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A project Report

Presented to study program of English Language Education in Fulfillment of Final Project for

Independent Project course

Suci Indah Sari Mas
NIM: 1906102020094

Dr. Asnawi, S. Pd., M.Ed.
NIP: 197411052001121003







TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................................ i

LIST OF TABLE ...................................................................................................................................... iii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................................................................ iv

ABSTRACT.............................................................................................................................................. vi

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ........................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

1. Background of Study ................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

2. Research Question ......................................................................................................................3

3. Research Objective .....................................................................................................................3

4 Research Significance .................................................................................................................3

5 Research Scope ...........................................................................................................................4

6 Operational Definition ................................................................................................................4

CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW...............................................................................................5

1 Vocabulary ..................................................................................................................................5

a. Definition of Vocabulary ........................................................................................................5

b. The tiers of Vocabulary...........................................................................................................6

c. Kinds of Vocabulary ...............................................................................................................7

d. Types of Vocabulary ...............................................................................................................7

e. Process of Learning Vocabulary in Children’s Second Language Learning...........................8

2 Game ...........................................................................................................................................9

a. Definition of Game..................................................................................................................9

b. Function of Game ...................................................................................................................9

c. Definition of Category Game ................................................................................................11

d. Procedure of Applying Category Game ................................................................................12

e. Previous Study .....................................................................................................................12

CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ...............................................................................14

1. Research Design and Method ...................................................................................................14

2. Subject and setting of research .................................................................................................15

3 Research Instruments ................................................................................................................15

6 Techniques of Data Collection..................................................................................................15

7 Techniques of Data Analysis ....................................................................................................16

CHAPTER IV: FINDING AND DISCUSSION ...................................................................................17

1. Finding ......................................................................................................................................17

2. Discussion ................................................................................................................................18

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION .........................................................................20

1. Conclusion ................................................................................................................................20

2. Suggestion .................................................................................................................................20

REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................................22

ATTACHMENTS ...................................................................................................................................23


Table 1 The example of Categories Game ................................................................................................12


Alhamdulillah, all praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, no one has the right to be

worshiped except Himself, only Him we worship and only Him we ask for help. Glory to Allah who has

sent the Messenger of Allah to us, whose eyes are full of love, whose outpouring of energy, thought,

sweat and blood is solely for the sake of our safety, his ummah.

The preparation of this report with the title "The Use of Category Game in Teaching Vocabulary

for English Beginner Student at Kampung Kreatif Aceh" is in order to fulfill the task of Independent

Project course. The author would like to thank the lecturers for this course Mr Dr. Asnawi, S. Pd., M.Ed.

The author also thanks all parties involved in the preparation of this report so that it can be completed


The researcher realizes that this report still has many shortcomings. Therefore, the authors expect

criticism and suggestions that can build this report even better in the future. Finally, the authors say thank

you, I hope this report is useful for the author himself and the readers, Amin.

Obviously, the researcher presents her highest gratitude for those people who deserve her special

gratitude for their help and encouragement to the researcher.

1. Her beloved parents, Mr. Muhammad Nur and Mrs. Asni MD for their love, du’a’, care

and support which following her in every step of her life. And also, for her big brother

Rodi Satriamas who always support her activity without restrictions.

2. Mr. Dr. Asnawi, S. Pd., M.Ed. as the lecturer of Independent Project course, for his for
his guidance and support.

3. Her dear friends, Firda, Silma, Meisya, Nada and everyone who cannot be mentioned one

by one who work together and provide tremendous support for each other.

4. The researcher hand over much thank to Mutia and my nephew Roza for their kindness

and sincerity in lending her a laptop as a form of support which means a lot so that the

researcher can complete this report on time.

5. Researcher gratefully thank to the to the founder of Kampung Kreatif Aceh, Ms. Vera

who has given full support by allowing researchers to carry out projects at the Kampung

Kreatif Aceh teaching center.

6. Thanks also to the cute little brothers in Kampung Kreatif Aceh for being willing to be

taught by the researcher and for being willing to give a good response to the researcher.

7. A big appreciation to every member of BTS, Kim Namjoon, Kim Taehyung, Kim

Seokjin, Jung Hoseok, Min Yoongi, and Park Jimin who have indirectly encouraged me,

gave me hope, made me survive with all the obstacles that exist.

