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Riley Pemberton

PY 3460

Part 1: I am a junior student athlete participating in soccer during the fall and spring. As a

business major with a concentration in marketing, I think that family life and everyday life will

be most relevant to my future career. I think that family corresponds with everyday life, such as a

positive setting within a home setting before you start your day!

Part 2 Bob: For individual number #1, Bob’s behavior aligns with the norm of social

greetings. Bob could potentially be extroverted and socially inclined. The act of waving hello

suggests a friendly and outgoing nature, possibly seeking social interactions and positive

connections. Bob is likely influenced by societal norms and the expectation of acknowledging

acquaintances in a public setting, along with emphasizing the role of social norms in shaping

behavior. The reaction to the loud, unidentifiable noise could indicate sensitivity to the

environment. Bob may be more alert, vigilant, or easily startled, traits that could be linked to

personality factors like neuroticism or introversion.

Part 3 Jessica: Jessica's decision to cross the street and engage in conversation may be

influenced by personality traits such as extroversion or sociability. If she is extroverted, she may

feel energized by social interactions and seek them out. Jessica's emotional reaction of

expression and frustration with politicians may be indicative of her personality traits,

particularly in terms of emotional stability. Someone who is prone to emotional reactions may

respond strongly to negative news and express their feelings passionately. Jessica's immediate

attention to the loud noise and observation of others could be linked to personality traits related

to vigilance or sensitivity. People with high levels of neuroticism or conscientiousness may be

more prone to notice unexpected stimuli and react by assessing the reactions of others.
Part 4 Karen: Karen's tendency to ignore an acquaintance suggests that she may have

traits related to introversion or social anxiety. Her behavior might be influenced by a preference

for a discomfort in social interactions. Karen's response to troubling economic information by

cursing foreigners could indicate a tendency toward negative emotional reactions and a potential

inclination towards blaming factors for personal stress. This behavior may be linked to traits

such as high neuroticism or a specific worldview. Karen's reaction to the sudden loud noise

suggests heightened sensitivity or a startle response. Individuals with high levels of neuroticism

may be more prone to react strongly to unexpected moments, which shows signs of anxiety or

high distress.

Part 5 Arnold: Arnold's thoughts of harming someone he knows may indicate aggression.

A personality psychologist may explore Arnold's past experiences, personal history, and potential

mental health factors to understand the roots of his thoughts. Planning a violent revolution based

on troubling economic information suggests a possible inclination towards extremism or a

radical mindset to hurt others. Sharpening a hunting knife before a midterm exam may indicate

heightened anxiety or stress. A therapist may explore Arnold's coping mechanisms and his

response to stress. It could also suggest a potential desire for control to prepare for a perceived

threat. Arnold's dramatic reaction to a loud noise, may suggest a heightened response. Which

could be linked to anxiety or hyperactivity. A personality psychologist may explore Arnold's

emotional regulation, past experiences, or trauma that could contribute to these reactions.

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