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Energy Conservation Scenario and Analysis in India

Ullash Kumar Rout1, Debendra Kumar Sahoo2*, Radhakrishna Das3, Sunita Sethy4
Associate Professor, School of Electrical Sciences, Odisha University of Technology and
Research (OUTR), Ghatikia, Bhubaneswar, PIN-751024, Odisha, India.
Associate Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Centurion
University of Technology and Management, Odisha, India. Email:
Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Gandhi Engineering College,
Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India. E-mail:
Department of Production Engineering, Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology, Burla
Odisha, India. E-mail:

*Corresponding author
Energy is very significant in the complete progression of evolution, development and existence
of the world. The cumulative energy demand damages the environment and also an increasing
pressure for the government. For a emerging country like India, the energy criterion adopts the
evolution of the country. Being the third largest power producer in the world, energy demand
and scarcity guidelines the country. Energy demand in our country is cumulative exponentially.
Energy conservation can be the greatest solution for the hovering energy demand. Energy
conservation is dropping energy consumption by using less of an energy provision. One of the
significant ways to advance the energy conservation is an energy audit. Energy conservation
without negotiating the practice is a great task. This work focuses on the position of energy
conservation by seeing the loads of a classroom of an educational society and considering the
energy expended by the present loads and acclaiming energy efficient appliances and an efficient
yet modest sensor-based model to condense the energy consumption and comparing the results.
This draft explores into the global and Indian energy conservation scenario, exploratory the vital
features of conserving energy resources. It reconnoiters the significance of energy conservation,
considering both global and local perspectives, and highlights the position of sustainable
practices in the face of cumulative energy demands.

Key words: Energy; Energy conservation; Energy audit; Consumption of energy; PIR sensor.

1. Introduction
India celebrates December 14 as National Energy Conservation Day, so it is important to
converse energy conservation and the essential for renewable energy [1]. The Energy
conservation denotes to the judicious and efficient use of energy resources to minimalize waste
and reduce environmental impact. The energy conservation includes implementing technologies
and practices that optimize the use of energy, fostering sustainability and resilience in the face of
growing energy challenges. The importance of energy conservation is multifaceted,
encompassing environmental, economic, and social dimensions. The energy conservation plays a
crucial role in mitigating change in environment by the help of greenhouse gas emissions
reduction technique, ensuring energy security by minimizing dependence on finite resources, and
fostering economic sustainability through improved energy efficiency. In the framework of

India, a rapidly developing nation, embracing energy conservation becomes imperative to meet
the rising energy demands while ensuring a sustainable and resilient future [2, 3].

2. Overview of Current Energy Consumption

The energy demand pattern is going to increase day by day where renewable energy has having
predominant share nowadays compared to the past trend of fossil fuels.
The key sectors contributing to high energy use are:
2.1 Industrial Sector: Industries, particularly manufacturing and heavy industries, account for
a substantial portion of energy consumption globally and in India.
2.2 Transportation: The growing number of vehicles and reliance on fossil fuels contribute
significantly to energy consumption.
2.3 Residential and Commercial Buildings: The demand for energy in heating, cooling, and
electronic devices in homes and businesses is a noteworthy factor.
2.4 Agriculture: Irrigation, machinery, and other energy-intensive practices in agriculture
contribute to overall energy consumption.
Efforts to address energy conservation globally involve promoting energy efficiency,
transitioning to renewable sources, and adopting sustainable practices across these key sectors

3. Benefits of Energy Conservation

3.1 Environmental Impact
Energy conservation plays a crucial role in mitigating environmental issues both in India and
worldwide. Reduced energy consumption translates to lesser greenhouse gas releases, helping
contest climate change. In India, where air pollution is a significant concern, energy conservation
can lead to cleaner air and healthier ecosystems. Globally, preserving natural resources through
energy efficiency contributes to the overall well-being of the planet, safeguarding biodiversity
and minimizing environmental degradation.
3.2 Economic Savings
Energy conservation brings about substantial economic benefits. In India, a country with a
growing energy demand, efficient energy use can reduce the reliance on costly imports and
decrease the burden on the national grid. Worldwide, economies benefit from lower energy bills,
improved productivity, and enhanced competitiveness. By investing in energy-efficient
technologies and practices, both developing and developed nations can allocate resources more
efficiently, fostering economic growth and job creation [5].