8. The biggest thanks to my precious self, who has been able to endure all odds, overcome

all threats, conquer discomfort. Those all are not easy for her but the researcher believes

there is nothing in vain from every effort. Thanks, you are great.

Aceh Besar, May 26, 2022

Suci Indah Sari Mas


Vocabulary is a crucial thing in a language. It plays an important role in language

learning which combines the four language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Teachers should use several techniques to increase vocabulary for students. One of the many

techniques is the category play method. It is a kind of game that can motivate students to

improve their vocabulary. The purpose of this study is to find out the effectiveness of using

categories game in teaching vocabularies for beginner student. Besides that, the research is also

wanted to know the effectiveness of the students’ learning, the students’ participation after

conducting category games in teaching learning process. This study was conducted on students

of Kampung Kreatif Aceh, Aceh Besar. The subject of the research was 15 students who

studying at Kampung Keatif Aceh.

The research method used in this study was classroom action research conducted in

only one cycle. The data collected qualitatively. To collect the data, the researcher conducted

the direct observation using observation check list as tool to collect the data in classroom. Based

on the findings, researcher found that there is a significant improvement in students’ vocabulary

mastery. Not only that, researcher also analyzed that in every next meeting, the more students

look enthusiast, confident, and interested to learn English. So it can be concluded that Category

games strategy is effective on students’ vocabulary achievement of English young learner

students at Kampung Kreatif Aceh.



1. Background of the Study

Learning English since childhood stands out from society. Individuals feel a significance

to present an unknown dialect particularly English to their youngsters. There are many

justifications for why English is presented in the early age. English as global language is vital to

the general public since English is utilized in a few perspectives, for example, training, social,

culture and so on. Showing English at the early age is more straightforward than instructing to the

grown-up. Brumfit (1984: 6) makes sense of 2 that small kids have a bigger number of chances

than grown-up. While learning, youngsters can realize constantly without having stresses. They

have more information in learning English with the assistance of individuals around them like

their folks, companions and educators. Moreover, they have major areas of strength for a need to

learn in the event that they are encircled by individuals communicating in the subsequent

language. Assuming that we contrasted with the grown-up, kids are more ready to acknowledge

new things on their encompassing and they are faster to learn something. It implies that learning

English in essential level is the best choice.

The other reason is given English in primary level as basic and preparation to get more

knowledge in next level. Kasihani (2007) stated that giving a foreign language subject like

English in the age of 10 (fourth grade student), it will develop their cognitive skill, because

student in that age are still in the shift process from egocentric phase where they are often to see

phenomena in this world just from their own point of view.

Vocabulary is the most important component language because it affects the four skills

that are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Regarding to the importance of vocabulary in

language learning, Decarrio in Celce and Murcia (2001:285) states that vocabulary learning is

central to language acquisition, whether the first language, second, or foreign. Vocabulary can

cause the student to convey their thought both in oral and composed structure successfully. Their

thought can assist them in figuring out the subject with the educator's aide. Language instructor

should gang's extensive information on the best way to deal with an intriguing study hall action

so the students can acquire an extraordinary outcome in their vocabulary learning. With it, ideally

the understudy can work on their advantage in vocabulary learning.

Teaching vocabulary to young learners is not easy. Forts (208: 1) stated that it is very

difficult to teach vocabulary because there are a thousand hundreds words in English. In real

lessons, when teaching vocabulary, teachers need to introduce new words, ask students to practice

them, and clarify their meaning and the use. According to Nation (2001: 1), vocabulary education

is one of the most efficient ways to develop students' vocabulary knowledge, but it is still an

important part of a balanced vocabulary program. In primary schools in Indonesia, the students

will learn basic English to improve their vocabulary. They learn names in environments such as

the sun, moon, animals, vegetables, fruits, toys and games, colors and parts of body, etc. It's Basic

English in everyday context. Students tend to understand and learn new words that they have ever


According to the above problem, the researcher wants to suggest a method and is trying

to find a solution to the teacher's problem of vocabulary acquisition. To solve problems that faced

by students and teachers can be solved to reinforce students in enhancing vocabulary acquisition.

Learning vocabulary based on categories and provides certain game is a good way for students

and provides teachers with solutions to teaching activities.

