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FEBRUARY 4, 2024

REFLECTION PAPER: The Old Eagle By Anthony De Mello

1. Why did the eagle think that he was a chicken?
2. If the eagle had found out that he was an eagle all along, how would the story possibly
3. "So the eagle lived and died a chicken, for that was what he thought he was". What are
your personal thoughts about this?
4. Do you sometimes feel out of place, like you do not belong in a place you are in
currently? Why?

1. The eagle's identification with being a chicken reflects the profound impact of social
conditioning and environmental influences on our sense of self. In our daily lives, we encounter
various situations where societal norms and expectations shape our behaviors and perceptions.
Whether in our personal or professional spheres, we often conform to the standards set by our
surroundings, sometimes without questioning our innate potential. This story prompts us to
reflect on the importance of self-awareness and authenticity in navigating our identity amidst
external pressures. By recognizing the influence of our environment and exploring our true
selves, we can cultivate a deeper understanding of our capabilities and aspirations.

2. If the eagle had realized its true identity as an eagle, the story would symbolize a journey of
self-discovery and empowerment. In our lives, discovering our authentic selves requires
introspection and courage to challenge societal norms and limiting beliefs. By embracing our
unique strengths and passions, we can overcome self-imposed barriers and pursue paths aligned
with our deepest aspirations. This narrative resonates with the human experience of growth and
transformation, inspiring us to embrace change and pursue our true purpose. Through
self-discovery, we can harness our innate potential and soar to new heights, transcending the
constraints of conformity and self-doubt.

3. The poignant statement "So the eagle lived and died a chicken, for that was what he thought
he was" underscores the profound impact of self-perception on our life's journey. It highlights the
power of belief systems in shaping our reality and influencing our choices and actions. In
everyday life, our mindset and self-image significantly impact our behaviors and interactions
with the world. This insight encourages us to cultivate self-awareness and challenge self-limiting
beliefs to unlock our full potential. By embracing a growth mindset and affirming our worth, we
can navigate life's challenges with resilience and authenticity.

4. Feeling disconnected or out of place is a familiar sentiment that reveals the clash between
societal expectations and my true self. In my daily life, I often encounter scenarios where
external pressures conflict with my innermost beliefs and aspirations. This inner struggle leads
me to question my sense of belonging and identity in various contexts. By staying true to myself
and seeking environments that resonate with my values, I can nurture a sense of satisfaction and
purpose. This narrative inspires me to embrace my individuality and pursue paths that reflect my
deepest convictions, fostering genuine connection and fulfillment in my journey.

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