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Biology project

Modeling joint (Ball & socket)

1. Classifying
**Shoulder Joint:**
- **Type:** Ball and socket joint.
- **Structure:** The head of the humerus (upper arm
bone) fits into the glenoid cavity of the scapula (shoulder
**Function:** Provides a wide range of motion, allowing
the arm to move in various directions – flexion,
extension, abduction, adduction, and rotation.

2. Compare
Our model features a ballet & socket bone that can be the shoulder
with limb or knee and thigh .so ,it features two at the same time and
the ball that’s in between them looks exactly like the ball & socket
shows you how it moves with delicacy.

3. Evaluating models
Yes, my model is effective. Because it is specific in showing how
specifically the arm move around from the shoulder. Maybe the
next time I would improve the prototype by making it look more
like a human ball and socket joint , a shoulder and arm.

4- Predict
• Limited Range of Motion:
Dysfunction in the ball and socket joint may result in a reduced
range of motion. This limitation can affect the ability to perform
everyday activities, such as walking, lifting, or reaching for objects.
• Pain and Discomfort:
Improper functioning of the joint can lead to pain and
discomfort, especially during movement. This discomfort may
range from a mild ache to severe, sharp pain, impacting the
individual's quality of life.
• Stiffness:
A dysfunctional ball and socket joint can contribute to stiffness,
making it challenging to move the joint smoothly. Stiffness may
further reduce flexibility and hinder normal joint function.
• Muscle Weakness:
In response to pain or restricted movement, muscles around
the affected joint may weaken due to decreased use. This
muscle weakness can create a cascade effect, affecting overall
joint stability and function.
• Impaired Stability:
The ball and socket joint provides stability to the skeletal
system. If the joint does not function properly, stability is
compromised, increasing the risk of falls and injuries.
• Joint Degeneration:
Continuous dysfunction may contribute to joint degeneration
and the development of conditions like osteoarthritis. Joint
degeneration can exacerbate pain and further limit mobility.
• Alterations in Gait:
Dysfunction in the hip joint, for example, can alter the normal
walking pattern (gait). This change in gait may lead to
compensatory movements in other joints, potentially causing
additional musculoskeletal issues.
• Impact on Daily Activities:
The inability to perform regular activities, such as sitting,
standing, walking, or lifting, can significantly impact an
individual's independence and overall well-being.
• Reduced Quality of Life:
Chronic issues with a ball and socket joint can result in a
reduced quality of life. Pain, limited mobility, and the
challenges associated with daily activities can affect mental
and emotional well-being.

Hadia and Mariam


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