Based on the background above, the researcher is interested in conducting research on

“The Effectiveness of Using Category Game in Teaching Vocabulary for English Beginner

Student at Kampung Kreatif Aceh”.

2. Research Question

Based on the background stated above, then the researcher formulates the problem in this

research as follow:

1. Can category vocabulary and game improve students’ vocabulary mastery?

2. What happen in class when the teacher applies category vocabulary and game method?

3. Research Objective

Relating to the problem statement, the researcher decides the objective of the research as


1. To find whether category vocabulary and game can improve vocabulary mastery of students’

at Kampung Kreatif Aceh.

2. To know what happen in class when the teacher teach using vocabulary category and game.

4. Research Significant

This research will provide new perspective in applying fun strategy to master a language

skill. Specifically, this research will benefit the following:

1. Teacher
The English educators particularly in Aceh for future will have elective solution for further
develop students’ vocabulary mastery ability by involving vocabulary category and game as
a great method in teaching vocabulary to be utilized in the homeroom and give the
constructive outcome to their understudies.
2. Students
The learner ought to attempt to open themselves to the language assuming they need to work
on their English score, particularly in vocabulary cognizance. One of far to openness is by
learning based on vocabulary category and game as well. The students will understand that
this pleasant activity will be helpful for them rather just give amusement impact. It can be
applied to motivate the students in improving the vocabulary mastery and more interest in
learning vocabulary.

3. Further researcher
By leading this study, it will uphold another future researcher who needs to do an
exploration. They can involve the finding of this concentrate as one of their references.

5. Scope of Research

After the problem has been identified, this research will focus the use of category game in

teaching vocabulary for English beginner student at Kampung Kreatif Aceh.

6. Operational Definition

i. Vocabulary

Vocabulary is a word that has meaning of forming a sentence that people use to


ii. Category game

Category games are games played in groups to find out the meaning of the words in a




1. Vocabulary

a. Definition of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is an important part of the language. Having sufficient vocabulary makes it easy

for learners to communicate with others. Without having enough vocabulary, learners will find

it a little difficult to use English.

Here are some definitions of vocabulary are given by many language experts.

According to Richards, vocabulary is one of the most important parts of a language and one of

things that linguists have to notice. This is a main element in the process of learning, mastering

and using a language. Without sufficient vocabulary, people will not be able to communicate

effectively to express their thoughts and convey information. David Nunan states that his

definition of vocabulary is a set of words that one knows. In the example of the vocabulary

item, the color also represents the conceptual knowledge of, so the only word that can be easily

emphasized is the noun. Vocabulary is more than just nouns, it include verbs, adjectives,

adverbs, and prepositions.

Elfrieda H. Hiebert and Michael L. Kamil said aloud according to “The National

Reading Panel (NICHD) identified the components of reading as phonemics awareness,

phonics, fluency vocabulary and comprehension. Vocabulary is neither a development skill of

nor a skill that can be considered fully mastered. The vocabulary expansion and refinement will

be extended over the lifetime.

b. The tiers of Vocabulary

1) Basic Vocabulary

Basic words form the first level of vocabulary. These words usually have a single

meaning and do not require any instructions. At this level, you'll see early-read words,

sight words, adjectives, verbs, nouns, and more. This level consists of a family of 8000

words in English.

2) High Frequency Vocabulary

Also known as the Multi-Meaning Vocabulary Level, this level includes words

used in a variety of disciplines, adult communication, literature, and more affects

reading and speaking. A family of 7,000 words spans this level. The characteristics of

Level 2 words are as follows:

 Has multiple meanings

 Important for reading

 Typical mature language

 Descriptive vocabulary

 These words are used in diverse environments

 Used for direct instructions

 Infrequent vocabulary

3) Low-frequency Vocabulary

This level is only included if there is a particular need, or in certain areas such as

weather, technology, geographic area, profession, hobbies, school. This level consists of

about 40,000 rupees of words in the English vocabulary.

c. Kinds of Vocabulary

Schail in Titian (2020) formulated the vocabulary into three types of as in


1) Active vocabulary: The words we use when speaking and probably account for

5,000-10,000 words.

2) Reserved vocabulary: We know those words, but we rarely use them when speaking

and use them as unwritten letters.

