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2. Why does UNWTO need specific tourist definitions? Why does Vietnam need
- To collect and research the data (UNWTO global organization -> policy and
law to control the information about tourism industry in every country -> Clear
information -> Easy to carry out the research by scientists
- Especially for the transportation industry (many kinds and many mean of
transports, each specific kinds of consumers have a demand for each kind of travel
-> easier to organize information for each type of transportations’ consumption)
- The common language system for all member participate in this industry
(like others industry, each major and field must have their own way to interact with
co – workers in this area -> Easy to communicate and help all members can get the
task done in coordinated and integrated way)
- Vietnam also well – known for the tourism industry. UNWTO is like a
standard organization and controls Vietnam tourism industry -> having tourism
definition in Vietnam version.
3. What approach to tourism study does this course take? Which approach interests
you most?
Institutional Approach: tourism organization, participants (UNWTO, TO, TA,…)
Product Approach: tourism products and how they are produced, marketed, and
Historical Approach: evolution of tourism industry also tourism institutions’
Managerial Approach: Essential activities that able to manage and operate a
tourism enterprise.
Economic Approach: focus on supply, demand, balance of payments, foreign
exchange, employment, expenditures, development, multipliers, and other
economic factors (economic aspects and economic contribution in tourism
Sociological Approach: behavior of individuals and groups of people and the
impact of tourism on society.
Geographical Approach: study of location, environment, climate, landscape, and
their economic implication.
4. What are the components of tourism?
The Tourist: The very heart of the tourism phenomenon model
The processes, activities and outcome of tourism (Philosophy, Research, Policy,…)
Natural resources and environment (Climate, People, Physiography)
Built environment (Built by the hand of human such as: Infrastructure,
Superstructure, Technology, Culture,…).
Opening Sectors of the Tourism Industry (Event Sector, Travel Trade Sector,
Accommodation Sector, …)
Spirit of Hospitality (Friendly attitude, basic information and helpful hand =>
enhance the value of all other aspects of the visitation experience) Catalyst,
Planning and Promotion Organization.
Private / Public Sector Components (Private: State and Provincial Travel Industry
Associations, Local & Regional Tourism Associations, …. / Public: Word &
National Government Tourism Offices…)
Careers in Tourism: Require people to make the various processes work and to
make the broad range of activities and experiences available to travelers. These
functions range from relatively simple jobs to highly sophisticated and demanding
6. What are the benefits of tourism? Discuss in detail one. Suggestion for
maximizing its impacts:
6.1 Economic Perspective:
• Provides employment opportunities.
• Generates foreign exchange.
• Increases Incomes and GNP.
• Develops an infrastructure that will also help stimulate local identity
6.2 Social Perspective:
• Broadens educational and cultural horizons.
• Improves quality of life and standards of living.
• Environmental protection and improvement.
• Provides recreational facilities that may be used by tourist and even local
6.3 Cultural Perspective:
• Reinforces preservation of heritage and tradition.
• Visitor interest in local culture provides employment for artists, musicians
and other performing artists.
• Breaks down language, sociocultural, class, racial, political, and religious
• Creates a favorable worldwide image with understanding and peace for a
Suggestion for maximum the benefits:
To be able to maintain the benefits of tourism at a stable and sustainable level, the
first thing is to have a smart investment strategy in this industry which will
increase and develop countries' revenue by creating favorable conditions, countless
jobs for people, and thereby also raising the worldwide recognition of the country.
Through tourism, we can establish relationships with foreign friends through
international incorporates in this industry, establish exchange programs, study
abroad, and scholarships with countries with strong, sustainable relationships.
Enhancing our people's knowledge as well as bringing the concept of cultural
exchange to a new level.
7. What are key negative aspects of tourism? Discuss in detail one. Suggestion
for minimizing its impacts.
7.1 Economic Perspective:
• Develops excess demand.
• Results in high leakage.
• Creates difficulties of seasonality.
• Causes inflation.
• Can result in unbalanced economic development.
• Increases vulnerability to economic and political changes.
7.2 Social and Cultural Perspective:
• Creates social problems
• Threatens family structure.
• Degrades the cultural environment.
• Commercializes culture, religion, and the arts.
• Creates misunderstanding.
• Creates conflicts in the host society.
• Contributes to disease, economic fluctuation, and transportation problems.
Suggestion for minimizing its impacts:
For the purpose of Minimizing the bad impacts of tourism, each individual and
even high-level authorities must have the specific mindset that " Tourism is not
only an economic contribution and about making profit but it also has to be
sustainable, eco - friendly so that will help improve this economic industry in a
long- term and consistent process"
Choose Eco-Friendly Activities & Tour Operators: Avoid anything that allows you
to touch or ride animals, disturbs their natural patterns or that involve swarms of
people (riding elephants in Thailand, whale shark tourism in the Philippines)
instead you may join some different activities such as visit reef restoration projects,
organic farms, rehabilitation centers.
Support Local People & Businesses: Booking locally means the operator or
business is making most if not all of the money you pay. Also, avoid mass
produced souvenirs (they’re often made in factories with terrible conditions) and
instead purchase something unique directly from the maker.
