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F1000Research – Research Article

This Word template contains the sections required for Research Articles.

Please add the required text under each subheading. For the main text, a research article should be no more than 20,000 words.
Mandatory sections are highlighted with a *. Please see our guidelines for research articles for detailed information on what each of
the sections contain.

Front matter


Author list and affiliations*


Divided into Background, Methods, Results, Conclusions.

Limit of 300 words.


Up to 8, separated by commas.

Main body


This section should include the aim and objectives of this study in the context of the wider subject area.


We advise using subheadings in this section to improve the readability of the article. (For example: study design, data collection, data

This section must include enough detail on the data sources and processes so that others can reproduce your research.


The full results of the study must be presented in this section.


This section should include discussion of the results, with limitations, implications of this study, and recommendations for further

Ethical considerations*

This is mandatory if the article concerns human participants or animals. See our ethical policies for more information.

Back matter

Data availability*

F1000Research – Research Article

Every submission must include a data availability statement. More information about this mandatory section can be found in our data

Reporting guidelines*

Articles in F1000Research must comply with consensus-based minimum reporting guidelines for research. Comprehensive lists of
available reporting guidelines can be found on the EQUATOR network website for health research. Main study types are as follows:

 Articles reporting clinical trials should follow the CONSORT guidelines. A completed CONSORT checklist and flowchart
should be uploaded to an online repository and details provided in the template below.
 Articles reporting animal studies should follow the ARRIVE guidelines. A completed ARRIVE checklist should be uploaded
to an online repository and details provided in the template below.
 Articles reporting observational studies should follow the STROBE guidelines.
 Articles reporting qualitative research should follow COREQ or SRQR guidelines.

Statement template for CONSORT and ARRIVE checklists:

Repository name: 'Guideline’ checklist and flowchart for ‘<title of article>’. DOI. License.

Competing interests*

Any competing interests must be declared. See our policy for more information.

Grant information*

Any grants that supported the work must be listed here, including the grant number.



We accept any style of referencing if it is consistent.

Figure legends

Figures must be uploaded to the submission as separate TIFF or JPEG files at >300dpi.

Ensure any abbreviations/acronyms in the tables are explained in the legend.


Tables should be formatted using the ‘insert table’ function in Word at the end of the manuscript or provided as separate Excel files.

Ensure any abbreviations/acronyms in the tables are explained in the legend.

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