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Unit Plan Cover Page

Unit Topic: Gas Laws

Time Frame: 5 days (400mins)
Subject/Course: Honors Chemistry
Grade Level: 10th


HS+C.P1U1.3: Analyze and interpret data to develop and support an explanation for the relationships between kinetic molecular theory and gas laws.

*Unit focuses on gas laws and does not meet the KMT portion of the standard.


Anchoring Phenomena: Change in pressure and temperature forms clouds

Essential Question: How are volume, pressure, and temperature related to each other when describing gases?

List formative and summative assessments that will be utilized to gauge student learning throughout the unit. This may include traditional quizzes or exams, as
well as major learning activities such as labs, models, CERs, etc.

Lab Notes, Daily Exit tickets, Elaborate Paragraph

List all technology and resources (copyrighted or otherwise) that you will need to teach this unit. This should be a comprehensive list of all resources you will need
to create or borrow (including textbook chapters, additional readings, videos, power points and teaching notes, handouts, assessments, etc.)

PhET: Gas Properties

Cartesian Diver: Water bottle, pipette, hex bolt
PhET: Greenhouse Effect
“E” Component Teacher Actions Student Actions Objective(s)
Take students outside on a cloudy Students write differences in Students can note differences
Engage day and then on a clear sky day weather on a clear sky day vs. a they see between a clear and
cloudy sky day. cloudy sky day.
Give students cartesian divers Students manipulate cartesian While manipulating cartesian
divers and note observation and divers, students will generate
Explore generate possible explanations. questions and possible
explanations for what they are
Assign Students PhET Students explore simulation to Students can explain the
simulation: Gas Properties make sense of the relationship relationship between temperature,
between temperature, pressure, pressure, and volume
and volume.
Assign students PhET simulation: Students work through the Working in groups, students can
Greenhouse Effect simulation and explain what each design a procedure in their
Elaborate feature of the simulation notebooks that investigates one of
represents. the features of the greenhouse
Task students with writing a Independently, students write a Students can demonstrate what
paragraph to the following paragraph explaining how cloud they know about temperature and
prompt formation occurs related to pressure and how it relates to
temperature and pressure. cloud formation.
“Using what you’ve learned in
the unit, explain what happens
during cloud formation related to
temperature and pressure.”
Unit Calendar
(For each class period, include the “E” and a short explanation of what is happening that day. You may indicate major instructional activities or
standards if you choose.)
(Insert or delete days of the week as appropriate for your school district calendar. Add or delete weeks depending on the length of your unit.)


Engage: Cloud formation Same as Monday (Even Explain: Gas Properties Elaborate: Greenhouse Elaborate: Greenhouse
Blocks) PhET Effect PhET Effect PhET
Engage: Cartesian Divers
Evaluate: Explaining Same as Monday (Even
Cloud Formations Blocks)

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