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In our group project, my assigned task involved spearheading the interview process.

I took the
initiative in formulating thoughtful interview questions, ensuring they were comprehensive and
insightful. Alongside crafting the questions, I actively participated in conducting the interview and
took on the responsibility of editing the interview video to present a cohesive and engaging final
product. Additionally, I researched and carefully selected an interviewee whose insights aligned with
our project's objectives.

My most memorable learning experience throughout this project was the extensive research and
communication involved. Engaging with various individuals not only enhanced my research skills but
also honed my ability to communicate effectively with both our team and external participants. This
experience significantly contributed to my personal and professional growth.

While our group performed well in many aspects, I recognize that we could have conducted the
interview more thoroughly by including additional questions to delve deeper into the topic. If given
the opportunity to revisit the process, I would advocate for a more comprehensive set of questions
to extract a more nuanced understanding.

Learning from our partner school was enriching. The exposure to their diverse learning environment
emphasized the importance of fostering inclusivity. Moreover, witnessing their approach to making
education enjoyable reaffirmed the notion that a positive learning atmosphere contributes to better
understanding and retention. The exchange with our partner school has broadened my perspective
and deepened my appreciation for the various ways education can be approached and embraced.

In summary, I contributed significantly to the interview process, learning and growing through
research and communication, while recognizing areas for improvement in our approach. The insights
from our partner school have left a lasting impact, shaping my views on education and collaboration.

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