9. Discuss the opportunities and challenges of having vaccination passport as a
new tool for travelling:
The definition of “Vaccine Passport”:
The COVID-19 vaccination passport is a free official tool showing that the holder
is protected against COVID-19. That is a possible way to allow vaccinated people
to move about more freely, proving their vaccinated status so that they are able to
engage in activities like traveling abroad, working in settings where people are at
high-risk, or visiting a pub.
• Opportunities:
Helping to create conditions for the tourism industry to continue to develop
during the Covid-19 epidemic (a little)
Reduce time to do PCR test
Promising way to meet friends, love ones.
How does the “ Vaccine Passport “ work ?
Vaccine passports are designed like regular passports and contain important
messages for passengers to understand. Moreover, It may include the vaccine the
owner has from a pharmaceutical company. But with the development of
technology, not only the covid passports introduced so far have been on mobile
phone apps that show a QR code or other evidence confirming vaccination status.
The Advantages and Disadvantages of applying the “Vaccine Passport” system in
the present period:
Benefit Perspectives:
The popularization of the "Vaccine Passport" will be one of the inventions that
make it easy and fast to control the status of each individual in the pandemic period
due to the reason that all of the information, like vaccination confirmations, health
status are integrated and uploaded on our mobile phones instead of going through
countless redundant processes such as isolation, PCR tests,... Helps minimize the
time spent on the waiting process for both residents and medical staff.
With the first reason, we will come to the second reason, which is the result of the
first benefit "to bring the lives of people all over the world back to the normal
rhythm of life as it was before when the Covid - 19 pandemic condition is not as
complicated as now. Therefore, restrictions or regulations on social distancing will
be gradually eased, everyone will be able to participate in community activities,
tourism, ... and from there the economy will also recover.
Disadvantages perspective:
With the desire to bring the economy back to the prosperous period quickly in
some developed countries. Some high-ranking officials have taken steps to force
people to vaccinate and this violates the basic right to autonomy over medical
With the rapid development and popularity of this invention, the development of
fake passports is also a concern. When it also has the opposite side which may
cause chaos to the whole world if one of the F0s patients is holding a fake passport
to travel around the world freely.
The supply of COVID-19 vaccines is still limited, “preferential vaccination of
travelers” could lead to a shortage of shots for people who need them most: those
at high risk of getting severely sick from the virus. And because a large percentage
of the supply is going toward people or countries of higher socioeconomic status,
the system would be tilted in their favor. For that reason, It will create a inequal
2. Of what value is learning of tourism’s long history?
- Insight perspective of this industry => having the foundation, easier to
obtain the knowledge, increasing the desire of new entrants and members in this
- Observing deeply about the revolution of not only the tourism history but
also the tourist attraction -> provide unique information, historical tale -> attracting
tourist => Developing the tourism industry in consistent way (inc revenue, inc
cultural aspect).
3. Do today’s travelers have motivations and concerns similar to those of
travelers who lived during the Classical Era?
People living during the Classical Era were used to travel with main purposes of
travels: leisure, business, healing, or entertainment. Moreover, they traveled for
their religion, such as: going to famous church in order to pray or pilgrimaging.
Similarly, today’s travelers also have motivations and concerns similar to Classical
Era’s people. In addition, nowadays, people have more destinations built by people
and more services than before. It shows that the world has become more modern
and more prospects.
4. What are similarities between pleasure travel during Roman Empire times
and now?
Both today’s tourists and Roman Empire’s tourists have still built more roads with
dense network. They have continued using guide books, employing guides, buying
souvenirs and leaving graffiti. Military, Gov officials, caravans and more tourists
have also traveled with many purposes like: policy, business, leisure,
5. How significant were religious motivations in early travel? Do these still
exist? Examples?
Scientists and researchers in the past could not explain supernatural
phenomena, for example: thunderclaps, storms, earthquakes, droughts and so on;
so, they trusted that the Gods, the Buddha and Supreme Beings are angry and did
that. People worshipped them and organized many festivals to idolize them. And
nowadays, it still exists. For instance, they have built more churches, temples and
shrines and got up more festivals for their religions and traditions. The Mecca
pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia annually attracts more than 3 million people of all
nationalities over a period of one week.
6. List 4 periods that Vietnam tourism has passed? What are the main
characteristics of each period?
Vietnam tourism has passed through 4 periods: before 1960; 1960 – 1975; 1975 –
1990 and 1990 – present.
• Before 1960: The first Vietnam Tourism Company, Foreign trade ministry
was established.
• 1960 – 1975:
• 1975 – 1990:
+ 1978: VNAT, Government council was established
+ 1990: VN Tourism Corporation, Commercial Ministry was established • 1990 –
+ 1995: VNAT, Ministry of culture, information, sport and tourism
+ 2002: Vietnam tourism association was established
+ 2007: VNAT became a member of Ministry of Culture, Sport and Tourism.
7. Explain three (3) important decrees in Vietnam tourism development?
Decree No. 26/CP was signed on July 9th, 1960. It decided establishing Vietnam
Tourism Company under the Ministry of Foreign Trade. It was the milestone
marking the foundation of Vietnam's tourism. It also facilitated to welcome the first
group of foreign visitors to Vietnam.
