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Competence Questions

During the interview Mr. Sushil Jain spoke about the qualifications and qualities required to be
hired in his company. Some of them included education, confidence, responsibility and creative

He said, “Personally, I believe that having the appropriate knowledge as well as skills is
imperative for one to be able to excel at almost anything.” Furthermore, he spoke about the
importance of self confidence, as if one isn't confident in their abilities and themselves, they
cannot be held accountable, and more importantly, they would never experiment with their
designs. Along with that, he believes in the importance of teamwork, planning and creative
thinking, as without those skills, it's almost impossible to survive in this industry. As, without
teamwork and planning one gets left behind and is always out of the loop.

Finally, Mr. Jain also stated, “One grows in the skill of jewellery making and as an individual,
only by learning experiences and challenges.”

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