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Ingles II

Activity 2

Phase 2: The story of our friendship

Adtrid Valentina Amaya Gonzalez

Yaquelina Betty Maestre Cujia
Liseth Tatiana Gomez Perez

NRC 50-55209

Luz Dary Muñoz

Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios- Uniminuto

We are three friends who live in Colombia, I am a nurse, Valentina is
a teacher and Liseth is a psychologist. We have met at the El Dorado
airport in Bogotá, bound for France where we had a problem with the
luggage of one of us where she went. Exchanged for that of another
passenger. At first, we have were distressed because one of us was
left without her belongings, but later we solved it and enjoyed the
different places that the city of love offered us. Then we have visited
Italy where we have met a family who gave us a stay in their home
and with them, we have remembered the incident we had with the
luggage that time in France.

During the trip to Italy we have learned to defend the English

language, which we have exchanged with a couple who was in a
restaurant, where a situation arose since they have done not know
how to speak English, when the waiter arrived to take the order they
have done not understand each other. When we have observed the
difficulty they have were having, we have approached them to help
them order, and we have shared this experience with them and
enjoyed dinner. They came from Venezuela to look for a better job
future and to be able to settle in a country that offered them better
life opportunities, but they highlighted the importance of learning
English as quickly as possible to avoid situations like the one they
have were presented.
If we have got it, our favorite country is Malaysia. We have thought it
is a wonderful city. First we have will know the city of Kuala Lumpur
and its Petronas Towers. Also, we have will visit Batu Caves, one of
the most famous places to see in Malaysia. Of course, we have will
stay a couple of days in Putrajava where we have will visit the Petra
Pink Mosque, one of the most beautiful mosques in the country and
Georgetown with its buildings from the British colonial era, perfect to
end the most extraordinary trip of our life.

Best regards,
Valentina, Liseth and Yaquelin

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