Decree No. 05-CP dated on October 26th, 1992 on the establishment of The
Vietnam National Administration of Tourism. It is a government agency with the
function of state management of tourism activities in the country.
Decree No. 132/2007/ND-CP dated on August 8th, 2007. VNAT became a member
of Ministry of Culture, Sport and Tourism. It became independent company and
didn’t under control of government. It could establish new ideas, new projects and
attract more international investment to Vietnam tourism industry.
8. What do you think travel will be like 20 years from now?
+ Cheap flights will become more available, even for shorter trips. Add to it, that
most of us will start considering us a world citizen more than a country citizen in
terms of working outside the country, taking a gap year or two, or simply making
travels a part of life.
+ Airports will increase their standard. With numbers of passenger increasing so
does the earning potential. In other words; big spas, theme restaurants etc will
become a natural part of the environment rather than a luxury.
+ As we travel more, we will be more devoted to decreasing the long term
damages. Green travels will become a trend.
+ Spaceship travel: Elcon Must of SpaceX says starships are a real possibility to
replace planes and I hope so
2. What are the 5 ways in which tourism organizations can be classified?
- By geographically: Nation, State and continent that tourism organization located
-Ownership: Government, Quasi Government (the work arranging and structure
organizing similar as government but don’t belong to any countries and also not
under the control of any nation’s government)
E.g: ISO (International Standard Organization), Private.
-Aim: Profit/ Non - profit
-Functions: Developers, Suppliers, Marketers, Publishers, Researchers.
-Industry: Travel/ Transportation; Accommodation / Lodging; Travel Agent;
Attractions/ Recreation
3. Do you feel that education should be one of the principal functions of any
tourism organization? Why or why not?
- Travel to any location -> The visitors can absorb the knowledge, the local
culture so that they could widen, their knowledge limitation, experiences new
things, new cultures, -> breaking the barriers of the culture differences between
them and local communities -> friendliness, peace and understanding also enhance
our technical, practical, information skills
- Raising the awareness about the importance, the desire and the passion ->
Creating, Recruiting more number of professional participants and quality human
resources in this industry => A boost, A breakthrough for the tourism industry in
the future period.
4. Why should a hotel or restaurant be a member of a state of regional tourism
organization? Provide three (3) compelling reasons.
- Hotel or restaurant be a member -> have a more opportunities to enhance
their brand the identity of that -> easier to approach to the demand, require of
consumers. (A tourist who didn’t have travel to a destination -> research on
regional tourism organization website -> recommend all members hotel and
restaurants -> Gaining profits)
- Gain and under control of the protection provide from being a member of a
state of regional tourism organization.
- Having the knowledge, the guideline, the standard set up by that regional
tourism organization => Each member could absorb useful and practical skill,
policies, abilities so that they can bring all of that to their company -> improving
the human resources to become professional and enhance the performance.
5. Describe some of the main functions of WTO?
- The word – wide recognized tourism organization.
- Served as the global forums.
- Transfer the know – how (knowledge in tourism industry -> setting up the
way, the guideline for all tourism enterprise which are participating in tourism
- Offering statistics and market research.
- Developing human resources
- Working to facilitate travel (erase and eliminate cultural barriers) -
Promoting the sustainability of tourism industry.
- Creating innovative and special projects in tourism industry.
6. Explain why international and national economic development organizations are
interested in tourism. Give the names of some of these?
World Bank, Asia World Bank, United National Development Programs:
- The tourism is one of the most important segments and components that
contribute for economic of one national beside other majors and areas due to the
beneficial and remarkable amount of profit this area can generate.
- Tourism -> attracting tourist -> increasing foreign exchanges -> Increasing
the value of taxes through provide tourism products and services -> Increasing the
public revenue -> able to launch and update the infrastructure -> serve the tourism
industry better.
- Providing job opportunities for local citizens => reducing the unemployment
rate => the living standard increase -> The identities of that nation also spread.
7. Give some policy goals and initiatives of VNAT? Provide evidence(s) to prove
your idea(s)
Vietnam administration of Tourism:
- Can absorb the opportunities and knowledge of the UNWTO plan ->
increasing, enhancing the tourism industry in Vietnam
- Eliminating the cultural barriers and also figure out the way to spread the
uniqueness and attractiveness of Vietnam’s culture to worldwide.
- Promoting the international images of Vietnam through tourism industry,
reserve the consistent tourism industry in Vietnam by follow the alternatives and
plans provided and based on UNWTO standardization.
- Applying the information, data and market research provided by UNWTO ->
setting up the trend, the path to help the tourism industry more developing and
keep up with other developed countries’ tourism aspect.
=> all tourism organizations have the same goal is creating a developing and
sustainable tourism industry.
Initiatives of VNAT:
Applying the modern systems and technologies => Tourism industry had been able
to create more comfortable, conveniences and unique services to help them have a
full – filled experiences
8. Discuss some of the bureaucratic barriers to travel between countries that
currently exist. How could many of these be either minimized or abolished?
