Have you ever attended a business meetings?

What is the purpose of having a business meeting?

The meeting is one of the most common vehicles for discussing an issue for
expressing the collective desire of a group. The business meeting in particular is a well
organized group and it takes its form, order and conduct from a set of governing rules, known
through generations of English-speaking organizations and societies, as parliamentary


Parliamentary procedure – is a standardized code of behavior addressed to specially

created situations which is characterized by a large group of people gathered together in a
business meeting in order to achieve a specific purpose.

1. Protect and defend the assembly from hasty and ill-considered action;
2. To give each member an equal right to be heard
3. To determine the will of the majority
4. To protect the minority

Characteristic features:
1. It is democratic, it provides for a rule of the majority at the same time that it protects
the rights of the minority.
2. It is efficient, it provides for a complete, comprehensive and free discussion of all
3. It requires orderly disposal or settlement of each item of business.

Planning the meeting:

A meeting is an assemblage of people who gathered at a specified place and time in

order to discuss a certain matter or make a decision on a vital issue.

The officers of an organization should communicate with one another and announce
to the members the following:
a. Place and time of meeting
b. Manner of notifying the members
c. Person to call the meeting to order
d. Person to be nominated for chairman
e. Person to explain the purpose of the meeting
f. Agenda
g. A set of resolution drafted in advance

Conduct the meeting

The president of the organization together with the members is responsible for
preparing the order of business for the association’s regular business meeting.

Procedures of conduct:

1. Call to order

- This is the official beginning of meeting and the first main item in its order of
business. The assembly is allowed to wait ten to fifteen minutes after the
appointed time to see if a quorum.

The activities at this initial stage are conducted by a temporary presiding officer:

1.Election of a chairman and a secretary.

2. reading the call for the meeting by the secretary.

3.explaining the purpose of the meeting by a member chosen by chairman.

4. announcing of the next business in order by the chairman.

2. Reading the minutes of the previous meeting

- Correction and Approval

3. Report of the officers, standing committees or boards

-a standing committee is appointed at each annual meeting of a society for a definite
time such as a session or a year.

4. Report of special or ad hoc committees

- A special committee is appointed for a specific and defined purpose and it exists
until the duty or task assigned to it is accomplished or until it is dismissed by a
two-thirds vote.

5. Unfinished business

- This refers to questions or orders of the day which were scheduled during the
previous meeting.

6. New business

- Parliamentary practice has established steps in the introduction and disposal of

a. Introducing Motions
b. Discussing Motions
c. Amending Motions
d. Voting on Motions

7. Miscellaneous matters
8. Adjournment

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