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Effect of heating rate on positive-temperature-coefficient-of-resistivity behavior of

conductive composite thin films

S. Hirano and A. Kishimoto

Citation: Applied Physics Letters 73, 3742 (1998); doi: 10.1063/1.122880

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Effect of heating rate on positive-temperature-coefficient-of-resistivity

behavior of conductive composite thin films
S. Hiranoa) and A. Kishimoto
Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo, 7-22-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-5885, Japan
~Received 20 July 1998; accepted for publication 16 October 1998!
A phenomenon was discovered that leads to the selective detection of abrupt increases in the
temperature of conductive composite thin films consisting of conductive ceramic fillers and an
insulating polymer matrix. Examining the heating rate dependence of the positive-temperature–
coefficient-of-resistivity ~PTCR! effect provided information about this intelligent phenomenon.
The anomalous PTCR effect was observed above 0.3 °C min21 for all the prepared films. However,
the magnitude of the anomaly decreased when the heating rate decreased below 0.1 °C min21, and
when the heating rate further decreased below 0.04 °C min21, the anomalous resistivity–
temperature relationship disappeared. The results suggest that these thin films can selectively detect
abrupt increases in temperature, which could lead to an intelligent mechanism. Our results also
suggest a PTCR mechanism, in which the expansion of crosslinked polymers in the thermodynamic
nonequilibrium state essentially produces the anomaly. © 1998 American Institute of Physics.

Heterogeneous composites of various combinations of quires both temperature sensing and calculation, resulting in
materials sometimes show new mechanical and electrical ef- a larger, more complicated system. Until recently, self-
fects. As one example of the latter, an anomalous positive- regulating heaters based on the PTCR effect have generally
temperature-coefficient-of-resistivity ~PTCR! effect is involved BaTiO3 ceramics. Since the PTCR effect in BaTiO3
known in disordered insulator–conductor composites.1–8 ceramics is independent of the heating rate, its use is limited
This effect can be applied to various industrial devices in- to maintaining a constant temperature. However, if PTCR
cluding thermal detectors, self-regulating heaters, current materials can be designed that respond to environmental
limiting devices in circuit protection,7,8 etc. temperature changes, then these materials might be substi-
Although various experimental and theoretical investiga- tuted in the PID controller and revolutionize the temperature
tions of the anomaly in disordered composites have been control industry.
made,1–6 the basic mechanism is still in dispute because of In this letter, we describe a thin-film-type PTCR ther-
the complicated nature of the composites. Previously, many mistor that responds to the heating rate. This material can
researchers studied the geometric factors derived from the selectively detect an abrupt temperature increase. The micro-
relative differences in the expansion coefficients of the com- structure of our thin films is based on a conventional digly-
ponents as well as electron tunneling across interparticle cidyl ether of bisphenol A epoxy resin @Epikote 828 and
gaps. However, the microstructure of disordered conductor– B-002W ~100:53! supplied by Yuka Shell Epoxy K. K., To-
insulator polymer composites is closely related to the ther- kyo, Japan#, which is an insulator, and conductive ceramic
modynamic factors reflecting the interfacial properties. Also, whiskers with a 0.2 mm average diameter and an average
because the PTCR transition is generally observed above the initial length of 5.1 mm @SnO2~Sb!-coated TiO2 , FT-3000,
transition point in the specific volume of the matrix, attention supplied by Ishihara Sangyo Kaisha, Ltd., Mie, Japan#.
must be paid to the thermomechanical property described by These starting materials were mixed in methylethylketone
the nature of a viscoelastic body. However, to the best of our and a well-dispersed precursor solution was obtained. To
knowledge, there have been no experimental studies of the control the thickness of the film, the viscosity of the solu-
anomaly from this perspective. This is believed to be one tions was controlled by adjusting the amount of solvent. A
reason why the detailed mechanism of the anomaly has re- thin film was fabricated by spin casting, which involves
mained unknown for the past few decades. dropping the solution on a flat glass plate, which is then
From the practical aspect of temperature control, there rotated at 1600 rpm. The resulting films were annealed at
are many examples in which it is a rapid temperature change 130 °C for 2 h for curing and to remove any residual solvent.
rather than the temperature itself that significantly affects The resulting thin films were approximately 7 mm thick. Sil-
various properties of a substance. In these cases, the use of ver paste painted on both ends of the film surface was used
conventional PTCR devices, such as BaTiO3 ceramics,9 for the electrodes. The surface resistivity ( r s ) was measured
leads to overshooting. Overshooting can be prevented using by the two-probe direct current method using a digital elec-
proportional-integral-derivative ~PID! control, but this re- trometer ~model TR8652, Advantest Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan!
in dry air when the heating rate was changed from 0.04 to
Electronic mail: 1 °C min21.
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0003-6951/98/73(25)/3742/3/$15.00 3742 © 1998 American Institute of Physics
On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 18:41:22
Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 73, No. 25, 21 December 1998 S. Hirano and A. Kishimoto 3743