The visa process in Vietnam still takes the long time and complicated for the tourist
=> Making the large barriers for travelers and tourism industry in international
scale. A big obstacle that the Vietnams’ tourism industry has to get over.
The taxes (foreign exchange) between developed and developing countries also
make a barriers for tourist have the opportunities to visit that destination. The tax is
too high, and the tourists aren’t able to afford.
The government need to update, apply the system of modern countries in the Visa
taking process, reduce and eliminate the redundant process and not essential step in
the process => Help the tourism industry in Vietnam become more and more
approachable for every type of consumers and customers.
Tax -> reducing for the appropriate rate => all the tourists can afford and visit that
1. Review key concept: Airline Industry, Motor Coach/Bus, Automobile,
Lines, Rail travel
• Airline Industry:
• Air travel dominates the long and medium trip passenger market
• World airline industry carries nearly 4.5 billion passengers per year
• E-ticketing (IATA, 2008) was devised in about 1994
• Low-cost carriers are growing
• Motor Coach/Bus
• Lower income non-business travelers, who are very price sensitive
• Becoming a less important service due to increased auto ownership and
aggressive airline pricing • Bus travel characterized by:
• More travel to and from rural areas and small towns than other modes of
• Lower average ticket revenues than other modes
• Intercity bus industry: small-business industry, great deal of flexibility
• Many bus companies focus primarily or exclusively on charter, tour or
commuter operations.
• Automobile
• Most popular mode of travel in the world because of affordability, flexibility,
and convenience
• In the U.S., 80% of person-trips are made by auto
• In Vietnam, the number of private trip by auto increase by approximately
25% every year
• Rental car industry growing in importance of convenience and privacy
• Cruise Lines:
• Fastest growing segment of the travel industry
• Expanding fleets
• Adding new ports of call
• Seeing consolidation
• Served by the Cruise Lines International Association.
• Be tied in with other modes of transportation • Rail travel:
• Major railroads want out of the passenger service business (except
commuter service)
• Passenger service depends on public sector of transportation, nearly
• Efficient, economical, high-speed trains provide an alternative to air travel.
2. How important role does passenger transportation play in tourism?
• Essential ingredient in tourism
• Lifeblood of tourism
• The “real action” starts when someone leaves home
• Provision of ever-increasing comfort, convenience, efficiency, and
affordability in travel services.
3. Briefly describe main types of passenger transportation in tourism?
• Airline Industry
• Motor Coach/Bus
• Automobile
• Cruise Lines
• Rail travel
-> It is the same as the question one I wrote.
4. Evaluate the importance of safety and security in all forms of travel? What is
the safest mode of passenger transportation? 1. Aviation
The advantages of transport planes mainly display in sailing speed, time saving,
ride comfort, and high safety coefficient. While the air transport, mainly for fares,
climate, does not adapt to the short distance from aspects of tourism. For example:
On September 11, 2001 in the United States, the flying in aviation aircraft were
four planes hijacked. When Americans just to start working day, when the world
trade center in New York, Washington Manhattan, the pentagon, continuous crash
occurred, world trade center, the skyscraper collapse into ruins, the pentagon parts
structure collapsed, Casualties caused by the thousands
For example, in the United States since 911, the aviation security system has been
enhanced. Thus greatly enhanced aviation safety coefficient, can make more
passengers on a plane safely. Promote the development of the industry.
2. Railways:
Railway transportation capacity is the main advantage, transportation, relatively
low price, environmental pollution, less time. However, the spatial displacement
limitations are as flexible as highways.
Train derailment safety is the serious accidents of railway transportation. For
example, in China, according to statistics, 1988, cr 10 years, great train derailment
accident, about 70% of the total accident, its rate of internationally, in order to
reduce the derailment accident is rare, ensure the safety of railway train,
Suggestions to strengthen interaction system safety/track performance, safety
monitoring and security technology and equipment, and construction of research.
3. Automotive:
Automobile transportation, flexible free and short speed. But the auto
transportation safety coefficient is lesser and is not suitable for long-distance travel
China highway traffic accident casualties officials packed and more, this is mainly
because of the highway, the driver started soon on the highway not familiar, not
adapted, and highway management level behind. China is in the period of rapid
development of highway construction. The serious accident, political influence and
economic losses are very serious; therefore, the study of freeway safety
management is of great significance.
4. Transportation
Transportation safety performance is good, ride comfort, price low, but slow,
tourism, poor maneuverability, and climate. The security threat water external
conditions are:
(1) the bad weather. Tropical storm, typhoon, or the wind and cold cyclones,
waves, sailing ships to natural disasters caused by force majeure.
(2), shallow sea rock and water obstacles. As in China in recent times, in Qingdao
sand was stranded in the accident, but after adding beacons, accidents have been
greatly reduced.
(3) route of natural conditions and traffic density.
(4) sea routes sign a lighthouse, fault, etc
Water is a more and more popular kind of tourism, its safety protection is not only
beneficial to the development of industry, and the boat for the development of
economy and the improvement of people's living standard.
=> Therefore, our group thinks, industry development, not only accelerate the
region between the economic construction, but also convenient for People's Daily
life, shorten the travel time, along with the development of science and technology,
the increasingly sophisticated, flying instrument industry safety in all of the
transportation industry is the highest.
