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Part 1 (2.5pts)
Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verb given in brackets.
1. ‘Do you plan to drive back tomorrow night?’ ‘No, I’ve booked a hotel – we _______
are staying at the

Intercontinental.’ (stay)
2. We’ve been trying _______
to enter the Chinese market for some time. (enter)
would have sort
3. We _______ out the problem much sooner if we had had the manual. (sort)
are going to board
4. The flight attendant is calling us. I think we _______ the plane. (board)
5. Look! There’s a sale at Harrods. If only I _______
had my Visa card with me. (have)

Part 2 (2.5pts)
Complete the sentences using ONLY ONE word.
6. Forward investment has nothing to do ________
with the reasons for last year’s problems.
7. Other companies are offering the same products at more competitive prices and I can see
no reason why we should continue purchasing from you.
8. The share price plunged when the takeover bid ________ rejected.
9. Apartment hotels also come with a kitchen, ________ executives can make meals, and they
have laundry facilities as well.
10. We ought ________
to look into Mika’s proposal; it sounds very interesting.
11. We sent you the invoice ________ the end of last month.
12. Don’t mention ________ they actually ask about it.
13. I feel that the oil price rise was the main reason. It meant freight costs, for example, were
much higher ________ the present year.
14. Hold ________
on a moment, that’s not exactly what I said.
15. Yes, I can confirm that the house is ________ sale, and the asking price is $950,000.

Part 3 (2.5pts)
Complete the sentences with the best expressions in brackets.
16. You will not be allowed to take part in gym ________ (if you aren’t having/unless
having/unless you have/if you shouldn’t have) a doctor’s note.
17. ‘Have you finished your course yet?’ ‘No. There are still three weeks ________ (to go/which
I go/that are to go/going).’
18. ‘Have you been to New York?’ ‘I’ve stayed there ________ (much/enough/plenty/several)
19. ________ (Moreover/Also/Not only/As well as) having a full-time job in a bank, David works
as a freelance web designer.
20. Any new drug must undergo ________ (extension/extend/extensive/extensively)
---------- trials before
it is approved for use.
21. My doctor said ________ (I would have to take/I must have taken/that I take/me to take) the
medication for six months.
22. ________ (Such was the success of/It was so successful/How much was the success of/So
successful has) the book in the series that the publisher anticipates record sales for the latest
23. The proposal was rejected ________ (on the grounds that/as a result of/in spite of/because
of) the changes would be too costly.
24. ‘When do you need the report?’ ‘________ (The better the sooner/The sooner the better/The
soonest the best/Sooner, better).
25. I didn’t sleep last night because I ________ (don’t used/never used/am getting used/am not
used) to the noise of big cities.

Part 4 (2.5pts)
Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use the words in brackets.
DO NOT change the word.
26. I’ll ask Accounts to send you another copy of the invoice. HAVE
I’ll _____________________
have Accounts send you another copy of the invoice.
27. Manuela knows this business better than anyone. BETTER
knows this business better than Manuela
No one _____________________.
28. Has anyone made a backup copy of this file? MADE
of this file been made
Has a backup copy _____________________?
29. Perhaps I’ll see you on Thursday evening. MIGHT
might see you
I _____________________ on Thursday evening.
30. What is your clothes expenditure in a year? SPEND
How _____________________
much do you spend on clothes in a year?


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