3) Passive vocabulary: Words that we recognize and never use, whether spoken or

written, only know that we have them before.

d. Types of Vocabulary

1) Listening Vocabulary

Listening Vocabulary contains words that you can understand by listening. The

fetus can begin to recognize some words while in the womb. Learning new words is

an ongoing process, and by the time you reach adulthood, you will understand and

recognize nearly 50,000 words. Hearing-impaired people may be exposed to visual

auditory vocabulary to learn.

2) Speaking Vocabulary

Talking Vocabulary is made up of the words we actually speak. It has a horizon

of about 5000 to 10000 words. These are useful for directing and discussing. The

number of words in this category is relatively smaller than the vocabulary you hear.

3) Reading Vocabulary

The main part of building a vocabulary is reading. Reading grows and develops

your vocabulary. The words we learn while reading the text are called reading the

vocabulary. Sometimes you read a vocabulary and understand a word without using it

when speaking the vocabulary.

4) Writing Vocabulary

Words that you find again while expressing yourself in writing are called writing

vocabulary. Vocabulary writing is usually influenced by the words we can spell. It's

easy to express in words through facial expressions and intonation, but writing

vocabulary depends on our vocabulary.

5) Final Vocabulary

Richard Rorty discovered the term "final vocabulary". This is a collection,

phrase, or group of words that everyone uses to justify their actions, beliefs, and life.

The final vocabulary contains words that people use to express praise, contempt,

deep emotions, hopes, questions, and so on.

e. Process of Learning Vocabulary in Children’s Second Language Learning

Young learners learn languages from individual words to up to complete

sentences. Learners look at syntax rules by learning new words and observing how

they work side by side in sentence. As already mentioned, knowledge of a particular

word is based on learning about its various aspects. That is, you need a specific order

in which you need to know a specific element of a word. As Ur (1996: 60) states, after

the form of word, the learner has its grammar, collocation, meaning, and word

formation. The form must include pronunciation and spelling.

Nation (2001: 23) describes how students learn new words and refers to the

concept so-called "learning burden". The author states that the more the item

represents a pattern that the learner is already familiar with, the easier it is to learn this

item (Nation 2001:23). Taking this into account gives teachers when preparing

vocabulary-focused lessons and assignments that require much less mental effort from

learners to learn new words. It will help. Therefore, it may be helpful to help students

rely on L1 when learning L2 word (Nation 2001: 2328).

2. Game

a. Definition of Game

According to Robert Heinich, a game is an activity in which participants follow certain rules

that differ from the actual rules in order to achieve challenging goals. In contrast, Jill Hafield said

play is an activity with elements of rules, goals, and fun. From this, we can conclude that play is

an activity for people to be enjoyed or to have feels of fun.

Regarding the definition of a game, Okoń (1992: 64) considers it a variant of the game that

follows strict rules and depends on achieving certain results. Byrne (1986: 100), on the other

hand, defines a game as a particular rule or form of play that follows a rule. In addition, Toth

(1995: 5) provides a more comprehensive definition of Game as follows:

A game is an activity with rules, a goal and an element of fun. There are

two kinds of games: Competitive games, in which players or teams race to be

the first to reach the goal, and co-operative games, in which players or teams

work together towards a common goal. The emphasis in the games is on

successful communication rather tha on on correctness of language (Toth


As can be seen, even though game is already based on rules and principles, but it can be

modified to adapt the game to the learner's characteristics, needs, or abilities so that it can serve

its purpose as effectively as possible. A yet better student can get a deeper understanding of the

game by explaining the features it offers.

b. Function of Game

In the EFL classroom, games offer many benefits for facilitating learning of the target

language. One of the benefits associated with games is the student's fear of language learning

decreases as games are played. In a language class, the learners assume that they have to work

well with target languages they do not speak. In addition, the learners felt much anxiety when

they make a mistake; they are criticized and punished by the teacher. At this point, the game

comes on stage to reduce anxiety, increase positive feelings, and increase self-confidence. This is

because learners are not afraid of punishment or criticism during practicing the target language.

Constantinescu (2012) lists some of the benefits of the game as follows:

 "The game builds learner's English repertoire in a familiar and comfortable environment.

Moe that this, English is widespread used with computers.

 Games increase motivation and desire for self-improvement.

 Challenges and competition are key elements of the game that students pay more

attention to completing the task.

 An interdisciplinary approach. Students use knowledge from other classes, too.

 Games develop students` ability to observe.