Energy conservation plays a vigorous role in reducing energy consumption and minimizing the
reliance on non-renewable energy sources. It emphasizes the need for a changeover to a low-
carbon reduced and the role of energy efficiency measures in achieving sustainability goals. One
of the main economic paybacks of energy conservation is the possible for cost savings. Energy
efficiency initiatives, such as retrofitting buildings, upgrading infrastructure, and implementing
sustainable transportation systems, can drive local economic growth.

4. Sustainability and Future Generations
Energy conservation is a key pillar of sustainability, confirming that present generations see their
requirements without negotiating the capability of upcoming generations to do the same. In
India, promoting sustainable energy practices can alleviate the strain on finite resources and
provide a more resilient energy infrastructure. Globally, embracing energy efficiency ensures a
more sustainable path forward, preserving resources for the well-being of future populations. It’s
an investment in a cleaner, more sustainable world for generations to come [6].

The route towards zero carbon and energy efficiency is not flagged with government
reorganizations alone. The developments which have also contributed towards it are:
1. Auroville – This is one of the largest societies to usage and encourage renewable energy
2. Shunya –This is one of the self-sufficient net-zero energy home.
3. TERI – This is office building-cum-guest house.
From the structure point of view, The Building Code (ECBC) of Energy Conservation was
revised in 2017, which was projected to assistance attain a 50% decrease in energy use by 2030
(ORF) [7]. In adding, India goals to have 500 GW of non-fossil energy volume and meet 50% of
its energy supplies from renewable energy by 2030 [8].
5. Barriers to Energy Conservation
Conferring to the World Bank, absence of alertness among consumers, businesses, and
policymakers is a vital challenge to accept energy efficiency. Lots of people and businesses are
not conscious of the assistances of energy efficiency. People do not realize how to practically
implement energy-saving dealings in their daily lives or operations. As a result, the demand for
energy-efficient products and facilities remnants low.
5.1 Lack of Awareness
Lots of people and businesses are not fully informed about the importance of energy
conservation, leading to a lack of motivation to adopt energy-efficient practices. Public
awareness campaigns and education efforts are crucial to address this barrier.
5.2 Technological and Infrastructural Challenges
Outdated infrastructure and the absence of advanced technologies can hinder energy
conservation efforts. Upgrading systems and investing in innovative technologies are essential to
overcome these challenges and improve overall energy efficiency.
While the benefits of energy-efficient infrastructure are well-established, there are several
technological challenges that need to be overcome. Here are some of the most significant ones:
5.3 Combination of Renewable Energy Sources
Combining renewable energy sources into existing infrastructure is a complex process. The
alternating nature of renewable energy, like solar and wind, postures challenges in balancing
energy supply and demand. Additionally, connecting renewable energy systems to the grid and
managing energy storage require innovative solutions.