5. What have been the most dramatic changes in passenger transportation over
the centuries?
• The invention of the steam ship and especially the railroad. It increased both
the speed and amount of goods.
• Iron hull steam ships could be made far bigger than any sailing ship, and
faster. Even the fastest windjammers would only average 8 knots or so overall,
even if they could do burst of speed for 16 to 18 knots, and sailing ship were
always at the mercy of the wind. Steam ships could travel at a steady 6, 8, or even
10 knots or higher and were not at the mercy of the winds. Trains could travel in a
day what a horse drawn wagon might take weeks and loads of far greater size. For
the first time in history, transportation by land became as cheap as by sea.
• The airplane, of course, allows you to reach places in a day that could have
taken a week or more.
• And the automobile. It changed the structure of cities, allowing one to travel
easily 25, 50 miles, or even 300 point to point wherever and whenever the driver
wanted, not to someone else's schedule (train, plane, ship) and destination.
6. What is the main reasons air travel dominating the long and medium trip
passenger market?
• Because we cannot construct roads on the sea or mountain, which is so far. If
the distance is near, we can construct.
• Air travel is incredibly efficient and makes other parts of the world more
• In other words, air travel has wide range, high speed, ease, efficiency,
7. High speed trains are very successful in Europe and in Japan. Would such
development in Vietnam likely to be successful? Why/why not?
As a Vietnamese citizen, I have wished, like every other Vietnamese citizen, that
the country has a modern traffic infrastructure system along the entire stretch of
this S-shaped land. While everyone can dream of this, it is policymakers who can
take the first steps in making it come true.
I mean here the role of the central government in mobilizing resources and
managing these in the most effective way. I believe the central government should
have a clear vision as well as capacity to prioritize items to invest in to achieve
I think expressways connecting a locality to others should be the top priority in
building a modern traffic system for Vietnam. Cities and provinces across the
country need expressways connecting each other for their development. Ha Giang
in the northern highlands, for instance, will remain a remote unknown land without
an expressway connecting it to Hanoi. Tay Ninh Province, which lies right next to
Ho Chi Minh City, has the same connection problem. The need is even more urgent
in the Mekong Delta.
Most citizens expect the high-speed railway, but that should be the dream for 2045.
What we need now is expressways, which, with strong determination and swift
actions, we can basically complete in around 10 or 15 years. This is important
because, when the government promises something and fails to deliver, resources
get wasted and public trust gets compromised. The large public is doubtful of the
capacity of the Ministry of Transport given big delays across the country.
Vietnam should learn from Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and even
China. We should learn to fully complete each work before starting with another
and not wish for too many things at the same time.
8. Discuss some examples of how a growth in tourism would result in stress on
the transportation system?
• When the increase of demand on traveling necessities, fuel, and taxes, are
high which keeps many people from traveling. It causes adverse effects for the
transportation system.
• In addition, tourism has grown, so the number of vehicles will increase
significantly. It also badly affects the environment, congestion, safety, security and
9. To what extent does “booming” of low-cost airlines affect passenger
transportation? What are advantages and disadvantages?
The experiences from America, Europe, and other regions of the world, where air
transport has been liberalized, show that cheap airlines have a major impact on the
development of competition. Advantages of low-cost airlines:
Cheaper: Low-cost airlines are, as the name suggests, cheaper than traditional
airline companies. A return ticket Amsterdam – London can easily cost € 100 less,
meaning you and 4 friends can save up to € 500.
Cheap parking: Low-cost airlines usually fly to smaller airports. This means that
parking is going to be significantly cheaper, as the larger airports will charge you
more for a parking space.
Sightseeing: If the smaller airport isn’t near your destination, you will probably
have to rent a car or at least arrange some form of transportation. This involves
extra costs, but you don’t have to see this as wasted money. The bus from London
Stansted Airport to the city center, for instance, will give you a good impression of
the metropole. This way you will see some of the sights at an early stage.
Disadvantages of low-cost airlines:
Service: The service offered by low-cost airlines is less than you will get from a
traditional airline. You do not have to count on a meal or drink, and the chairs and
legroom are minimal. This does not mean that the service is terrible, but less luxury
would be a better description. Low-cost airlines do offer products and services, but
always for a fee.
Distance airport-city: Low-cost airlines often use small airports that are located far
outside the city. This is cheaper for them, but less practical for travelers because it
takes longer to arrive in the city. Before you book an airline ticket, it is wise to
check exactly where you are flying.
Extra costs: Low-cost airlines regularly offer tickets at floor prices (for instance € 5
or € 19). Unfortunately, these are not always the prices that you have to pay. Extra
costs for taxes, surcharges, payment methods and more can increase the price
considerably. The increased price also applies to traditional airlines, but to a lesser
10. How Coronavirus pandemic impacts on the development of the global
airline industry and Vietnam airlines?
