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Team Charter, meeting minutes, Analysis, and Nuggets

Author: Maryam Rashedi

MA Leadership- Trinity Western University

LDRS 502 E - Team Leadership & Conflict Resolution (FA 2023)

Instructor: DR Mike Richardson

Due Date: Dec 17 2023


Team Charter

Embark on an exciting adventure with Team For-SEVA! Our team charter is the roadmap to

success, weaving together clear communication, shared responsibilities, and a dash of

innovation. Picture us as a dynamic ensemble, each member contributing their unique

brilliance to our collective journey. Together, we're not just tackling tasks; we're crafting a

narrative of triumph. Join us as we navigate challenges with style and turn teamwork into a

thrilling experience. Buckle up for a journey towards excellence—we're ready, are you?


Task allocation and organization among team members based on their skills and


• Promotion of open and effective communication channels to ensure everyone

understands their roles, responsibilities, and deadlines.

• Mediation of conflicts and maintenance of a harmonious team environment for

improved collaboration.

• Strategic management of resources, including time, tools, and budgets, to optimize

productivity and efficiency.

• Providing guidance, support, and encouragement to team members to cultivate a

positive and motivated work atmosphere.

• Overall facilitation of seamless teamwork by overseeing coordination,

communication, conflict resolution, and resource utilization.

MARYAM RASHEDI- Energizer/Synthesizer/Communicator and Encourager

• Infuse positive energy into the group and contribute by maintaining an optimistic

attitude, motivating team members during challenges, and fostering a lively and engaging


• Integrate and summarize information by analyzing diverse perspectives, connecting

ideas, and presenting a cohesive understanding to facilitate effective decision-making and


• Facilitating effective communication within the group by actively participating in

discussions, ensuring that information is conveyed, and promoting open and transparent

communication among team members.

• Provide support and positive reinforcement through acknowledging the

contributions of your team members, offering words of encouragement, and creating a

supportive environment that fosters individual and collective growth.

• Trying to Acknowledge and celebrate both small and large achievements within the

group to boost morale.


•Develop and implement long-term plans aligned with team goals, and identify

opportunities and potential risks to formulate effective strategies.

•Generate creative ideas and solutions to address challenges, and foster a culture of

innovation within the team.

• Analyse complex issues and provide innovative solutions, using critical thinking to

address challenges effectively.

• Make informed and strategic decisions based on a thorough analysis, evaluate

potential outcomes, and consider long-term consequences.

• Inspire and motivate teams with a vision for the future, lead by example, and

encourage a forward-thinking mindset among team members.


• Effectively communicate strategic goals and innovative ideas, and translate complex

concepts into understandable and actionable plans.

• Work collaboratively with cross-functional teams, and encourage the exchange of

ideas to promote innovation.

• Assess potential risks associated with innovative initiatives, and develop strategies

to mitigate and manage risks effectively.


 Gathering and Understanding Data: Collecting and looking at information to

find trends and see where things can get better.

 Helping Make Better Plans: Assisting in creating strategies using insights from

data to make things work smoother.

 Making Things Run Better: Coming up with rules and ways of doing things to

make the organization work more efficiently.

 Working Together with Other Teams: Talking to everyone in the group,

sharing what we find, and making sure everyone knows what's going on.

 Checking How Well We're Doing: Making ways to measure how well we're

doing, looking at the results, and suggesting ways to do even better.

 Taking Charge of Important Projects: Leading projects to improve how we use

data, upgrade systems, or make processes work better to help the organization succeed.

 Summarizing the meeting sessions- Maintaining the notes and points to

include in the assignment



 Consistently uplifted team spirits during challenging project phases by

emphasizing strengths and progress.

 Actively acknowledged and celebrated individual and team

accomplishments to instill a sense of achievement and boost morale.

 Fostered an open and trusting environment where team members felt

comfortable sharing ideas, concerns, and feedback without fear of judgment.

 Leadership traits are the basis for effective interaction between the

leader and each member of the team (Aliekperova, & Aliekperov, 2023).

 Facilitated discussions and sought solutions during conflicts,

encouraging compromise and ensuring resolution.

 Prioritize social interactions, enjoy teamwork, and place significance on

establishing meaningful connections as per Birkman


 Encouraging team members to think critically by posing thought-

provoking questions and encouraging them to explore different perspectives.

 Cultivating an environment where diverse opinions are valued, and

challenge team members to articulate and defend their ideas.

 Actively listening to various viewpoints, to facilitate a culture where

thoughtful analysis is appreciated.

 Utilizing effective communication to bridge gaps between differing

perspectives, fosters collaboration and a shared understanding.

 Acknowledging and appreciating each team member's unique strengths

and contributions, reinforcing a sense of value, and belonging.


 Offering words of encouragement during challenging times,

emphasizing the importance of perseverance and continuous improvement.