 Games have clear rules and objectives.

 Games develop critical thinking, problem solving, and imagination.

 Games offer new and dynamic forms of teaching/ practicing which replace the traditional


 The game can be customized for different skill levels.

 Educational games are easy to understand and use.

 Educational games do not take much time to play in class.

 There are many free online educational games which are free of charge.

 Immediate feedback to both students and teachers.

 The results are easier to see (sometimes both visual and auditory) and have a stronger


 Normally, working hours are known from the beginning.

 Games facilitate collaborative learning but, in the same time, students may learn at their

own peed and cognitive level.

 Games may be used in the classroom as rewards for students.”

Students may want to play the game purely for fun. However, teachers need more than

reasons to convince them to play games. Teachers need to be very careful about which games to

use, when to use them, and how they relate to curriculum, textbooks, and more specifically, how

they are beneficial.

c. Definition of Category Game

One of the most used strategies to teach vocabulary is by using games. There are many

games that can help students learn vocabulary, such as Bingo Game, Taboo, Pictionary, and many

more. One of the many language games is Category Game. It's a play on words. According to

Kimbell (2009:15), category game is a brainstorming activity in which student learns how words

belong to different groups while activating and building background knowledge before starting a

learning unit. On the other hand, Hadfield (1999: 5) stated that the category game consists of

matching labels to the object in the pictures. On the other hand, category game is an activity that

helps students builds prior knowledge of research topics. It is also to involve the students to play

the words based on categories related to topics that can be supported by pictures.

Category game is a popular game and easy to make. This is an effective technique that

allows students to practice as they learn new vocabulary words. This can help students increase

their motivation and interest in learning vocabulary.

d. Procedure of Applying Category Game

In the implementation of categorical games, make it easier by giving each word a letter or

certain category as a cue. This makes the easier for students to remember the word (for example,

letters B or specifically part of family). This game can be played in pair or small group. There is

some version of category game, such as category game that based on alphabetic and certain

category. The rule of this game is the player should mention words based on a category. For

example, the teacher chooses part of body category, then the students should mention words like

head, hand, nose, cheek, foot and others.

Table1. The example of Categories Game


Letter Part of
Color Fruits Animals Sport Transport

B Blue Banana Back Bear basketball Bus

C Cadet blue Cherry Chin Cat - Car

D Dark blue - - Dalmatian Diving Dirigible

The other version of category game is by using board or paper. The procedures of this game


1) At the beginning, the teacher divided the students into some group.

2) For the first round, two groups start the game in front of the class. Each member of the

group stands in line in front of the whiteboard.

3) The teacher divides the blackboard into two parts by drawing line using marker.

4) The teacher asks each group member to write down vocabulary from 3 certain

categories then the next members continue by writing vocabulary starting from the last

letter of the previous vocabulary.

5) Within 1 minute the group that writes more vocabulary is the winner.

3. Previous Study

a. Sukma Syam Maspa conducted research about the effectiveness of using guessing game to

improve students’ vocabulary mastery at “Mindset English Center (MEC) Course”

Kabupaten Pinrang. She found a significant difference between ability of the students’

vocabulary before applying guessing game and able to increase their vocabulary master.

b. Thesis by Suci Midsyahri Azizah with the title “Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery by

Using Vocabulary Charts Technique at the Seventh Grade Students of SMP Ma’arif 1

Ponorogo in Academic year 2010/2011.” The researcher conducted a classroom action

research to find out whether vocabulary chart technique can improve students vocabulary

mastery. In findings, she showed that the use of vocabulary charts technique can improve

students’ vocabulary mastery. It is proved by the criteria of success had been fulfilled. The

students can memorize and the fact after using the technique in teaching activity, the average

score of students’ vocabulary mastery was increased.

c. Imas Febriansyah written a thesis with the title “Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery

Trough Bingo Games for Grade X SMAN 4 Purworejo in Academic year 2014/2015.” It was

classroom action research that was done by two cycles. The findings of the research were

showed that the use of the Bingo game could improve the score students’ vocabulary.

Based on research finding above, the researcher have concluded that there are some

ideas such as game that can be used to increase students vocabulary mastery as students feel

enjoy and no bored at all. This can be solution for student or teacher who might be

suggestion about how to make vocabulary learning more fun in the language class.



