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Brainchild Episode 1 Social Media

Pre/post discussion:
What social media apps do you know? Which ones do you use?
Who are influencers?
What are the pros and cons (advantages and disadvantages) to being on social media?*

 Smartphones replace…
video camera
video games
photo album
 Copying the behavior of others is a practical, adaptable behavior necessary for survival.
 The average millennial takes about 25,000 selfies in their lifetime.
 “Humble brag” = something you say as if you are complaining or embarrassed, but is really a way
of telling people about something that you are very proud of
 The online disinhabition effect - it’s easier to do harm to others when they aren’t right in front of you

Brainchild Social Media Questions:

1. Name four things a smartphone replaces.

2. Why do we copy others’ behavior?
3. How many selfies does the average millennial take in their lifetime?
4. What’s the difference between face to face feedback and anonymous

Written reflection –

 What have you learned about social media?

 After what we’ve talked about and what you’ve seen from Brainchild make
an argument for or against using social media.

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