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Nama : Pramudita Mutiara Sari

Kelas : XII MIA 2

Type 1
1. if I go to Japan, I will eat Takoyaki

2. I will give you a pizza if you do your homework

3. If I meet chris evans, I will ask him to take a picture with me

Type 2
1. If I lived in Bali, I would go to the beach every day
But I’m not live in bali so I don’t go to the beach every day

2. If I were a cat, I would try to walk on the roof

But I’m not a cat so I can’t try to walk on the roof

3. If I were a tall girl, I would be an athlete

But I am not tall girl

Type 3
1. If I had done my homework, I would have gone to mall
Fact : I didn’t do my homework early, so I didn’t go to the mall

2. If I had kept my phone well, I wouldn’t have lost it

Fact : I didn’t keep my phone well, so I lost my phone

3. I would have believed you if you hadn't lied to me before.

Fact : you lied to me, so I didn’t belived you

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