1. Research Design and Method

The researcher used classroom action research in this research. Researcher used a classroom

action research because to find the solution of the problems finding in preliminary research

significantly. The researcher wanted to change the practice in teaching learning in the classroom. The

researcher might be considered the solution applied might be not going as the planning, but

researcher tried to do it effectively, so the solution gave better and more functionally.

In classroom action research there are three word that must be explain: A research is a method of

observing an object and retrieving data using a specific methodology. Information that helps improve

the quality of what you are thinking Interesting from researchers. Actions are activities that are

deliberately performed with specific precautions. Classes are a group of students who are instructed

and taught by a teacher in same time and place. So classroom action research in the classroom

Activities that occur and are designed to take place in the classroom.

From Brown (1982: 1-16 in Sri Wahyuni), classroom Action Research (CAR) is a term used to

describe activities in curriculum development, professional development, school improvement

programs and planning and policy development systems. This approach was used to improve the

practices used by everyone engaged in an educational practice. In each of these activities, action

research uses changes in practice as a way to introduce improvements into the practice itself, the

circumstances in which it occurs, and the rationale for the work, and is a central feature of

understanding all of this. I have. In addition, this action research requires researchers to select

specific variations of practice with these two criteria (improvement and understanding) as top


2. Subject and setting of research

This classroom action research was held for young English learner students of Kampung Kreatif

Aceh which is located in Lampenerut, Aceh Besar, Aceh, Indonesia. The subject of this research was

young English learners with total 15 students. This research was done from 13rd March until 15th

April, 2022. The research emphasized in improving students’ vocabulary mastery by using Category

Game in English teaching.

3. Research Instrument

To collect the data, the researcher used was test and observation. Due to that, researcher used

observation check list as tool to collect the data in classroom. It was used to control and observe. The

focus of observation of classroom activities can be divided into general and concrete. The general

observations from classroom activities focused on the subjectivity of the researchers' suggestions, and

the particular observations were about what was agreed upon in the plan. The results of the data helped

the school to achieve further development. Observation was an activity to obtain information about

education in classroom action research and the learning process, and it was the process of collecting

data by monitoring student activity.

The researcher also used a vocabulary test, there was matching the meaning of the word and

answers the question. The test was given in the pre-test and post-test to measure the students mastery

result before and after treatment. The students were given a category of nouns in teaching vocabulary

by using category game.

4. Technique of Data Collection

Method of data collection refers to how the researcher obtains the empirical data to be used to

answer the research question. In this study, observations used to cover the process of implementing

learning based on category in vocabulary education. This observation was repeated 6 times at

Kampung Kreatif Aceh from 13rd March until 15th April, 2022. It was only one cycle and for 6

meetings. Observations focused on classroom events and classroom interactions. The model action

research used in this study is a model developed by Burns' Kemmis and McTaggart (1999: 32). There

are four teaching steps: planning, action, observation, and reflection. These moments are the basic

steps of the spiral process that participants in Action Research Group commit to:

1) Planning: Develop a plan to improve what the is already doing. In this phase, the

researcher should be very clear about the teaching process. Specific goals, meaningful

activities and realistic ones should be at the forefront of research considerations.

2) Action: Act to carry out the plan. In this phase, Researcher does the plan and the

classroom procedure created before. The researcher taught vocabulary based one category

and then played games related to the material.

3) Observation: Observe the impact of the critically informed action in the context in which

it occurs.

4) Reflective: The process of reflection on these effects as the basis for further planning of,

followed by critical informed actions, etc., is a series of stages of.

5. Technique of Data Analysis

The detail observation through checklist paper used to analyze the data. The researcher analyzed

one by one the history of student’s action which has been condensed in the observation checklist

paper. Data collection by the observation Checklist is quantitatively analyzed based on the number of

scales reviewed by the observer on the observation Checklist Sheet. The results of the analysis were

presented quantitatively and qualitatively by interpreting the number of scales checked by the




1. Finding

The research was conducted at Kampung Kreatif Aceh. The problem is the students’ low

mastering vocabulary and their low motivation also needed to improve. The researcher chose wall

charts to solve the problem.