 Creating a supportive environment by actively addressing concerns,

providing constructive feedback, and fostering a culture of mutual respect.

 Encouraging a positive and forward-looking mindset by highlighting

how achievements contribute to the overall success of the team.

The members of our team have collectively agreed to several guiding principles:

 Open Communication: We prioritize transparent and consistent

communication among team members. This involves sharing updates, progress

reports, and ideas regularly to ensure everyone stays informed and engaged.

 Respectful Collaboration: Mutual respect forms the foundation of our

interactions. We value diverse perspectives, actively listen to each other, and create an

inclusive environment where every team member feels heard and valued.

 Adherence to Deadlines: Meeting deadlines is crucial for the success

of our project. Each team member commits to fulfilling their responsibilities within

the agreed-upon timeframes to maintain project progress.


 Accountability: We hold ourselves accountable for the tasks we

undertake. Active participation in team discussions, timely completion of assigned

work, and a proactive approach to problem-solving are integral to our success. Trust

and commitment cannot be coerced. The process of agreeing upon appropriate goals

serves as the crucible in which members forge their accountability to each other—not

just to the leader (Katzenbach & Smith, 2005).

 Conflict Resolution: In the event of disagreements or conflicts, we

approach them constructively, aiming for a resolution that benefits the team as a

whole. We encourage open dialogue, respect differing viewpoints, and seek solutions

that align with our project goals.

 Adherence to Guidelines: We adhere to established guidelines and

standards, including quality benchmarks, ethical conduct, and agreed-upon

communication protocols. Consistency in following these guidelines ensures cohesion

and efficiency in our collaborative efforts.

These collective agreements form the cornerstone of our teamwork, fostering an

environment of trust, cooperation, and shared commitment toward achieving our project


Philippians 4:13 (NIV): "I can do all this through him who gives me strength."

Meeting minutes

Week 2 Developing and Rebuilding trust

15/11/2023 After our first class on developing

and rebuilding trust, our group gathered to

discuss key takeaways. Our group, being

relatively new to each other, engaged in a

discussion about the topic's impact on us.

We recognized the importance of trust in a

team, especially when we were just getting

to know one another.

19/11/2023 We shared our thoughts on how

building trust could positively influence our

collaboration and overall group dynamics.

we discussed practical steps, such as open

communication and creating a supportive

atmosphere, to nurture trust among us. The

meeting ended with a shared understanding

of the significance of trust in our newly

formed team and a commitment to actively

work towards building it.

Week 3 Empowering Others on a Team


22/11/2023 The members discussed the

upcoming assignment about the land and

water activity conducted.

The team discussed the importance of

empowering others in the team.

The team members talked through

various ways to empower the team

Week 4 Leading change collaboratively


13:00- 14:30 In this meeting, we engaged in a thoughtful

discussion surrounding the exploration of

Bible chapters germane to collaborative

change leadership. Two specific narratives

were identified for their resonance with the

topic at hand. Subsequently, we conducted

an online search to augment our insights and

consulted the Piercy book for additional

perspectives. Moreover, a brief revisit of the

unit 2 toolkit from our preceding week's

discourse was undertaken to reinforce

foundational concepts. Despite the session

concluding at 2:30 pm due to prior work

commitments, the discussion proved to be


substantive, significantly contributing to an

enhanced comprehension of effective

teamwork and leadership in the context of

team change.

Week 5 Conflict Management

06/12/2023 The classroom activity on conflict

resolution stirred up some internal issues

within the group which was addressed

during our weekly meeting at the

Collegium, and the team collectively

engaged in discussing and applying conflict

resolution techniques to mitigate the issues

at hand.

09/12/2023 The team discussed conflict

management techniques during a video chat

and addressed conflicts among members.

Everyone took responsibility for their

shortcomings within the team and

contributed to overcoming the turmoil that

arose in the previous class.

Week 6 Effective communication


13/12/2023 During the meeting at the library,

meticulous minutes were recorded,

capturing the team's collaborative efforts

and outlining the tasks accomplished on that


In this meeting, we delved into a

comprehensive discussion about the

upcoming assignment, addressing various

aspects and strategizing on key points to

ensure successful completion.

15/12/2023 During our team video call, we

thoroughly discussed the upcoming

assignment, finalized plans for the

subsequent project, and clarified each team

member's role to ensure a cohesive and

efficient collaborative effort.

16/12/2023 In our team's final meeting on the

Team Toolkit assignment, we

collaboratively reviewed and finalized the

project, ensuring all components were well-

integrated and aligned with our collective


Team analysis

How did the team communicate, coordinate its work, and resolve conflicts?

For-Seva's communication, coordination, and conflict resolution evolved as we

overcame the initial challenge of unfamiliarity. Advancing sessions fostered camaraderie,

enhancing effective collaboration. Notably, outdoor activities showcased impressive teamwork

and synergy, led by Jasleen and me. Structured planning for class activities involved in-school

meetings and virtual sessions, successfully maintaining a cohesive team dynamic.

