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Product Proposal

Product 5

Name of the Product: Flexi Shoes - “ Walk to Versatility: Transform Your Comfort with
Customizable Heels Your Choice to Elevate or Relax!”

The design and development of the Flexi shoes are born from creativity refreshing
modeling in each season, developing proposals of sport, casual and semi-formal
footwear, according to the rhythm of international fashion tendencies, attuned with the
tastes and preferences of Flexi’s users.

Flexi shoes - Increasing the flexibility in the forefoot area promotes the activation
of the shank muscles and gives the forefoot a wider range of motion and style as you can
change it based on your reference. Furthermore, using flexible shoes over an extended
period of time significantly develops the shank muscles. Forefoot research has
demonstrated that material slicing or cutting can increase the movement angle at the
metatarsophalangeal joint (MPJ), which in turn increases the activity of the gastrocnemius
muscle (Chen, Hsieh, Shih, & Shiang, 2012). It is also revealed that specific muscles may
be less active when the angle and bending elasticity of the soles of the shoes is increased
or decreased (Chen et al., 2012).

Uses of the Product:

The main goal of flexi shoes is to offer dual-purpose functionality similar to that of
our existing footwear. The primary function of traditional footwear is to enable comfortable
walking; however, this goal may not always be achieved. Conversely, flexi shoes offer a
greater range of motion and style because they can be customized to your preference,
either with or without heels.

Target Customer:

Our product's target market consists of adults, including ladies and students, who
like versatile shoes that can elevate their appearance and satisfy their personal style

Advantages and Disadvantage of the Product:


The way flexible shoes facilitate better movement is one of their most important
features. Mobility is increased by permitting a more natural movement of the foot. People
no longer have to stress over their feet aching which is the uncomfortable facade of their
shoes and may move more freely with our product`s feature of customizing their footwear.
Stronger foot muscle is another advantage of flexi shoes. Flexi shoes enable the
muscles in the feet to function as they should, strengthening the stability system and
enhancing posture, balance, and activity performance.

The last advantage is that there may be fewer injuries. A foot with an artificial heel
develops a dependence on the shoe's support rather than the muscles within the foot. As
previously indicated, the muscles deteriorate with time and lose their flexibility, balance,
and ability to heal wounds and cause abnormalities in the feet but with flexi shoes you
can now walk comfortably as you should.


One of the disadvantages of flexi shoes is its thorough process. As we want our
product to be customizable, it requires several processes of production.

The manufacturer is another disadvantage since, in this day and age, it is hard to
find a manufacturer who can best make a product at a price that matches the required
level of efficiency and quality of the product we developed.

Scientific Basis:

Increasing forward acceleration by improved forefoot push-off leads to improved

athletic performance (Goldmann et al., 2011, Hunter et al., 2005). Both the passive and
active stages of the stance phase of gait are equally divided (Neptune et al., 2001,
Nishiwaki, 2008). The forefoot push-off is the primary factor that determines the active
phase. However, the majority of recent research on footwear design and the feet has
concentrated on heel shock absorption (Bonacci et al., 2013) and has rarely examined
the forefoot's function in lower limb locomotion (Lieberman, 2012, Lieberman et al., 2010).
Research and development related to the forefoot area of shoes is therefore often

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