• In 1956 with a fleet of only 5 aircraft • In 2019:
• 100 aircrafts, with 22 Boeing 787-10 Dreamliner, Airbus A350-900, and
• 100 international flight routes
• 101,188 bil VND revenue, 3,369 bil VND gross profit
• 23 mil passengers
• Average occupancy rate of 79.5%
• Average salary: increase 28% • In 2020:
• A revenue of 42,433 billion VND, decreased 59% in compared with 2019
• Net-profit loss: 11,098 billion VND
• 16.4 million passengers
• 107 aircrafts
• 110,800 flights with 187 rescued flights
• Used of 66-68% of employees
11. What do you think passenger transportation will be like in 5 years from
• On the road: Driverless cars coming soon.
• Self-driving cars are expected to be on the roads more quickly than was
anticipated just a few years ago, and in greater numbers.
• Forecasts vary, as they always do, but the emerging consensus among the
industry’s larger players is that, at minimum, fleet vehicles—trucks, taxis, and
buses—that can take control and make independent decisions
• Above the rails: the floating future of trains:
• Magnetic levitation, or maglev, technology has been around for decades, but
is in commercial use in only a few locations.
• The technology, powering trains, is mainly a curiosity or tourist attraction, as
is the case with the Shanghai Maglev which began operations in 2004 and connects
Shanghai Pudong International Airport with a station on the outskirts of the city
1. Review key concept: Lodging industry, Hotel chain, MICE, Time sharing resort,
Hotel classification/ranking, Franchising, Management contract, Property owner/
investor, Moment of Truth, Hospitality spirit.
Lodging industry: refers to the renting of a short-term dwelling. People who
travel and stay away from home for more than a day need lodging for sleep, rest,
food, safety, shelter from cold temperatures or rain, storage of luggage and access
to common household functions. Lodging is a form of the sharing economy.
Hotel chain: A hotel chain is a group or series of hotels across different locations
that are partially or wholly owned by one company. The management,
administration, promotion, and marketing of the hotels in the chain are conducted
by the same company.
MICE: MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions)
Time sharing resort: is a property with a divided form of ownership or use
rights. These properties are typically resort condominium units, in which multiple
parties hold rights to use the property, and each owner of the same accommodation
is allotted their period of time.
Hotel classification/ranking: Hotels are classified based on several factors such
as size, target market, location, available facilities, the level and type of service,
affiliation, and ownership. Apart from these parameters, hotels can also be rated
according to the Crown, Star, or Diamond system, which depend on their
geographic location.
Franchising: Franchising is a form of marketing and distribution in which the
owner of a business system (the franchisor) grants to an individual or group of
individuals (the franchisee) the right to run a business selling a product or
providing a service using the franchisor's business system.
Management contract: A management contract is an arrangement under which
operational control of an enterprise is vested by contract in a separate enterprise
that performs the necessary managerial functions in return for a fee. Management
contracts involve not just selling a method of doing things (as with franchising or
licensing) but involve doing them.
Property owner/investor: The property may be held by an individual investor, a
group of investors, or a corporation. An investment property can be a long-term
endeavor or a short-term investment. With the latter, investors will often engage in
flipping, where real estate is bought, remodeled or renovated, and sold at a profit
within a short time frame.
Moment of Truth: The service experience is made up of many moments of truth
every day
Hospitality spirit: The Spirit of Hospitality is a culmination of a lifetime of
The successful team approaches are applicable across a wide range of industries.
The Spirit of Hospitality serves as the gold standard for customer service.
2. How important role does lodging industry play in Vietnam tourism?
- When a person tends to take a trip beside the option for transportation, the
way they move to that destination, the lodging or accommodation aspect also
considered to be one of the most, the critical point that can create a memorable and
joyful trip for visitors.
- Accommodation: A place, a location that visitors can stay and relax after
they participate in a series and numbers of events through a day =>
Accommodation/ Lodging industry is a segment provide visitors a place to recover
and continue the next day journey with a full – filled and comfortable state. By
contrast, the accommodation bad => even the trip is filled with exciting and joyful
events, the experience of tourist is affected and dissatisfaction (bad impressions).
- A good hotel can serve visitors with good services (food and beverages…)
Related to other essential needs and demand but not only the place to stay during
the trip => good hotel => impression for large scale of industry.
3. What are key products of lodging industry?
Hotels/ Motels/ Resorts:
+ Owner type
+ Location
+ Target segment
+ Star rating
+ Service standard / Price level
+ The degree of service offered
4. Briefly explain the different characteristics of the lodging and hospitality
- External guests: determines a company's success by their willingness to pay
for its
- Internal guests: people who receive or benefit from the results of other
people’s efforts within a corporation.
- Collaboration: Someone in the back of the home is assisting someone in the
front of the house, resulting in a pleasant working environment 5. Briefly describe
main types of accommodation in Vietnam?
Private: Private home & Home exchange.
Non – profit: Hostel, Shelters, YM/YMCA (cheap accommodation for men
provided by YMCA organization).
Institutional: College/ University & Spa and Healthcare Facilities.
