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According to you is population a global problem?

If yes then how we can cope

with this issue? If not, then why we are facing such issues related to
Overpopulation is a great concern but studies imply that overconsumption and
the wastage of food resources imposes bigger damage on the world resources and
global environment than rising population.
When we talk about climate change and the effects of human activity on planet
earth, we often avoid the facts that it's not the high population that is resulting in
the depletion of resources. For instance, data shows that Middle Eastern and
Western countries use up their resources more quickly as compared to other
countries like India – even though India has a bigger population to deal with.
Moreover, the carbon emissions by developed countries are far more than those
of developed and developing countries. American households emit more
greenhouse gases than Indian households.
Hence the major emphasis should be on balancing efforts to address
overpopulation concerns with a more immediate focus on sustainable living,
reducing carbon emissions, and minimizing overconsumption. Strategies such as
promoting efficient technologies, sustainable agriculture, and responsible
consumption habits are crucial for achieving a harmonious balance between
population growth and environmental sustainability.

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