6. Energy Management and Monitoring

Real energy management and operating systems are vibrant for optimizing energy efficiency in
infrastructure. However, implementing robust systems that collect, analyze, and act upon energy
data can be challenging. This requires the development of intelligent software solutions that can
monitor energy consumption, identify inefficiencies, and provide actionable insights.
7. Smart Grids and Energy Distribution:
The transition towards energy-efficient infrastructure necessitates the development of smart
grids. Smart grids enable efficient energy distribution, demand-response systems, and integration
of various energy sources. However, integrating smart grid technologies with existing
infrastructure and ensuring seamless communication among different components present
significant challenges.
8. Economic Incentives for High Energy Use
In some cases, economic incentives favor high energy consumption, discouraging the adoption of
energy-efficient measures. Aligning economic policies with sustainable practices and providing
incentives for energy conservation can help shift this paradigm and encourage responsible energy
9. Strategies for Energy Conservation
A. Individual Actions
1. Energy-Efficient Appliances
 Opt for applications with high Energy Star ratings, representing larger energy efficiency.
 Consider upgrading to newer models, as technological advancements often lead to more
energy-efficient options.
 Regularly maintain appliances to ensure optimal performance and energy efficiency.
Under Market Renovation for Energy Efficiency (MTEE), two programmes have been
established i.e. Bachat Lamp Yojana (BLY) and Super-Efficient Equipment Programme (SEEP).
 Bachat Lamp Yojana (BLY): This is a public-private corporation program containing of
BEE, Distribution Companies (DISCOMs) and private stockholders to fast-track market
transformation in energy efficient illumination. Underneath this program, over 29
million incandescent bulbs have been substituted by CFLs under this programme. In the
next stage of BLY, BEE will encourage use of LED lights by means of the institutional
structure of BLY Programme. BEE delivers care to Rural Electrification Corporation
(REC) for mounting technical specification. regulating and authentication of the energy
savings from the LED bulbs distributed under RGVVY scheme to BPL households. BEE
will also assume outreach actions to encourage large scale implementation of LEDs [9].
 Super-Efficient Equipment Programme (SEEP): The other module under MTEE is a
novel programme called Super-Efficient Equipment Programme (SEEP). SEEP is a
program premeditated to bring faster market transformation for super-efficient appliances
by providing financial incentive creatively at critical point/s of interference. Under this
program, ceiling fan has been recognizes as the first appliance to implemented. SEEP for
ceiling fans goals to jump to an efficiency level which will be about 50% more effective
than market average by providing a time bound incentive to fan manufacturers to
manufacture super-efficient (SE) fans and sell the same at a cut-rate price. The
goalmouth is to care the introduction and placement of super-efficient 35W ceiling fans,
as in contradiction of the current average ceiling fan sold in Indian market with about
70W rating.

2. Behavior Changes
 Turn off lights, electronics, and appliances when not in use to reduce unnecessary energy
 Utilize natural light during the day and adjust lighting levels based on the task at hand.
 Unplug chargers and devices when they are not actively charging to avoid “phantom”
energy usage.
 Practice smart heating and cooling habits, adjusting thermostat settings based on the
season and dressing appropriately for the weather.

B. Government Initiatives
1. Policies and Regulations
Governments play an essential role in fostering energy conservation through the employment of
stringent strategies and guidelines. These measures set standards for energy efficiency in various
sectors, promoting the use of eco-friendly technologies and practices. Examples include building
codes that enforce energy-efficient construction and regulations that mandate fuel efficiency in
The Government of India has applied various strategies, controlling apparatuses, and creativities
to encourage energy conservation and energy efficiency in marketable buildings.
The Building Code (ECBC) of Energy Conservation was formed to improve the energy
efficiency in the new marketable buildings. It fixes least energy values for new commercial
buildings having a linked load of 100 kW or contract demand of 120 kVA or supplementary.
Presenting a revolutionary growth to the Building Category Programme placed on Energy
Consumption, the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) presented the “Shunya” Labeling
Programme. This advanced inventiveness spreads the possibility of the program to include Net
Zero Energy Buildings (NZEB) and Net Positive Energy Buildings (NPEB). Embodying the
spirit of its Hindi translation, “Shunya” which means Zero (0), this label appropriately
recognizes and differentiates NZEB and NPEB structures, suggesting their extraordinary energy
efficiency accomplishments.
TERI, drawing from more than twenty years of knowledge in green and energy-efficient
buildings, has created GRIHA (Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment). This rating
system was authoritatively comprised by the Indian government in 2007 and is now the nation’s
favored standard for appraising green buildings.
The National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency (NMEEE) is one of the eight national
missions under the National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC). NMEEE goals to support
the market for energy efficiency through the employment of advanced business models in the
energy efficiency sector [10, 11]. NMEEE contains of four creativities to improve energy
efficiency in energy-intensive industries which are as follows:
 Perform, Achieve, Trade (PAT)
 Energy Efficiency Financing Platform
 Market Transformation for Energy Efficiency (MTEE)
 Framework For Energy Efficiency Economic Development
2. Incentive Programs
Governments often present encouragement programs to inspire businesses and persons to accept
energy-efficient performs. Financial encouragements, such as tax credits or rebates, are offered