Timeshare Facilities
Motels: Upscale – Mid range – Budget
Bed & Breakfast Hotels:
6. List 5 world lodging chains/ groups operating in Vietnam?
- M. Gallery
- Best Western International
- Marriott International
- Hilton Worldwide
- InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG)
7. How is a hotel classified? Who is authorized for hotel classification in Vietnam?
Independent Hotels: Running by only one owner
- Chains: Expanding and set up new units in different locations (also
supervised by the old owner)
- Franchising: Pay to use brand name/ logo / management practices of a
proven organization (owned independently).
- Management contract (hotel owner & management company): The owner is
in charge of daily operation.
- Referral associations: The different independent hotels join in the same
association and share a central reservation system (CRS).
- Timeshare: The right to use the accommodation (an apartment or villa) for a
given period of the year (one to several weeks).
- The organization which is authorized for hotel classification in Vietnam is
UNWTO (United National World Tourism Organization)
8. What are the differences between Franchising and Management Contract?
9. What are advantages and disadvantages of timesharing resort type?
- Advantages:
+ You'll be able to count on high-quality trips.
+ Timeshare membership protects members from rising costs and inflation, and
members can give, sell, and transfer their membership to others, depending on
business policies. In such instances, timeshare may be considered an investment.
- Disadvantages:
+ Timeshare firms occasionally fail to deliver quality service, resulting in
unfavorable word-of-mouth exposure for the industry.
+ The timeshare sector has a high marketing expense, which affects the promoter's
profit margin.
+ Timeshare properties have a significant maintenance expense. + When a buyer
considers the interest component and other associated expenditures of his
investment, he considers timeshare membership to be pricey
10. List the largest sources of hotel revenue, in order of importance? - Occupancy
and Room Rate
- Social media
- Food and Beverage
- Discounts
- Packages
11. Why have fast food restaurants grown so rapidly in the past 10 years? How
is their operation different from the usual restaurants? Economics? Profit? In
today's 4.0 culture, with the advancement of technology and macs, speed and
accuracy are two highly important variables in work. Taking care of his own health
and delivering fresh and healthful meals appears to be a difficult task for Viet. As a
result, the fast food industry has flourished, bringing with it a slew of benefits:
+ Limited menus imply higher purchasing power, which leads to specialization.
+ Using disposable paper and plastic creates less waste.
+ More portion control is required.
+ Operating costs are reduced.
+ Leaders in the restaurant business in terms of worker productivity. simplicity of
12. What is the role of MICE tourism in Vietnam? Recommendations for
MICE, which stands for Meetings, Incentives, Conference/Conventions and
Exhibitions/ Events represents the niche hospitality market that is being adopted
increasingly in the corporate world due to its ability to inspire employees by
providing accommodating environments and tailor-made services. - Meetings:
Meetings are typically held in hotel conference rooms or at convention centers.
They are single-day events that bring together a group of professionals to address a
key challenge or set goals for the organization. - Incentives: Incentives are travel
rewards a company may provide in return for excellent professional performance
from individual employees, groups or partners. A few days in a resort, hotel or
popular hospitality venue at your company’s expense does wonders for employee
- Conferences: Conferences take meetings to the next level and are designed
for a large corporate group to share knowledge across several days. They often
include not only key members of the organization, but also guest speakers and the
general public.
- Exhibitions: Exhibitions are essentially trade shows where an organization
promotes its key products and services to the public. They are hyper-focused
events that drum up business and help employees to network and build lasting
professional relationships.
13. What are the impacts of hospitality industry on Vietnam’s tourism
development? Suggestion to maximize its positive one?
− The hotel's technical facilities hold an important position in the tourism industry
• Development of the hotel system reflects the development - society in the locality
and reflects the development of tourism in the local and national.
• Hotel revenue accounts for a significant proportion of total tourism revenue, at
the "Conference of investment and business in hotels in Vietnam" pointed out the
hospitality industry. Hotels and accommodation account for 70% of tourism
− Contributing to exploiting tourism resources and promoting local economic
• The formation and development of the hotel system is mainly in places with
natural resources. Therefore, developing the hotel business has the effect of
exploiting all local potentials and contributing to the development of the local
• Because hotel’s technical facilities represent tourism, therefore; in order to attract
more guests and develop customer market, the hotels should develop more on
modern facilities and amenities to meet the needs of tourists.
14. What do you expect lodging industry will be liked in 5 years from now?
- AI and Automation: with social distancing becoming a norm around the world, it
is only a matter of time before people overcome the fear of getting out of the
house. In the future, it would be beneficial for hotels to adapt to AI and automation
within the hotels to promote social distancing and less physical contact. The
presence of self-check-in and check-out counters, IoT, Chatbots, cloud-based
property management systems, blockchains, etc will only grow manifold in the
next five years. Certain software like WrkSpot can come in handy since they merge
AI with IoT, so turn properties into smart hotels.
- Hygienic Spaces: the post-COVID scenario includes all sectors to look after
hygiene and sanitization, not as an afterthought but to be the most crucial criteria
when opening up for businesses. Regular health-checkups, stringent measures
taken for the well-being of the staff and guests of the hotels, and changes in the
internal operations of the hotel need to be on the top of the list of priorities. It will
take a while before the virus is eradicated from our lives, even after the cure or
vaccine is discovered for the same.