Prior to conducting action research, preliminary observations were made to determine the status

of young learners at Kampung Kreatif Aceh. It was done in one session. Researchers made

preliminary observations to identify problems that occurred during the learning process. Researchers

also interviewed teachers and some students. Through these activities, researchers have discovered

that there are some problems with the climate of the classroom. The students did not seem to be

interested in the class. Students are less interested in learning English because they think English is

difficult and not important. Based on the pre-observation, it was identified that students’ vocabulary

mastery needed to be improved in fun way. To overcome the problems, the researcher applied

category game as teaching method.

Researchers provided materials for games designed to train students in improving their

vocabulary skills. When the researchers received the game, the students learned while playing, so

they were very enthusiastic about learning and used category games. This game can sharpen the

student's brain and make it easier for the student to expand their vocabulary. The students competed

in rising hand to answer the quiz; they have their own groups where each group competed to finish

the game in order to win the game. Their enthusiastic showed that there were progresses of the


The result of the observation showed that the students’ motivation increased as time goes by

although it was not optimal yet. There were some motivated students’ indicators that appeared.

Students who were not active in the lesson decreased. Although initially many could not and did not

want to answer when the researcher asked questions, over time the students became more

enthusiastic to be active in the class. However, their performance better than the last meeting. Her

confidence in learning her own English and expressing it verbally has increased. Many of them were

ready to tackle the task well. They also made consistent efforts and were willing to overcome the


2. Discussion

After analyzing the data and the findings, the researcher represents the discussion of students’

data. The aim is to describe the students’ improvement in vocabulary mastery by using the category

game. The student’s vocabulary mastery can be seen from each meeting those students more

confident to answer quiz or question given by the researcher. The student’s understanding of

vocabulary and its construction better than before. They seem does not that have difficulty in

construct the vocabulary. The students memorize a lot of word that new for them and they can spell

it well. The construction of vocabulary is noun from some categories. The students are able to master

the vocabulary construction by playing category game constantly every meeting.

The student’s improvement of vocabulary mastery can be seen from the result of the student’s

checklist observation. At the first meeting, only two students who stood out were willing to answer

the researcher's questions and were active during the learning process. However, in the second and

subsequent meetings, more and more students who were also enthusiastic in raising their fingers

volunteered to answer questions or carry out games given by the researcher.

Category games are games played in pairs or in groups of five. Category games not only test the

opposite, but also short-term memory. Therefore, the students repeat the words they have learned.

For example, students can easily write and remember words and easily practice pronunciation of this

vocabulary in fun situations when learning some of the benefits of this game, especially when

learning a vocabulary.



1. Conclusion

The main purpose of this study was to investigate the importance of using category games for

English young learners. These results, such as, show that the use of games creates an environment

where fun and satisfaction coexist with, which is motivated to learn a language. In addition, the role of

the game in reducing the fear of using the target language cannot be ignored. The game is important

for teaching English. The game not only provides learners with the fun and entertainment of the target

language, but can also be practiced along the way. In short, the game is accepted as a convenient and

effective tool that is effective in teaching vocabulary. The use of games in English young learner

classrooms is a way to provide more interesting, enjoyable, and effective teaching.

From the results, we can conclude that there was significant difference on students’ vocabulary

mastery by using category games, in another words this method was effective in teaching vocabulary

to students in terms of providing a relaxed environment for both learners and teachers and learners,

games are very useful when there is an educational purpose rather than fun. Although at first the

researcher had a little struggle to teach because many students were not interested in learning English,

but over time the students began to show enthusiasm and interest in learning the basic language,

namely vocabulary. This enthusiasm transmits positive energy to other students so that almost all

enthusiastic students raise their hands when they want to play games.

2. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion stated above, the researcher would like to present some suggestion as


1. For the teacher

The teacher should be creative to select teaching aids and technique in teaching

vocabulary. One of teaching method can be used is teach by make some category of

vocabulary and playing category game. Teaching vocabulary using category games can

make it easier for students to remember the vocabulary given because it has been grouped

into a certain category. This method is also not difficult to do, the teacher only needs to

provide vocabulary based on the category then provide interesting games as a form of

reinforcement and repetition of the memorized vocabulary and also as a medium of

entertainment so that students do not get bored.

2. For the students

for the students need to be willing to learn English. They not only find much, but also

learn to gain experience and knowledge. You can use English in your daily life anytime,


3. For the reader

For readers, researchers hope that the results of this study will serve as a reference for

further research on English vocabulary.


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