for the installation of renewable energy systems, energy-efficient appliances, and other
sustainable technologies. These programs aim to offset the initial costs and make eco-friendly
choices more appealing to the public. Encouragements being provided as Central Financial
Assistance (CFA) for the employment of main renewable energy schemes/ programmes.

10. Future Outlook

By leveraging smart home systems, energy monitoring devices, and interactive energy-saving
platforms, we can revolutionize energy conservation education and cover the way toward a more
maintainable future.
A. Emerging Technologies for Energy Efficiency
 Smart Home Systems equipped with Internet of Things (IoT): Transforming Energy
Consumption by real-time monitoring [6,10].
 Energy Monitoring smart meters and energy monitoring apps. In real-time based.
 Interactive Energy-Saving Platforms: Engaging and Educating:
B. Potential Shifts in Energy Consumption Patterns
C. Role of Innovation in Energy Conservation

Fig.1: Selected technology developments and additions in the IEA Clean Tech Guide, 2021-2023.

Revolution in clean energy technologies wants to quicken to get on pathway with Net Zero
Emissions (NZE) by 2050 Scenario by the new set of technologies that are not developed yet.
Such as certain electric vehicle (EV) batteries, low-emission hydrogen production, carbon
imprisonment in cement production, etc. by usage of undertaking wealth or corporate energy
research budget [11].
11. Conclusions
In conclusion, taking action for energy conservation is imperative for a sustainable future. By
adopting energy-efficient practices and promoting renewable sources, we can reduce our carbon
footprint, mitigate climate change, and ensure a reliable energy supply for generations to come.
Individual and collective efforts are crucial in achieving meaningful progress toward a more
energy-conscious society. This article has explored the significance of energy conservation
education, the potential of emerging technologies, and innovative solutions in driving behavior
change. It has also highlighted case studies and achievement levels that showcase the efficiency

of technology in energy conservation education. While there are challenges to overcome, such as
cost barriers and accessibility issues, there are also opportunities for future advancements,
including the integration of artificial intelligence and renewable energy technologies. By
working together, we can ensure that energy conservation education is accessible, inclusive, and
impactful for individuals and communities around the world. Transparent data governance
frameworks and ethical considerations should be in place to build trust and foster responsible use
of technology in energy conservation education.

[1] Annual Report 2020-21, Ministry of Power.
[2] Annual Report 2019-20, Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas.
[3] Annual Report 2020-21, Ministry of New & Renewable Energy.
[4] Draft National Energy Policy, NITI Aayog.
[6] www
[7] Energy Efficiency; Ministry of Power, Govt. of India. <>.
[8] India Energy Outlook 2021 and World Energy Outlook Special Report. <>.
[9] INDIA: Schemes for Promoting Energy Efficiency in India during the XI Plan, Bureau of
Energy Efficiency Ministry of Power (Scheme for Bee Star Rating for Office Buildings).
[10] Hariharan, R & Agarwal, Reema & Kandamuru, Madhurya & Gaffar, Abdul, 2021.
Energy consumption monitoring in smart home system. IOP Conference Series: Materials
Science and Engineering. 1085. 012026. <10.1088/1757-899X/1085/1/012026>.
[11] Huaping Sun, Bless Kofi Edziah, Anthony Kwaku Kporsu, Samuel Asumadu Sarkodie,
Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesary, Energy efficiency: The role of technological innovation and
knowledge spillover, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 167, 2021,
120659, ISSN 0040-1625. <>.

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