1. What is the tourism distribution channel?
Tourism distribution channel: A system of intermediaries, or middlemen, that
facilitate the sales and delivery of tourism services from suppliers to consumers.
Tourism distribution channels are similar to those of other basic industries such as
agriculture or manufacturing. Their products flow to the ultimate consumer
through wholesalers, distributors, and middlemen. Although there are similarities
with other industries, the tourism distribution system is unique:
• Tourism produces mainly services that are intangible.
• There is no physical product that can be held in inventory to flow from one
sales intermediary to another
• The product in this industry is temporal; can be fully booked every time.
(For example, a hotel room that is available on a certain day, which is very
temporal. If the room is not sold, that revenue is lost forever)
2. What are the main types of tourism distributors?
There are two main types of tourism distributors:
Direct Channels Indirect Channels
Simple form of distributions; Most common form of tourism no intermediary
between suppliers supplier; intermediary between supplier
and customer and customer
Customer purchase directly Customer purchase product via from supplier
organizations of distribution
Advantages: Simple, Advantages: Professional
Greater profitability for suppliers Assistance at free or low cost, multiple
options, single – charge billing
Online Booking Websites, Travel Agents, Tour Operators, ….
3. List the main function of a travel desk agent:
Travel Agency: A middleman, business or a person selling the travel industry’s
products to customers.
Travel Agents’ Characteristics:
An expert with wide range knowledge of routing, price, destinations,
accommodations, transportation, ….
Address clients on travel concerns and give advice on making itineraries Main
functions of travel desk agent:
• An agent middleman, acting on behalf of the client, planning with suppliers
of travel (airlines, hotels, tour operators) and receiving a commission from the
suppliers and/or a fee from the client.
• The travel agent is a specialist and counselor who saves the client both time
and money.
• Providing the customers personal touch and 24/7 troubleshoot problems.
4. Describe the main tasks of a tour operator:
The tour wholesaler (also called tour operator) puts together a tour and all of its
components and sells the tour through his or her own company, through retail
outlets, and/or through approved retail travel agencies.
Wholesalers can offer vacation packages to the traveling public at prices lower
than an individual traveler can arrange because wholesalers can buy services from
suppliers such as transportation, hotel rooms, sightseeing services, airport transfers,
and meals in large quantities at discounted prices.
Tour wholesaling businesses are usually one of four kinds:
(1) The independent tour wholesaler.
(2) The airline working in close cooperation with a tour wholesaling business.
(3) The retail travel agent who packages tours for its clients.
(4) The operator of motorcoach tours. These four entities, along with incentive
travel companies and travel clubs, make up the industry.
5. Discuss the differences between a Travel Agency and a Tour Operator?
➤ Travel agents sell the holiday package purchased from different tour operators.
Tour operators take care of the clients according to the package description like
airport pick up, meal facilities, sightseeing, offering other travel destinations, etc.
➤ Tour operators are often specialized in one, or very few countries. But travel
agents can deal with most destinations.
➤ A travel agent earns less profit, usually a small mark up or commission based on
the travel they’re booking. Tour operators have the potential to earn a huge profit,
as they set their own price tag.
➤ Travel agents can’t work without the help of tour operators. But tour operators
can work without a travel agency being that people are now more likely to contact
tour operators directly for a holiday package.
➤ There are different kinds of training programs available to start a travel agency.
In comparison, the tour operator requires proper business management skills.
➤ Travel agents can give advice about travel documents like passports, visas etc.
Tour operators are great for advice about legalities on the ground (like if you’re an
e juice user and want to know where you can smoke, or if you have tattoos and
want to know if they’re taboo in certain countries).
6. What are the main functions of the GDS i.e. ABACUS?
The term global distribution system (GDS) is used to describe the large and
sophisticated electronic travel reservation systems in use throughout the world.
There are currently three major GDS companies in operation: Amadeus, Sabre, and
Travelport GDS.
There are other smaller GDS systems, such as Abacus with a focus on Asia/Pacific
and KIV Systems with a focus on Latin America, but these big three are the most
used systems accounting for the majority of global bookings.
The world’s GDS companies have created new trends in travel distribution.
Relying on state-of-the-art technology, GDSs provide their travel partners with
comprehensive services ranging from the simplest round-trip air ticket to complex
global itineraries encompassing air, lodging, ground transportation, tours and
packages, entertainment, cruises, insurance, and more. They deliver a worldwide
distribution network.
GDSs are responsible for some of the most important innovations in the travel
industry, including electronic ticketing, travel e-commerce, graphic seat selection,
lowest-fare search capability, and then ability for agents and travelers to view, on
one screen, public, private/negotiated, consolidator, and Web fares.
7. What are the future trends in the tourism distribution process?
• Increasing the number of people buying and selling on the Internet
• Reduction in commissions
• The use of GDSs continues to evolve along with technology
• A travel company may use a various combination of channels depending on
a particular product
8. A marketing manager for a tourism supplier is proposed to choose channels
for a new product by:
a. Investigating which ones require the lowest commission percentage
b. Selecting those which complement each other
c. Selecting the fewest number which is feasible
d. Discovering from experience which combination is effective
e. Using manually travel agencies and incentive travel companies

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