Adapting communication methods to various contexts and establishing clear plans

contributed to collaborative success. This adaptability played a crucial role in conflict

resolution, emphasizing open dialogue and collective decision-making. Our team's reflective

and adaptable approach underscores its commitment to effective communication, coordinated

work, and proactive conflict resolution.

What are the team's overall strengths?

For-Seva excels in fostering a collaborative and friendly dynamic, benefitting from

established friendships that extend beyond academic settings. This camaraderie facilitates

continuous and informal communication, strengthening interpersonal bonds. Additionally, our

team demonstrates effective negotiation skills, maintaining open lines of communication and

encouraging diverse perspectives. Our shared enjoyment of collaborative assignments and

personal activities contributes to a positive team culture, highlighting a balanced and

harmonious group dynamic. Overall, these strengths, including established friendships,

effective communication, negotiation abilities, and positive team culture, collectively empower

For-Seva to navigate challenges and achieve shared objectives.


What are the team’s overall weaknesses?

The team encountered a weakness related to presentations in class, leading to a minor

conflict that was successfully resolved through open communication and collaborative

problem-solving. To address this, the team established a structured approach for class

presentations, designating specific roles such as timekeeping, idea generation, and note-taking.

Additionally, a team member's anxiety disorder was identified as a potential challenge.

In response, the team collectively committed to supporting and assisting this member to

overcome anxiety-related obstacles. This proactive approach demonstrates the team's

awareness of individual needs and its dedication to fostering a supportive environment.

How could the team improve in the future?

In the future, the team aims to continue enhancing its performance by further refining

the understanding of each member's strengths and weaknesses. Careful role clarification can

eliminate or at least minimize conflicts down the road. While everyone has a defined role as a

member of the team, all teams have certain common functions that need to be filled.

Assignments to these roles do not need to be permanent; in fact, many successful teams rotate

these roles from time to time (Parker, 2009).

This ongoing effort contributes to building a cohesive and effective team. Despite the

diversity of our team members' cultures, we maintain a fun and friendly atmosphere. We

recognize the value of continuous learning within our diverse group, viewing each day as an

opportunity to glean insights and knowledge from one another. Emphasizing this commitment

to personal and collective growth will be integral to the team's improvement in the future.


1- From OMADA water session: The strategic adjustment of seating arrangements on the boat,

enabling broader participation, serves as a nugget for my leadership journey. This

experience highlights the importance of optimizing every individual's potential within the

group, a skill integral to effective leadership.

2- Our first session: “Changing Me into We” encapsulates a valuable leadership principle

emphasizing the shift from individual focus to collaborative and inclusive leadership, a

concept with enduring relevance on my leadership journey.

3- Class session: Creating a stimulating environment through the placement of diverse

materials on our desks was an accomplished strategy and a nugget to me. This insightful

experience will prove beneficial for implementing curiosity-evoking techniques in my

leadership role.

4- Class session: The instructor's use of a hand signal to prompt silence demonstrated a nugget and

remarkable and efficient means of establishing rules through simple yet impactful methods,

offering valuable insights into effective leadership practices.

6- Class session: The professor's active involvement in a class physical activity, assisting

participants in accomplishing the task, served as a nugget and a memorable reminder that

effective leadership involves empowering others to collectively achieve shared goals.

7- Class session: The professor's presentation of a beautiful and remarkable sculpture in

class served as a nugget, illustrating the multifaceted nature of perspectives and the

valuable lessons inherent in diverse viewpoints. This experience emphasized the

importance of paying attention to details, a skill pertinent to effective leadership.


8- Land experience session: In our land experience session, my initial ascent up a tree saw a

moment of hesitation, but my teammate's encouragement spurred me to continue,

resulting in a profoundly impactful experience. The pivotal encouragement not to give up

is etched in my memory and serves as a valuable nugget and a lesson for application in

my leadership journey.

9- Class session: During the conflict management session, an unforeseen conflict arose

within the group regarding task presentation. However, our team's professional and

collective resolution approach was a nugget and proved to be a valuable and transferable

skill that we can consistently apply.

10- Class session: Gaining insights into various communication styles and understanding the

measurement of intimacy within Canadian culture served as an illuminating guide and a

nugget for enhancing my leadership capabilities.



Katzenbach, J. R., & Smith, D. K. (2005). The discipline of teams. Harvard business

review, 83(7), 162.

Birkman Signature Report. (2023). Jiby Jacob (Report No. G6JPT9). Birkman

International Inc. All rights reserved.

Nataliia Aliekperova, & Adyl Aliekperov. (2023). Leadership traits as the basis for

effective interaction between the leader and the team. Journal of Leadership in Organizations,


Parker, G. M. (2009). Teamwork : 20 Steps to Success. HRD Press, p7.

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