ture (T g ), '77 °C. The CTE in dry air for the epoxy resin
below and above T g are 5.431025 and 15.531025 K21,
respectively. This suggests that the relative differences in the
CTE of the components are not always related to the occur-
rence of the anomaly. These results are considered to be
quite surprising and important.
Our results cannot be easily interpreted by any previous
mechanism for a thermoplastic matrix4,5 that expands discon-
tinuously at the melting point, because in contrast to thermo-
plastics there is no discontinuity in the specific volume of the
crosslinked polymers.2,3 In addition, although several recent
studies1–3 have suggested a correlation between the expan-
sion and the anomaly, at present the qualitative model for the
crosslinked composites is insufficient for a complete discus-
sion, due to their complex nature.
FIG. 1. Surface resistivity as a function of temperature for epoxy composite We speculate that the heating rate dependence of the
thin films containing 12.8 vol % filler at various heating rates.
anomaly in the present system is strongly related to the ther-
mal strain rate of the matrix. With a fast heating rate, the
conductor that adheres to the polymer starts moving rapidly
As with lattice percolation, it is well known that the with the expansion of the polymer. In contrast, with a de-
electrical resistivity ~r! of the conducting composites10,11 fol- creasing rate, most conductors remain in their initial position
lows a power law of the form r ;(V2V c ) 2t near the tran- in spite of the expansion of the polymer. It is thought that
sition, where V is the volume fraction of the conductive this is the qualitative reason why the heating rate dependence
phase, V c is the critical volume fraction, and t is the expo- of the anomaly is observed.
nent for each system. For our thin films, the V c is approxi- However, we do not know why the continuous conduc-
mately 6 vol % whiskers at room temperature, and the sur- tion pathways are not broken with slow heating. We also
face resistivity r s decreases with increasing whisker speculate that the following supplementary mechanism is in-
fractions above V c due to the formation of continuous con- volved. Generally, as the temperature increases above T g ,
duction pathways. The dependence of the heating rate on the the stiffness of the matrix rapidly decreases and the matrix
PTCR effects for the conductive thin film containing 12.8 then becomes rubbery. The viscoelastic property of the
vol % filler is shown in Fig. 1. For heating rates above crosslinked matrix above T g is typically explained by a unit
0.3 °C min21, the surface resistivity increases by more than that consists of a Hookean spring and a Newtonian
six orders of magnitude at around 130 °C and is stable at this dashpot.12 Even if the matrix has viscoelastic properties un-
high level after the conductor-to-insulator transition, show- der normal conditions, at a certain temperature above T g the
ing the anomalous PTCR effect. In this case, the resistivity unit should not work as a simple viscoelastic body, espe-
jump is quite sharp. This result suggests that the epoxy com- cially with a fast thermal strain rate. For the fast rate, all of
posite films can serve as a thin-film-type thermal detector. the initial deformation of the matrix caused by the thermal
Strümpler reported that for crosslinked epoxy matrix com- expansion takes place in the spring, not in the dashpot. In
posites the transition temperature is correlated with the cur- other words, the mechanical response of the matrix at a cer-
ing temperature.2 For the present composite, the transition tain temperature during the fast heating rate is approximately
occurs exactly at the curing temperature (130 °C). described by the Hookean spring, suggesting that the stiff-
Further decreases in the heating rate below 0.3 °C min21 ness of the matrix is apparently enhanced. Hence, due to the
decrease the height of the anomaly observed around 130 °C. dynamic effect of the action and reaction, the greater the
Eventually, the anomaly disappears from the r s – T curves stiffness, the greater the expansion stress of the matrix at the
when the heating rate is below 0.04 °C min21. In other filler/matrix interface. As a consequence, because the con-
words, as the heating rate decreases, the anomaly fades ductive fillers are strongly restrained by the matrix, rapid
away. These results suggest that the anomaly only occurs in expansion with a large expansion stress causes complete geo-
the thermodynamic nonequilibrium state of the matrix, and metrical separation of the contact between the fillers below
that the thin film can also selectively detect an abrupt in- the percolation threshold.
crease in temperature. The thin film has the potential to re- Meanwhile, the expansion stress decreases due to stress
place conventional BaTiO3 ceramic PTCR thermistors, in relaxation, which is derived from the Newtonian dashpot
which the same level of anomaly is generally observed at when the thermal strain rate is slow. Hence, little breaking of
any heating rate. This function can be used for abrupt heat- the continuous paths occurs with a slow heating rate. In ad-
ing self-regulating heaters. This thin film might also be sub- dition, because the breaking of the continuous pathways or
stituted for the PID controller in a temperature control sys- contact opening among the conductive fillers might obey
tem. some statistical distribution,6 most paths are disrupted at a
Meanwhile, macroscopic dilatometry between 0.1 and point prescribed by a critical temperature. Hence, the electri-
2 °C min revealed that there is no heating rate dependence cal resistivity rapidly increases at the transition temperature.
for the coefficient of thermal expansion ~CTE! of the epoxy Finally, if the viscoelastic response of the matrix can be
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resin in dry air below and above its glass transition tempera- controlled, then PTCR materials that respond to a more rapid
On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 18:41:22
3744 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 73, No. 25, 21 December 1998 S. Hirano and A. Kishimoto

temperature increase might be made. Our results are thought 1

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